The Meaning and Meaning of the 4th Precept Symbol along with its Application in Everyday Life

Meaning of the Symbol of the 4th Precept – In organizing, whether it is what is done at school, in the community environment, or in the office, when making a decision, it must be based on the results of the deliberations that have been carried out. For example, in the election of the student council president, making office policies, and much more.

Everything that is done based on deliberation must be accepted wisely. Wise attitudes and behavior in deliberations illustrate that the individual prioritizes common interests. Therefore, deliberation is a decision taken for the common good, not for individual interests.

However, not everyone is able to hold deliberations because they still have attitudes and behaviors that are more selfish. Therefore, Indonesia made Pancasila so that every member of Indonesian society was able to participate in deliberations and accept joint decisions.

Pancasila can be said to be the basis of a very complete Indonesian state. In fact, decision making in deliberations is in Pancasila. Everything related to deliberation and democracy is contained in the 4th precept. With the 4th precept, the Indonesian people have guidelines in deliberating.

Do you know what the symbols of the 4th precept and the values ​​of the 4th precept are? In this article you will know the symbols of the 4th precept to the values ​​of the 4th precept. For more details, let’s see the explanation below.

Definition of the 4th precept

When the Indonesian people have finished their activities in the General Election, Pilkada and Presidential Election, we will know which people’s representatives have the most votes and are the winners. Every elected representative of the people must carry out their duties with full responsibility because their duties greatly affect the lives of the people.

Therefore, “populist” which is adhered to by the Indonesian nation is not only seeking the most votes, why is that? Because the Indonesian nation adheres to the ideology of “populist” it must be in accordance with what is stated in Pancasila, especially in the 4th precept. As for the sound of the 4th precept, namely “Populist Led by Wisdom in Deliberation/Representation”.

Based on the content of the 4th precept, it can be said that the “populist” that is practiced must be in accordance with honesty, purity, truth, goodness, and beauty. In implementing the 4th precept, the 1st precept is needed which reads “Belief in the One and Only God”. This is because the value in the 1st precept will make each individual protect the “populist” from things that can harm the nation and state of Indonesia, such as corruption and disturbances of anarchy.

Corruption and disturbances of anarchy must be avoided as much as possible by “the people” so that the nation and state of Indonesia can experience social justice. This social justice will make the life of the nation and state of Indonesia run cleanly and in accordance with the rules that have been set.

In short, the 4th precept means that every Indonesian citizen has the same position in the eyes of law and government.

The Meaning of the 4th Precept Symbol

Sila has a symbol in the form of a bull’s head and the base color is red. For more details, see the meaning of the bull’s head and the basic red color below.

1. Bull Head

The bull is well known as an animal that has enormous strength. In addition, bulls are included in animals that like to live in groups rather than living alone. When bulls are in a group, these animals will help each other when a friend is injured. Therefore, the bull’s head is used as a symbol of the 4th precept.

The bull’s head symbol fits perfectly to reflect the Indonesian people who really like the mutual cooperation that has been carried out since the colonial era. From the attitude and behavior of mutual cooperation, every problem will be easy to solve. Attitudes and behavior can be used for deliberation activities. Therefore, as it should be, the Indonesian people always prioritize the attitude and behavior of mutual cooperation.

2. Red Base Color

It is no stranger that red is a symbol of courage. This is in line with the attitude and behavior of the Indonesian people who are very brave and strong. Therefore, the Indonesian nation is also known or synonymous with a strong and brave nation.

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In deliberations, each individual must have the courage to express opinions based on facts. In addition, each individual must have power so that the tasks derived from deliberative decisions can be carried out with full responsibility.

4th Precept Values

The 4th precept also has values ​​that are very beneficial for social life. See an explanation of these values ​​below.

1. Deliberation

It is undeniable that the main value of the 4th precept is deliberation. Deliberation has the meaning of a discussion that is carried out together with the aim of solving a problem that occurs. Therefore, the decisions taken must prioritize the common interest.

The 4th precept teaches that every individual, especially a “populist” individual, must try to put forward the common interest. If we put common interests first, then the Indonesian people will be able to live in harmony because they feel they are being treated fairly.

2. Doing Something Not By Force

In doing something, it is better not to force it, especially in deliberations. When conducting deliberations by coercion, it is possible that the results of the deliberations are not in accordance with logical thinking. Usually this compulsion comes from within or there is an order from someone else.

Such a thing would be very dangerous because it could trigger the release of a decision not based on a joint decision. So that it will cause a lot of Indonesian people to experience losses and some other people experience quite a lot of benefits.

Therefore, the 4th precept has a value that implies that the Indonesian people always make their own stand, especially in deliberation activities. In other words, any decision that comes from deliberations should not be based on compulsion.

3. Have a big heart and respect every decision

Not always the ideas that are owned by each individual can be used as a final decision. Surely something like that will feel sick and uncomfortable. Therefore, every individual should have a big soul in deliberations. It is with this great spirit that we can accept and respect every decision in the deliberations

Attitudes and behavior with a big heart and respect for every deliberation decision will always be identical to the value of the 4th precept. In short, these two things are a reflection of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, the Indonesian people should apply this value in their deliberation activities.

4. Accepting Other People’s Opinions

In addition to respecting every decision, in deliberations we must be willing to accept other people’s opinions. The opinions of other people in question can be in the form of input or criticism and can also be in the form of ideas or ideas. If we are the ones receiving the criticism, then we must accept it with a big heart because this is all done for the common good.

Indeed, at first it will be difficult to accept criticism, but when you get used to it, it will be easy to accept criticism. When you are able to accept criticism from other people, then you can already reflect the values ​​in the 4th precept. So, are you ready to accept criticism?

5. Democracy

Indonesia is well known as a democratic country. A democratic country can be said to be a country where all decisions must come from the aspirations of the people. “From the people by the people and back to the people” is more or less like the picture of a democracy. Therefore, as a form of democracy, every regional head election up to the President is through the votes of the Indonesian people.

Because the voice comes from the people, the people have the right to oversee what the elected representatives of the people do. To oversee all the activities of people’s representatives has been stated in the 4th precept of Pancasila which reads “Populist Led by Wisdom in Deliberation/Representation”.

Application of the 4th Precept in Daily Life

In order to better understand what values ​​are in the 4th precept, then we should apply them in our daily lives. The following are examples of behaviors and attitudes that illustrate the 4th precept.

1. Participate in General Elections, Regional Elections, Presidential Elections

It’s not a strange thing anymore when conducting General Elections, Regional Elections, and Presidential Elections. All these activities are familiar because they are carried out every five years and are carried out openly or transparently. Disclosure of information in these activities indicates that the democratic system is running.

Therefore, as citizens of Indonesia who uphold the values ​​of Pancasila should participate or participate in the election of representatives of the people. By participating in this activity, you are already doing activities that reflect the 4th precept.

The thing that needs to be underlined in general elections, local elections, and presidential elections is age. Those of you who really want to participate in these activities must be 17 years old or older.

2. Participate in Student Organizations

When I was still in school, there must have been such a thing as a student organization or what is often known as OSIS. This student organization is very helpful in carrying out activities at school, such as art performances, 17s competitions, and many more. In addition, every student organization will definitely hold deliberations before making decisions, especially those related to student activities.

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By participating in every student organization activity, especially deliberation activities, you are already carrying out behavior that reflects the 4th precept. Therefore, students are advised to take part in student organization activities so they can practice the values ​​of Pancasila, the 4th precept.

3. Parents And Children Accept Each Other’s Advice

In a family relationship, parents and children should complement each other. To complement each other can be done by giving advice to each other. The activity of giving suggestions indicates that your family has information disclosure. In fact, the activity of giving each other advice can make a family grow in a better direction.

Disclosure of information and mutual acceptance of advice in a family is one of the behaviors that reflect the 4th precept. By teaching things like this to children from an early age, when they grow up it will be easy to apply the 4th precept behavior in social life.

4. Participate in Citizens Deliberations

In a society, deliberations must have been held, especially in terms of development. Before carrying out the infrastructure development process in the environment, it is highly recommended to carry out deliberation activities. This deliberation will make it easier for every community member in an area to solve problems. Problems that are quickly resolved will make people’s lives more peaceful and harmonious.

When you take part or even participate in deliberation activities that occur in the local community, it means you have practiced the 4th precept value. The more residents who participate in community meetings, the easier problems will be resolved. Then, have you participated in community meetings?

5. Accept Wisely All Deliberation Decisions

Selfishness in deliberations must continue to be avoided because if it is not avoided it will result in decisions that are not optimal. So the decision taken will cause a lot of losses. Therefore, we as a nation of Indonesia, should always try to wisely accept every decision that comes from deliberations.

Therefore, the behavior of accepting wisely every deliberation decision is a behavior that describes the values ​​of the 4th precept in daily life. Accepting this is the same as training yourself to be proud. In addition, this kind of behavior indicates that a person who has a big heart will prioritize common interests.

6. Each task resulting from the deliberation is completed with full responsibility

Every decision from deliberation will not go well as long as there are individuals who do not leave their duties without a sense of responsibility. One who does not fulfill his duties responsibly does not reflect the 4th precept.

The practice of the 4th precepts can be done by working on and completing each task as a result of the deliberations. Behavior like this can be regarded as behavior that shows a sense of responsibility.

7. Every representative of the people must be willing to listen to the aspirations of the people

Each representative of the people is elected based on the votes of the people. Therefore, it is appropriate for the people’s representatives to accept every aspiration of the Indonesian people. Every aspiration of the people is a wish or hope that really wants to be realized so that the people feel they are getting fair treatment.

People’s representatives who are willing to accept and listen to people’s aspirations indicate that these people’s representatives have practiced the value behavior of the 4th precept. The more representatives of the people who practice the 4th precept, the “populist” will be filled with honesty, cleanliness, kindness, and truth.

The Function of the 4th Precept in the Life of the Nation and State

The 4th precept has several functions related to the life of the nation and state. Here we see the explanation below.

1. Supervise the Indonesian Democratic System

The democratic system in Indonesia cannot be separated from the representatives of the people and the people. Representatives of the people are elected by the people. Therefore, the people should always monitor the Indonesian democratic system. This is very much in line with the values ​​contained in the 4th precept.

2. Guidelines for Conducting Deliberations

For some individuals or groups, holding deliberations may be difficult because they do not understand how to start deliberations. Therefore, the 4th precept is here to overcome this problem. The 4th precept can be used as a guide in conducting deliberations because the values ​​in it provide lessons about deliberations.

3. Maintaining Justice in the Implementation of General Elections, Local Elections and Presidential Elections

The 4th precept serves to maintain fairness and openness in the implementation of General Elections, Pilkada and Presidential Elections. With the 4th precept, the risk of cheating in the implementation of this activity will be reduced. So that the Indonesian people will get results that are in accordance with honesty.

Also read the article related to “The Meaning of the 4th Pancasila Precepts Symbol”

  • Dimensions of Pancasila as an Open Ideology
  • History of Pancasila
  • Understanding Pancasila as a Source of Value
  • The Meaning and Meaning of Pancasila as State Ideology
  • Understanding Pancasila Democracy
  • History of the Garuda Pancasila Coat of Arms
  • Understanding Archipelagic Insight
  • The Meaning of Pancasila as the Source of All Sources of Law
  • Meaning of the Youth Pledge
  • The Practice of Pancasila Values


The practice of the 4th precept is very closely related to “populist” which must carry out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with what the people aspire to. In fact, the duties of “populist” must be clean, holy, truth, and honesty. In addition to “populist”, the 4th precept also explains deliberation, especially within an organization.