The Intention of the Subuh Qobliyah Prayer Along with the Procedures for Implementation and the 7 Virtue

The Intention of Fajr Qobliyah Prayer – Has Sinaumed’s ever performed the Fajr Qobliyah prayer? If so, you must have memorized the reading intentHowever, if you haven’t, you must be confused about what the definition of the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is and how the intention is read. Basically, the qobliyah prayer is a sunnah prayer that is performed before performing the obligatory prayer. So, since this article discusses the Fajr Qabliyah prayer, it is also performed right before the Fajr prayer, usually in two cycles. Even though this prayer includes sunnah prayers, of course there are readings of intentions and procedures that must follow the rules. So, what is the intention of the Fajr Qabliyah prayer? What are the procedures for carrying out the Subuh Qabliyah prayer? What are the virtues of performing the Fajr Qabliyah prayer for Muslims?

So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What is the intention of the Subuh Qobliyah Prayer?

The Fajr Qabliyah prayer is the same as the Fajr Prayer, which is a sunnah prayer that is held when dawn arrives, to be precise before the dawn prayer begins. The implementation of the Subuh Qobliyah prayer only has 2 cycles. Well, as with other sunnah prayers, this Fajr Qabliyah prayer also has its own intention that needs to be recited before starting it. Here’s the intention of the Subuh Qobliyah prayer that Sinaumed’s should pay attention to!

(Ushalli sunnatas shubhi rak’ataini lillahi ta’ala)

Meaning: deliberately carry out the sunnah prayer at dawn two cycles because of Allah Ta’ala.

Procedures for Carrying out the Subuh Qobliyah Prayer

The procedure for carrying out the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is the same as for carrying out fardhu prayers and other sunnah prayers. However, there is one thing that makes a difference, namely that during the Fajr Qabliyah prayer it is recommended to read only short surahs, because the time is limited. Usually, people who perform the Fajr Qabliyah prayer will recite short surahs such as Al Insyirah, Al-Fil, Al-Ikhlas, to Al-Kafirun.

The following is the procedure for carrying out the correct Fajr prayer.

  1. Read the intention of the sunnah prayer of the Fajr Qabliyah.
  2. Takbiratul Ihram.
  3. Read surah Al-Fatihah followed by one of the surahs in the Koran.
  4. bow.
  5. I’tidal.
  6. First prostration.
  7. Sit between two prostrations.
  8. The second prostration of the first rakaat.
  9. Stand up and repeat the above sequence from reading Al-Fatihah to the second prostration.
  10. Sit tasyahud.
  11. Greetings, turning to the right and left.

So, after the Subuh Qobliyah prayer is finished, Sinaumed’s doesn’t necessarily just leave, right? It would be better if you read the dhikr in the form of ” Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Laa Ilaaha Illa Anta” which is read 40 times. After the dhikr reading is complete, it can be closed by reciting dhikr after the prayer in general, namely in the form of ” Subhanallah wa Bihamdihi, Subhanallahil Adzim, Astaghfirullah” 100 times.

Then, if after the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is over but the call to prayer for the Fajr prayer has not yet resounded, what can we do? For this, we are advised to lie on our right side while waiting for the time for the morning prayer by reciting dhikr.

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The Virtue of Performing the Fajr Qabliyah Prayer

Basically, all worship that we do accompanied by a sincere heart, of course, will definitely have the virtues that are liked by Allah SWT. No exception with the sunnah prayer in the form of the Fajr Qabliyah prayer. Considering that not everyone is willing to wake up early to carry out the sunnah prayer. So, what are the advantages that Sinaumed’s can get from carrying out this Subuh Qobliyah prayer service?

1. Following the Example of Rasulullah SAW

Carrying out the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is a form of our example to the Prophet Muhammad. Because, He also always maintains the routine of the Fajr Qabliyah prayer. There are several hadiths which state that the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is indeed performed with a light or small number of cycles, one of which reads:

“The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam used to be silent between the muezzin’s call to prayer until the Fajr prayer. Before the Fajr prayer begins, he precedes it with 2 light cycles, “ (Narrated by Bukhari no. 618 and Muslim no. 723).

2. Getting a Reply in the Form of a House in Heaven

All human beings definitely want to go to heaven, right in the afterlife? Well, the main way to get this is by diligently worshiping Him, including by carrying out the Qobliyah Fajr prayer. Yep, this virtue is real by conveying it through a hadith by Umm Habibah RA, the wife of Rasulullah SAW. He said that: “I heard Rasulullah SAW say: “A Muslim servant performs sunnah prayers that are not obligatory, because of Allah, (as many as) 12 cycles in each day, Allah will build for him a house (palace) in heaven.”

(Then) Umm Habibah radhiyallahu ‘anha said, “After I heard this hadith I never left the prayers,” (HSR Muslim (no. 728).

3. Have Better Goodness than the World and Everything in It

The third virtue of performing the Fajr Qabliyah prayer is that we will get better goodness from the world and everything in it. This is expressed in a hadith which reads: “Aisyah RA narrated from Rasulullah SAW, he said “Two cycles (before) dawn (Dawn prayer) is better (value) than the world and everything in it.” (HR Muslim and Tirmidhi).

It also needs to be understood that if you have performed the Fajr Qabliyah prayer, it would be better if we read the dhikr while waiting for the call to prayer to ring out. Don’t even go back to sleep and leave the fardhu prayer at dawn. Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu also once said that Rasulullah SAW had said about the virtues obtained from the morning prayer for the afterlife, namely: ” If they knew the virtues that exist in the Isya prayer and the Fajr prayer, of course they would come to him while crawling.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Becoming the Time for the Angels to Descend

Does Sinaumed’s know that it turns out that dawn is the time when the angels are coming down from the sky and recording all the good things we do, including this Subuh Qobliyah prayer. So, when we perform this sunnah prayer, the angels will witness our good deeds and also pray for us to receive blessings from Allah SWT.

5. Always get the protection of Allah SWT

Not to mention the morning prayer, sunnah prayer which is in the form of the Fajr prayer, if we carry it out even though it is not an obligatory prayer, it will still get the priority of protection from Allah SWT. This was narrated by Jundub bin Sufyan who said that Rasulullah SAW once said: ” Whoever performs the Fajr prayer, he is under the guarantee of ALLAH SWT. So don’t try to make ALLAH SWT prove HIS promises. Whoever kills a person who performs the Fajr prayer, ALLAH SWT will sue him, so that he will sink his face into hell.” (Muslim HR).

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6. Can See Allah SWT

Does Sinaumed’s know that it turns out that dawn is not only the time when angels descend to earth to record all good deeds, but also the time when Allah SWT shows His existence. Yep, that’s why many devout Muslims carry out this Fajr prayer. As narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim from Jabir bin Abdullah, that Rasulullah SAW once said:

“We were sitting with Rasulullah SAW, when we saw the full moon. He said, ‘Indeed, you will see your Lord as you see the moon that is not hindered from seeing it. If you are able, do not give up praying before sunrise and pray before sunset. Then do it” . (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

7. Become a source of light when Doomsday

Not many people know that on the Day of Resurrection, the world will be pitch black. Even humans would bump into each other because they couldn’t see anything. However, if Sinaumed’s always maintains prayer, including the sunnah Qobliyah Subuh prayer, then when the Day of Judgment arrives, we will be given light. Therefore, this light is only intended for certain of His servants, namely those who really perform the obligatory and sunnah prayers, including the Fajr Qabliyah prayer.



Understanding What is Sunnah Rawatib Prayer

Basically, the sunnah care prayer is a worship in the form of a sunnah prayer where the time of its implementation is before the five obligatory prayers. This Sunnah prayer can be performed before or after fardhu prayer. For sunnah prayers, which are performed before fardhu prayers, they are called Rawatib Qobliyah . Meanwhile, the sunnah prayers, which are performed after fardhu prayers, are called Rawatib Ba’diyah .

Previously, it was explained that when they were about to perform the Fajr Qabliyah prayer, there were only 2 cycles. This rule also applies to the sunnah prayers, both before and after fardhu prayers, but the intentions are different. However, there are a number of things that need to be considered before carrying out this Sunnah prayer, including during the Subuh Qabliyah prayer, namely:

  • No need to be preceded by the chanting of the call to prayer and iqomah.
  • Implemented individually or alone.
  • Prayer readings do not need to be filtered.
  • If you want to carry out more than 2 cycles, then each cycle is one in.
  • It is better if the place for performing the sunnah prayers is moved a little from the place where the fardhu prayers are performed.
  • If you want to do it with 2 cycles, for the first cycle it is sunnah to read surah Al Kafirun; then in the second cycle read surah Al Ikhlas.
  • Starting with the intention, based on what you want to “follow” the obligatory prayer.

Well, that’s a review of how the intention of the sunnah prayer of the dawn qobliyah along with the procedures and priorities in its implementation. Come on, let’s take care of our prayer services, be it fardhu prayers or sunnah prayers so that we can get blessings from Allah SWT.