Paraphrasing: Definition, Types, Purpose, Techniques, and Examples

Paraphrasing is a technique used in writing or arguing. This is very useful for making someone’s writing free from copyright infringement or from plagiarism. Paraphrasing is a re-expression of a speech into another speech without changing its meaning.

Usually, the term paraphrase is used to explain that someone makes a piece of writing from another person’s writing, but in their own language.

Even so, an author who paraphrases may not change the content and meaning of the source. In addition, the author must also continue to write down the main sources of ideas written in the bibliography, even though the text is remade in its own sentences.

In paraphrasing, you also have to find the essence of a text that has been read and find problems with this text first. Texts that can be paraphrased include news text, narrative text, advertising text, and so on. Below is a more complete explanation of paraphrasing that you need to know:

Definition of Paraphrase

Paraphrasing as a term comes from the Latin ” paraphrase ” or Greek (Paraphrasein ), with the same meaning, namely “Additional Ways of Expression”. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), paraphrase or paraphrase is a re-expression of a speech from a level or various languages ​​into another speech without changing the original meaning.

In addition, paraphrasing can also be understood as re-decomposition of a text (composition) in another form (words), with the aim of being able to explain the hidden meaning. Paraphrasing can be regarded as a method used by writers to avoid plagiarism by providing indirect quotations from the original text. What the writer does by using the paraphrasing technique is something that does not violate the law, because the writer will only rewrite the idea in his own words.

The step for paraphrasing is to find the essence of a text that has been read and find various problems in the text. As for a text that can be paraphrased quite a lot, such as narrative text, news text, advertising text, and so on.

Paraphrasing is a technique that can be used both orally and in writing. Oral paraphrasing is a process that expresses the contents of speech orally. Oral paraphrasing technique is then used to practice speaking skills by retelling something in your own language. Meanwhile, paraphrasing is also a process of expressing the contents of speech in writing. This paraphrasing technique in writing itself is done to practice writing skills.

Paraphrasing features

The characteristics of paraphrasing include the following:

  1. Paraphrasing has a language utterance that is different from the original text before it is paraphrased.
  2. Has a language delivery technique that is different from the original source,
  3. The meaning and content of the speech does not change from the original source.

Definition of Paraphrasing According to Experts

Curious about ‘what is paraphrasing’? Let’s find out one by one the meaning of this writing technique according to experts:

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Paraphrasing as a way of expressing what has been written and said by other people using different words so that these words become easier to understand. In other words, quoting that is deliberately done in paraphrasing is a form of citation that uses one’s own words to express the same idea, or is used to maintain the coherence and integrity of the flow of writing.

According to OWL purdue

What is Paraphrasing according to OWL purdue? Paraphrasing is a person’s ability to rewrite other people’s ideas or ideas using their own words to then display them in a new arrangement.

Paraphrasing can also be a legitimate and legal way of borrowing yourself and presenting it in a new form. Paraphrasing according to Owl Purdue is also a more complete and detailed restatement compared to a summary. Paraphrasing itself is valuable because:

  • Paraphrasing is better than citing information and a paragraph or writing that is less prominent
  • Paraphrasing also helps writers control overquoting
  • The mental process required for the success of a paraphrase and assists the writer in fully understanding the meaning of the source text that he will rearrange.
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Indonesia Dictionary

Paraphrasing in KBBI is parsing back a text or essay in another form or arrangement of words with the aim of explaining its hidden meaning. In essence, paraphrasing aims to change or divert a form of language into another form of language without changing the meaning or content of the source text.

Paraphrase Type

Paraphrasing is also divided into several types, including:

1. Equivalent paraphrasing

Equivalent paraphrase is a paraphrase between lingual units that have a very close resemblance in meaning. The term equivalent itself is closely related to the technique used by the translator. In their activities, translators look for similar meanings and meanings that are very close to the original text of the first language. This translator does this without looking at word for word or sentence, but from the whole content and meaning of the translated text.

2. Paraphrase the antonym of the circle

Antonym itself means two words that have different meanings. However, in this paraphrase the antonym has a multilevel opposite nature as well as opposites and opposites.

3. Generic-specific paraphrasing

Generic-specific paraphrasing is an activity to paraphrase lingual units by replacing equivalent words that still have the same synonyms. This can happen because a word has meaning and is symbolized by more than one different symbol.

4. Paraphrase amplification

Amplified paraphrases are lingual repetitions and provide additional information in lingual units in the paraphrase. The addition of this information itself is done by providing detailed information from the sentence to be paraphrased.

5. Paraphrase contractions

Contractual paraphrasing is a type of paraphrasing that is done by reducing information in lingual units. This lingual reduction can be done by abbreviating word units without changing the meaning or the phrase.

6. Paraphrase the summary

A summary paraphrase is a type of paraphrasing by summarizing lingual units with other languages. Paraphrasing is different from summarizing. This is because paraphrasing is a technique of presenting source ideas in your own words, while summarizing is an activity to summarize the author’s focus with the arrangement of sentences according to the idea of ​​the first author.

Purpose of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing has 2 main purposes, namely to avoid plagiarism and to make ideas easier to understand. Explanation of the purpose of paraphrasing is as follows:

1. Avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism as an activity of plagiarizing and violating copyrights, and can be categorized as theft and forgery of other people’s work. Paraphrasing will also prevent the author from practicing plagiarism. By presenting the creator’s idea in your own language, you can be free from plagiarism.

However, of course without changing the content and meaning of the source text. In addition, the author also continues to write down the main sources of ideas that are written in the bibliography, even though this text is reproduced in its own sentences. So, a writer must also enrich the word equivalents and broaden general knowledge in order to be able to develop the contents of the writing by paraphrasing.

2. Ideas are easier to understand

The purpose of the next paraphrase is to make the ideas conveyed easier to understand. Paraphrasing can help redistribute source information in language that is easy for many people to understand. For example, the format of a poem which then presents a lot of complicated dictions can be turned into a narrative using the paraphrasing technique so that the meaning is known later.

Apart from poetry, another example is a novel that can be turned into a drama or film. However, this of course must remain relevant according to the original information. By using the paraphrasing technique, ideas and thoughts can be conveyed properly and more easily understood, even in meetings, conversations, or presentation activities.

Paraphrasing Writing Techniques to Avoid Plagiarism

As explained above, paraphrasing is a legal and legitimate way of using other people’s ideas to create content. However, of course this idea must be developed, so that it becomes unique and interesting content. As mentioned on Purdue’s OWL website , there are six effective writing techniques by paraphrasing, including the following:

  1. Re-read the source text until you really understand the contents of the text first.
  2. Rewrite ideas and ideas in the text using your own words and different grammar.
  3. Make a list of a few words under the paraphrase to help you understand the original text. Write down a few key words that are the theme of the paraphrase.
  4. Make sure that the main idea in a paraphrase is still the same as the original article.
  5. Also use double quotation marks to identify special terms, terminology, or phrases that you previously borrowed from the original text, and which you took are exactly the same as the original text.
  6. Write down sources (including pages) to make it easier for yourself to write down sources or references.
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Paraphrase Example

To make it easier to understand what paraphrasing is, you need to know examples of paraphrasing. Here are some examples of paraphrasing, starting from the level of the sentence to the arrangement of the paragraphs:

Example of Paraphrasing in a Sentence

Original sentence; “A writer must be able to organize a job properly so that he can produce quality articles continuously.”

Paraphrase; “To create quality content, a writer must be able to properly organize the tasks assigned to him.”

Example of Paraphrasing in a Paragraph

Original manuscript:

“Bloggers often overreact in using certain keywords in writing an article. As a result, readers become uncomfortable when they read keywords that are mentioned repeatedly in one article.


“Because too often repeating a keyword in one blogger article, so it can make readers feel uncomfortable when reading what he wrote”

From all the discussion above, it can be said that paraphrasing is a technique for explaining a text taken from a source using one’s own language. Hopefully all the discussion above can be useful for Sinaumed’s.

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