It’s the Ups and Downs of LDR with a Partner, Do You Do The Same?

The Ups and Downs of LDR with a Partner – In an era like this, LDR ( Long Distance Relationship ) or what is often referred to as a long distance relationship is common in any area. Long-distance relationships, be it between cities or even between countries, both provide ups and downs that test loyalty!

The Ups and Downs of LDR with a Partner

Then, what are the joys and sorrows experienced by these LDR fighters? Let’s see!

1. If you miss your partner, it’s hard to meet

Geographical distance is the main barrier that is often encountered by each of these LDR fighters. Whether it’s the distance between cities or between countries, still the distance makes the two people seem to have a partition or boundary between the two.

If both people miss each other, like it or not, they have to endure longing first. If you want to meet , don’t go spontaneously that day, you can meet because the distance you have to travel is not close, so it can take a lot of money and time.

2. Communication is sometimes hindered by busyness and other obstacles

LDR fighters definitely agree with making intense communication the key to their lasting relationship. Currently, with the sophistication of existing technology, communication with partners can be done through social media. Be it via text ( chat ), via telephone, or even via video call .

However, not infrequently this communication can also be hampered by several things, such as each one’s busyness which of course is different. For example, you are missing your partner and then communicating with him, but it turns out that your partner is busy doing his work so that communication between the two parties does not go smoothly. It could have happened the other way around.

Another obstacle that occurs in partner communication is the signal. If you or your partner are in an area that rarely has a network signal, it will definitely disrupt the communication process.

3. Getting bored quickly with a partner

LDR couples are always faced with a breakup that causes them to separate. Why? Because LDR couples usually feel bored with their partners because they rarely meet face to face or meet.

Saturation and boredom can indeed happen to all couples, not just LDR couples. However, the many experiences of former LDR fighters say that the long-distance relationship they experience can actually cause boredom in partners so that in the end they decide to separate.

4. Become more possessive to your partner

After communication between the two is hampered, surely you or your partner may feel suspicious. Negative questions arise that fill our minds like “Why isn’t he picking up my phone, is he cheating on me?”

The emergence of negative thinking in the minds of LDR fighters unconsciously causes a feeling of possessiveness and suspicion towards partners. This can happen because we don’t know what our partners are doing there.

There are even some couples who are obliged to provide a “report” about what their activities are today, with whom they are going, where they are going at this time, to their partner. This is actually not just news, but instead a report that seems to be done. If not, it is likely that our partner will be angry and increase suspicion.

5. Become easily angry with your partner

After the appearance of suspicion and possessiveness towards your partner due to blocked communication, you or your partner may become annoyed and then angry. Getting angry with your partner and then blaming them for not responding quickly to your messages, for example, can actually make matters worse.

Even though it is not certain that the negative thinking that is passing through your mind is reality. Lower your ego a little to apologize to your partner for your suspicions and possessiveness…

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6. Being jealous of other couples

While on the way to campus or work, for example, we meet another couple who are making love together. You will definitely feel jealous and think “Why can they be together like that while me and my partner are so far away like this?”

Such thoughts are commonly encountered by LDR fighters. Jealousy of other people does not only apply to aspects of luxury or intelligence, but can also occur in the harmony of other couples.

7. Chance of temptation to have an affair is greater

You must have often encountered stories from LDR fighters who were forced to end their relationship because their partners were caught having an affair. For that matter, it really depends on each individual. Not all LDR fighters will be confronted with stories of infidelity because in fact there are many LDR fighters who are still loyal to their partners.

However, why is it that the average LDR fighter ends the relationship because of an affair problem. The simple answer is, because we don’t know what your partner was doing there, so the opportunity to play with fire behind your back could have happened because you weren’t clearly caught.

8. There is no fee for meeting agendas

In the previous point, the obstacles that are often encountered by LDR fighters in communicating are busy times and network signals. However, it turns out that financial problems can also be a frightening specter in fighting for this long-distance relationship.

This can happen if you or your partner are in an unstable financial condition. For example, you and your partner are both not well-off and are working for a salary that is not too high. Meanwhile, the geographical distance between you and your partner is quite far. When using public transportation and back and forth, it costs a lot. Of course that’s an obstacle not in your meeting agenda with your partner?

Then, how do we outsmart this? The answer is saving. Set an agenda to meet with your partner, for example every three or four months. So that your love and financial life can be equally lasting and not burden you completely.

9. Can’t be with your partner all the time

Because of the distance, of course, these LDR fighters cannot be with their partners every time and every day. It’s sometimes difficult to just meet because there are always obstacles, let alone being together all the time.

As the name implies, namely a long distance relationship, the process of the relationship is remotely and not close.

10. The possibility of breaking up is greater

Actually, the chance of breaking up can happen to every couple, not only to LDR fighters. This depends on the loyalty that you and your partner have. If you and your partner have a big commitment to be loyal to each other so that you can continue to a more serious level, of course the word ” breaking up ” will not appear from both sides.

It does not rule out the possibility that LDR fighters can be lasting and durable. However, there are many cases that are often encountered today regarding LDR fighters who have to let their relationship end because of distance.

Feelings of boredom, suspicion, and not being able to endure such homesickness are common causes of breakups between these long-distance relationship partners. Maybe for some people, this LDR can be a spice in a romance story, but for some other people, this LDR can be a frightening specter that can be avoided as much as possible.

The Positive Impact of LDR Relationships

In any discussion, LDR is often considered a frightening specter for every couple. This is because more grief is experienced as a result of the LDR process. Even though it turns out, there are also many aspects of liking that are obtained from this LDR process! What are the positive effects that can be obtained from a long distance relationship? Let’s see!

1. Become a more frugal figure

LDR warriors, have you ever realized that the long-distance relationship you have made can make you a much more economical person than before?

Of course yes!

I wonder why? Because for LDR couples, meeting is rare, so expenses for dating with a partner are reduced. Then, what should we use the money for the date for?

The answer is yes use it to save! By saving, you will unconsciously help you when you are in a difficult situation, later. Saving to go to a more serious level is also possible.

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2. Become an independent person

In general, young couples often do any activity together with their partners. However, what about LDR fighters who are even difficult to meet?

So, don’t worry for you LDR fighters, because it turns out that the long-distance relationship that you are doing will actually have a lot of positive impacts. One of them is to make you and your partner as individuals who are more independent than before.

You can do your daily activities by yourself. Don’t be afraid to travel and do your own activities, because it’s even more fun ! You can do assignments in the library alone which can make you more focused. You can also invite your friends to help decorate your room and so on.

Anyway, from this long distance relationship you can be someone who doesn’t depend on other people (including your partner) and you can do your own quality time !

3. More can appreciate the time

When the scheduled meeting with your partner is carried out, don’t be busy playing on your cellphone. You and your partner can exchange stories about each other’s busy lives, solve problems that occurred in the past, chat about random things , joke, take pictures together, and more.

When you can finally meet your partner after being separated by distance and time, you have to appreciate that the time you have to meet each other is not long. After that, you and your partner will return to their respective activities as before.

Therefore, make the best use of the time you have so that the quality time spent feels more romantic.

4. Can process into a better version

LDR usually occurs for certain reasons, such as work or education reasons. If you and your partner are separated for the same reason, namely education, then you and your partner can process to become better versions.

How to? Namely by developing the potential and talents of each, both you and your partner. You and your partner must have dreams and goals that are certainly not the same. For example, you have a dream to be the author of a book while your partner wants to be a graphic designer.

Well, you and your partner can focus on developing yourself through these dreams. Motivate yourself and your partner that one day these dreams will definitely come true. For example, by thinking that one day you and your partner can create a children’s story book by having you as the writer and your partner as the graphic designer .

5. Practicing trust in partners

In dealing with the opposite sex, trust is the key to a lasting relationship. You and your partner have to trust each other, huh…

You have to believe that your partner will be loyal and will not betray you, and vice versa. This trust must be built slowly. Throw away the negative thinking that often goes around in your brain.

But remember, if you have been given complete trust by your partner, don’t betray that trust!

6. Focus more on doing something

When you are busy, for example, busy doing assignments, tell your partner that you can’t be bothered for a moment so that the task is completed. After that, you will definitely feel “calm” and focused when doing something.

Do not underestimate the focus in the process of doing something. If you focus and concentrate when doing something, whether it’s a college assignment or office assignment, the results will definitely be maximal and much better.

Remember the previous point, even though you and your partner are in a long distance relationship, it will not dampen the process of developing yourself and your partner.

7. Wise time management

When doing LDR or long-distance relationships, communication between you and your partner is only through social media. Therefore, you can focus more on activities. In addition, you will also be smart in managing the time between busyness and communicating with your partner.

For example, set a time to communicate with your partner during the day right at rest and at night at 19.00. Outside of that time, you can use it to develop yourself, study, do homework, and so on.

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Well, those are the ups and downs that are often obtained from this long distance relationship or LDR. Whether it’s LDR or not, remember that the key to the longevity of a relationship is communication. Don’t hesitate to say sorry if you did make a mistake.

The spirit of the LDR fighters!