Grave Pilgrimage Prayers Along with Their Adab and Practices

Prayers for Pilgrimage of Graves Along with Their Adab and Practices – Grave pilgrimage is a hereditary tradition carried out by living relatives to visit the graves of deceased relatives. Usually the grave pilgrimage is done once a week. Even before the month of Ramadan, people are busy making pilgrimages to the graves of their relatives.

Generally for people who embrace Islam, they make pilgrimages to pray for and remember relatives who have died, as well as to meditate on the wisdom of death.

Visiting graves in Islam is a sunnah practice and can be done for those who have deceased relatives, especially their own parents. In visiting graves, Islam teaches that we must respect those who have died. Even grave pilgrimages are also carried out so that Muslims remember death.

Initially the Prophet SAW. forbade his people to make pilgrimages to graves because the Apostle was worried that there would be people who, instead of praying for relatives who died, asked for help from people who had died. This can be said to be shirk, which is an act that associates partners with Allah SWT.

This ebook is a guide if you want to make pilgrimages to the Holy Land during the Hajj and Umrah services.

However, after that the pilgrimage to the graves was allowed to return, and was made a Shari’a for Muslims so that these pilgrims remember that life in this world is not eternal and they must always remember the coming of the Last Day. The matter of prohibition and re-licensing regarding grave visits is in accordance with the words of Rasulullah SAW. from HR. Muslim which reads:

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَدْ كُنْتُ نَهَيْتُكُمْ عَنْ زِيَارَةِ الْقُبُورِ فَقَدْ أُذِنَ لِمُحَمَّدٍ فِي زِيَارَةِ قَبْرِ أُمِّهِ فَزُورُوهَا فَإِنَّهَا تُذَكِّرُ الْآخِرَةَ

Meaning: “In fact, before I forbade you to visit the graves, now make a pilgrimage to the graves because it will remind you of the afterlife and will add good to you by visiting it. Whoever wants to make a pilgrimage, do it and don’t say rain (blasphemy).” (HR. Muslim).

Grave Pilgrimage Prayer

The purpose of the pilgrimage is to pray for relatives who have died. This prayer is of course specifically for those who have died. The following is a grave pilgrimage prayer.

A’udzubillahi minasyaithaanir rajim. Bismillahirrahmannirrahim.

Alhamdullilahi rabbil ‘alamin, hamdan syakiriin, hamdannaa’imiin, hamdan yuwaafiini’amahu wayukaafii mazidah, yaa rabbanaa lakal hamdu kamaa yanbaghi ​​lijalali wajhika wa’adzimi sultanik, allahumma shaalli wasalim ‘ala sayyidina muhammad wa’ala alii sayyidina muhammad.

Allah humma taqabal wa ausil sawaaaba maa qara, nahu minal qur’anil ‘adzim, wa maa halalna wa maa sabahna wamastaghfarnaa wamaa shalaina ‘atsayyidina muhammad sallallahu’alaihi wasallam, hadiyatan wasilatan, warahmatan najilatan wa barakatan samilatan ilaa hadarati habibina wasafi’ina waqurati a ‘ayuninaa sayyidina wamaulanaa muhammadin sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, wa ila jami’ii ikhwanihi minal anbiyaai walmursaliina wal auliyaai, wassuhadai, wassalihina, wassahabati wattabi’ina wal’ulamail ‘alimina wal mushannafiinal mukhlisiina wa jami’il mujaa-hidiina fi sabilillahi rabbil’ alamin, wal angelil muqarrabinaspecialhan ila sayyidina syih abdul qadir zailanii.

Summa ilaa jami’i expertl qubur, minal muslimiina wal muslimati, wal mu miniina wal mu minaati, min masaarikil ardhi ila magaaribiha barriha Rompirihaspecialhan ila aabaaina wa ummahaa tiinaa, wa ummahaa tiinaa, wa ajdaadina, wanakhussuspecialhan manijtam’anaa hahunaa bisababihi waliajlihi.

Allah hummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa’afihi wa’fu anhu wa akrim nujulahu wawasi’ madhalahu, waghsilhu bilmai wassalji wal baradi wanaqihi minal khataaya, kama yunaqqa saubul abyadu minaddannasi wa abdilhu, darran khairan min daarihi wa ahlan khairan min jasahi wa jaujan khairan min jauzihi wa adhilhul jannata wa ‘aidhu min ‘adzabil qabri wa fitnatihi wa min ‘adzabinnar, allohhumaghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina wa sahhidiina wa ghaniina washagiirana wa kaabirana wadakirona wa ansana, allahumma man ahyaitahu minna fa ahyihi ‘alal islami wa man tawafaitahu minna fatawafahu alal iiman allahumma la tuhrimna azrahu wa laa tudillanaa ba’dahu birahmatikayaa arhamaraahimiin, wal hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin.

Meaning: “I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the ruler of the universe, as people who are grateful and people who get much pleasure praise Him. With commensurate praise and favors and allows the increase. O our God, praise is only for You, as is worthy of the glory of Your substance and Your majesty and power. O Allah, bestow peace and safety on the Prophet Muhammad and his family.

O Allah, accept and convey the reward of the Al-Quran that we read, our tahlil, our tasbih, our forgiveness and our salutations to the Prophet Muhammad as a gift that becomes a connection. As a mercy that descends and as a blessing that spreads to our lovers, our helpers and our children, our leaders and leaders, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW, also to all his friends from among the Prophets and Apostles, saints, martyrs, pious people, friends, tabiin, scholars who practice their knowledge, sincere writers and people who strive in the way of Allah the Lord of the worlds, as well as angels who always worship, especially addressed to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani.

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Then to all the inhabitants of the graves, male and female Muslims, male and female believers, from the eastern and western hemispheres, at sea and on land, especially to our fathers and mothers, grandfathers and our grandmothers, especially the people who brought us together here.

O Allah, have mercy, have mercy, deliver and deliver him. Exalt his abode and enlarge it. Ennoble his abode, broaden his entry, wash him in clear and cool water. Cleanse him from all mistakes like a white shirt that is clean from dirt, and replace his house with a better home than the one he left behind, and a better family than the one he left behind, and a better husband/wife than the one he left behind anyway. Enter him into heaven and protect him from the torment of the grave and his slander and the torment of hell fire. O Allah, forgive those of us who are still alive and those of us who have died, those of us who are present, those of us who are unseen, those of us who are small, those of us who are adults, those of us who are male or female. O Allah whoever You revived from us, then revive it in a state of faith. O Allah, do not prevent us from being rewarded for doing good deeds to him. and do not mislead us after his legacy by obtaining Your mercy, the Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.”

Adab in Grave Pilgrimage

In visiting the graves of relatives or what is called a pilgrimage, of course there are manners that we must do when making a pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is the same as visiting, where guests should have manners, not to make the owner of the house feel disturbed. Moreover, the cemetery is a resting place for humans who have died, we must respect it. Here are the manners in visiting the graves.

1. Ablution Before Pilgrimage

Like when you want to worship, you also have to perform ablution before you enter the cemetery where your relatives rest. This is because during the pilgrimage we will read the Koran, and recite prayers for relatives who have died.

In reading prayers and the Koran, of course, we are required to perform ablution so that our bodies are far from large and small hadas to maintain purity. Chastity is the main thing that we apply before doing things that lead to religion.

2. Greetings

Cemeteries are also residences for those who have died. Every cemetery is also certainly guarded by angels. As religious beings, of course we have manners when entering other people’s homes, including cemeteries. To enter the cemetery, of course, we have to say hello to the occupants of the tomb. Greetings for visiting the graves are as follows:


Assalamu’alaìkum dara qaumìn mu’mìnîn wa atakum ma tu’adun ghadan mu’ajjalun, wa ìnna ìnsya-Allahu bìkum lahìqun.

Meaning: ” Assalamualaikum, O place where the believers live. The promise of Allah has come to you which was postponed tomorrow, and we, God willing, will follow you.”

3. Facing Qibla

When we make a pilgrimage to the graves of relatives, of course we pray for them so that they will be accepted by Allah and widen their graves, we also recite short surahs in the Koran, and recite tasbih, tahmid, takbir, and also remembrance. Therefore, it was passed by Rasulullah SAW that when praying we must face the Qibla.

This Ebook of Prayers and Remembrance of Makbul is here because our bond with Allah can be strengthened through the right prayers that are said with sincerity and full of hope. There is also a complete guide to performing istisqa prayers, occult prayers, and eclipse prayers, as well as examples of speeches in Arabic. Anyone can use this book as a reference material, both for personal use and community activities.

4. Reading Pilgrimage Prayers

After making dhikr, reading tasbih, tahmid, and also tahmid, you can read a special pilgrimage prayer for your deceased relatives. This prayer broadly asks God to forgive the sins of the deceased, widen his grave, and enter heaven. The pilgrimage prayer has been included at the beginning of this article.

5. Reading Short Letters

After finishing reading the pilgrimage prayer, it is continued by reading short letters in the Al-Quran. The short letters include, Al-Fatihah, An-Naas, Al-Falaq, and Al-Ikhlas.

The reading of these short letters begins with the letter Al-Fatihah, this is because Al-Fatihah is the opening letter. After reading Al-Fatihah, then read the short letters as mentioned. Then, after reading short letters, Rasulullah SAW. taught that after finishing reading the letter for the deceased, it should be closed with Al-Fatihah again.

It should be noted that reading short letters when visiting graves will make reading these letters a reward for the deceased to whom the letter is read.

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The hadith reading this short letter has been narrated by Al-Mawarzi from Rahmad bin Hanbal who said that:

“When you enter the garden of the grave (cemetery) then read Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Ikhlas and Al-Muawwidzatain (Al-Falaq and An-Naas). Make the reward for the bodies of the graves, because the reward actually reaches them.

6. Don’t Sit or Step on Graves

If you have done all the customs and traditions of visiting the graves by reciting prayers for deceased relatives, then we also need to have manners to respect the last house or resting place for deceased relatives.

The way to respect it is not to occupy or step on the graves around you. Watch your step carefully when visiting the tomb. Do not even step over the grave, because that is also considered impolite. We must always honor and respect the dead.

This is in accordance with the hadith of Rasulullah SAW which states that:

“Do not pray (pray) to the grave, and do not sit on it.” (HR. Muslim).

7. Don’t Say Impolite

Rude and impolite words should be avoided wherever we are. We must respect the environment around us by speaking kindly. Just like when we go on a pilgrimage, as guests, of course we have to say something polite and avoid saying something that is not polite and rude. This has been explained by Imam Al-Nawawi that, it is not good if in a funeral you say something that is vanity or impolite.

8. Don’t overdo it

Excessive behavior is not justified in Islamic teachings. Just like when we make a pilgrimage to a tomb, we shouldn’t overdo it. This is because the cemetery is a place to perform rituals such as praying for the dead, reciting the prayers for the dead, and also glorifying them so that all these activities will be a reward for those who have died.

Visiting graves should be used to increase your faith because you will also remember death. If you overdo it you will worry if you cause things outside the pilgrimage rules and become sins.

Practice in Pilgrimage

In addition to adab, there are also some practices that must be applied when we make a pilgrimage to the graveyard. Here are some practices in pilgrimage.

1. Planting Flowers, Pebbles, and Plants, and Watering

Such practice was narrated in a hadi from Ja’far and his father said that, “Indeed the Prophet Muhammad sprinkled water on the grave of his son Ibrahim and, he also put pebbles on it.” (Narrated by Baihaqi).

This hadith means that the Prophet Muhammad sprinkled water and placed pebbles on the grave of his son, namely Ibrahim. Because of the Apostle’s treatment, his people followed what the Apostle had done. However, some scholars also forbade it, because they thought that only the Prophet could do this.

2. Remembering Death

Abu Hurairah said that Rasulullah SAW. once said:

“Make a pilgrimage to the graves, because in fact it can remind you of the afterlife.” (Narrated by Ibn Majah).

In this hadith it is explained that pilgrimage has a purpose to remind us of the coming of death and life in the afterlife. With this in mind, of course we can be motivated to prepare good deeds before the day of death and the afterlife arrives.

This kind of thing is allowed in religion. This world is only temporary, we must prepare good deeds for our provisions on the Day of Resurrection. Because intelligent people are people who remember about death.

3. Motivation to Increase Good Deeds

As in the practice of remembering death, the motivation to increase good deeds is also one of the things that can be remembered when we are on a pilgrimage to the cemetery. Rasulullah SAW. has taught us about the good deeds that we must fulfill as provisions for the last day.

Rasulullah SAW. also teaches about sunnah practices that we can do to add to our good deeds. One of them is pilgrimage. Pilgrimage certainly can provide blessings for both parties. Both pilgrims and those who are visited will both receive rewards from Allah SWT.

This book contains an explanation of light acts of worship, but the value and reward are enormous. These light practices, God willing, can solve various kinds of problems and our problems.

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Sinaumed’s, such is the explanation regarding the prayers for visiting the graves along with the manners and practices that must be applied when we are on a pilgrimage. Surely you have also visited the graves of relatives, right? If you haven’t memorized the prayers, you can memorize them from this article.

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