Concepts, How to Create, and Examples of Thesis Abstracts

Example of Thesis Abstract – Every student must write a thesis as a graduation requirement. If they don’t write a thesis, students usually make a final assignment (TA). The assignment is usually carried out through research with either quantitative or qualitative data.

Undergraduate thesis is usually started by students in grades three or four. And the maximum pass for the S1 level is 14 semesters. Students have to work hard with journal articles, books, laboratories, or other research objects. It is not uncommon for students to experience stress or deadlock in writing their thesis.

So, what exactly is a script? How to make? The following is an explanation of the thesis that has been summarized from various pages on the internet.

Thesis Concept and Objectives

Thesis is a term used in Indonesia to describe scientific writing as a result of undergraduate research. In the thesis there is a complete discussion of certain problems or phenomena by following the procedures for writing thesis in accordance with applicable regulations.

Launching from the page, the purpose of writing a thesis is to demand that students think logically in describing and solving a problem. As well as being able to write down the results of his thoughts in the form of a structured and systematic thesis report.

In general, the stages of thesis are through understanding a problem, conducting research, analyzing, obtaining research results, and compiling them in the form of a report. These steps must be carried out sequentially. Can’t jump over each other.

Not only that, thesis writing is also used as a requirement for obtaining a bachelor’s degree at every tertiary institution. Both state universities (PTN) and private universities in Indonesia.

Not only that, the thesis is made to present the results of scientific research findings. The aim is to develop knowledge and/or practical interests in state administration and communication. Launching from the page, the thesis has the following characteristics.

  • It is a scientific work so that a scientific method is needed in its research.
  • Written reports from the results of student research on one aspect of community life and living things.
  • The research results are reviewed based on phenomena that exist in society and are relevant to previous studies.
  • In the field of education, this scientific work is aimed at exploring and solving educational problems.
  • In the non-educational field, this scientific work is aimed at solving scientific problems in accordance with the field of student study programs.
  • Written in good and correct Indonesian, based on research results and field observations.


Types of Thesis

Thesis is the final scientific work and is a requirement for student graduation. Students must determine the type of research method so that they can make the right design. The following are the types of theses that have been summarized from the page.

1. Thesis Based on Research Methods

Types of thesis based on research methods have been grouped into two types, namely qualitative and quantitative thesis. Launching from the page, the following is an explanation of the two methods.

  • Quantitative Thesis

Quantitative thesis is a type of thesis in which data collection and research methods use questionnaires or survey results. The results obtained will be processed with software, for example Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Minita, MatLab, and so on.

  • Qualitative Thesis

The thesis with a qualitative model uses data collection methods and research by conducting interviews or field observations. Working on this thesis method requires quite a long time because of the demands for detailed and in-depth analysis.

2. Thesis Based on Literature Review

The thesis that uses the literature review model is a study that contains discussion of a topic or a problem that is carried out to solve problems critically and in depth towards library materials that are aligned or relevant to the research topic.

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3. Thesis Based on Field Research Results

Scientific work based on the results of field research is a type of research method that refers to data collection in the field.

4. Thesis Based on Development Results

Thesis based on development results is a design activity in solving a problem that exists in the field applying relevant research concepts, theories and principles.

Thesis Elements

In general, the elements of the thesis can be grouped into three, namely the initial part of the thesis, the main part of the thesis, and the final part of the thesis. The following is an explanation of the elements of the thesis.

1. The Beginning of Thesis

Launching from the page, the initial part of the thesis consists of the following sections.

  • Outer Cover

The outer cover is the thesis cover which is located on the front. The cover usually contains the title, thesis writing, the student’s name and NIK, the university logo, the name of the department, the name of the university, the month and year of graduation. All text on the outer cover must be arranged symmetrically and written in capital letters.

  • Inside Cover

The inner cover is located on the inside after the outer cover. The cover contains the title, thesis writing, the purpose of writing the thesis, the student’s name and identification number, the name of the department, the name of the university, the month and year of graduation.

  • Advisory Approval

The supervisor’s approval is a sign of the supervisor’s approval of the contents of the manuscript that has been prepared by the student. The page states that the manuscript has been reviewed and approved by the supervisor and meets the requirements to conduct a trial session.

  • Approval of the Examiner Team

After students face exams and are declared passed as a scholar. Then the examiner team will give a signature as a form of validation on the thesis that has been made. The signature will be given on the test team’s validation page.

  • Foreword

In the preface, students are given the opportunity to thank God, supervisors, parents, friends, and other parties who accompany and assist in the preparation of the thesis.

  • List of contents

The table of contents is arranged as a navigation or description of the contents in a thesis. It usually contains chapter titles, sub-chapter titles, sub-chapter titles, and page numbers.

  • List of Tables

The table list contains information on table numbers, table titles, and page numbers. Table titles cannot be abbreviated and must be written in accordance with the table titles in the thesis text. Meanwhile, the spacing between table titles is 1/2 space.

  • list of Figures

List of images is information about the number of images, the title of the image and the page number. The title of the image cannot be abbreviated and must match the title of the image in the thesis text. The spacing between image titles is 1/2 space.

  • Appendix List

The list of attachments contains information on attachment numbers, attachment titles, and page numbers. Writing between attachment titles uses 1/2 space.


2. Main Thesis Section

Launching from the page, the core part of the thesis consists of the following things.

  • Introduction

The introduction contains background, problem formulation, research objectives, research benefits, research hypotheses, research scope and writing systematics.

  • Literature review

The literature review contains theoretical ideas about the object to be studied. The theory used as the basis for the literature review must be relevant and up-to-date. Relevance in question is in accordance with the issues raised. Meanwhile, the latest in question is the latest research or considered to most represent the development of the science in question.

  • Research methods

The research method contains research patterns, sources and types of data, population and research sample, data collection techniques and instruments, along with data analysis techniques.

  • Research result

The research results explain the description of the data and testing the hypothesis. Data descriptions are usually presented in the form of graphs or tables. As well as given a glimpse of the facts to clarify the contents of the graphs or tables presented. Meanwhile, hypothesis testing contains explanations related to the results of testing each hypothesis in a concise and concise manner.

  • Discussion

The discussion is usually in the fifth chapter. The aim is to answer the research problem that has been formulated in the introductory chapter. Discussion should not be haphazard. The author must carry out a rational research analysis and in accordance with the logic of thinking.

  • Closing

The closing contains conclusions and suggestions. The conclusion must be able to explain the problems and solutions offered by the author. The suggestions must be in accordance with the subject matter discussed.

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3. Final Part of Thesis

The final part of the thesis usually contains a bibliography and a list of appendices. The author is obliged to write down all sources and attachments that are used as a reference in the preparation of the thesis.

The difference between Thesis and Final Project

Students in tertiary institutions usually write scientific papers as a graduation requirement. Sinaumed’s may hear the thesis or final project (TA) that students often talk about. The principle of manufacture is almost similar, but both have differences. The following are the differences between thesis and final assignment as reported from the page.

  • Thesis as a requirement for graduation S1 while the Final Assignment (TA) as a condition for passing the diploma (DIII/DIV).
  • Thesis usually contains scientific research based on information from books, research journals, research reports, seminars or field conditions.
  • Final Projects usually raise more issues related to the world of work, whether it’s making tools/prototypes or raising research from practical fieldwork (internships) that are turned into scientific works.

Concepts and How to Make a Thesis Abstract

The thesis abstract is a brief summary of the overall explanation of the contents of a scientific paper starting from the background, methods used, results, and conclusions. An abstract is not only a summary, but can also help writers stay on track with their research plans.

The discussion in the abstract has been determined from the start. So, the writing material is not widened or conical. Not only that, the abstract can also make it easier for readers to understand the flow of objectives and research results conveyed by the author.

Abstracts are usually written with a total of between 250-300 words. Launching from the page, the explanation for limiting the number of words is as follows.

  • Make it easy for readers to find reviews of written works in a short time, as a consideration to read the work or not.
  • As a quick way to obtain the right references for research needs according to disciplines.
  • Become a reader’s guide for scientific writing, so that readers get detailed information, analysis and arguments of the author.
  • Help readers remember important points in a scientific work.

Even though it is concise, concise, and clear, abstract writing should not be done haphazardly. Launching from the page, the following are the stages in making a thesis abstract.

1. Writing Background

Background becomes an important part of thesis writing. It provides an outline of the topics to be covered. The background in the abstract becomes a summary of the background subchapters in the thesis.

2. Explain the Research Method

After explaining the background, it must also explain the research method used. Research methods can be designed from experiments to literature study. Including adding data analysis according to the research variables.

3. Presenting Research Results

The writer must also explain the research results briefly, either in the form of simple numbers or descriptive results.

4. Write a Conclusion on the Abstract

At the end of the abstract, the research conclusions must be written in a concise, clear and concise manner.

5. Insert Keywords

Keywords are important in the abstract. Keywords usually contain the topic of the problem and it is necessary to ensure that the keywords are made in accordance with the points in the title of the paper.


Example of Thesis Abstract

Thesis requires an abstract to provide a brief description of the contents of the thesis. Launching from the page, the following is an example of a thesis abstract.

1. Example of a thesis abstract regarding consumer interest in buying an electric car

Relations of Public Interest in Electric Vehicles


This thesis aims to find out the public's interest in buying electric vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, and what are the supporting factors.

The data collection process and thesis research were carried out from January to May 2022 with seven sources.

The thesis data collection technique was carried out verbatim and qualitative interviews with informants regarding their experiences with using electric vehicles.

The results of research and interviews show that there is a high interest in using electrified vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled.

The basis for their considerations is not only the increase in oil prices, but also practicality and lifestyle factors, with good electricity infrastructure. 

Apart from the practicality factor, the Government's support for using electric cars is also an added value for current electric vehicle users to add their units in the garage.

Keywords: Consumer buying interest, electric car, qualitative research.

2. Example of a thesis abstract regarding personality development

3. Examples of Thesis Abstracts in English