Understanding the History, Meaning, and Application of Pancasila Symbol Values

Symbol of Pancasila – Every June 1, the Indonesian nation commemorates the Birthday of Pancasila, the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia. The government also made June 1 a national holiday so that people would not forget the history of Pancasila.

In language, the name Pancasila is a combination of two words in Sanskrit, namely “Panca” which means five and “Sila” which means principles or principles. Thus, Pancasila means guidelines and formulas for the life of the nation and state for all Indonesian people.

Pancasila is composed of five main ideologies listed in the 4th paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely:

  1. Belief in the one and only God
  2. Just and civilized humanity
  3. the unity of Indonesia
  4. Population led by wisdom in deliberations/representations
  5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia

These guidelines and formulas for the life of the nation and state were not born by themselves. He was born from the sweat and tears of Indonesian freedom fighters. This was confirmed by Ir. Soekarno in his speech:

“I did not say that I created Pancasila. All I did was dig deep into our earth, our own traditions and I found five beautiful pearls.”

It has been 77 years since Pancasila has become a symbol of unity and a guideline for the life of the nation and state. As the next generation, we must practice and reflect Pancasila values ​​in our daily lives.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss what are the values ​​contained in Pancasila so that Sinaumed’s can know and understand them well.

The History of the Birth of Pancasila

The history of the birth of Pancasila began with the formation of the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Investigation Agency (BPUPKI) on March 1, 1945. At that time, Dr. Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Radjiman Wedyodiningrat as chairperson asked members of the assembly about the shape of the basis of the Indonesian state.

Then on May 29, 1945, BPUPKI held its first meeting with an agenda to discuss the basis of the Indonesian State. This meeting was held at the Chuo Sangi In building which is located at Jalan Pejambon 6, Jakarta or now better known as the Pancasila Building.

In that meeting, Muhammad Yamin proposed the formulation of the five foundations of the state which consisted of:

  • Nationality
  • Humanity
  • Fairy Godhead
  • Citizenship
  • and, People’s Welfare

According to M. Yamin, the formula is rooted in history, religion, civilization and state administration that have developed in Indonesia for a long time. However, this formulation is still doubted by Mohammad Hatta.

On June 1, 1945, Ir. Soekarno in his speech entitled “The Birth of Pancasila”, proposed Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state which was composed of:

  1. Indonesian Nationality or Nationalism
  2. Humanity or Internationalism
  3. Consensus or Democracy
  4. Social welfare
  5. Cultural divinity

Before the first trial ended, BPUPKI formed a Committee of Nine consisting of Ir. Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, AA Maramis, Abikoesno Tjoksoejoso, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Agus Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, Wahid Hasyim and Mohammad Yamin.

Sinaumed’s could read the speeches of Muhammad Yamin and Ir. Sukarno completely and understood the main points of his thoughts in the book Birth of Pancasila: Collection of BPUPKI Speeches written by Floriberta Aning. By reading the main thoughts of the founding fathers when formulating the basis of the independent Indonesian state, Sinaumed’s can know how clear and original their thoughts are.

This small committee was given the task of reformulating Pancasila as the basis of the state and drafting a Constitution based on Bung Karno’s speech. Apart from that, they also used the documents as text to proclaim Indonesian Independence.

After going through that long process, finally the formulation of Pancasila was successfully perfected. At the PPKI meeting which was held on August 18, 1945, the final formulation of Pancasila was ratified as the basis of the Indonesian State and included in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

There are several stipulation documents in the Pancasila Formula, namely:

  • Jakarta Charter – 22 June 1945
  • Preamble of the 1945 Constitution – August 18, 1945
  • Introduction/Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of Indonesia – 27 December 1949
  • Introduction/Preamble to the Provisional Constitution – 15 August 1950
  • The Jakarta Charter animates the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution and is a continuum with the Constitution – Presidential Decree 5 July 1959

The Meaning of the Pancasila Symbol

1. Garuda bird

Pancasila has the symbol of the Garuda bird with spreading wings and a head that turns to the right. There is an important meaning behind this symbol. Garuda bird is the King of all birds which symbolizes strength. Then the wings that expand symbolize dynamic motion and enthusiasm to uphold the good name of the nation and state of Indonesia.

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Meanwhile, the head that turns to the right shows the State of Indonesia as the right country. Because the right direction is considered as a symbol of the right path. As explained by Yudi Latief in his book entitled Pancasila Insights – Comprehensive Edition.

This book discusses Pancasila with a variety of approaches that are more interesting, creative and holistic, while still placing Pancasila as a dynamic guiding star in responding to increasingly complex social and global dynamics.

2. The Garuda bird’s foot grip

The inscription Bhinneka Tunggal Ika on the foot of the Garuda Bird comes from Old Javanese which means “different but still one”. This is the motto or motto of the Indonesian nation as a nation which consists of various ethnicities, cultures, religions but in essence is one unit.

3. Gold Color

The gold color is the main color of the Garuda bird because it symbolizes majesty. Thus, the Indonesian nation must uphold the noble and noble dignity of the nation.

Apart from the gold color, there are also other colors on the Garuda bird as stated in Article 49 of Law Number 24 of 2009. These colors consist of red on the upper right and lower left of the shield, white on the upper left and lower right of the shield, black in the middle of the heart-shaped shield and natural colors for all images of the emblem.

4. Number of Feathers

The number of feathers on the wings, tail and neck of the Garuda Pancasila bird symbolizes the birth of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

On the right and left wings, there are 17 feathers that show the date of Indonesian independence. On the tail, there are 8 strands of feathers which indicate the month of Indonesian independence.

At the bottom of the shield necklace that connects to the tail there are 19 strands of bulus and on the neck there are 45. The number of these feathers shows the number 1945, the year of Indonesia’s independence.

When combined, the numbers above show August 17, 1945 which has historical meaning for us, where to build an awareness process for every Indonesian citizen, we must always respect time and remember history.

5. Shield

The shield symbolizes protection and struggle because shields are often used on the battlefield by soldiers to protect themselves from enemy attacks.

There is a transverse line in the Garuda bird’s shield that divides the shield into two parts, namely the top and bottom. The line describes the Equator which divides the Indonesian Archipelago.

The upper and lower shield space is further divided into 5 sections which in it symbolize the five precepts of Pancasila.

a. The Meaning of the 1st Precept Symbol

This symbol is in the shape of a star which represents the Light that comes from God and is given to every human being. The black color on the star describes the color of nature which has God – the source of everything that existed before the existence of this world – not the result of human creation.

b. The Meaning of the 2nd Precept Symbol

The symbol of the second precept is in the form of a chain consisting of rectangular and circular links that are interconnected with each other to form a circle. This linkage indicates that the Indonesian nation is a nation that works hand in hand and needs one another.

c. Meaning of the Symbol of the 3rd Sila

The symbol of the 3rd precept is in the form of a banyan tree, a large tree that can be used as shade by many people. This is correlated with the Indonesian state which is the shelter of all the people under the auspices of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The banyan tree also has stems or tendrils and roots that spread in all directions which depict the diversity of ethnic groups that unite.

d. Meaning of the 4th Precept Symbol

The symbol of sila-4 is in the shape of a bull’s head. The bull is an animal that often gathers, so this symbol means that Indonesian people like to gather together to do something, such as deliberations to discuss in order to reach a good decision.

e. Meaning of the 5th Precept Symbol

The last symbol of the precepts is in the form of Rice and Cotton which are symbols of food and clothing. This symbol represents the main requirement of a country, which is fair and able to achieve prosperity for all its people.

The Benefits of Studying the Values ​​of the Pancasila Symbol

We must learn the values ​​behind the Pancasila symbols so that we can apply them in everyday life. That way, we will get real benefits and become the next generation expected by our predecessors.

So, what are the benefits that we can feel after learning the values ​​behind the Pancasila symbol? Look carefully at the answers below:

1. Instill the noble values ​​of Pancasila

Pancasila is the foundation of the Indonesian nation’s ideology. Even the laws and regulations in Indonesia also refer to the values ​​contained therein. This shows that Pancasila is the most noble foundation in Indonesia.

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Therefore, Pancasila education is very important to be given from an early age to children so that they understand and understand the values ​​of Pancasila which can be applied in everyday life.

2. Help understand the true meaning of Pancasila

There are still many of us who do not understand the true meaning of Pancasila in depth. Perhaps many have memorized the five precepts contained in Pancasila, but this is different from understanding the true meaning of the five precepts.

That is why, Pancasila education must be taught from the elementary school level up to the university level. The goal is that we as Indonesian citizens can correctly understand the meaning of Pancasila as the nation’s ideology.

3. Increasing love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

In the life of the state, there is a close relationship between Pancasila values ​​and the people. Therefore, it is important for us as Indonesian citizens to love this ideological basis. If not, we will find it difficult to love this country.

By studying the values ​​contained in the Pancasila symbol, indirectly we will get to know Indonesia more deeply. This is why Pancasila education is important to be given to all Indonesian citizens.

4. Behave in accordance with the contents of the Pancasila points

Pancasila consists of five different precepts. Each precept has precepts that are in charge of explaining it. By studying the values ​​contained in Pancasila, we can behave according to the contents of the Pancasila points.

By understanding and practicing Pancasila values, we can also become good and responsible citizens in accordance with the ideological foundation of the Indonesian nation.

5. Can practice Pancasila in all situations

The values ​​and points contained in Pancasila are a good thing in the life of the nation and state. We as Indonesian citizens can practice these noble values ​​and points in our daily lives so that we can behave in accordance with Pancasila.

Thus, we can become good and responsible citizens in accordance with the ideological foundation of the Indonesian nation.

6. As a guide to be a good citizen

Pancasila is a guidebook for us. This handbook contains five important points that help us to be good citizens. If we never learn about how to be good citizens, we will not be of any use to people’s lives.

Therefore, it is important to learn the values ​​of Pancasila in order to become citizens who are useful for the nation and state.

7. Building the character of a dignified citizen

In addition to the ideological basis for the State, Pancasila is also a reflection of the characteristics of Indonesian society. This character is formed from the values ​​of Pancasila which are put to good use so that the Indonesian people become citizens with dignity and integrity in living the life of the nation and state.

8. Realizing a moral life

Moral becomes something that is difficult to obtain. We can realize a moral life by understanding and learning the values ​​of Pancasila. The creation of conditions for a moral society is very important so that the atmosphere of community life becomes full of tolerance, harmony and tolerance.

Moral is an absolute thing that must be owned by all humans. If not, then there is no positive value left from it.

Find other explanations regarding the benefits of studying the value of the Pancasila symbol in the book Pancasila Characteristic People compiled by Dr. Silverius Y. Soeharso, SE, MM, Psychologist.

Application of Pancasila Values ​​and Symbols

1. Value of Belief in the One and Only God

  • Have faith in God Almighty
  • Recognizing freedom of religion and worship according to their respective religions
  • Give thanks to God Almighty for all His blessings and gifts
  • Respect the harmony between adherents of religion
  • Do not impose a religion and belief on others

2. Fair and Civilized Human Values

  • Love fellow human beings and participate in humanitarian activities
  • Recognizing and implementing equal rights and obligations as well as human dignity
  • Develop an attitude of tolerance
  • Uphold human attitudes and values

3. Value of Indonesian Unity

  • Placing unity, unity without prioritizing personal or group interests
  • Teach love and pride in the motherland
  • Willing to sacrifice for the nation and the country
  • Cooperate in the interests of the nation and the state
  • Maintain world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice
  • Developing Indonesian unity based on Bhineka Tunggal Ika

4. Community values ​​led by wisdom in representative deliberations

  • In deciding the problem should give priority to deliberation
  • Carry out the results of the deliberations
  • Do not impose personal will on others
  • Prioritizing the interests of the Indonesian people and state

5. The Value of Social Justice for All Indonesian People

  • Be fair between rights and obligations
  • Mutual respect for the rights of others
  • Be fair to others
  • Give help to others
  • Doing work that is useful for the common good

It can be concluded that Pancasila is the crystallization of the nation’s noble values ​​which, if properly implemented, will bring benefits to us. Therefore, let’s start practicing divine values, human values, unity values, social values ​​and justice values ​​in ourselves from an early age.

Find other examples of the application of Pancasila values ​​in daily life in the book Pancasila, the Basic Philosophy of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Spirit of Mental Revolution, written by MA, Prof. Em. Dr. Tarcisius Michael Soerjanto Poespowardojo.

This book, which elaborates on Pancasila as an Indonesian philosophy on the one hand and on the spirit of mental revolution that can be contributed by it on the other hand, is truly valuable for the treasury of studies related to Pancasila in the current context of our nation’s life.

Thus the discussion about the symbol of Pancasila. Hopefully all the discussion above can add to your insight. If you want to find books about Pancasila, then you can get them at sinaumedia.com .

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