Various Kinds of Eid Gifts Suitable for Parents, Siblings, and Friends

When Eid comes, Indonesian people have an annual tradition of sharing gifts with family, relatives and other relatives. The custom of giving gifts is a form of expression of gratitude for being given the opportunity to meet a holy day or Eid al-Fitr.

So, do you already have an idea for Eid gifts for your parents, siblings and relatives?

If you are still confused and haven’t found any ideas for Eid gifts, here are some types of Eid gifts that you can use as inspiration to share happiness on Victory Day.

A. Kinds of Eid Gifts for Family and Friends

1. Clothing

The first kinds of Eid gifts are clothes. Clothing is the Eid gift that most people choose when Idul Fitri. Several types of clothing such as shirts, pants, robes, headscarves, and so on are very suitable to be given to family and relatives. This is because the tradition of the Indonesian people on Eid day is to wear new clothes.

The clothes chosen mostly contain shades of white. For a Muslim, Eid or Eid al-Fitr is known as a holy day and is interpreted as a process to return to purity. Therefore, the white color is considered to symbolize purity, so it is very suitable as a typical dress for Eid.

2. Food parcels

The second variety of Eid gifts is food parcels. Food parcels can be simple Eid gifts but leave a lasting impression on the recipient. Food parcels for Eid usually contain various types of food and drinks. All you have to do is buy it at the nearest shops or minimarkets and then pack it attractively.

However, if you don’t really have time to make food parcels. No need to worry, when entering the month of Ramadan or approaching Eid al-Fitr, there are lots of special Eid food parcel sales services, both in minimarkets and supermarkets. You can choose a food parcel that suits your intended relative’s tastes and fits your finances.

3. Assorted Pastries

The third variety of Eid gifts is various pastries. Pastries are still a mandatory food to be served during Eid al-Fitr. Especially children who make the Eid moment a time to enjoy various types of delicious food. There are many types of pastries sold to welcome Eid, ranging from snow white cakes, nastar, kastengel, peanut cakes, cheese sago, chocolate syringes, and so on.

Not only pastries, you can also give Eid gifts in the form of cakes of any type. Especially if you already know the favorite type of cake from your family, relatives or friends, surely sending these pastries will make them very happy.

In today’s era, there are many types of pastries available in various online stores, both e-commerce and Instagram. All you have to do is make a purchase, then the pastries will be sent directly to the recipient’s address.

However, for those of you who like to make pastries to celebrate Eid. You can make your own to be given directly or sent via expeditionary services. Homemade pastries are certainly different from pastries on the market, because homemade pastries can give a special feeling, especially during holidays.

4. Prayer equipment

The fourth variety of Eid gifts is prayer equipment. By providing worship equipment such as prayer rugs, mukenas, sarongs, tasbih, caps, or the Qur’an, it will certainly be very beneficial for loved ones. This is because prayer equipment is not only useful once. However, it would also be very useful on an ordinary day. In addition, your gift will be recorded as a charity when it is used by the recipient.

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5. Health Hampers

The fifth variety of Eid gifts are health hampers. Considering that we are still in a pandemic situation, health hampers will be very useful for those who are given them. You can make hampers containing medical equipment, including masks, hand sanitizers, hand washing soap, and various other medical devices.

In these health hampers, you can also gift cloth masks with various interesting motifs. The function of the mask itself is very important during a pandemic like now. Therefore, giving masks will be a very useful gift for them.

6. Body Care Products

The sixth variety of Eid gifts is suitable for women. Maybe it could be, body care or beauty products can be one of the most preferred Eid gifts. You can give some care products such as skin care to make up to your loved ones.

There are lots of brands that have provided special care or beauty packages as Eid gifts. You can also add various other products, such as soap, moisturizer, perfume and many more.

7. Accessories Package

The seventh Eid gifts are accessories packages. Eid gifts are not only limited to clothes, you can make accessory packages such as bags, watches, wallets, and shoes for your loved ones. However, it would be nice if you first search for information regarding what items the recipient needs, so that your Eid gift can be of maximum benefit.

8. Cutlery and Cooking Equipment

The eighth Eid gifts are cutlery and cooking utensils. Cutlery and cooking utensils are currently becoming a trend in society. This is of course caused by the pandemic which has made many people spend more time at home.

One of the cutlery that is currently popular is wooden cutlery. Cutlery made from wood itself will be very useful if it is used as a Eid gift for family or friends. The reason is, wooden utensils will give an exotic impression on their dining table. In addition, wooden utensils are also more durable.

For those of you who want to make this tool a Eid gift, you can order it online. There are tons of cutlery or cooking utensils provided online, of course according to your budget and taste.

9. Coffee

The ninth Eid gift is coffee. Coffee is now a special item for some people. With the popularity of coffee culture, Coffee is perfect to give as a Eid gift to family members or friends.

There are lots of coffee shops that sell various coffee variants, starting with a 1 liter size to various bundling packages that already contain 3 types of coffee with 1 liter each. Of course, the coffee that most people like is the palm sugar milk coffee variant.

10. Hobby and Collection Packages

The tenth Eid gift is a hobby or collection package. As specific items, hobby and collection packages can be your alternative in choosing Eid gifts. However, of course, it must be adjusted first to the wishes of the relatives or friends that you will give.

For example, for your relatives or friends who like to read books, you can give them novels or various types of interesting reading. You can also give them packets of flower or plant seeds, considering that caring for plants is a culture that is quite popular during this pandemic.

11. THR

Everyone likes the latest Eid gifts, namely holiday allowances or commonly known as THR. THR can be said to be the simplest gift, but it can give a significant impression to relatives or friends, especially children or teenagers. THR itself is usually in the form of cash.

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You put your cash in an envelope to make it feel more attractive and polite. However, if you can’t meet, you can also send it through various applications. There are lots of digital wallet services that provide various online money transfer packages specifically for Eid.

B. Kinds of Gifts for Parents

After knowing the various Eid gifts that are suitable to be given to relatives or friends, this section will provide recommendations on the types of Eid gifts that can be given to parents. Eid gifts for parents are certainly different from Eid gifts for adults and children.

So, here are a variety of Eid gifts that are perfect for giving to parents, including:

1. Electronic Magic Pot

The first Eid gift for parents is an electronic magic pot. The electronic magic pot itself is a type of pot that has many benefits, from steaming, boiling, frying, to sautéing. This Eid gift is perfect for making special items for your beloved mother. Electronic magic pots are currently popular, because they have a function that can make it easier for them to cook without the need to replace the pan when cooking.

2. Folding Table

The second Eid gift for parents is a folding table. A folding table can lighten parents’ activities when in bed or on the couch. We know for ourselves that getting older will make the condition of the waist decrease. In everyday life, folding tables will be very useful because they can be used to read the Koran, read books, sew, write, and various other activities. In addition, a folding table can be used practically, so it will greatly relieve any activity that requires sitting for a long time.

3. Wall Shelf

The third Eid gift for parents is a wall shelf. Recalling the popularity of planting practices during the pandemic. Wall shelves are an alternative gift on Eid for parents who like to raise plants. Wall shelves can be used to place plants so that they are more beautiful and beautiful. In addition to being used as a plant holder, the wall shelf can also be used as a storage place for various household furniture so that your parents’ house can be tidier.

4. Precious Metals

Eid gifts for fourth parents are precious metals. Precious metals can be a form of Eid gift that is liked by many people, including parents. Precious metals themselves have a function that can be used as an asset or investment for your parents. Most parents still think that the safest investment assets from inflation are precious metals or gold. By owning precious metals, they can use them when they retire from work. You can also buy a safe so that parents can store their precious metals more safely.

5. Umrah Travel Tickets

The last Eid gift for parents is, of course, Umrah travel tickets. As a Muslim, the happiest holiday is visiting the holy land, Mecca. What’s more for your parents who until now have never visited the holy land. Umrah travel tickets can be one of the most appropriate alternative Eid gifts to parents. Parents can be sure to be very happy if their children can send them to go on an Umrah trip.

Those are various recommendations for Eid gifts that are suitable for you to give to your parents, family, relatives, and friends. Choose Eid gifts that suit your budget and taste. Basically various is one way to get closer to Allah SWT. Therefore, giving gifts should be as much as possible and based on a sense of sincerity.