The Wisdom of the Month of Sya’ban and the Practices That Can Be Done

The Wisdom of the Month of Sya’ban – Does You know that in Islam, there are months other than Ramadan which are also filled with His grace? Yep, it’s the month of Sha’ban.

The month of Sya’ban is often “forgotten” by mankind, because this month is between two other “special” months, namely the month of Rajab and the month of Ramadan. Even so, the existence of this Sha’ban month must still be commemorated because there are many practices and blessings from Allah SWT.

Then, what are the lessons from this month of Sha’ban? How is the history of the emergence of this month? What important events happened in the month of Sha’ban?

So, so that You can understand and practice good deeds this month of Sha’ban, let’s look at the following review!

Lessons from the Month of Sha’ban

As with the month of Ramadan and the month of Rajab, this month also has the virtues that have been carried out by the Prophet Muhammad and must be followed by his people, namely:

1. Increase Fasting

When the month of Sha’ban arrives, the Prophet Muhammad SAW always increases fasting. Even the Prophet Muhammad SAW once said that fasting for just one day in the month of Sha’ban will get heaven someday. This is based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad, namely:

“Sha’ban is my month. Whoever fasts just one day in this month of mine, he has the right to get to heaven.

In addition, Rasulullah SAW also invited his friends to fast together in the month of Sha’ban in order to get closer to Allah. This was stated by Imam Ja’far ash Sadiq,

“Imam Sajjad (Ali Zainal ‘Abidin) when he enters the month of Sha’ban, he gathers his friends and says, “O my friends, do you know what month this is? This is the month of Sha’ban, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Sha’ban is my month. So fast this month out of love for your prophet and to draw closer to your Lord. I swear by the One in Whose Hands my Soul is, I have truly heard my father Husein say “I heard Amirul Mukminin (Imam Ali bin Abi Talib) say, ‘Whoever fasts in the month of Sha’ban out of love for Rasulullah SAW and his family, and for the sake of draw closer to Allah, then Allah will love him and bring him closer to glory and ensure heaven for him.

There is even a story which states that in this month of Sha’ban, if we observe fasting, the sins will be forgiven by Him. This is contained in the story put forward by Ismail bin Abdul Khaliq, “(One day) I visited the house of Imam Sadiq as. Discussion of the fasting month of Sha’ban appears. He said, “The virtue of fasting in the month of Sha’ban is this and that. If someone has shed unclean blood, then fasts in the month of Sha’ban, surely his fast will be useful for him and he will be forgiven.”

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The fasts performed by Rasulullah SAW are:

  • David’s fast, namely fasting that is done alternately.
  • Fasting Monday-Thursday
  • Ayamul Bidh fasting, which is fasting for three days in the middle of the month, on the 13th, 14th and 15th days.

2. Appointment of Good Deeds by Allah SWT

The lesson from the month of Sha’ban which is not owned by other months is that there is a time when good deeds are appointed by Allah SWT. Even though this month is often “forgotten” by many people, the month of Sha’ban is the time when good deeds will be shown before Allah SWT.

This is based on a hadith from Usamah bin Zeid who asked Rasulullah SAW.

“And we don’t see you fasting much except in the month of Sha’ban?”

Then, Rasulullah SAW said that:

“That is the month that many people neglect between the months of Rajab and Ramadan, which is the month in which deeds are revealed, and I like it when my deeds are shown before my Lord, while I am in a state of fasting.” (HR. An-Nasa’i)

3. Be prepared before the arrival of Ramadan

The virtue of the first month of Sha’ban is fasting. Therefore, if we are used to fasting, giving alms, and dhikr since the month of Sha’ban, then we will also get used to doing these good deeds when the month of Ramadan comes. In fact, later, our good deeds will be multiplied by Allah.

The History of the Month of Sha’ban

The month of Sha’ban appears when the Arabs are scattering to find water. Previously, it was explained that the month of Sha’ban is between the months of Rajab and Ramadan. Therefore, when the month of Rajab came, people at that time refrained from going to war or traveling long distances. After entering the month of Sha’ban, they will go out to look for wells or springs in an effort to meet their needs.

In the Hijri calendar, the month of Sha’ban is in the eighth month. However, Muslims often forget the virtues of this month because they are more prepared for the month of Ramadan. In fact, it can be said that the month of Sha’ban is a month of “warming up” before welcoming the holy month of Ramadan.

Important Events That Happened in the Month of Sha’ban

1. Revealing the Verse of Commandment for Prayer

In this month, Allah SWT sent down a verse commanding prayer, namely in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 56, which reads:

Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe, pray for the Prophet and salute him.” (QS. Al-Ahzab: 56)

2. Moving the Qibla from the Aqsa Mosque to the Haram Mosque

This Qibla shift is one of the historical events for Muslims. This is because previously, the Qibla faced the Aqsa Mosque, then it moved towards the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque (Mecca).

This important event occurred in the middle of the month of Sha’ban in the second year of Hijri. The reason for moving the Qibla is to mediate disputes with Jews who also want to make the Aqsa Mosque their Qibla direction. After that, the Isra Mi’raj event was carried out with the permission of Allah SWT.

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Practices That Can Be Done in the Month of Sha’ban

1. Read Istighfar 70 times every day

The first practice that can be carried out during the month of Sha’ban is to say istighfar 70 times every day. This practice will undoubtedly erase the sins that we have done before. This was narrated by Imam Ridha, which reads:

“Whoever makes istighfar to Allah, the Most Blessing, the Most High in the month of Sha’ban 70 times, Allah will forgive his sins even though his sins are as many as the stars in the sky. ”

2. Give charity

In this month, we are encouraged to be active in giving alms, even if it is only half a date. From this charity worship, surely we will be kept away from the fire of hell. This was narrated by Imam Sadiq as when someone asked about the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab.

He said “ Why did you forget to fast in the month of Sha’ban? ”

The narrator said “O son of the Messenger of Allah, what is the reward for one who fasts one day in the month of Sha’ban?”

“By Allah, heaven is the reward ,” he said firmly.

Then, the narrator asked again ” O son of the Messenger of Allah, what is the best practice this month?”

He said, “ Give charity and seek forgiveness. Whoever gives alms in the month of Sha’ban, Allah SWT will take care of that alms as one of you takes care of his calf so that on the Day of Resurrection, the alms will reach the hands of the owner like the big Uhud Mountain.”

3. Read dhikr 1000 times

The next practice is to recite dhikr a thousand times. Undoubtedly the reward is the same as worshiping for 1,000 years. The dhikr is,

Lâ ilâha illallâhu wa lâ na’budu illâ iyyâhu Mukhlishîna lahud-dîna even though karihal-musyrikûn(a)

Which mean:

“There is no God (worthy of worship) except Allah, and we do not worship except Him alone, sincere to His religion even though the polytheists don’t like it.”

4. Pray 2 cycles every Thursday

During the month of Sha’ban, Muslims are encouraged to pray 2 cycles of prayer every Thursday by reciting the Al-Fatihah letter once, then continuing with reading the Al-Ikhlas syrah 100 times in each cycle. After greeting, then we are asked to read blessings on the Prophet Muhammad and his family, 100 times.

Through this practice, surely Allah will meet the needs of our religion and world.

5. Fasting

Previously, it was stated that in this month of Sha’ban we should carry out fasting as a “preparation” for the month of Ramadan. If we fast in that month, surely Allah will grant our prayers and forgive our sins.

This has been mentioned in a hadith, namely:

“The heavens clothe itself on every Thursday of the month of Sha’ban, and the angels say, ‘O our Lord, forgive the sins of those who fast in it and accept their prayers.’”

6. Increase blessings

Especially shalawat to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. The prayer reads:

Allâhumma shalli ‘alâ Muhammadin wa ‘ali Muhammad

Which mean:

“O Allah, send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad and the family of the Prophet Muhammad”

Well, that’s an explanation of the wisdom we get in the month of Sha’ban, as well as what practices we can do. As Rasulullah SAW has said, we as good Muslims, should not be able to “forget” the majesty of the month of Sha’ban, okay?