10+ Recommended College Majors for IPS

For those of you high school or vocational graduates who want to continue your studies at public universities, of course you are still confused about which majors are suitable for you. High school or vocational graduates, especially from the right social studies major, can help you get a good career in the future.

While many people are competing to get into college with their favorite study program, you don’t need to worry if you feel confused about choosing which study program is right for you. There are lots of study programs in tertiary institutions that actually provide pretty good career paths.

You can try to determine the course majors for Social Sciences which of course are always good college majors and can support your career in the future. Well, what are they? Come on, get to know the college majors for IPS that you need to try!

1. Communication Science Study Program

Communication majors, of course, are familiar to the public and often heard of. Certainly, it’s not surprising that the communication sciences major is one of the study majors for Social Sciences that is most in demand at the 2021 SBMPTN with a total number of applicants ranging from more than 3,000 prospective students.

In general, communication science or abbreviated as science and communication will study a number of subjects related to the fields of journalism, advertising, marketing communication, and also public relations. And there are many others that cannot be mentioned one by one. For example, if you become a student at Padjadjaran University, you will study several subjects, including:

– Mass communication and media.
– Social Statistics
– Critical Media Studies
– Communication Psychology
– Public speaking
– Social marketing communications
– Social network analysis
– And so on.

2. Majoring in Management

Actually, this management major doesn’t only exist in the economics field, you know? Where, there are several management majors that you can study more deeply, such as education management, marketing management, banking management, hospitality management, and tourism management.

The management majors that you will study later will definitely be adjusted to the specialist field you are taking. For example, if you study in Education Management there are several courses that you will get, including:

– Learner management
– ​​Education policy
– ​​Educational psychology
– Educational planning
– Educational public relations

Graduates from this management major are in great demand in the world of work. So, it’s no wonder that majoring in social studies can guarantee your future.

3. International Relations Study Program

If you have a connection with international issues, then it is very suitable and suitable if you are trying to enter the International Relations department. In general, the course will further encourage you to dive deeper into learning about something new objectively. Then, what courses are majoring in international relations?

So, for example, the international relations department at the University of Riau has an academic curriculum with courses, including:

– Theory of diplomacy
– International organizations
– Humanitarian Law
– International security studies
– Regionalism and Globalism
– International Communication
– Global Migration

4. Law Study Program or Legal Studies

For those of you who often watch Korean law dramas, then you are interested in majoring in law. Of course, the study program for Social Sciences is quite familiar with other Social Sciences majors. So, what can you get when you study or study law. For example, law courses at Brawijaya University consist of:

– State law
– Law and human rights
– Customary law
– Labor law
– International law
– Legislation
– Environmental law

In more detail, there are also elective courses that you can choose from. Like the concentration on family law, there are several derivative courses, for example marriage law, customary inheritance law, BW inheritance law, comparative civil law, and contemporary civil law.

5. Psychology Study Program

For those of you who like to listen to friends vent, then you respond by giving suggestions or advice. Well, maybe you are suitable to improve your listening skills in psychology. Why so? Because you have seeds of empathy that psychology children generally have. However, you also need to know that psychology majors at certain universities. This is because the psychology department at each university is determined based on the family. For example, Padjadjaran University is included in the science and technology family, and Diponegoro University is included in the social and human affairs family.

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This course in the psychology department has a close relationship with human behavior patterns or habits that have an impact on the person’s mental health, for example:

– Clinical psychology
– Personality psychology
– Child development psychology
– Cultural psychology
– Barriers to child and youth development
– ​​Coaching and mentoring
– Consumer psychology

6. Majoring in Accounting

Money… money… and money… that’s more or less about accounting majors. Where, all forms of financial transactions, credit debit, profit and loss, will be discussed in the course for this social studies. In addition, it is included in the college majors for IPS which are of great interest to many people. This accounting major studies the economic realm, for example business and also taxation. Then, what are the courses in the accounting department? As an illustration, the accounting study program from the Jakarta state university studies subjects, including the following:

– Business communications
– International financial management
– ​​Cost accounting
Government accounting

– Economic and business mathematics
– Banks and other financial institutions
– Public accounting audits

7. Criminology Study Program

For those of you who have heard of the Criminology major. For those of you who follow serials or watch films with the theme of murder mysteries that show scans of crime scene investigations. The incident you are watching is included in the realm of the criminology department. So you must try the criminology major. Where, this department is included in the college majors for IPS.

8. Department of Sociology

The sociology major is a major that is very familiar to some people. That day was because the Sociology Department was a college major whose subjects had been studied while still in school. When I’m in college later, the discussion of material and the scope of sociological knowledge will be reviewed in more depth. For example, in the sociology department at Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta, you will learn about several subjects such as:

– Sociology of gender
– Sociology of health
– Sociology of fashion
– Sociology of market and consumption
– Analysis of crime and corruption
– Urban and regional studies
– Critical and postmodern sociology theory.

9. Major in Political Science

For those of you who like to follow political news and other matters related to politics, it’s really mandatory to try to major in political science. Broadly speaking, the political science department studies the dynamics of the political world both from within and from abroad. With the hope that after graduating from the political science department you can become a human being who is empowered for yourself and those around you by applying the knowledge you have learned in college. Talking about the knowledge that you learn in one of the social and human affairs departments, you can take an example from Political Science at Jenderal Soedirman University. the political science department at Jenderal Soedirman University has courses consisting of:

– Indonesian political thought
– Social movement theory
– Military and politics in developing countries
– Introduction to the study of democracy
– Public policy

10. Department of State Administration, Fiscal, and Business

If you want to continue your studies in administration, then you need to pay close attention to the differences in the specialist fields. because there is not only one administrative science major. For example, in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia, there are three majors available, such as State Administration, Fiscal Administration, and Business Administration . Another example is from Brawijaya University which has two administrative science majors available, namely business or commerce administration and state or public administration.

11. Archeology Major

Next there is a college major for social studies called the archeology department. This department studies human culture in the past and present, through a study based on data and also relics found. If you major in archeology, you will study and also analyze ancient relics. For those of you who like history subjects, of course the courses taught in the archeology department will be very enjoyable.

If you have graduated from the archeology department, you can be involved in various fields of work related to the archeology department, for example being a researcher, academic, or even working in a museum. In addition, you can have the opportunity to join research on an international scale.

12. Department of History

Next is history. It is possible for people who do not understand about this department to think that history will only study the past or history. And the job prospects are only to be a historian. even though in this history department you will study history from various aspects ranging from political economy, geography, culture, military, and also maritime.

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The job prospects of historical graduates are also very broad and varied, ranging from researchers, writers, diplomats and other fields that are still related to history. So if you want to major in history for college, then you will get knowledge from many things more broadly. You can even share information about future job prospects with people who are experts in history.

13. Actuarial Department

The course for IPS that you can take is the actuarial study program. actuarial major is a field of science that applies mathematical methods with statistical knowledge that aims to analyze and minimize the occurrence of risks that may occur in the world of insurance and finance.

Today’s actuarial study program is still considered a study program that is still new in Indonesia, but you don’t need to worry about future job prospects. This is because the field of actuarial science is also one of the most needed and often sought after by many large companies.

14. Major in Creative Economy

Another major for IPS is the creative economy study program. Social Studies majors still have a few enthusiasts because maybe some people are not familiar with this study program. It is even considered uncool compared to other majors. However, it seems that the creative economics study program provides a very promising career path for your future.

Currently, the creative economy is one of the most impactful things to be able to support micro-economy in a region. If you are majoring in the creative economy, then you can develop a creative economy in an area so that it can help the country’s economic development in Indonesia.

15. Major in Digital Business

The course for IPS that you need to try next is the digital business study program. This one major may still be relatively new so not many people know about it and are not even interested in entering this major. even though the digital business major is one of the majors that is starting to develop and is quite much needed by companies.

16. Department of Social Welfare

The social welfare major is a study program that studies and develops ideas and methods to improve people’s quality of life. After graduating from the Social Welfare major you can become a corporate social responsibility officer, social services and communications manager or work in a social industry.

17. Visual Communication Design Study Program

Visual Communication Design or abbreviated as DKV is a major for social studies that is highly recommended and in great demand by people. Because this one major is a new department and offers very interesting material. DKV learns about the process of communicating through the works of art and designs it makes.

Not only learning about that, you will also learn about computers. So it is very suitable for those of you who are happy with information and communication technology subject matter during school. The job prospects after graduating from the visual communication design department or DKV are to become graphic designers, animators, designers for commercial products and other related matters.

18. Broadcasting Major

For those of you social studies graduates who had good communication or public speaking skills during school, it is very suitable to enter the broadcasting department. The broadcasting study program is a study program that is quite familiar. Usually broadcasting majors are often referred to as broadcasting majors. This one major is a branch of communication science which is also an ideal major for IPS graduates.

During college you will learn about how to create an idea and package it in such a way that the program you display attracts people. If the program is considered interesting, it will be produced and broadcast to the public. Job prospects when you graduate from this department are that you can work as a director, presenter, and also a newscaster.

19. Department of Fashion

The next most interesting choice of social studies major is the fashion design department, which in a number of universities is called the fashion design department. Because during college you will be familiar with the activity of making fashion designs.

Students from this fashion study program will later learn about the clothing production process, the fashion design process, learn how to make clothing patterns, learn how to sew, and also get to know all about fabrics. Your job prospects after graduation, namely that you can pursue the profession as a designer and also become a fashion designer for artists.

So, those are some college majors for IPS. Hopefully the majors discussed above can be a recommendation that you can try when you are confused about choosing a college major.