Understanding What is an Access Point and Its Functions

What is an access point – The internet has become a basic need for everyone, in this digital era, everyone needs the internet to access everything, especially for all smartphone users. Without the internet, cell phones cannot become smartphones that are known to be sophisticated and smart.

Therefore, the internet has become a mandatory component that must be there if you have a cellphone. But unfortunately, buying internet quota is expensive, while the need for internet will use up a lot of quota, so in a month we can spend hundreds of thousands just to buy internet quota.

So, for those of you who claim to be young people, you must often hang out together to get free WiFi. By using this WiFi facility, you can hang out for hours and spend gigabytes of quota for free. Usually, places that provide free WiFi services such as cafes, airports, city parks, hospitals, to office areas.

Well, WiFi users certainly know that to access the internet network using WiFi, you usually have to enter a user and password first, after that, only then will you be able to enjoy WiFi for free. If the password entered is incorrect, of course it will fail to connect to the internet, but if the password is correct, then you will automatically be connected to the WiFi internet network.

So this is where there is hardware or a tool that is used to connect or reject devices that will be connected to the internet network, this device is called an Access Point. So, in general, the use of access points is inseparable from the world of the internet.

Then, what exactly is meant by Access Point? You can find the answer here. However, before that, it’s better if we discuss about the meaning of the internet first.

Definition of the Internet

In this era of all-digital and advanced technology, the internet has become a major necessity for all people. Starting for teaching and learning activities, seeking information, communication between people, supporting work, and so on. Until now, the internet has become a basic need or mandatory in human daily life to support all activities.

The definition of the internet itself in general is a communication network to connect a certain electronic device with other devices, precisely and quickly, in order to carry out digital activities. For internet network protocols determined by the Internet Protocol or Transmission Control Protocol, commonly called IP or TCP, as the global standard for the internet network.

IP stands for Internet Protocol, while TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, and the TCP and IP protocols are usually put together, because they have the same function, namely working together. Understanding IP or TCP itself is a software that is in the internet network.

History of the Internet

Maybe not many people know, if the internet first appeared around 1969, which was then created by the Advance Research Projects Agency or abbreviated as ARPA, then given the name ARPANET. This was the first version of an Internet, and the ARPANET was the forerunner to the formation of the Internet network it is today.

Early use of the internet began in 1980 and was used on various popular campuses in the United States at that time. And some are used in large companies in America. In the process of internet travel, the ARPANET was later replaced by the NSFNET, namely as a research in the United States. Starting from this NSFNET, the internet was then developed for inter-country needs, namely a wider network or international network.

In its historical development, the ARPANET internet was later deployed around 1990. However, the results of its research and development are still there today.

In Indonesia, it was recorded that there were several well-known or popular figures in Indonesian internet history, such as Adisoemarta, Putu, Muhammad Ihsan, RMS Ibrahim, Suryono, Firman Siregar, Onno Purbo, Robby Soebiakto, and Adi Indrayanto to be precise in 1992 to 1994. They have dedicates himself and his expertise to build the development of the internet in Indonesia.

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Internet function

After knowing what the internet is and how the internet was created, maybe you already have a little idea about what the internet is like. Well, here we will explain the specific functions of the internet. There are three functions of the internet, namely:

1. To Seek Information

The first function is of course a very important function, and the one most often used by many people, namely to search for certain information. In this case, the internet really helps us to find the information needed quickly. For example, news that occurs in Indonesia or abroad, easily and without distance and time.

2. As a Communication Media

Then, secondly, the internet has a function as a medium of communication. Nowadays, there are many social medical services that make it easier for someone to communicate via the internet without time and distance limits. You can communicate with anyone, anytime, and anywhere quickly and easily.

3. Helping All Activities and Work

The internet also has a function that is no less important, which is to help all human activities and work. With various features and internet services, all activities and work can be completed quickly.

In addition, the internet also functions as a social media that makes it easy for users to do business, for example online business. In this case someone will also be very dependent and need the internet for their business activities.

How do you take advantage of social media as a promising online business? You can read the book Online Business: The Benefits of Social Media in Earning Money.


Definition of Intranets

Maybe some people already know the meaning of the Internet. However, there is also a system called Intranet, you know? What is an intranet?

Intranet itself is an internal network in an agency or company using technology from the internet. Therefore, usually companies have their own internet network, to secure and maintain their company information, data and secrets.

Difference between Intranet and Internet 

There are several differences between the intranet and the internet, including:

1. Internet

  • Coverage area covers the international scale
  • The rapid development of the internet
  • A more stable and robust network
  • Can be accessed anytime and anywhere


  • The area coverage is narrow or only covers the local area
  • Progress is slower
  • Usually only used in an agency or company

Definition of Access Points 

Usually, we will easily find Access Point devices in offices that have many employees to be able to connect to the internet network and do various jobs, usually offices use wireless Access Points, so employees will be more flexible, easy, practical, and fast in doing work if always connected to the internet, even if moving from one room to another. Then, what is an Access Point?

Maybe some of you already know what an Access Point is. Understanding Access Point is a PC network hardware device that connects wireless devices (not using cables) with local internet networks using technologies such as wireless, WiFi, bluetooth, and others.

Usually, an Access Point is often known as a WLAN or wireless local area network, where the function of this device is to receive or send data originating from a wireless adapter.

The Access Point has two components, namely the transceiver and the antenna, in which the two components function to receive internet signals and transmit internet signals or signals that are connected to the client server. Usually the Access Point will be connected to other hardware, such as a hub, switch, or router via an ethernet cable so that it can transmit signals.

All hardware products have advantages, including Access Points. The advantage that we will get if we use an Access Point is that the WiFi signal that is emitted is quite wide, that is, it reaches all rooms, even if it is blocked by walls or partitions between rooms.

Access Point function

The use of an Access Point does have many functions, but its main function is to accept or reject devices that will be connected to the same local network.

Here are some of the functions of the access point:

1. Has a role as a Hub. Access Points

Serves to connect between cables that use wireless or wireless with the available local internet network.

2. The range of the Access Point depends on the signal strength

If the signal is strong, the Access Point’s range will be wide, and vice versa, if the signal is weak, the Access Point’s range will be narrow.

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3. The Access Point also acts as DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Automatically the Access Point device can provide an IP address for a device to be connected.

4. Another function of the Access Point is to function to regulate the number of accesses

This setting is based on the MAC Address of the device by the user.

5. Access Point can install security features WPA or WiFi Protected Access and WEP or Personal Wired Equivalent

Both are wireless network security. WEP itself is for network security by way of authentication or matching the password provided by the client at the Access Point. Then WAP serves as additional security, with decryption that must be equipped with WEP.

How Access Point Devices Work

As we know, an Access Point is a hardware device on a computer or PC network that is connected to other devices to access the internet network. In general, if you connect a device such as a smartphone or laptop, a request to enter a password or password will appear on the computer or laptop screen.

Then, after the password is entered, the Access Point will automatically arrange for your device to connect to the internet by matching the WiFi password that you have entered into the Access Point before, whether it is correct or incorrect.

If the password you entered is correct, the device will automatically connect to the internet network. And the data path used by the Access Point is in the form of a radio frequency or RF signal data path that is formed by WiFi using electrical paths on Internet cables.

Types of Access Point Devices

The following are the types of Access Point devices:

1. Repeater Mode

Access Point of this type serves to increase the coverage of wireless signal coverage with a Service Set Identifier or SSID and for the same security. Usually, this mode is used to strengthen the signal in places that have wireless networks but the signal transmission is weak or uneven, for example in the mountains.

2. Access Point Mode

Then, Access Point of this type, is a device that can be used to connect wireless and wired networks. This Access Point work system is almost the same as a switch, and is usually located behind a router. Access Point of this type, we will often encounter in places that provide wired networks.

3.Client Mode

Then the client mode function. We can find this type of Access Point on electronic devices that have ethernet ports, for example PCs, laptops, and so on.

4. Wireless Router Mode

Then as wireless router mode. Access Point of this type has the ability to share an internet connection with several clients at once. In this wireless router mode, there is only one Wide Area Network or WAN port which can support several types of connections.

5. Bridge Mode

Finally, there is Access, which is of the bridge mode type, which has a way of working by creating individual or independent networks via one internet for two groups. This tool also works to take advantage of the wireless network and then spread it using the SSID, with the same password. We often encounter this type of Access Point in places such as housing, cafes and offices that provide this service without having to enter a password.

Those are the types of Access Point devices that most people often use to meet their internet network needs.

Want to know the right solution to build a wireless network without an Access Point?


Access Point is a hardware device that is useful for receiving data and accessing the internet without using a cable or wireless. There are also many types of Access Point modes, so they can be adjusted to the needs of their users. Maybe you already use an Access Point or wireless network?

And when compared to LAN networks, which use physical cables, the use of Access Point devices is more practical and greatly facilitates work, and benefits the company. Because, in addition to a neater layout, this feature also offers a fairly significant signal range.

Even though it has many conveniences and advantages to offer, it is very important for ordinary users to be careful and protect their internet connection from various crimes. What’s more, if you use a public WiFi Access Point which is usually prone to being abused.

If this happens, you can overcome it by utilizing a service in the form of a VPN or Virtual Private Network which is used to encrypt data.

Thus, an explanation regarding the internet and the use of Access Point devices. Hopefully all the discussions that have been presented will be useful for Sinaumed’s.

If you want to find books about information about Internet Networks and the use of Access Point Devices, then you can get them at sinaumedia.com . To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Veronika Novi 


  • https://installation.com/function-and-how-to-work-access-point/
  • https://www.peta-network.com/pengertian-access-point/
  • https://www.jurnalponsel.com/pengertian-access-point-beserta-fungsi-cara-kerja-kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-access-point/
  • https://qwords.com/blog/pengertian-access-point/
  • https://www.peta-network.com/pengertian-internet/