Practices of Sunnah Eid that Need to be Known

Practices of the Sunnah of Eid that You Need to Know – Eid al-Fitr or known as Eid in Indonesia is a Muslim holiday which falls on the 1st of Shawwal in the Hijri calendar. Due to the determination of 1 Shawwal which is based on the circulation of the month, Eid al-Fitr falls on a different date each year when viewed from the Gregorian calendar. The way to determine 1 Shawwal also varies, so it is possible that some Muslims celebrate it on different Christian dates.

Muslims in Indonesia make Eid al-Fitr as the main holiday, a moment to be reunited with family. Since two weeks before Eid al-Fitr, Muslims in Indonesia have started to think about celebrating this holiday, the most important of which is going home or returning home, so the government has facilitated this by repairing the roads that are traversed.

Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia is celebrated as a national holiday, which is celebrated by the majority of Indonesian people, who are predominantly Muslim. Usually, the determination of Eid al-Fitr is determined by the government. However, several Islamic organizations define it differently. Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia is called Lebaran.

Most of the people return home (going home) to celebrate it with their families. During the celebration, various dishes are served. The most popular dish in Indonesian Eid celebrations is ketupat, which is very familiar in Indonesia and Malaysia.

For children, parents usually give them a Holiday Allowance (THR). During the celebration, people usually visit neighbors or relatives’ homes to stay in touch, known as “halalbihalal”, asking for forgiveness and forgiveness from them. Some state officials usually also hold griya titles for people who want to stay in touch.

Eid al-Fitr is an important event and an Islamic holiday full of blessings and joy. The Eid al-Fitr prayer is an integral part of the Eid celebration itself. Therefore, the implementation of this prayer was attended by all Muslims, both old, young, adults, children, men and women, even women who were menstruating were also ordered by Rasulullah SAW to attend. It’s just that they don’t participate in the prayers and don’t join the prayer saf, but also listen to the Eid messages conveyed by the khatib.

It was narrated from Umm ‘Athiyah al-Ansariyah she said, “ The Messenger of Allah ordered us to include teenage girls, women who are menstruating, and women in seclusion. As for women who are menstruating, they should not enter the prayer area, but witness the goodness of the holidays and the preaching delivered by the khatib with the Muslims ” (HR Ahmad).

There are a number of sunnah practices that can be carried out by Muslims related to the implementation of the Eid al-Fitr prayer. Syukron Maksum in his book entitled Complete Guide to Muslimah Worship (2012) explains that there are several sunnahs when performing Eid prayers.

These sunnahs include, namely, bathing, dressing in the best, eating before prayer, takbir, and taking different paths when leaving and returning. The following is a description of the sunnah practices during the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

1. Bathing and Dressing Up Wearing Good Clothes

People attending the Eid al-Fitr prayers, both men and women, are advised to dress neatly, namely to be decorated, to wear nice clothes (it doesn’t have to be expensive, the important thing is to be neat and clean), and to perfume appropriately.

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It was narrated from Ja’far bin Muhammad from his father from his grandfather, ” Rasulullah Saw always wore Yemeni patterned wool or burda at every Eid prayer ” (HR Asy-Syafi’i in his book Musnad ash-Syafi’i).

It was also narrated from Zaid bin al-Hasan bin Ali from his father he said, ” We were ordered by the Messenger of Allah on two holidays (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha) to wear our best clothes available, wear the best available perfumes, slaughter the fattest sacrificial animals. available (cows for seven people and camels for ten people), and so that we show the majesty of Allah SWT, serenity, and reverence “(HR Al-Hakim in his book al-Mustadrak, IV: 256).

2. Eat before Eid prayers

It was narrated from Abdullah bin Buraidah from his father, namely Buraidah bin al-Husaib, he said, ” The Messenger of Allah did not go out before eating on the day of Eid, and on the day of Eid he did not eat until he finished praying ” (HR At-Tirmizi).

The essence of it being recommended to eat before going to the Eid prayer is so that it is not mistaken that it is still a fasting day, while for the Eid prayer it is recommended not to eat beforehand so that the qurbani meat can be immediately slaughtered and enjoyed after the Eid prayer.

Apparently, this recommendation is not without reason. There is a meaning of eating before the Eid prayer that you need to know. Eating food before carrying out the Eid prayer was also carried out by Rasulullah SAW. He took the time to eat dates first before going to perform the Eid prayers in the morning.

It should be noted that previously eating before the Eid al-Fitr prayer was prohibited in the early days of the Islamic religion. Rasulullah SAW then recommended eating before the Eid prayer so that his people could follow him. Then, what is the meaning of eating first before the Eid al-Fitr prayer as prescribed by Rasulullah SAW?

Reporting from NU Online, here we summarize an explanation regarding the meaning of eating first before the Eid al-Fitr prayer that you need to know.

The meaning of eating before the Eid prayer is explained in a hadith written by Imam Jalaludin A-Suyuthi in the book Al-Jami’us Shaghir, that Rasulullah SAW had a habit of eating dates before the Eid prayer, it was even said that he did not go to perform the Eid prayer until eat dates first.

” The Messenger of Allah did not go to perform the Eid prayer until he had eaten seven dates .”

The meaning of eating before the Eid al-Fitr prayer which is explained in the hadith is one of the ways the Prophet Muhammad gave an understanding that eating food before the Eid prayer is permissible. This sunnah was even carried out with the aim of removing the prohibition of breaking the fast before the Eid al-Fitr prayer, which was during the early days of Isla.

With this recommendation, Muslims can emulate the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad that there are no rules against eating before the Eid prayer. In addition, Muslims are encouraged to consume food before the Eid prayer begins.

In this case, the date palm was chosen because this fruit is considered to have a sweet taste that can strengthen the eyes after being weakened by fasting for one month. In addition, dates are also considered to soften the heart.

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Even so, there is no obligation to consume dates before carrying out the Eid prayer. If it’s not easy to get dates, you can replace them by eating other sweet foods.

If before leaving the house you have not had time to eat food to break the fast, it is permissible to do so while traveling or having arrived at the place of prayer when conditions permit. If you don’t eat, consuming drinks is also counted the same as eating.

3. Pay Zakat

Zakat in Islam is one of the pillars of Islam which is obligatory to implement. There are so many uses of zakat for people in need. The obligation to pay zakat is explained in a hadith which has the following meaning.

” The Messenger of Allah ordered zakat fitrah to people in the month of Ramadan to humans one sha’ of tamar (two and a half kilos of rice) for free people or male or female servants ” (Al -Hadis) .

4. Walk to the Place of Prayer

If the place of prayer is not too far away, it is sunnah to walk to the prayer room, mosque, or the field where the Eid prayer is held. This is in line with Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement, he said, ” Including the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is to go out to the place of Eid al-Fitr prayer on foot ” (HR Tirmidhi).

5. Departure and Return via Different Paths

It was narrated from Muhammad bin Ubaidillah bin Abi Rafi’ from his father from his grandfather, ” The Messenger of Allah came to the Eid prayer on foot and he returned via a different route from the one he passed when he left ” (HR Ibnu Majah).

One of the lessons that caused Rasulullah SAW to distinguish between the way to go and return was that many parts of the earth would be witnesses for us when doing charity.

“The paths we take are different, so the marks that arise from our journey are not recorded at one point, but also recorded at different places.”


6. Echoing Takbir

Resounding takbir or takbiran on Eid al-Fitr is something that is prescribed by religion. There are two opinions from scholars regarding the start time of takbiran, which starts at night after sunset one day before the Eid al-Fitr prayer and in the morning when heading for the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

Unlike the case with Eid al-Adha, the echoes of takbir are also echoed from the tasrik day to the 13th of Dzulhijah. On Eid al-Fitr, there is no takbir after the prayer is finished.

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