11 Examples of the Value of Justice, Theory of Justice, and Different Types of Justice

Examples of the Value of Justice – The term value of justice may already be familiar to Sinaumed’s’ ears, even attitudes or behaviors that reflect the value of justice may have often been encountered by Sinaumed’s.

In Indonesia itself, the value of justice is clearly reflected in the state foundation, namely the fifth precept of Pancasila, which reads “Social Justice for all Indonesian people.”

The purpose of the five precepts of Pancasila is the embodiment of social justice in social and social life which includes all Indonesian people.

This example of practicing the fifth precept of Pancasila or the value of justice can be applied anywhere, from the school environment, playgrounds to society. What are some examples of the value of justice? Check out the following explanation.

Understanding the Concept of Justice

Before discussing examples of the value of justice, it is better if Sinaumed’s understands the concept of justice first by knowing the meaning of justice. The term justice is certainly not foreign and is often heard by Sinaumed’s.

Most people demand to get justice or want to contribute so that others get justice. But what exactly is justice?

In general, justice can be defined as an ideal condition and is morally correct in one thing, both objects and individuals. So in other words, justice is a matter or activity to place something in accordance with its place. In this case, the placement does not have to be generalized, but must be adjusted to the conditions of the subject.

Meanwhile, the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) explains justice as a trait and in this case it is in the form of actions, treatment and so on which are fair in nature.

Justice comes from the basic word just which can be defined as serious, on the side of what is right and should not be arbitrary.

Justice is also defined by experts, some experts such as Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes to Plato also expressed their opinions about the notion of justice. Here’s an explanation.

1. Aristotle

Aristotle put forward two opinions about the notion of justice. The first meaning according to Aristotle is an action that can give one thing to someone, where that thing is indeed something of an individual.

While the second opinion of Aristotle about justice is the feasibility of human actions. This feasibility is at the midpoint between the two ends which is considered quite extreme, so the results will not be one-sided and not only one end.

2. Plato

Justice according to Plato is an attitude of obeying all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, Plato also revealed that justice is something that is beyond the limits of ordinary human capabilities and originates from changes in the scope of society, so that justice will be realized by returning to its original structure.

3.Thomas Hubbes

Thomas explained that justice is a condition in which there is an agreement. Where the contents of the agreement are carried out in accordance with the applicable rules without any bias.

4. WJS Poerwadarminto

Poerwadarminto’s version of justice is a condition that is not one-sided, its nature is proper and not arbitrary.

From the understanding of justice above, then justice can be defined as a condition that is fair to an object, act or treat something.

The nature of this justice cannot be fully stated in just one statement, because justice is an expressed idea. The perspective of goodness on justice is obtained from the individual understanding level to the state level.

The value of justice is one type of value that is the goal of embodiment of law, therefore justice is always related to law.

In philosophy itself, justice is a fairly fundamental issue. Justice is one type that is abstract in nature, so that justice is difficult to measure. An understanding of justice can only be obtained by making justice a form of law.

The fulfillment of justice is one of the functions and roles of law for society. Means of fulfilling justice in society, generally through the criminal justice system.

The regulation of justice has a general, individual nature and harmony between the two is the role of state law. Therefore, spreading the value of justice to all human beings is one of the missions of religion.

Example of the Value of Justice in Pancasila

The value of justice is contained in the fifth precept of Pancasila which reads “Social justice for all Indonesian people” means that it is the embodiment of social justice in social or social life which includes all Indonesian people.

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The value of justice can be understood as values ​​that uphold norms based on impartiality, balance as well as equity in a matter. According to its essence, justice can be interpreted as a balance of obligations and rights. Realizing social justice for all Indonesian people.

The justice referred to in the fifth precept of Pancasila is the provision of equal rights to all Indonesian people. Social justice is related to welfare, therefore it can be concluded that welfare for all Indonesian people is justice for the welfare of society at large.

Justice in social life, especially in the fields of politics, ideology, social, economics, culture and defense of national security.

The fifth precept of Pancasila is the only precept written in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution by writing, “realizing social justice for all Indonesian people”.

The principle of justice is the core of divine morality, the basic foundation of humanity, the dimension of people’s sovereignty and the knot of unity. So in other words, social justice is a manifestation as well as a reflection of the ethical imperatives of the four precepts in Pancasila.

This formulation has been described by Notonegoro in the book Pancasila Basic Philosophy of the State (1974) which explains that social justice for all Indonesian people is encompassed and imbued with Belief in One Almighty God, Just and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity and Democracy Led by Wisdom of Wisdom in Deliberation Representative.

The fifth precept of Pancasila, namely social justice, has points of experience that have been regulated in MPR Decree No.II/MPR/1978 and has been updated after the Reformation with MPR Decree No.I/MPR/2003. The following contains the points of the fifth precept of Pancasila.

  1. Develop noble deeds and reflect the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and mutual cooperation.
  2. Develop a fair attitude towards others.
  3. Maintain a balance between rights and obligations.
  4. Respect the rights of others.
  5. Likes to help others to be able to stand alone.
  6. Do not use property rights for things that are wasteful and have a luxurious lifestyle.
  7. Do not use property rights to conflict with or harm the public interest.
  8. Likes to work hard.
  9. Appreciate the work of others that are beneficial for the welfare and progress of all.
  10. Likes to carry out activities in order to realize equitable progress and have social justice.

From the contents or points of the fifth Pancasila precept, namely social justice for all Indonesian people, the values ​​of justice can be realized in Indonesia. Here are some examples of the value of justice based on the fifth Pancasila precept.

  • Behave fairly to anyone regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or culture, and gender or gender.
  • Mutual respect and respect the rights of others.
  • Make friends with anyone regardless of differences between one individual and another.
  • Helping others who are experiencing difficulties.
  • Carry out individual rights and obligations in a balanced and responsible manner.
  • Fair in carrying out rights and obligations at school, home and in the community.
  • Do not develop selfish or selfish attitudes.
  • Listen and accept the opinions expressed by others.
  • Don’t think about your own interests.
  • Appreciate the work of others, do not criticize, insult or ridicule the work of others.
  • Do not do things that can harm the general public.

That is an example of the value of justice. The value of social justice for all Indonesian people contains meaning as a basis and goal. Its meaning, the value of justice in the five precepts of Pancasila is to invite people to participate actively in the life of the nation and state.

This fifth precept of Pancasila also shows that social justice should be the right and property of all Indonesian people regardless of differences in each individual and without discriminating against each individual.

The aim is to achieve an Indonesian society that is just and prosperous both internally and externally, in addition to that law enforcement can be realized in a fair manner for the welfare of human beings both physically and spiritually.

Justice Theory

According to Plato, society has principal elements that need to be maintained. The principal elements are as follows.

  • Strictly sorting out classes, for example, such as the ruling class which is filled with shepherds and guard dogs must be strictly separated from sheep and humans.
  • Identifying the destiny of the state with the destiny of its ruling class, paying special attention to class and its unity and obedience to its unity, rigid rules for maintenance and education and carrying out strict supervision as well as collectivization of the interests of its members.

Of the two principal elements, the other elements can be derived as follows.

  • The ruling class has a monopoly on everything, such as profits and military training and the right to own arms as well as receive all forms of education. However, the ruling class is not allowed to participate in economic activities, especially in the business of earning income.
  • There must be censorship of all intellectual activity in the ruling class and constant propaganda for the purpose of homogenizing minds. All innovations in regulation, education and religion must be prevented and suppressed.
  • The state must have an independent or self-sufficient nature. The state must aim at economic autarky, otherwise the rulers will depend on merchants or the rulers will become traders. The first alternative is to weaken their power, while the second alternative will weaken the unity of the ruling class and the stability of the country.
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In order for social justice to be realized, it must be returned to its original structure, that is, sheep become sheep and shepherds become shepherds. This task is the duty of the state to stop change.

That way, justice is not about the relationship between individuals but the relationship between individuals and the state and how individuals serve the state. Justice can also be understood metaphysically as a function or quality of a super being whose nature cannot be observed by humans.

So the consequence is that the realization of justice is shifted to another world that is beyond human experience and human reason which is essential for justice to submit to God’s unchangeable ways or God’s unpredictable decisions.

The theory of justice according to Aristotle is different from what was put forward by Plato. According to Aristotle, justice is divided into two, namely distributive justice and corrective or remedial justice which form the basis for all theoretical discussions on the subject matter.

Distributive justice refers to the distribution of goods and services to everyone according to their position in society and equal treatment before the law or equality before the law.

Types of Justice

According to the legal view, justice means that there is a state guarantee for members of the community to get what they are entitled to and receive equal treatment in the eyes of the law. The law will maintain and protect the rights of community members, so that justice is created.

In front of the law, no one is privileged. All citizens, be they officials, foreigners or citizens, must obey the law. Therefore legal norms apply fairly to all citizens.

Upholding the law will be a guarantee for the realization of just and civilized human values ​​and social justice values ​​for all Indonesian people. Therefore, the value of justice must be realized in life together.

If previously discussed examples of the value of justice, then Sinaumed’s also needs to know the types of justice in order to realize the value of justice in society.

1. Distributive justice

Distributive justice is a relationship of justice between the state and its citizens. So that means, the state party is obliged to fulfill justice in the form of sharing justice in the form of assistance, welfare, subsidies and opportunities to live together based on rights and obligations.

2. Legal justice

Legal justice is a relationship of justice that exists between citizens and the state and citizens have an obligation to fulfill justice in the form of complying with the laws and regulations that are in effect.

3. Commutative justice

Commutative justice is a relationship of justice between one citizen and another on a reciprocal basis.

4. Vindicative justice

Vindicative justice is a justice related to the provision of punishments and fines in accordance with crimes and violations that have been committed by objects that will obtain justice.

5. Protective justice

Protective justice is justice that is given to individuals as a form of care and protection for these individuals who have the aim of preventing them from any arbitrary actions that can be carried out by other parties.

6. Creative justice

Creative justice is a justice given to each individual according to his part. In this case, the part is a freedom that has a function to create a creativity of the individual in various aspects of life.

Those are the six types of justice. By knowing the basic knowledge of justice, such as its meaning and types, Sinaumed’s can actively participate in realizing the values ​​of justice.

When the values ​​of justice are embodied in everyday life, Sinaumed’s and other people will also get a better quality of life in various aspects.

This is an example of the value of justice in Pancasila. If Sinaumed’s is interested in knowing and exploring the topic of justice in the field of law or philosophy, then Sinaumed’s can find out by reading the books available at sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.