10 Types of Exercise and the Benefits of Doing it Routinely!

Types of Gymnastics – Knowing about the various types of gymnastics really needs to be adapted to the needs of Sinaumed’s’ body . Gymnastics is one of the various sports that use a variety of body movements. In gymnastic activities, it takes speed, strength, and harmony in physical movements.

Gymnastics can help a person to maintain fitness, increase strength, flexibility, and increase endurance. Not only that, if exercise is done regularly, it can make body proportions more ideal so that people can appear more confident.

Along with the development of an increasingly modern era, gymnastics has developed quite rapidly, namely the increasing number of various variations of gymnastics. Such as rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, artistic, floor, Zumba, SKJ, acrobatics, sportsmanship, power tumbling, and trampoline.

The following is an explanation of the various types of complete exercises along with their benefits and also how to do them

Benefits of Gymnastics in General

Gymnastics basically has many benefits for humans, both in terms of physical health and also spiritual health. Doing exercise regularly can make Sinaumed’s get positive results such as:

1. Helps Strengthen the Body’s Immune

The benefits of gymnastics that Sinaumed’s can get are that the immune system can become stronger. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University conducted a study on groups of active and inactive women, along with the impact of exercise on the immune system of the study participants. The results of this study have been published in the journal Neuroendocrinology Letters.

Researchers observed one group exercising on a treadmill for 30 minutes, another group doing intense activity for 30 seconds, and the last group not exercising at all. As a result, the researchers got the result that gymnastics which is carried out in moderate intensity and regularly can increase certain antibodies in the blood known as immunoglobins.

Meanwhile, the group of women who did not exercise showed no increase in immune system function at all and cortisol levels in the body were much higher when compared to the active group. So it can be concluded that one of the benefits of gymnastics is that it can increase immunity.

2. Can Maintain Heart Health

Gymnastics is one of the activities recommended by the American Heart Association. In fact, gymnastics is highly recommended for people who are at risk of developing heart disease. The benefits of gymnastics can help to strengthen and help the performance of the heart. This can also make the blood pump optimally throughout the body.

Besides that, the benefits of exercise can also help keep blood vessels clean by increasing levels of good cholesterol or also known as HDL. Meanwhile, regular exercise can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood.

To get the benefits of this one exercise, Sinaumed’s is recommended to do gymnastics five times a week, with a duration of about 30 minutes in each session.

3. Weight is more maintained

Sinaumed’s must have known that exercise and proper diet are natural tips for losing and maintaining weight? Well, it’s the same as routinely doing this one activity. The benefits of exercise are that it can lose weight, and helps to maintain an ideal body weight.

However, this still depends on the amount of weight and speed of exercise that Sinaumed’s does. To lose weight, maybe Sinaumed’s needs to burn 400 to 600 times per day. So, there’s no need to hesitate to do this one sport, for those who are on a diet program, gymnastics is the right choice!

4. Helps Improve Mood

During the Covid – 19 pandemic, everyone would often feel in a bad mood , bored, anxious, and even stressed. Does Sinaumed’s agree? This is very reasonable, considering that Sinaumed’s spends more time only at home. The scope is becoming increasingly limited, yes. Well, the benefits of gymnastics can help overcome these feelings, you know .

Moving your body can elevate your mood and make you feel happier. This can be a benefit of exercise that is no less interesting, right? Doing high-intensity exercise will affect mood, even if it’s only done for a short duration. As we already know, exercise is also one way to get rid of stress.

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5. Even Sleep Becomes Better

Trouble sleeping or also known as insomnia is a disorder that is often experienced by people nowadays. Even so, Sinaumed’s must deal with it immediately, otherwise insomnia can have a bad effect, one of which is that it can weaken the immune system, you know . There is also one way that can be done to overcome sleep disturbances, namely by regularly doing gymnastics.

Sinaumed’s can get the benefits of this exercise if it is done regularly, right ? According to a study conducted on a group of people who have chronic sleep problems, it reveals that regular exercise can be an effective alternative treatment for insomnia. So, the benefits of this exercise are no less important, you know .

Kinds of Gymnastics and How to Do It

Here are various types of complete exercise along with how to do it right, including:

1. Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a type of gymnastics that is performed using free movements accompanied by rhythmic strains or music. This type of exercise can be done using aids or not. The basic movements in this exercise can be in the form of tapping, clapping, singing music, and so on. Movements in rhythmic gymnastics are usually in accordance with the song and seem like a dance and can be done individually (individually) or in groups.

Rhythmic gymnastics has various types of gymnastics, as follows:

  • Rhythmic gymnastics using the tape apparatus.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics using the ball apparatus.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics using a rope apparatus.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics uses a tool in the form of a hoop.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics using the mace.

2. Aerobic Gymnastics

Aerobics is one of the types of gymnastics that combines various movements, namely active, creative and energetic movements. In practice, these gymnastic activities use music with a relatively fast rhythm or tempo. This type of exercise has the basic movement of the legs jumping – walking and moving actively to and fro in accordance with the rhythm being played.

Movement in aerobics can use a pattern or not use a pattern. Just like rhythmic gymnastics, this type of gymnastics is also accompanied by music that has rhythmic provisions, continuity, and a certain duration. One of the important things in aerobic exercise is breath regulation, namely the proper use of oxygen and carried out in the right way. The basic technique in aerobics is to do repetitive movements. The duration of aerobic exercise ranges from 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Artistic Gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics is a type of gymnastics that is usually in competitions. In artistic gymnastics the movements are arranged using each tool and have been determined in accordance with the applicable competition regulations.

There are several types of equipment used in artistic gymnastics, namely floors, saddle horses, jumping horses, bracelets, single bars, parallel bars, multilevel bars, and a balance beam with a predetermined size. Artistic gymnastics activities can be carried out alone or in a team and have their own rules and assessment criteria.

This artistic gymnastics is also a type of gymnastics that combines tumbling movement techniques with acrobatic gymnastic skills. Tumbling is a discipline in gymnastics where a gymnast performs a series of fast and explosive movements in a straight line.

4. Trampoline Gymnastics

Trampoline gymnastics is a type of gymnastics that almost resembles acrobatic gymnastics. The difference is that gymnasts in trampoline gymnastics will generally perform acrobatics on a trampoline. So that this type of exercise makes bouncing movements on the trampoline. Some types of movements that are generally performed when doing trempolin include simple jumps, folds, straddle positions, and somersaults. Trampoline exercises can train dexterity, courage, and leg muscle strength.

5. Acrobatic Gymnastics

Acrobatic gymnastics is a type of gymnastics that is performed by displaying various extreme movements such as doing spins above, somersaults, and various other movements that require flexibility and good balance. In carrying out acrobatic gymnastics, it is mandatory to carry out special exercises guided by reliable instructors who are already professionals in their fields.

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The benefits that you will get if you routinely do acrobatic gymnastics are that it can make your body more flexible than before, improve your body balance, make your motor system stronger, and to train your mind because doing this acrobatic gymnastics requires great courage and readiness. That’s because the movements performed in acrobatic gymnastics can be said to be quite extreme.

6. Physical fitness gymnastics or SKJ

Physical fitness gymnastics or SKJ is a gymnastic activity in which the participants of this activity will perform various movements using musical accompaniment. As time goes by, now there are lots of SKJ communities who are actively doing this sport every few weeks. So that makes the existence of this physical fitness gymnastics increasingly exist, familiar, and also favored by people from all over the world, starting from school children to housewives.

7. Zumba Gymnastics

Zumba gymnastics is a type of exercise that has the function of burning calories effectively. This sport is a type of fitness exercise that can be adapted to the physical health conditions of each participant.

Zumba gymnastics has movements that match the rhythm of the music that accompanies it, and are also carried out for a certain duration. The movements of this Zumba exercise are carried out in order to train various body muscles and heart rate. In Zumba, the main focus is to train and increase the flexibility of the core muscles in the body, legs and buttocks. Zumba gymnastics is a sport that has aerobic properties.

Any sport that is performed for more than 4 minutes on a regular basis can be referred to as aerobic exercise, including swimming, running, cycling, and also Zumba gymnastics. Doing Zumba exercises with a duration of approximately one hour can burn around 360 to 532 calories. The steps are relatively simple, but Sinaumed’s will do more hip movements so that the whole body moves.

Variations in Zumba gymnastic movements are usually classified as resistance sports . Besides having the benefit of training the heart, Zumba exercises can also strengthen muscles.

8. Floor gymnastics

Floor gymnastics is a sports activity in which the method of movement and form of exercise is carried out according to its name, namely on the floor. In general, floor exercises are performed using a mat in the form of a mat. Types of floor exercises, namely candlesticks, head stands, hand stands , forward rolls , back rolls, neck springs , kayaks , and tiger jumps.

9. Power Tumbling

Power tumbling or also known as tumbling is a sport which is a development of trampoline training combined with speed and acrobatic abilities. The match of power tumbling can be done individually or in teams.

Unlike the usual trampoline exercises, power tumbling uses small trampolines that are arranged to form a straight track with a length of about 25 meters. The gymnast will do two sets, where each set shows eight skills. To do power tumbling properly and suitably, gymnasts must have good strength, coordination, body balance, and spatial awareness.

10. Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a type of gymnastics that has a characteristic that is a combination of dance and ballet. The composition of this gymnastic movement is generally conveyed through the rhythm of music and also using several tools such as balls, ribbons, ropes, and maces.

Each – every movement in this type of rhythmic gymnastics can train flexibility, agility, dexterity, and also endurance for all members of the body. If Sinaumed’s is interested in this type of exercise, he should do the exercises regularly, because the movements require a high level of skill.

So many explanations about rhythmic gymnastics along with other types of gymnastics, hopefully it can help Sinaumed’s in understanding gymnastics and as an alternative to sports activities that can be done every day to stay healthy and fit.

Also read:

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  • Rhythmic Gymnastics: Definition, History, Benefits, Elements
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