Understanding About ENTPs

ENTP is – The Science of Psychology is currently developing very rapidly. Its popularity is highlighted by various groups, from young people to adults. Knowledge related to psychology is very important in life, especially in terms of personality, education, socializing, and in work.

Besides that, there are many ways to find out someone’s personality, one of which is ENTP. Then, do you already know about ENTP? If not, then you can read this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Understanding Psychology

Before going into further discussion, let’s first get to know what psychology is. Psychology is a science that studies human behavior or behavior both towards himself or individually as well as towards other people and the surrounding environment. In psychology, to understand an individual or a group can be seen and noticed from a principle and research activities specifically and specifically regarding changes in mental function and behavior or behavior.

In building good behavior or behavior an individual or group can be found in the world of education. Education is an important point in the process of changing individual or group behavior or behavior in life through education about habits, norms, beliefs, religion, language, and social institutions from generation to generation.

From the education they get, they are able to make people think which behavior is appropriate and inappropriate. In addition, from experience when humans receive education, humans are able to correct themselves against a behavior that they deem inappropriate or can motivate themselves to continue to do positive things towards behavior that they deem appropriate.

From various education studies regarding psychology, various speculations emerged regarding the definition of psychology. According to Muhibbinsyah (2010) there are various definitions of psychology, namely:

  1. Psychology is a science related to mental life or commonly called the science of mental life
  2. Psychology is a science related to the mind or commonly called the science of mind
  3. As for psychology which is a science related to behavior or commonly called the science of behavior , and there are many other definitions depending on the point of view of the various people who define it.

From these various sciences it can be seen how the mental, thoughts, and human behavior can describe his personality.

Human personality is very diverse, so to know human personality is quite difficult. Need to do some tests to know the actual human personality.

However, the accuracy of the tests carried out is still minimal if they are not carried out properly if not carried out through the party concerned or a party who is already professional. This inaccuracy can be caused because the implementation of the test is carried out in a manipulative way.

How to Know Human Personality

Myers-Briggs Personality Test (MBTI)

As we know, there are many ways to find out someone’s personality, one way is by doing the Myers-Briggs Personality Test or commonly called the MBTI. In the MBTI, 16 types of human personality can be identified.

This test is a psychological test that is used to measure human psychological preferences in their vision of the world or their environment and in terms of making decisions. In addition, the MBTI is used to describe various fundamental differences in healthy and normal human behavior.

The Myers-Briggs Personality Test (MBTI) is based on personality types and preferences from Carl Gustav Jung as the author of Psychological Types in 1921. Then it was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers since 1940. The MBTI is designed to measure how much human intelligence is, knowing interests and talents, and a person’s personality type.

At this time, many have used the MBTI to find out the personality traits that are intended for prospective company employees or even those who are already employees. It aims to find out the position or field that fits his personality so that he can make the potential of the employee optimal.


In fact, there are still many people in this world who do not know the career path that suits their interests and talents. According to Isabel, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the psychometric personality tests that has been widely used in terms of helping people to choose the right career field for themselves.

This test provides an in-depth explanation of a person’s strengths and talents so that they can choose the type of career they are interested in. The MBTI has been widely used in the field of management, such as research from Berr (2000) which looked at the relationship between employee preferences and managerial behavior and in general, starting from paying attention to the many companies that have given the MBTI test to prospective employees when they take the job entrance test to see the personality of their prospective employees. the.

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Based on the results of research from MacLellan on Christin Reardon’s explanation in 2011, it is known that there are different types of personality preferences, including:

  • Center of Attention Direction

Extroverts (E) have indicators, drivers or main energy within themselves, namely the environment and the outside world, both other people and objects; able to express his emotional state; and need relationships with other people.

Introvert (I) has an indicator, driving force or main energy in him that comes from within himself, the world in thought and reflection; only able to store emotional states; and need solitude.

  • How to Obtain Information

Sensing (S) has indicators, collecting things with the five senses; able to see something in detail and specific; preferring to tackle a practical matter; live life for the moment and enjoy whatever is around it; like something that is real and can be measured; liking something that has a procedure; and seem materialistic

Intuition (N) has indicators, collects information by using guesses and gut feelings; see things with patterns and relationships; preferring something by imagining the possibilities imaginatively; live his life to prepare and anticipate the future; likes changes; and impressed as a fickle person and leader.

  • How to Make a Decision

Thinking (T) has indicators, making decisions based on logical and objective considerations; decide something with his mind; carry out a thing on the basis of its logic; attach importance to truth and justice; see everything as an observer; strong in planning and analysis; and looks like someone who seems cold and condescending.

Feeling (F) has indicators, being able to make decisions on the basis of considerations of subjective personal values; decide everything by heart; run something with his personal beliefs; attach importance to a relationship and harmony; see something as a participant and directly involved in the situation; strong in understanding others; and his personality seems like someone who thinks unclearly and emotionally.

  • Orientation to the Outside World

Judging (J) has indicators, his lifestyle must be planned and organized; a person who enjoys a predetermined condition; likes clear boundaries and categories; feel comfortable with situations that are defined or have limits; handle deadlines that have a variety of previous planning; and impressed as a person who likes to demand, stiff, anxious or tense.

Perceiving (P) has indicators, his lifestyle is flexible, spontaneous, and easily adapts himself to situations and his environment; enjoy curiosity and surprises; likes freedom in running his life; feel comfortable when in open situations; facing deadlines at the last second and in a hurry; and impressed as a person who is disorganized and irresponsible.

If the 4 tendencies of human nature are combined, it will produce 16 personality types. Based on the results of research conducted by Capraro (2002), it shows the 16 personality types in question, namely:

  1. ESTJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
  2. ENTJ (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Judging)
  3. ESFJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
  4. ENFJ (Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging)
  5. ESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)
  6. ENTP (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
  7. ESFP (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)
  8. ENFP (Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)
  9. INFP (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)
  10. ISFP (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)
  11. INTP (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
  12. ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)
  13. INFJ (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging)
  14. ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
  15. INTJ (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking, Judging)
  16. ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)


ENTP (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceptive)

Do you know Sinaumed’s, what is ENTP? ENTP stands for Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving. People with the ENTP personality are alert, talented, fast, think logically, smart, driven, creative, innovative, alert, good at communicating, outspoken or spontaneous, and good at everything that happens to them.

In addition, ENTPs have a sense of appreciation for the various knowledge they gain and a strong desire to develop themselves. Therefore, there are many successful people or figures from this ENTP personality.

ENTP has disadvantages such as very little interest in something that is detailed in nature, so if ENTP has ideas it is rare to have plans and actions to make their creative ideas come true. The solution is to try to discipline himself and be consistent with something. In addition, make the best possible plan so you don’t make decisions that are risky or have bad consequences later.

ENTP is divided into 2, namely: Turbulent (ENTP-T) and Assertive (ENTP-A). (ENTP-T) will prefer something on the basis of the approval and attention of others. Meanwhile (ENTP-A) tends to give positive feedback on something. Jobs that are quite suitable for someone with the ENTP personality include: being a Lawyer, Psychologist, Consultant, Scientist, Actor, Marketing, Programmer, Photographer.

Someone with an ENTP personality or Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving is known as a personality called “The Visionaries” (Visionary) or “Inventor” (Penemu).

Someone with the ENTP personality is a person who has the character of being alert, talented, fast, driven, alert, and outspoken or spontaneous. With such characters, ENTPs are able to solve even complex and challenging problems. In addition, ENTPs are able to analyze things and formulate things strategically.

ENTP as Extroversion has quite extensive relationships and networks because they are good at communicating and mingling with anyone and anywhere. Intuition in ENTP means that someone with this personality prefers to prioritize things that are abstract in nature compared to things that are concrete.

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Then, Thinking about someone with an ENTP personality means that they always use their mind and always choose objective decisions. As well as Perception , it is characterized by someone with an ENTP personality being able to adjust to various things and being able to open things up with other people without deciding something first.

Someone with an ENTP personality can be said to be someone who is creative and innovative. This is because ENTPs have nimble, creative, innovative traits and behaviors, think logically, are smart, and are good at everything that happens to them. His speaking style, debating skills are also very good, able to appreciate various knowledge, and has a strong desire to develop himself.

The ENTP personality is able to read other people’s behavior and likes to try new things according to their interests. However, ENTPs tend to get bored easily with their routine work. The disadvantages of the ENTP, namely being able to argue just for pleasure without feeling guilty, don’t like to be controlled, sometimes don’t like to focus, are not sensitive to a number of things, and have a less consistent personality.

Someone with the ENTP personality is less interested and likes things that are detailed in generating an idea or theory. Therefore, many people with the ENTP personality tend to come up with various ideas from their minds, without providing a plan or action in realizing the creative ideas they put forth.

Solutions that can be given to the shortcomings of someone with an ENTP personality are trying to have a sense of not wanting to win alone or not being selfish, learning to be disciplined and consistent about something, avoiding a debate that is considered unimportant, and learning to be aware of himself.

In addition, balance your perspective so that you are not too optimistic which can lead to unrealistic decisions and risks. Then try to pay more attention to other people’s feelings. For someone with the ENTP personality, it will suit several jobs, including: Lawyers, Psychologists, Consultants, Scientists, Actors, Marketing, Programmers, Photographers.

This ENTP is divided into 2, namely Turbulent (ENTP-T) and Assertive (ENTP-A). someone with personality outcomes that (ENTP-T) will prefer something on the basis of the approval and attention of others. Meanwhile (ENTP-A) tends to give positive feedback on something.


In conclusion, everyone has a different character or personality. It is necessary to know each individual’s personality, because it is closely related to life, both in socializing, in education, and in work.

Knowing personality is expected to determine interests and talents that are appropriate and appropriate in the world of education and work. Building a person’s character starts from how educated they are, because a person’s characteristics exist from their habits, norms, religion, beliefs, and environment. The placement of the right job position is able to maintain the quality and quantity of oneself at work, even affecting the place where one works.

In today’s highly developed era, it’s fairly easy to do a test to find out someone’s personality. The test can be done directly or indirectly or online via the internet. However, if you want to be more guaranteed the accuracy of the results, try to ask a more in-depth question about this personality to a professional psychologist.

From the discussion above it can be said that ENTP stands for Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving. To add to your knowledge about the science of human personality, one of which is about ENTP, you can get it by looking for it on sinaumedia.com , starting from books on psychological theory of personality, personality tests, and successful people in the world who can motivate themselves according to their personality.

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Author: Nabila Frithania

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