Example of official note with functions and parts

Example of official note – Every government office must send letters to each other. Either for cooperation or notification. These letters are included in official letters. This is due to the existence of letterhead, standard grammar, writing format according to Indonesian spelling, and a number of other official letter features.

One of the official letters that are often issued by government institutions or agencies is a letter note. This relates to notifications, instructions, and internal reminders for the company. Then, what exactly is meant by official notes? Works for what? To answer these questions, Sinaumed’s can listen to the presentation below.

Definition and Variety of Official Letters

Official letters in the practice of state administrative law are management arrangements for administering official correspondence carried out by government agencies in the context of carrying out general government and development tasks. Correspondence activities are important in supporting the implementation of the main tasks of the organization.

Therefore, official letters must be regulated properly and precisely so that they will increase efficiency, effectiveness, and government installations. Official letters are regulated in article 1 paragraph 1 of Law no. 55 of 2010 concerning Service Administration within the Ministry of Home Affairs.

In this paragraph it is stated that official documents are written information as an official communication tool made and or issued by authorized officials within the Ministry of Home Affairs. The types of official letters within the Ministry of Home Affairs are as follows.

  1. Circular Letter is an official document that contains notifications, explanations and/or instructions on how to carry out certain things that are considered important and urgent.
  2. Ordinary Letter is an official document containing notifications, questions, requests for answers or suggestions and so on.
  3. Certificate is an official document containing a written statement from an official as proof to explain or explain the truth of something.
  4. Assignment Letter is an official document from superiors addressed to subordinates containing orders to carry out work in accordance with their duties and functions.
  5. An Order is an official document from a superior addressed to a subordinate containing an order to carry out a certain job.
  6. Permit is an official document containing approval for an application issued by an authorized official.
  7. Agreement is an official document that contains a mutual agreement between two or more parties to carry out a mutually agreed action or legal action.
  8. Official Travel Order is an official document from an authorized official to a subordinate or certain official to carry out a business trip.
  9. Power of Attorney is an official document from an authorized official to a subordinate containing authorization on his behalf to carry out certain actions within the framework of his official duties.
  10. Invitation Letter is an official document from the authorized official containing an invitation to the said official/employee at the destination address to attend an official event
  11. Statement of Carrying out Duties is an official document from an authorized official containing a statement that an employee has carried out his duties.
  12. A summons is an official document from an authorized official containing a summons to an employee for an appearance.
  13. Official Memorandum is an internal official document containing official communications between officials or from superiors to subordinates and from subordinates to superiors.
  14. Official Document Concept Submission Note is an official document to convey the concept of official document to superiors.
  15. Disposition Sheet is an official document from an authorized official containing written instructions to subordinates.
  16. Staff reviews are official documents from subordinates to superiors, including analysis of considerations, opinions and suggestions in a systematic manner.
  17. Announcement is an official document from an authorized official containing a general notification.
  18. Reports are official documents from subordinates to superiors containing information and accountability regarding the implementation of official duties.
  19. Recommendations are official documents from authorized officials containing information or notes on matters that can be used as official considerations.
  20. Cover Letter is an official document containing the type and amount of goods that serves as a receipt.
  21. Telegrams/wire letters/Radiograms are official documents from authorized officials containing certain matters sent via electronic telecommunications.

To find out more about official letters, Sinaumed’s can read the book Preparing and Signing Official Documents. Sinaumed’s can get one by clicking on the cover or the “buy now” column below.

A Glimpse of Service Notes

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), official memorandum is defined as an internal communication tool between organizational unit officials which contains or contains notifications, requests, explanations, reports, and so on; official letter concerned with the organization or agency.

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As for the Regulation of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2018, official notes are internal official documents made by officials in carrying out their duties and functions within ANRI, which are made and signed by authorized officials based on their scope of functions, duties, authorities and responsibilities namely the Head of ANRI, middle high leadership, pratama high leadership, administrators and supervisors.

Official notes contain matters that are regular in nature, in the form of concise notes that do not require a long explanation. Also, it can be directly answered by the intended higher-ups.

Usually, official memorandums are used as a means of providing information, reminder messages, or messages containing instructions with short, concise, and clear contents so that communication will be established more easily.

The purpose of the official memorandum is for communication facilities used in the communication process between one official and another official who assigns tasks and responsibilities. To find out more about the use of official notes. Sinaumed’s can listen to the following explanation regarding official notes.

  • Used as information containing about commands or instructions.
  • As a reminder message for related agencies because it can function as a letter archive.
  • As evidence on the note because it has contents in the form of an agreement.
  • Official notes are used as guidelines relating to orders in carrying out a job.

Office Note Function

Official notes are usually used in organizations, agencies, or government offices. Launching from the Linovhr.com page, the function of an official note is as follows.

1. Convey Information

Information is one important and main thing in communication. Official notes as a conduit of information must be written in a concise, concise and clear manner. Thus, it is easy to understand and conducive and sustainable communication is achieved.

2. Reminder

Official notes are usually included in the important files of a company or organization. When tracking is done to find out what activities have occurred in an internal organization, company, or institution, it can be done easily.

Documents that are archived properly can be a guide for those who need them. By archiving official memorandums, the image of the company, organization or government agency will appear credible in maintaining confidential matters.

3. Evidence

The work note contains the names, dates, and details of which parties to provide a copy of. This makes it easier if validation is needed, the work note can be used as evidence.

4. Work Guidelines

Official notes can contain guidelines or work instructions for doing something. This certainly makes it easier for the party receiving the note to know and understand the things that must be done and the expectations that must be met. This will make it easier for the parties concerned to carry out work according to targets and deadlines.

5. Granting of Permits

Official note also functions as a permit giver to certain parties. Permits are in the form of permission to make decisions, permission to take certain actions, and so on. The permit can be used as an effective performance implementation.

6. Proof of Progress

Official notes can be evidence if an organization, government office, or company has developed and developed. This can be seen from the contents of official notes from time to time.

7. Giving Instructions

Instructions help employees to determine steps to match the expectations of the company. An instruction is usually given by an official or authority holder to another part of the internal organization or company. Giving instructions is also included in the form of delegating tasks within the company.

In compiling a letter,  Microsoft Word skills are needed. Sinaumed’s can learn about this by reading and practicing it directly. One book that can support the learning process is the book Correspondence With Microsoft Word XP. Sinaumed’s can get one by clicking on the book cover or the “buy now” column below.

Office Note Sections

Writing official notes must pay attention to Indonesian grammar, standard words, effective sentences, and Indonesian spelling. These things must be written with good and correct spelling. Not only about the rules of writing, but also about the content.

The contents of the official memorandum must be written by considering the convenience of the reader in understanding the contents of the letter. The following are parts of the official memorandum listed in the Republic of Indonesia National Archives Regulation Number 7 of 2018 articles 68-72. The following are the provisions for writing official notes in accordance with these regulations.

1. Head of Service Notes

The head of the official note consists of the following elements.

  • Official Note Heading consists of the words “National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia” and the name of the work unit, written in capital letters symmetrically at the top center;
  • The word “Service Note” is written in capital letters symmetrically;
  • Furthermore, the word “number” is written in capital letters symmetrically;
  • The word “yth.” written with an initial capital letter followed by a colon (:); And
  • The word “thing” is written with an initial capital letter followed by a colon (:).
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2. Official note body

The body of the Official Note consists of brief, concise and clear opening, body and closing paragraphs. The opening paragraph contains a description of the ideas from the sender of the official note in proper and correct language according to the EYD so that the recipient of the official note can understand, study, and accept or reject it.

Next is the content paragraph containing several sections, namely discussion, opinion, and recommendations. The discussion contains the basic considerations, the background for making official notes, and also contains data, facts, analysis, and also the causes and effects that arise afterward. Then Opinions contain thoughts or responses about a matter, and can be a way or problem solving that can be done. And recommendations contain descriptions of recommendations, suggestions, and proposed actions that need to be taken.

And the last part of the body is the closing paragraph, which contains a short, concise and clear closing sentence.

3. Leg Section

The foot part of the official note consists of the following aspects.

  • Name of place, date, month and year the official note was made;
  • Position name written with an initial capital letter and ends with a comma (;);
  • Official signature;
  • The full name of the official without a title written in capital letters at the beginning of each word; And
  • Copies (if necessary), are on the lower left side of the margin and followed by a colon (:).

Matters to Pay Attention to in Service Notes

When making an official memorandum, there are several things that must be considered in writing it. Official notes are made with statutory references. Here are some things to pay attention to when preparing official memorandums.

  • The official note is not affixed with the ANRI official stamp;
  • Copies of official notes are addressed to officials within ANRI’s internal environment;
  • Official note numbering is done by including the archive classification code, official note number, and the year the official note was made;
  • The numbering of official notes is done separately from the numbering of outgoing letters and each official makes an official note number;
  • Official notes can only be made by an official one level below to a superior;
  • Official notes made by officials two levels below them, made by daily executors and must be accompanied by a copy to the official who gave the order to become Acting Act; And
  • The official note that is sent is an official note that is not affixed with corrective initials.

Apart from official letters and official memorandums, there are still many types of letters. One of them is a letter in the world of commerce. Sinaumed’s can learn about the letter by reading the book Strategies for Success in Mastering Business Correspondence and Agreements. The book can be obtained by clicking on the book cover or the “buy now” column below.

Example of official note

To understand more deeply about official notes, Sinaumed’s can see some of the examples below which have been summarized from various sources on the internet.




Jalan Bhayangkara No. 457 tel (046) 974662



Number : 99/ND-101/VII/2018

Dear : Head of Public Relations Department of Education and Culture

From: Head of Education and Culture Office

Date : 30 July 2018

Characteristics: Important

Attachment : –

Subject: Business trip to pay a visit to the Ministry of Education and Culture as a representative for outreach and counseling on the latest educational curriculum.

In order to provide counseling and outreach about the new curriculum in the education system, it is to provide an explanation and provide detailed information regarding the systematics of the latest curriculum. Because of this, counseling will be held on:

Day, date : Saturday, August 2 2018

Time : 07.00 – Finish

Place : Ministry of Education and Culture Jakarta

As for this matter, we ask the Head of the Public Relations Section of the Education and Culture Office as a representative to be able to attend this socialization event, for travel and accommodation costs which are already the responsibility of administrative affairs.

Thus I convey this official note, for your attention, I thank you.

Head of Education and Culture Office

Padang city

Dr. Sutrisno, S.Pd, MM

NIP 98726539923

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