difference between cookies and session in php

Understanding the Differences Between Cookies and Sessions in PHP

When working with PHP, you may come across the terms “cookies” and “sessions” quite frequently. While they might seem similar at first, they are two distinct mechanisms that serve different purposes when it comes to managing user data in web applications.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on a user’s computer or mobile device when they visit a website. They are commonly used to store user preferences, track user behavior, and remember login details. Cookies are sent back and forth between the web server and the client’s browser, and they can be either persistent or non-persistent.

Persistent cookies can remain on the user’s device for an extended period, even after they close their browser, while non-persistent cookies are deleted once the user closes their browser. Cookies can also be set to expire after a specific time or when the user logs out of the website.

Although cookies can store user data, they are not secure and can be susceptible to different forms of attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF), which can compromise user privacy.

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What are Sessions?

Sessions, like cookies, allow you to store user data, but they work differently. Unlike cookies, sessions store data on the server-side instead of the client-side, which means that they are more secure than cookies.

When a user logs in to a website, for example, a unique session ID is created, and any data associated with that user, such as their username and password, is stored on the server-side. The session ID is then stored as a cookie on the user’s device, which allows the server to identify the user’s session on each subsequent request.

Sessions are based on cookies, but they are more secure because the user’s sensitive data is not stored locally. Moreover, sessions are automatically destroyed when the user logs out, making them an excellent option for managing user data that needs to be kept secure.


In conclusion, while cookies and sessions have similar functions, they are fundamentally different in how they store and manage user data. Cookies are used for storing small amounts of information on the client-side, while sessions are used for storing sensitive data on the server-side. Both are essential tools in web application development, so it’s crucial to understand their differences and use them properly to enhance your website’s functionality and security.

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Table difference between cookies and session in php

Feature Cookies Sessions
Location of data storage Client side (browser) Server side
Expiration time Determined by the developer during creation Determined by the server and can be customized
Data security Less secure than sessions as data is stored at the client side and can be manipulated by the user More secure than cookies as data is stored at the server side and not easily accessible by the user
Data capacity Can store limited data (typically up to 4KB) Can store larger amount of data (usually around 8KB to 128KB or more)
Usage Used for storing non-sensitive information like user preferences or shopping cart items Used for storing sensitive information like user credentials or user-specific data