How to Calculate Javanese Weton and Its Interpretation

How to Calculate Weton – Currently, the Javanese calendar is used to determine various important activities, such as activities to determine auspicious days for marriage, activities to determine days for circumcision, activities to determine events for death, activities to determine the construction of houses, and activities to determine good days for traveling .

The general public, especially the Javanese, think that they have to determine an auspicious day in advance to carry out various activities, for example wedding activities must be determined in advance on an auspicious day so that future couples who are to be married will not experience bad events, either before marriage or after marriage.

The community views that the Javanese calendar has a sacred value. As for the characteristics of the sacred, it is respected by humans, creates fear, is held in high esteem, is characterized by ambiguity, its benefits are unreasonable, gives strength, and emphasizes the guidance and obligations for its adherents and worshippers.

Related to the existence of belief and also belief in something in the Javanese calendar, it all depends on the views of each individual community who judges. We as editors can only take the positive side of the Javanese Islamic calendar in this contemporary life.

Various social actions carried out by the community in announcing the existence of the Javanese calendar are a folkways (habits) related to problems in social life, a mores (code of conduct) related to social life, and also a tradition (adat).

The Cycle of Market Days in the Javanese Calendar

Symbol of the market cycle in the Javanese calendar.

The Javanese in pre-Islamic times knew weeks that were not only seven days long, but from 2 to 10 days. These weeks are called by the names of dwiwara, triwara, chess, pancawara (pancawara), sadwara, saptawara, astawara and sangawara. The cycles that are still used today are saptawara (seven day cycle) and pancawara (five day cycle), while the others are still used on the island of Bali and in Tengger.

Saptawara or padanan consists of seven days connected with the lunar-earth system. This seven-day cycle coincides with the weekly cycle in the Christian calendar, namely Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The following solah (movement) of the moon towards the earth are the names of the seven days.

  • RaditeNgahad , symbolizing meneng (silence);
  • SomaSenen , symbolizing progress ;
  • HangaraTuesday , symbolizing retreat ;
  • BudaRebo , symbolizing mangiwa (moving to the left);
  • RespatiKemis , symbolizing manengen (moving to the right);
  • SukraJemuwah , symbolizing muntung (going up);
  • StackSetu , symbolizes descent (moving down).

The pancawara consists of Kliwon ( Kasih ), Legi ( Sweet ), Pahing ( Jenar ), Pon ( Palguna ), and Wage ( Cebony ) . Pancawara is also commonly referred to as a market . This cycle was previously used by traders to open markets according to existing market days. This is why many market names are now known that use that market name, such as Pasar Kliwon, Pasar Legi, Pasar Pahing, Pasar Pon, and Pasar Wage.

The market days are the patrap (attitude) positions of the months as follows.

  • Kliwon • Kasih, symbolizing jumeneng (standing);
  • Legi • Manis, symbolizing mungkur (turning backwards);
  • Pahing • Jenar, symbolizing madep (facing);
  • Pon • Palguna, representing sare (sleep);
  • WageGibbous , symbolizes lax (sitting).

Apart from pancawara and saptawara , there is also a six-day cycle called sadwara or paringkelan . Although sometimes it is still used in recording time, paringkelan is not used in calculating the falling time for traditional ceremonies at the palace. Paringkelan consists of Tungle , Aryang , Warungkung , Paningron , Uwas , and Mawulu.

Lunar Cycles in the Javanese Calendar

As in other calendars, the Javanese calendar also has 12 months. These months have borrowed names from Arabic adapted to the Javanese tongue, namely Sura , Sapar , Mulud , Bakdamulud , Jumadilawal , Jumadilakhir , Rejeb , Ruwah , Pasa , Sawal , Dulkangidah , and Besar . The lifespan of each month alternates between 30 and 29 days.

Here are presented the names of the Islamic Javanese months. Some of the month names are taken from the Hijri Calendar with Arabic names, but some of them use names in Sanskrit such as Pasa, Séla, and possibly also Sura, while the names Apit and Besar come from Javanese and Malay.

These names are the names of the lunar months or candra (lunar). The naming of the month is partly related to the big days in the Hijri month, such as Pasa which is related to Ramadan fasting, Mulud which is related to the Prophet’s Birthday in the month of Rabiulawal, and Ruwah which is related to Nisfu Sya’ban when the deeds of the spirit for a year are considered to be recorded. .

No. Javanese calendar Day Length
1. Sura 30
2. Sapar 29
3. Mulud or Rabingulawal 30
4. Bakda Mulud or Rabingulakir 29
5. Early Friday 30
6. Jumadil finally 29
7. Regeb 30
8. Ruwah (Arwah, Saban) 29
9. Pasa (Puwasa, Siyam, Ramelan) 30
10. Early 29
11. Séla (Dulkangidah, Apit) *) 30
12. Big (Dulkahijjah) 29/30
Total 354/355

The names of the months are as follows.

  • Warana • Sura, means rijal ;
  • Wadana • Sapar, means wiwit ;
  • Wijangga • Mulud, means brother ;
  • Wiyana • Bakda Mulud, meaning ambuka ;
  • Widada • Jumadilawal, means wiwara ;
  • Widarpa • Jumadilakir, means rahsa ;
  • Wilapa • Rejeb, meaning purwa ;
  • Wahana • Ruwah, means being ;
  • Wanana • Pasa, means middle ;
  • Wurana • Sawal, means form ;
  • Wujana • Séla, meaning wusana ;
  • Wujala • Big, means kothong .


The alternative name for the month Dulkangidah is Sela or Apit. These names are a relic of the Old Javanese names for the name of the 11th season which is called Apit Weak . Séla means rock; associated with weak which means “land”.

The appearance of the moon in the Javanese calendar is as follows.

  • The 1st of the Javanese month, the moon looks very small-just like a line, this is interpreted as a newborn baby, which gradually becomes bigger and brighter;
  • The 14th of the Javanese month is called the full moon sidhi , the full moon represents adults who are married or married;
  • The 15th of the Javanese month is called full moon , the moon still looks full, but there is already a sign of size and light is slightly reduced;
  • The 20th of the Javanese month is called panglong , this is interpreted as someone who has started to lose his memory;
  • The 25th of the Javanese month is called sumup , this is interpreted as someone who has started to be taken care of by other people or returns like a baby;
  • The 26th of the Javanese month is called Manjing , this means that humans return to their original place again.
  • The remaining four or five days symbolize the time when humans will begin to be reborn into a new worldly life.
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The Year Cycle in the Javanese Calendar

One year in the Javanese calendar has an age of 354 3/8 days. For this reason, there is an eight-year cycle known as windu . In one windu there are eight years, each of which has its own name, namely Alip , Ehe , Jimawal , Je , Dal , Be , Wawu , and Jimakir . The years of Ehe , Dal , and Jimakir have a lifespan of 355 days and are known as long years ( Taun Wuntu ), while the remaining 354 days are known as short years ( Taun Wastu).). In this long year, the big month as the last month has a life of 30 days.

In addition, there is a 32 year cycle of four windu, namely the names of the days, markets, dates and months which repeat exactly or are called mash . The four windu in the cycle are named Kuntara , Sangara , Sancaya , and Adi . Each of these windu has its own symbol, namely Kulawu and Langkir . Each symbol is eight years old, so the total cycle of the signs is 16 years old.

Even so, there are still differences in calculations between the Javanese year and the Hijri year. Every 120 years, there will be a difference of one day in the two calendar systems. This is what made at that time the Javanese year was given an additional day. This 120 year period is called khurup .

Until the early 21st century, there were four khurup, namely Khurup Jumuwah Legi/Amahgi (1555 J–1627 J/1633 AD–1703 AD), Khurup Kemis Kliwon/Amiswon (1627 J–1747 J/1703 AD–1819 AD), Khurup Rebo Wage/Aboge (1867 J–1987 J/1819 M–1963 AD), and Khurup Selasa Pon/Asapon (1867 J–1987 J/1936 AD–2053 AD).

The current khurup name refers to the day that falls on the 1st month of Sura in the year Alip . On Khurup Asapon , the 1st of the month Sura of the year Alip will always fall on the Tuesday of Pon for a period of 120 years.

Wuku and Neptu

Related to the Javanese calendar, it is also known that the time period is considered to determine the character of the child being born, just as astrology is related to the Gregorian calendar. This period is called Wuku and the science of calculation is called Pawukon . There are 30 Wuku , each of which has a lifespan of 7 days, so that one Wuku cycle has a lifespan of 210 days which is called the Wuku Kitchen .

Besides Wuku , there is also Neptu which is used to see the value of a day. There are two kinds of Neptu , namely Neptu Dina and Neptu Pasaran .

Neptu Dina is a number used to mark the value of days in saptawara , while Neptu Pasaran is used to mark the value of days in pancawara . These values ​​are used to calculate the pros and cons of a day related to certain activities and the character of someone born on that day.

The Sultan Agungan calendar begins on Friday Legi on 1 Sura in the year Alip 1555 J, or 1 Muharram 1043 H, or 8 July 1633. This event occurs on Windu Kuntara, the Kulawu symbol and is marked by a sengkala moon which reads Jemparingen Buta Galak Iku (arrows of wild giants That).

Since then, the Mataram Sultanate and its successors have been able to hold traditional celebrations in tune with Islamic holidays. Traditional ceremonies such as the Garebeg are not an obstacle to the development of Islam, but instead are used as symbols of the religion itself.

This new calendar system was an attempt by a far-sighted leader to combine the two currents of civilization at that time, a reconciliation between the waves of Islamic culture and pre-Islamic civilizations. The new civilization which is now known as Mataram Islam.

Weton relationship with Javanese Primbon

Weton is used by Javanese people to determine something, be it character, one’s luck, even fate and others. However, a Javanese primbon book is needed to find out these predictions.

Primbon Java is a heritage book from the ancestors of the Javanese people who have an orientation towards the relationship between human life and the universe. Javanese primbon books have also been a source of reference for Javanese people for a long time.

Javanese primbon books have a function as a guide for determining attitudes in an action and one’s life. The contents of this book are predictions, various kinds of Javanese knowledge, magical formulas and a number system that is complicated enough to calculate lucky days and take care of all kinds of important activities such as matchmaking, marriage and others.

To find out the things above or to calculate lucky days, one’s Javanese weton and neptu are needed.

Java Neptu Table and How to Calculate Weton

Based on the table above, each day and market has various values. The way to calculate weton is to add up the value of the birthday with the Sinaumed’s market. Furthermore, see the following explanation for calculating weton with the Javanese neptu table.

The first way to calculate weton is to use neptu days with the Javanese market. in the Javanese neptu table, Sinaumed’s can observe that each day and Javanese market has a different value. In this case, how to calculate the weton can be done by adding up the value of the day and market owned at the weton of birth.

For example, if Sinaumed’s has a date of birth on Saturday with the Javanese kliwon market, it means that Sinaumed’s’ weton is Saturday Kliwon. To calculate the number of wetons, Sinaumed’s can add up the value 9, namely the number of neptu birthdays, namely Saturday, with a value of 8, namely the Javanese kliwon market.

So, 9+8 = 17, the number of neptu weton of someone who was born on Saturday kliwon is 17. With this number, Sinaumed’s can find out a person’s character, calculate luck, how does one get testimony and how to calculate partner compatibility.

In addition to how to calculate the Javanese weton in the first way, there is also a way to calculate the second Javanese weton based on the Javanese month and year.

In contrast to the first method, the Javanese neptu for months and years is usually used to estimate the rainy season, planting season, dry season, pests and diseases of certain plants, amount of harvest, fish catch and so on.

The 12 names of the months in the Javanese calendar are actually not much different from the months in the Islamic calendar. Meanwhile, the names of the years in the Javanese calendar consist of eight types.

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In Javanese culture, the Javanese calendar will change every year once every windu. Therefore, every eight years, the name of the year on the Javanese calendar will change according to the order, namely Alip, Ehe, Jimawal, Je, Dal, Be, Wawu and the last is the year of Jim Akhir.

The following is a table of Javanese calculations based on the month and year.

From the table above, Sinaumed’s can calculate a person’s weton with the neptu month and Javanese year. For example, if someone was born in the month of Ruwah and in the year of Wawu, then Sinaumed’s needs to add up the value of 4 in the month of Ruwah and 6 in the year of Wau.

4+6 = 10, the number 10 is the final result of the sum and weton neptu of the Javanese month and year.

Meaning of Neptu Weton Matchmaking Results

After Sinaumed’s knows how to calculate the neptu weton, Sinaumed’s will get a number that functions to find out various things, such as lucky days, character, and even a mate. Usually the neptu weton calculation is more reasonable and commonly used for marriages or arranged marriages. With neptu weton, both candidates can see compatibility between each other, even get an idea of ​​compatibility and when should the wedding day be held.

Here are some meanings of the results of Javanese neptu calculations about a mate or partner.

1. Pegat (1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36)

From the results of the neptu weton pegat calculation, it means that Sinaumed’s’ relationship with his partner is included in the vulnerable category. Pegat, according to Javanese primbon, is an indication of the possibility that Sinaumed’s and their partners often have problems in life.

2. Queen (2, 11, 20, 29)

If Sinaumed’s gets the results of a neptu weton calculation with the numbers 2,11,20, or 29, then it means that Sinaumed’s is quite lucky. Because, the category of the number of neptu weton Ratu means Sinaumed’s and the couple is a true soul mate. Sinaumed’s will have a very harmonious, happy relationship and even your relationship can make many people jealous because you two look so compatible.

3. Matchmaking (3, 12, 21, 30)

The meaning of the third neptu weton calculation is probably the meaning of the calculation that many couples really want. Because, if Sinaumed’s has a neptu number of 3, 12, 21, and 30, it means that Sinaumed’s and the Sinaumed’s pair are soul mates. More than that, it is predicted that Sinaumed’s and the Sinaumed’s couple will have a harmonious household life at all times.

If you get the results of this one neptu weton calculation, Sinaumed’s might be able to marry his partner without worrying!

4. Topo (4, 13, 22, 31)

The result of the fourth neptu weton calculation is the neptu topo category, namely 13,4,31 or 22. If Sinaumed’s gets the results of the neptu topo calculation, then Sinaumed’s needs to increase vigilance. Because, according to Javanese primbon, the meaning of neptu topo is that Sinaumed’s and his partner will experience difficulties during the early days of being married.

5. Tinari (5, 14, 23, 32)

If Sinaumed’s gets a calculation result of 5, 14, 23, or 32 then the number of neptu weton is included in the tinari, which means that Sinaumed’s doesn’t need to worry and can be calmer. Because tinari means happy news for Sinaumed’s.

The happiness in question is sufficient sustenance when Sinaumed’s builds a household. Apart from that, Sinaumed’s and his family will also be given the convenience of finding sustenance.

6. Solid (6, 15, 24, 33)

In Javanese, solid means arguing which characterizes a bad relationship. As the name implies, the number of neptu weton solid, namely 6, 15, 24 and 33, indicates a bad prediction for the life of the Sinaumed’s household and their partners. Even so, Sinaumed’s can be calmer because the relationship between Sinaumed’s and his partner will not end in divorce.

7. Sujanan (7, 16, 25, 34)

The result of the neptu weton calculation in the seventh match is sujanan with the numbers 7, 16, 25 or 34. If you get the neptu sujanan result, then Sinaumed’s needs to be more careful and alert.

The reason is that according to Javanese primbon, people who are included in the sujanan category are people or couples who are under threat of a big fight in the household caused by an affair.

8. Pesthi (8, 17, 26, 35)

According to the neptu weton mate calculation, people who have a number of pesthi calculations, namely 8, 17, 26, and 35 are people who will have a household that gets along well with their partner. If Sinaumed’s has the number of neptu weton match one, then Sinaumed’s will have a harmonious and harmonious family life.

The Neptu Distribution Still Has Calculations

In addition to the eight categories of neptu weton mate above, there are neptu division results that still leave remnants of the calculations and the meaning of the remaining neptu calculations is related to the luck of Sinaumed’s and his partner. Here’s an explanation.

  1. Wasesa Segara or the remaining one, is predicted to have a big heart, have an authoritative character and smooth sustenance.
  2. Semi arrears or the remaining two, according to Javanese primbon, means that there will be obstacles in terms of sustenance.
  3. Satria Wibawa or the remaining three means that the remaining Neptu calculations are figures who will later be respected and respected in their environment.
  4. Sumur Sinaba or the remaining four, according to Javanese primbon, means that Sinaumed’s will be filled with inspiration, live in harmony and become a role model for those around Sinaumed’s.
  5. According to Javanese primbon, Satria Wirang or the remaining five will often face various kinds of difficulties in life. However, it was not explained what kind of difficulties Sinaumed’s would face.
  6. Bumi Kepatak or the remaining six according to Javanese primbon means that Sinaumed’s will need to work hard in life to achieve his goals and the things he wants in life.
  7. Lebu Ketiup Angin or the remaining seven in Javanese primbon, the remainder of this neptu calculation will face a difficulty, especially when Sinaumed’s wants to achieve dreams or aspirations, because Sinaumed’s will have difficulty finding peace.

Apart from calculating the neptu weton of a mate to see the compatibility between Sinaumed’s and their partner, the neptu calculation can also be used to calculate auspicious days based on the Javanese weton. Its function is so that when the wedding is held, the bride and groom and the wedding ceremony will not encounter any obstacles or difficulties.

In order to find out a good day, there is a different formula that Sinaumed’s needs to understand. The formula used is the number of neptu of the two prospective bride and groom, then if the two neptu are added to the auspicious days, then divided by five, the result must leave a number of three.

If the calculation results show more than three, that day is a good day to hold a wedding or other important event.

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