What is Tawaf?

One of the acts of worship in Umrah is performing tawaf. What is Tawaf? Tawaf is one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah, which is circling the Kaaba seven times. The command to perform tawaf is in QS Al-Hajj verse 29.

Tawaf  itself has several types. Pilgrims of Hajj/Umroh should also know how to perform this Tawaf because there are several types of Tawaf that become one of the pillars in the implementation of Hajj/Umroh so that if the Tawaf is not performed then the Hajj/Umroh will be invalid.

In addition, the pilgrims /  Umrah  must also know what things are sunnah in the implementation of tawaf so that their worship becomes better. For more details, see the following discussion!

Definition of Tawaf

Tawaf is the activity of circumambulating the Kaaba seven times. This activity is one of the acts of worship performed by Muslims during the  Hajj/Umrah pilgrimage  in the Holy Land. That is a brief explanation of what tawaf is.

Types of Tawaf

  1. Tawaf Qudum

Tawaf Qudum or also known as Tawaf Dukhul is a Tawaf performed when you arrive in the city of Makkah. So, this tawaf is a welcome tawaf. Every time the Prophet SAW entered the Haram Mosque, he always performed Tawaf Qudum as a substitute for the Tahiyatul Masjid prayer.

This Tawaf is a Sunnah law, so if it is not performed, it will not invalidate the performance of Hajj/Umrah. To perform Tawaf Qudum, you don’t need to run around, just walk normally. Women who are menstruating or postpartum are not allowed to perform this tawaf.

  1. Tawaf Tathawwu
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Tawaf tathawwu is a Tawaf that can be performed at any time. This Tawaf serves as a substitute for the Tahiyatul Masjid prayer when entering the  Haram Mosque.

  1. Tawaf Ifadah

Tawaf ifadah is Tawaf pilgrimage or Tawaf Rukun. This circumambulation is one of the pillars of Hajj so if it is not performed then the Hajj will be invalid. The performance of this tawaf is prioritized on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, after throwing the jumrah aqabah and  tahallul  or shaving the hair. In addition, tawaf ifadah should also be performed before the end of the tasyriq days (dates 11, 12, and 13 Dzulhijjah).

  1. Tawaf Wada

What is Tawaf Wada? Tawaf Wada is a parting Tawaf which is also known as Tawaf Shadar (return Tawaf). It is referred to as the return circumambulation because after that the pilgrims  will  leave Makkah and return to their respective places. The law of this circumambulation is mandatory so if you do not perform this circumambulation then you must pay the dam.

Procedure for the Implementation of Tawaf

  1. Carry out the conditions of prayer, namely purification, intention, covering the genitals, and so on. But in tawaf we are still allowed to communicate with other people.
  2. The left shoulder should be straight towards the Qiblah and should not look back.
  3. The rotation is counterclockwise and starts from the point of Hajar Aswad
  4. Do a round of seven rounds.
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Sunnah When Performing Tawaf

In performing Tawaf, there are several sunnahs that can be implemented by Hajj/Umrah pilgrims, among them:

  1. Tawaf should be carried out on foot, except for pilgrims who are weak or sick.
  2. Kissing  Black Stone  every time you cross it. But if they can’t kiss the Black Stone, the Hajj/Umrah pilgrims can also give a signal to kiss the Black Stone. At the peak of the hajj season, many pilgrims try to kiss the Black Stone. This makes it a bit difficult for the congregation to reach the Black Stone.
  3. Run fast on rounds 1-3 and run normally on rounds 4-7.
  4. Performing two rak’at sunnah prayers behind Ibrahim’s maqam after completing tawaf.

That is the discussion about what tawaf is, its types, implementation procedures, and sunnahs in the implementation of tawaf worship.