Understanding What is Moral Value and its Types

What are moral values ​​- In carrying out daily activities, of course, you will always be in contact with other individuals. In addition, it will also relate to a habit that exists in an environment. That way, there will be social interaction. In social interaction, there are many values ​​that must be followed, one of which is moral values.

In this article, we will discuss more about the notion of morality. For those of you who don’t know about the meaning of moral values, then you can see this article until it’s finished.

Definition of Moral Values

Moral values ​​are principles or standards used to determine what is right or wrong in behavior and decisions taken by a person or group of people. Moral values ​​can vary from one individual to another, and can also differ from one group or society to another.

Some examples of common moral values ​​are honesty, fairness, tolerance, kindness, and responsibility. In addition, moral values ​​are also often associated with one’s religion or belief system, although moral values ​​can also come from other sources such as philosophy or societal norms.

Universal moral values ​​are principles or standards that are recognized by many people around the world as the basis for good and right behavior. These universal moral values ​​are not tied to a particular religion or culture, but are values ​​that are recognized by many people around the world as standards of good behavior. These moral values ​​help a person understand how to live a good and responsible life according to the norms that apply in society.

Cultural moral values ​​are principles or standards that are only recognized by some people, depending on the culture and religion of each individual. These cultural moral values ​​can vary in each country or society, because they are influenced by factors such as religion, customs, and culture that apply in each place.

For example, in some countries it is considered polite to eat with the right hand, while in others it is considered impolite to eat with the left hand. In some societies it is considered impolite to marry someone from the same family, while in others it is considered normal. These cultural moral values ​​can change according to cultural and religious developments prevailing in each place.

Understanding Moral According to Experts

Several well-known philosophers have opinions about moral values. The following are some of their opinions:

1. Aristotle

Aristotle argued that moral values ​​are a part of virtue, and that people who have virtue will always act in the right way. According to him, people who have virtue will always act for the good of others, not only for their own sake.

2. Immanuel Kant

Kant believed that moral values ​​should be based on universal principles that apply to all people. According to him, a moral action is one that conforms to the principle of “give others what you want others to give you.”

3. John Rawls

Rawls argues that moral values ​​must be based on the principles of social justice. According to him, a moral action is one that treats everyone fairly and equally.

4. Jean-Paul Sartre

Sartre argued that everyone has the freedom to choose the course of action that he deems appropriate, and that moral action is one that treats others with respect.

5. Martha Nussbaum

Nussbaum argues that moral values ​​must be based on empathy and concern for others. According to him, moral action is one that treats others with respect and shows empathy for their needs.

Source of Moral Values

Sources of moral values ​​can come from various sources, depending on one’s background, experience, and understanding of the world. Some common sources of moral values ​​are as follows.

1. Religion

Many religions teach moral principles, such as honesty, justice, and forgiveness, which are considered essential to a person’s spiritual life.

2. Tradition

Moral values ​​can come from traditions or habits that have been built up in a particular society over the years.

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3. Social norms

Moral values ​​can also come from social norms adopted by society. These norms can vary from society to society, but can include principles such as tolerance, justice and humanity.

4. Education

Education can also help a person understand and shape his moral values. Through the learning process, a person can understand the principles that are considered important in social life and develop the ability to make decisions according to these values.

5. Private

A person’s moral values ​​can also come from personal experience and the individual’s understanding of the world. Everyone has unique views and principles about what is right or wrong, and these can shape their moral values.

Example of Moral Values

Moral values ​​can continue to change and develop along with changes in society and philosophical views. However, some values ​​such as justice, truth, and compassion are generally still respected and shared by most people around the world.

Moral values ​​in Indonesia are a set of principles that form the basis of one’s behavior in society. These moral values ​​vary according to the culture and traditions of each region in Indonesia. However, there are several moral values ​​that are generally shared by Indonesian people, including:

  • Religiosity

Religion is one of the main sources of moral values ​​in Indonesia. The majority of Indonesian people are Muslim, so Islamic values ​​are very strongly felt in society.

  • Mutual respect

This value teaches a person to respect other people, including diversity and differences.

  • familial

Families are highly valued in Indonesian society, especially in the relationship between parents and children. Parents are considered as the leaders of the family and must be respected by their children.

  • Honesty

Honesty is considered a very important moral value in Indonesia. Honest people are considered to have high self-confidence and are valued by society.

  • Mutual cooperation

This value teaches a person to help each other and work together in completing a job. Gotong royong is a strong value in Indonesian society.

  • Tolerance

The value of tolerance teaches a person to accept the differences and diversity that exist in society, and not to judge or exclude other people because of these differences.

The Function of Moral Values

Moral values ​​are rules or standards that govern how a person should act or behave in social life.

Moral values ​​help a person determine what is right or wrong, good or bad, and appropriate or inappropriate in interactions with others. Moral values ​​also provide guidelines for a person in making decisions and acting in accordance with the principles he adheres to.

Moral values ​​can also shape a person’s identity and help others understand and predict how a person will act in different situations. Moral values ​​can also form the basis of legal systems and public policies, because they reflect principles that society considers important.

Moral values ​​can also help individuals or communities in dealing with the problems they face. For example, moral values ​​can help individuals or society in making the right choices in uncertain or difficult situations, such as in dealing with conflicts or social problems.

Overall, moral values ​​have a very important role in the life of individuals or society, because moral values ​​provide direction and become a reference for actions taken, and help individuals or communities in maintaining social harmony and justice.

Moral values ​​are principles or standards that govern how a person should behave and act in everyday life. The function of moral values ​​in everyday life is as follows:

1. Provide a basis for one’s actions

Moral values ​​provide a guide for a person to determine what is right or wrong, good or bad, in their actions.

2. Maintain social harmony

Moral values ​​help maintain harmony in society by teaching the principles of tolerance, justice and honesty.

3. Become a guide in making decisions

Moral values ​​assist a person in making the right and responsible decisions by considering the consequences of the actions to be taken.

4. Encourage personal development

Moral values ​​can help a person develop a good and commendable personality, such as a sense of responsibility, empathy and courage.

5. Become the basis for laws and regulations

Moral values ​​are often used as the basis for making laws and regulations in society, so they can help maintain justice and order in society.

Types of Morality 

1. Conventional morality

Conventional morality is a system of values ​​and norms accepted by a social group or society that regulates the behavior of individuals in that group. This conventional morality is usually widely accepted by society and is considered a norm that must be obeyed by every member of the group.

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Conventional morality usually consists of social norms that have long existed and are widely accepted by society, such as norms of honor, honesty, and responsibility. However, conventional morality can also change from time to time according to the development of society and the values ​​that are considered important by these social groups.

Conventional morality is often related to conventional ethics, namely the system of values ​​and principles that govern individual behavior in a social group or society. Conventional ethics is often part of conventional morality, but can also consist of principles that are more specific and applicable to a particular group, such as a profession or a religious group.

For example, in most societies, stealing is considered an immoral and dishonorable act, so that it is considered an act that is not permissible for members of society.

2. Legal morality

Legal morality are ethical principles recognized by the legal system and used as the basis for regulating human action in society. These principles emphasize human rights, fairness and decency. Legal morality is also part of the legal system that helps determine whether an action or legal decision is morally right or wrong.

Legal morality can also relate to other ethical principles, such as fairness, social justice, and decency. These principles can help determine whether a legal action or decision is morally right or wrong. For example, the principle of social justice emphasizes that all people must be recognized with equal rights before the law, regardless of their background or social status.

3. Religious morality

Religious morality is a moral system based on certain religious teachings. Many religions teach moral principles that are considered essential for the life of individuals and society. For example, most religions teach the concepts of truth, justice, good, and evil. Some religions also teach concepts such as obedience to God or Gods, devotion, and acknowledgment of the existence of other beings in the world.

Religious morality can vary greatly between religions and even between traditions within the same religion. An example is morality which says that lying is an act that is not right because it is considered to violate religious teachings.

4. Universal morality

Universal morality are moral principles that are assumed to apply to all people, in all places, and at all times. These principles are usually considered to be universal standards that can be accepted by all people in the world, and can be used as a reference for making moral decisions. Some examples of universal moral principles might include fairness, honesty, forgiveness, and tolerance for others.

5. Personal morality

Personal morality is a system of values ​​and principles that determine what an individual considers right or wrong. It is part of a person’s personality and can change with life experiences and personal growth. Personal morality is often influenced by factors such as religion, family, culture, and life experiences.

Everyone has different personal morality and there is no one right or wrong answer as to what should be considered right or wrong. This depends on individual views and principles. However, there are some universal moral principles that are often widely recognized, such as honesty, justice, and mercy.

Personal morality can help a person make the right decisions and become a respectable person in the eyes of others. However, it is also important to respect the different morality of others and respect the same human rights for everyone. An example is morality which says that it is wrong to openly criticize others because it is considered impolite.


Moral values ​​are the principles that guide a person’s behavior and provide a basis for decisions taken. These values ​​are usually standards recognized by society or by a particular group and are often considered as the basis for determining whether something is good or bad, right or wrong.

Moral values ​​may vary from one society or group to another, but some moral values ​​are universally recognized, such as honesty, loyalty, justice, and forgiveness.

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Author: Mutual


  • https://www.maxmanroe.com/vid/umum/value-moral.html
  • https://hot.liputan6.com/read/4666032/dinding-moral-ada-tanding-yang-jadi-standard-good-or-bad-know-characteristics
  • https://dosensosiologi.com/pengertian-value-moral-and-examples/
  • https://pakdosen.co.id/moral-Jadi/