Understanding the Procedures, Pillars, and Examples of Friday Sermons

Sermon Example – Apart from the Friday prayer, there is no other prayer that must be performed once a week. Therefore, the Friday prayer is a unique prayer. But there are still several other reasons that make this prayer unique.

First, the positions cancel each other with the midday prayer. That is, if you have performed the Friday prayer, you do not need to perform the midday prayer because the obligation has fallen. Vice versa, if you cannot pray Friday due to certain obstacles, you must perform the midday prayer.

Second, the Friday prayer is not valid if done alone or together. Scholars agree on this, but there is a difference regarding the minimum number of worshipers which is a legal requirement for Friday prayers. However, in general, it is limited to a minimum of 40 people.

Third, the Friday prayer must have two sermons, otherwise it will be invalid. Some scholars believe that the two Friday prayer sermons are a substitute for the abolished two rak’ahs.

Speaking of sermons, did you know that sermons also have laws, pillars, conditions, and sunnahs? If not, don’t worry, in this article we will discuss the Friday sermon briefly, concisely, but clearly.

Friday Sermon Law

The sermon is one of the legal conditions for the Friday prayer. This means that Friday prayers are only considered valid if there are two sermons with a sitting interval between them. Because, Rasulullah SAW never preached Friday unless his sermon consisted of two sermons which were interspersed with sitting. As explained by Asy Shaykh Abdul Qadir Ar Rahbawi in his book entitled Fiqh Prayers of the Four Madzhabs.

Friday Sermon Pillars

  1. The khatib or the person delivering the Friday sermon is obliged to praise Allah and recite alhamdulillah in the first and second sermons.
  2. The khatib is obliged to read blessings on the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the first and second sermons.
  3. The khatib is obliged to invite the Friday congregation to be devoted to Allah SWT in two sermons.
  4. The khatib is required to read a verse of the Qur’an in one of the two sermons
  5. The preacher is obliged to read a prayer for all Muslims in the second sermon.

Friday Sermon Terms

  1. The holy obligatory sermon of two hadats
  2. The khotib’s clothes must be clean from uncleanness
  3. The preacher must cover his private parts
  4. The preacher must stand up for two sermons if possible and alternate with sitting.
  5. The sermon must be held at noon time, approximately when the sun has left the meridian or 2 minutes after noon
  6. The preacher must sit quietly for a while between the two sermons
  7. The preacher must raise his voice when preaching so that the Friday prayer congregation can hear it (you can use a loudspeaker)
  8. The preacher must carry out the sermons successively, both between the first and second sermons and between the two sermons and the Friday prayer.
  9. The preacher must convey the pillars of the sermon in Arabic. Apart from being harmonious, it may be conveyed in the respective regional languages.

Sunnah-Sunnah Friday Sermons

  1. The sermon is spoken from the pulpit
  2. The preacher should say his greetings after standing on the pulpit
  3. The preacher should sit when Bilal calls the call to prayer
  4. The preacher should hold a stick in his left hand
  5. The preacher should deliver the sermon in a clear voice so that it is easily understood by the congregation
  6. The preacher should shorten his sermon.

Sample Friday Sermon Complete with Opening and Closing

Examples of Friday sermons about youth or students

a. Adab To The Teacher

First sermon

Let us give thanks to Allah SWT, the One who has bestowed His grace. Shalawat and greetings may be conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the messenger who brings mercy to the universe.

Through this glorious pulpit, the khatib has made a will to ourselves personally, and in general to all congregations to always increase piety to Allah Ta’ala. By carrying out His commands, and staying away from His prohibitions.

Ladies and gentlemen, the congregation of Friday prayers that are glorified by Allah. Every November 25th we commemorate National Teacher’s Day. Officially, National Teacher’s Day has been established since 1994. To be precise, it was through Presidential Decree Number 78 of 1994. This decision reflects the great appreciation from the Indonesian government and people for the services of teachers.

The struggle of teachers is very big for the nation and state of Indonesia. So it’s not an exaggeration if the government sets November 25 as National Teacher’s Day. Every year, various lively activities are held, both by government agencies, schools, or other elements of society.

This is an expression of respect and gratitude to teachers. If at the time of the independence movement, the teacher was a prerequisite for efforts to build awareness for independence, then at this time, the teacher is a prerequisite for efforts to fill independence. The achievements that have been achieved by the younger generation today cannot be separated from the services of teachers.

Ladies and gentlemen, hafidzakumullah

In Islam, glorifying a teacher is a must. Sayidina Ali bin Abi Talib ra in a history claimed to be the slave of a teacher who had taught him, even if only one letter.

He further emphasized that he was ready to be released or sold as a slave by his teacher. This story reflects the great degree of a teacher. Students must obey and glorify him so that they can understand and utilize the knowledge learned more easily.

Shaykh al-Zarnuji in the book Talim al-Muta’allim emphasized that a student will not benefit from knowledge without glorifying his teacher.

From this point on, we as the next generation of young people must glorify our teachers. If any of us have been able to reach a higher level of education or have succeeded in pursuing a career, then don’t forget the services of a teacher. Both teachers who used to teach us in TPA, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High School.

For three money, if we are still in the process of taking the education level above, then it is forbidden for us to fight or be disobedient to the teacher. Because, teachers are like parents for our spirit and thinking maturity.

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Second sermon

There are not a few verses of the Koran and hadith that explain manners and ethics to teachers. In Surah al-Nahl verse 43, Allah Ta’ala orders to ask questions and ask for explanations from people who have knowledge. This command is an obligation that we must fulfill when we do not understand something. Especially in matters of religion.

In a story originating from a friend of Abi Said al-Khudri ra, it is told that when the friends were sitting in the knowledge assembly with Rasulullah SAW, none of the friends joked and talked if it was not necessary.

In more detail, in the book Adab al-‘Alim wa al-Muta’allim, Shaykh Hasyim Asy’ari mentions twelve adab of a student to his teacher. Three of them are speaking with good words. Second, listen carefully to the teacher’s advice. Third, pray and ask for forgiveness for teacher mistakes, both when a teacher is still alive or after he dies.

Therefore, both inside and outside school, teachers must be respected. We must not say impolitely. Let alone say rude and against. If you ask a question or ask for an explanation, then say it as best you can. because from the teacher’s explanation, the door of our understanding will be opened.

In addition, the role of the teacher is also irreplaceable in assisting the growth of student awareness. Both religious and national awareness. Related to this, the existence of teachers or mentors is very important in student organizations. It’s just that, in recent years, the existence of student organizations is a bit at a crossroads. In a sense, student organizations that were originally intended to forge the next generation of the nation were instead used as a vehicle for indoctrination. Introducing students to an exclusive and unwise understanding of religion in living amidst pluralism.

From this, it is important that religious knowledge be obtained from a proper teacher. As well as with proper manners and ethics. With this manners and ethics, we hope that the knowledge we learn can be understood properly and correctly. Likewise in practice. Teacher guidance determines the success of learning. Both in religion and other sciences. That way, we can be wiser in accessing information on the internet so we don’t get caught up in the doctrines of irresponsible parties.

Likewise, with the right teacher’s guidance, we will get the right understanding that can help us to achieve success and the future.

May Allah Ta’ala always guide our steps. Amen ya rabbal ‘alamin.

Examples of Friday Sermons in the Month of Shawwal

Upholding the 5 Time Prayers

Through the pulpit of Friday’s sermon this time I will instruct myself personally in particular and to all congregations in general, let us always try to improve the quality of faith and piety to Allah SWT by fulfilling all His commands and staying away from all His prohibitions with full awareness, patience and sincerity for the sake of Allah alone.

Hopefully we all belong to the group of servants of Allah who receive His blessing and are always under His protection so that finally we can get true happiness both in this world and in the hereafter. Amen.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him

Among the several worships that are ordered to Muslims, prayer is the most important and most important worship.

Rasulullah SAW in one of his hadiths mentions that:

As a pillar that keeps Islam strong, prayer is the first charity to be weighed on the Day of Judgment. If a servant’s prayer is considered good, then all his deeds will also be good. Vice versa.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him

One of the features of the prayer service is in the order to do it. If in other worship God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel, but for prayer worship God directly conveyed the order to the Prophet SAW. Through the events of Isra Mi’raj. This direct revelation process makes prayer believed by the scholars as a worship that has certain special values.

Prof. KH. Ahmad Zahro in his book states that there are at least 4 important spiritual values ​​in prayer: First, Hikmatut Tha’ah or the value of obedience to Allah. When we pray, whether we know the benefits or not, we have obeyed Allah because we have done what is obligatory upon us.

Second, Hikmatul Kaifiyah was Shihhah or the value of procedures and health. Many scientific studies have revealed that prayer movements have extraordinary health dimensions. Likewise, the existence of prayer times which turns out to have benefits for the spiritual and psychological health of humans.

Third, Hikmatul Adzkar or the value of remembrance and prayer. The readings in prayer are actually our requests or prayers to Allah in order to get the benefit of this world and the hereafter. Plus when praying, someone is in the closest position to Allah SWT. But unfortunately we sometimes lose this opportunity because our minds don’t focus on what we read when praying. Therefore we need to learn to understand what we read during prayer so that we can be solemn and our thoughts don’t go anywhere.

Fourth, the Wisdom of Aqibah wa Qurbah, namely the value of the effect of closeness to Allah. In the Qur’an it is stated:

Someone who prays as well as possible, God willing, will be prevented from the desire to do evil or evil because prayer has wisdom in the form of the effect of closeness to Allah. If there is someone who has prayed but is still doing bad things, then that person needs to re-evaluate his prayer because he has not been able to prevent him from this heinous and evil act.

Rasulullah SAW also explained in one of his hadiths that whoever performs a prayer, while the prayer does not prevent him from committing heinous and unjust acts, then there is no prayer for him but further distances him from Allah SWT.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him

Imam Izzuddin Abdus Salam in his book entitled Maqashidul ‘Ibadah explains that the biggest goal in prayer is to renew the agreement with Allah SWT. Therefore, the times of prayer are given close together so that the tempo for remembering Allah is not too far away.

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Regarding these prayer times, KH. On one occasion, Bahauddin Nur Salim, or better known as Gus Baha, said that the time between one prayer and another prayer can be used as an easy way to become God’s lover. He quoted the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad which reads:

This hadith can be used as a way for us to become God’s lover through knowledge, that is, the work that we do everyday should always be our intention to wait for the time of prayer to come, so that if our lives are taken away, we will die waiting for good to come.

Attendees of the congregation Friday Rahikumullah

Thus today’s sermon, may we all always be given the strength to be able to maintain our consistency in doing the five daily prayers. Hopefully the prayers that we do can make ourselves more with Allah SWT and can prevent ourselves from heinous and evil deeds.

Examples of Friday Sermons on the Virtue of the Month of Sha’ban

The Wisdom of the Month of Sha’ban

This Friday we all have entered the month of Sha’ban. That means we are getting closer to the holy month of Ramadan, the month that Muslims have been waiting for. Therefore, through the pulpit of Friday’s sermon this time I will instruct myself personally in particular and to all congregations in general, let us always try to improve the quality of faith and piety to Allah SWT by fulfilling all His commands and completely avoiding all His prohibitions. awareness, patience and sincerity for the sake of Allah alone. Hopefully this year Allah will extend all of our lives, so that we can again feel the pleasure of worship in the month of Ramadan. Amen.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him.

The month of Sha’ban is the month between the two noble months, namely Rajab and Ramadhan. Like the two glorious months that flank it, this month also contains a very great privilege and glory. Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawy in his book “Madza fi Sya’ban” explained that the naming of Sha’ban for the eighth month in the Islamic calendar is due to the many good branches in it.

Some other scholars say that Sha’ban means the radiance of virtue. There are also those who interpret Sha’ban as the month of mending, that is, Allah mends or comforts the broken hearts of His servants with the privileges that are passed down in this month.

If seen from the statements of the scholars, there are several features in this month of Sha’ban that are not found in other months. Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawy mentioned that there are at least three virtues and privileges of this month of Sha’ban. The first is the shifting of the Qibla of Muslims to the Grand Mosque as our current Qibla.

Previously, the Qibla of Muslims when praying did not face the Grand Mosque, but faced the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine. However, after running for 16 months, Allah then moved the Qibla of Muslims to the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque. The change of Qibla itself is actually something that the Prophet Muhammad SAW has been waiting for.

Even in a history it is told that the Prophet Muhammad stood facing the sky every day waiting for revelations regarding this Qibla direction. Until finally Allah sent down the letter al-Baqarah verse 144 which reads:

This event, according to Imam al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, occurred on Tuesday night which at that time also coincided with the nisfu Sha’ban night.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him

The specialty of the second month of Sha’ban is the revelation of a verse which encourages prayer to the Prophet Muhammad, namely surah al-Ahzab verse 56 which reads:

Because of the revelation of this verse, the scholars called the month of Sha’ban a month of prayer. Moreover, in one hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said:

In the hadith it is clearly stated that this month of Sha’ban is the month of the Prophet. So shalawat to the Prophet Muhammad is highly recommended this month. Even for all of us as people, this prayer should have become a must, because as mentioned in the verse above, Allah and the angels also prayed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This is the special of shalawat, when Allah commands us to pray, Allah himself does not pray, when Allah orders us to give zakat, Allah does not perform zakat because the purpose of zakat is to purify, while Allah is the holiest Essence. When Allah commands us to perform Hajj, Allah does not perform Hajj because Allah is the host.

However, when Allah commanded us to pray, before angels and humans offered blessings, Allah had first offered blessings by giving ta’dzim grace to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Attendees of the Friday congregation, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him

The third important event in the month of Sha’ban is the surrender of all our deeds to Allah SWT.

There is a hadith from Nasa’i which tells about the habit of fasting carried out by the Prophet Muhammad in the month of Sha’ban. Because of this habit, Usama bin Zaid’s friend then asked the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, I don’t see you fasting in other months as you fast in the month of Sha’ban?”

The Prophet then replied, “Many people are negligent in the month of Sha’ban. In this month all charity is submitted to Allah SWT. And I am happy when my deeds are submitted to Allah, I am in a state of fasting.”

From this hadith we can take the lesson that it is highly recommended for all of us to always increase our worship and good deeds in this month of Sha’ban, so that later when the deeds we do are submitted to Allah, this surrender is accompanied by good deeds and worship. we’re doing. This is what the Prophet did during the month of Sha’ban, hopefully we can all imitate what the Prophet Muhammad, the role model and owner of the month of Sha’ban, has exemplified.

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