8 Mustahiq Zakat or Groups of People Eligible to Receive Zakat

 8 mustahiq zakat – Hello Sinaumed’s friends, Paying or issuing zakat fitrah during the month of Ramadan must be fulfilled by all Muslims. But Sinaumed’s friends , who are the groups of people who can receive or are called mustahik zakat?

Unlike the case with muzaki, he is a group of people who issue or pay zakat to pay zakat obligations. Meanwhile, mustahik are those who are legitimate or deserve the property that is donated.

So, only the mustahiq are entitled to receive zakat by the muzakki (people subject to the obligation to pay zakat who have reached nisab and haul). This is because there is a verse in the Qur’an which discusses the groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat, namely the word of Allah SWT in Surah At Tawbah verse 60 which means:

“Verily, zakat is only for the needy, the poor, the amil zakat, whose hearts are softened (converts), to (liberate) slaves, to (free) people who have debts, for the way of Allah and for people who are doing journey, as an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”

In order for Sinaumed’s not to be misdirected when giving alms, Sinaumed’s needs to know the people who are entitled to receive zakat or what is commonly called mustahiq zakat. Come on, see the explanation!

The Law of Paying Zakat

For all Muslims, zakat is a matter that must be implemented. In fact, this is in the information in the pillars of Islam. In addition, the obligation to pay zakat for all Muslims has also been ordered clearly and in detail in the Koran.

In the Qur’an Surah Al Baqarah verse 43 Allah SWT says which means:

“And establish prayer, pay zakat and bow with those who bow.”

In fact, this zakat order is always discussed repeatedly in the Al Quran in various verses up to 32 times.

8 Groups Mustahiq Zakat

Zakat in Islam is divided into two types, namely zakat fitrah and zakat mal. Muzakki must issue zakat which will later be distributed to mustahiq or groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat.

This has been explained in QS. At-Taubah verse 60 above that people who are entitled to receive zakat are divided into 8 groups, including:

1. Fakir

Fakir is a group that is included in the recipient of zakat. They say zakat mustahik because they do not have their own source of income. He had neither the wealth nor the proper means of support to support himself with clothing, housing, and food.

Often, a lack of a source of income is due to several factors, such as a serious problem or serious illness. Giving zakat to the poor can be given in two ways. You do this by giving zakat for daily living needs or as business capital.

2. Poor

The poor are another group of people who can be classified as recipients of zakat. Often equated with the poor, they are people who have a source of income but not enough to live on.

In addition, they are also unable to fulfill their responsibilities including food, clothing, shelter and other needs. Jumhur Ulama considers the needy and poor to be among the groups targeted by the lack of necessities.

3. Riqab

Zakat mustahik is followed by riqab, slave or slave. In Arabic, the word raqabah means slave. This servant is a mercenary. Riqab here includes Mutabtab, namely a slave who is bound by a contract with his master. Nothing else, it is to make up for or inspire the precursor.

In this case, zakat is used to free slaves from their masters, so that they can live properly. Giving zakat to riqab occurred in the early days of the development of Islam.

However, in a study by the DKI Jakarta Province Indonesian Ulema Council, riqab was omitted from mustahik zakat in Indonesia. In fact, the riba or slave in question can be considered human trafficking or human trafficking.

4. Gharimin or Gharim

Mustahik zakat or the next group of zakat recipients is gharimin or gharim. In language, the meaning of gharimin or gharim is a person who is in debt.

There are 2 groups that benefit from this zakat, namely:

  • Gharim mashlahati nafsihi : Debt for one’s own interests or needs
  • Gharim li ishlâhi dzatil : in debt to reconcile people, qabilah or tribe

Ustadz Abu Riyadl Nurcholis bin Mursidi explained that the two types of Al-Gharim are entitled to receive zakat, but with additional conditions.

For example, in ghârim linafsihi, it means that someone must be in a bad condition. As for ghârim li ishlâhi dzatil bain, he can get zakat even though he is rich.

Following are the conditions for gharim to receive zakat, including:

  • Islamic religion
  • Al-Faqr (poor)
  • Debt is not due to immorality
  • No more income
  • Not descendants of Bani Hasyim (descendants of Rasulullah SAW’s parents)
  • Debt payment due date
  • Gharim is not the responsibility of muzaki (people who give zakat)
  • Zakat assets from baitul mal to gharim depend on debts that must be paid.

Ibn Qudamah Rahimahullah said, ” Gharim was given zakat to cover his debts even though they were very large.”

5. Converts

Converts or people who have just converted to Islam are also included in mustahik zakat.

The zakat received by converts is intended to help strengthen their faith and diversity by following Islam.

Zakat recipients of the convert group (asnaf) can be divided into 4, namely:

  • New converts to Islam
  • Those whose faith is weak
  • A group whose faith is vulnerable
  • Owners of power from non-Muslims who avoid evil

In addition, zakat for converts also has a social role because it can strengthen kinship ties.

6. Fisabilillah

Apart from converts, the next mustahiq of zakat is fisabilillah (a person or institution whose main activity is fighting on the side of Allah SWT. Their main goal is to uphold Islam.

The fisabilillah here are not just one person, but an Islamic broadcasting institution in big cities or Islamic symbols in remote areas who are entitled to receive zakat.

Examples of fisabilillah here are preachers, education development, health, orphanages, madrasah diniyah, and so on.

Therefore, they all have the right to receive zakat assistance because they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of upholding Islamic law.

7. Ibn Sabil

The next zakat mustahik is Ibn Sabil. The meaning of Ibn Sabil is a person who is on a journey and has run out of supplies, so he cannot continue his journey. Ibn Sabil has the right to receive zakat, whether from rich people or not.

Apart from that, there are several claims made by the scholars against Ibn Sabil. Groups entitled to zakat assets include:

  • Islam is not Ahlul Bayt
  • There are no other treasures in his hands
  • Not a bad trip
  • No party wanted to lend to Ibnu Sabil, not even mustahik zakat.

8. Amil Zakat

The last mustahiq of zakat is the amil zakat, namely the person whose job is to collect zakat funds that have been given by muzakki (people who are subject to the obligation to pay zakat) and distribute them to mustahiq.

This can be an institution or the local community who are given the responsibility to collect zakat assets. This Amil belongs to the last group of all the groups described above who deserve their rights.

The people who are entitled to receive zakat above have been determined by the Al-Qur’an so that the distribution of zakat may only be carried out by 8 groups of mustahiq zakat.

Benefits of Paying Zakat

Basically the command to pay zakat has been discussed in the Al-Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet. Zakat also needs to give it to people who are entitled to receive zakat. There are still several benefits of paying zakat, namely:

1. As a Completion of Faith

Paying zakat to mustahiq is one of the pillars of Islam. Every Muslim also certainly strives to carry out this practice with the aim of carrying out the obligations ordered by Islam.

This is because zakat is one of the pillars of Islam which is the obligation of every Muslim to fulfill the practice of zakat to perfect his religion.

2. Evidence of Faith and Obedience

Humans certainly need and give money to be something that can be owned. Therefore, sometimes humans are not willing to let go of what they have and love without any reward.

With the order to pay zakat or alms, it means that the person has shown his faith in Allah SWT.

3. Cleaning the Heart and Self

Every Muslim who has paid his zakat using the right path, then they have entered the group of people who give and separate themselves based on the group of people who are miserly.

Because, when someone is used to giving in any form, be it money, knowledge, or kindness. He will feel more perfect when he has put something meaningful for others.

Wealth can also be the cause of human destruction. Because of this, Allah SWT orders us to set aside our sustenance for charity so that no human being feels high and cleans himself based on arrogant and greedy traits.

4. Calms the Heart

Giving alms will train a person to have a sense of openness towards something he has. Moreover, paying zakat is based on one’s own conscience and not coercion based on others.

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Giving zakat in the form of alms, for example, means that the property that has been given in charity actually puts comfort in the heart and eliminates miserliness in oneself. Life will be calmer with the goodness that has been done.

5. Achieve Perfect Faith

As explained in the hadith of Rasulullah SAW, he said:

“One of you will not believe (with perfect faith) until he loves his brother as he loves himself.” (Narrated by Bukhari: 13)

There is a relationship between the meaning of hadith and zakat, because being a human being is not only concerned with self-pleasure. However, humans also need to care for people who are less able and help those in need.

6. As a Ticket to Heaven

When the muzakki have paid their zakat perfectly to the group of people who are entitled to receive zakat. So, zakat is a ware for someone to achieve goodness.

In relation to heaven, another benefit of zakat is that the reward obtained can be a ticket that can launch and ensure people to enter Heaven.

7. Bring Goodness

Furthermore, the benefits of zakat can also increase sustenance and improve the quality of life, the heart feels calm, and life feels more peaceful because of the good that has been done.

When humans do good throughout their lives, people will be kind to them and will bring happiness not only in this world, but in the hereafter also get the same pleasure.

8. Died with Husnul Khotimah

Paying zakat will keep Muslims from dying badly. Because, if you pay zakat you can receive more rewards.

Zakat is also useful for alleviating one’s sins because some of the assets owned have been given to other people. So that tithing or giving can make it easier for someone to leave when the time comes.

9. Protector at the End of Days

Every human being and especially Muslims on the Day of Resurrection will be gathered in the Mahsyar field. At that location every human being will be held accountable and including the assets that have been donated will also be a protector at the end of life.

Meanwhile, for the rich the property they have will be accounted for from what they use. Because property is entrusted and everything will return to its owner, namely Allah SWT.

10. Forgiven His sins

A Muslim pays zakat, then his mistakes and sins will be forgiven by Allah SWT. Not only that, Allah SWT also ensures that every Muslim who prays and pays zakat is guaranteed to enter heaven. As in Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Maidah: 12, Allah SWT says:

“And verily Allah has taken the covenant (of) the children of Israel, and We have appointed leaders among them, and Allah said: “Verily, I am with you, verily if you will perform your prayers and pay zakat and believe in my Messenger, help them and lent generous loans to God

Truly I will cover my sins your mistakes and the fact that I will take you to heaven where there are rivers, so whoever among you does not believe after this, then that person has really strayed from the right path “(QS) Al -Maidah: 12).

11. Getting the Best Reward

Another benefit of zakat is that Allah will give his servant the best reward. In addition, every Muslim who pays zakat will also be more supported by Allah. As in the following verses of Al-Qur’an An-Nur 37-38 which means:

“(They do that) so that Allah will repay them (with a reward) that is better than what they did, and so that Allah will increase His goodness to them . (QS An-Nur: 37 – 38).

Types of Zakat

In Islamic teachings, there are various types of zakat which differ in the benefits and method of payment. What are the categories and how do I pay for them?

1. Zakat Fitrah

As explained above, zakat fitrah is an obligation that must be paid once a year at the beginning of Ramadan until the deadline before the start of the Eid al-Fitr prayer. Even though it is an obligation, zakat is only for those who can afford it.

The amount to be paid according to zakat fitrah is 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters of rice/person. The value of the rupiah can change in accordance with applicable regulations, for example based on the Decree of the Head of BAZNAS No. 7 of 2021 concerning Zakat Fitrah and Fidyah for the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings, the value of zakat fitrah is equivalent to Rp. 40,000 per person.

2. Zakat Mal

Also known as zakat on wealth, zakat mal is zakat on money, gold, or valuables that someone owns and rents out. The condition is that the lien must come from a lawful origin, meet the minimum requirements, and have been detained for one year.

So for example a Muslim has wealth or assets of at least Rp. 100 million and he stays for a year, after which he is obliged to pay zakat. The amount of zakat that must be paid is 2.5% multiplied by the amount of assets owned.

3. Income Zakat

Income zakat is zakat that must be paid by every Muslim who earns a living, either by working alone or under the auspices of a business or other person.

This zakat is paid monthly up to 2.5% of total income without waiting for a year. Regarding this obligation, referring to the nisab where the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia through Minister of Religion Regulation Number 31 of 2019 stipulates that the nisab for zakat income is 85 grams.

Gold with new gold sets the price for this. If the gold price on May 1 2020 is IDR 900,000, then the income zakat nisab is IDR 76,500,000 per year or IDR 6,375,000 per month.

So for a Muslim who already has an income or salary (net salary) on the zakat nishab of IDR 6,375,000 per month, then he is obliged to pay income zakat.


This is a review of the meaning of the 8 groups of mustahiq zakat. For Sinaumed’s who want to know more about other mustahiq zakat, you can visit sinaumedia.com to get related books.

The names of heaven and descriptions of heaven – In Islam, heaven is the most beautiful place in the final destination of life for humans who always obey Allah SWT. Allah SWT. creating heaven only for selected people who succeed in obtaining good deeds while living in the world. Someone who has entered heaven, he will remain eternal in it, getting the greatest favor from Allah SWT.

In the letter Az-Zumar verse 73, Allah SWT. has spoken about the promised paradise.

وَسِيقَ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّقَوْا۟ رَبَّهُمْ إِلَى ٱلْجَنَّةِ زُمَرًا ۖ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا جَآءُوهَا وَفُتِحَتْ أَبْوَٰبُهَا وَقَالَ لَهُمْ خَزَنَتُهَا سَلَٰمٌ عَلَيْكُمْ طِبْتُمْ فَٱدْخُلُوهَا خَٰلِدِينَ

Wa sīqallażīnattaqau rabbahum ilal-jannati zumarā, ḥattā iżā jā`ụhā wa futiḥat abwābuhā wa qāla lahum khazanatuhā salāmun ‘alaikum ṭibtum fadkhulụhā khālidīn.

Meaning: “And those who fear God will be taken to heaven in groups (too). So that when they get to heaven while its doors are open and the guards say to them: Peace (be bestowed) on you. be happy you! then enter this paradise, while you will remain therein.’” (QS Az-Zumar: 73).

Through this book, we get a lot of knowledge, especially about heaven, which we don’t know much about.

Heaven Names

In the Al-Quran has been mentioned the names of heaven with their respective levels. Each level certainly has a group of people who deserve to enter that heaven. Each level of heaven also has its own privileges that are eternal in it. Here are eight names of heaven that you need to know.

1. Paradise Paradise

Hearing the name paradise Firdaus may already be familiar to you. This heaven is indeed quite famous because it is a heaven that has the highest or highest level.

Paradise Paradise is a place for groups of people whose prayers are always fulfilled, far from useless deeds, pay zakat regularly, guard their genitals, maintain trust, and keep promises.

Paradise Paradise has also been mentioned in the Al-Quran surah Al-Kahf verse 107 which reads.


Innallażīna āmanụ wa ‘amiluṣ-ṣāliḥāti kānat lahum jannātul-firdausi nuzulā.

Meaning: “Indeed, those who believe and do good deeds, for them is paradise Paradise to be a place to live.” (QS Al-Kahf: 107).

For those who have faith who have carried out their good deeds while in the world, they will certainly be provided with paradise by Allah SWT. By entering Paradise, of course this is an everlasting pleasure and includes a place to live for pious people.

2. Heaven ‘Adn

Heaven ‘Adn is heaven on the second level which has been written in the Al-Quran. This heaven is described in the letter At-Taubah verse 72. In the letter a little review about heaven ‘Adn. Including discussions about people who deserve to enter heaven ‘Adn. Here is the word of Allah SWT. in the letter At-Taubah verse 72.

وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتِ جَنَّٰتٍ تَجْرِى مِن تَحْتِهَا ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَا وَمَسَٰكِنَ طَيِّبَةً فِى جَنَّٰتِ عَدْنٍ ۚ وَرِضْوَٰنٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ ٱلْفَوْزُ ٱلْعَظِيمُ

Wa’adallāhul-mu`minīna wal-mu`mināti jannātin tajrī min taḥtihal-an-hāru khālidīna fīhā wa masākina ṭayyibatan fī jannāti ‘adn, wa riḍwānum minallāhi akbar, żālika huwal-fauzul-‘aẓīm.

Meaning: “Allah promises the believers, men and women, (will get) heaven beneath which rivers flow, they will live therein, and (get) good places in heaven ‘Adn. And the pleasure of Allah is greater; it was great luck.” (QS At-Tauba: 72).

3. Heaven Na’im

Heaven Na’im is heaven on the third level. This heaven is for people who believe and always do good deeds while living in the world. This paradise was also written about in the Al-Quran letter Luqman verses 8-9. Here is the word of Allah SWT. contained in the letter.

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتُ النَّعِيمِ -٨- خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقّاً وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ -٩

Innallażīna āmanu wa ‘amiluṣ-ṣāliḥāti lahum jannātun na’īm. Khālidīna fīhā, wa’dallāhi ḥaqqā, wa huwal-‘azīzul-ḥakīm.

Meaning: “Indeed, those who believe and do good deeds, for them are gardens full of pleasure, eternal in them. As the promise of the true God and He is the Most Mighty, Most Wise.” (QS Luqman verse 8-9).

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4. Heaven Ma’wa

The next heaven is Ma’wa heaven, this heaven is on the fourth level. The group of people who have good deeds, fear Allah SWT, are afraid of the greatness of Allah SWT, and can restrain their lust while in the world are among the people who can enter this heaven.

In the Al-Quran letter As-Sadjah verse 19 explains about the group of people who can enter the heaven of Ma’wa. The following is an explanation in the Koran.

أَمَّا ٱلَّذِينَ master امَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلcel

Ammallażīna āmanụ wa ‘amiluṣ-ṣāliḥāti fa lahum jannātul-ma`wā nuzulam bimā kānụ ya’malụn.

Meaning: “As for those who believe and do good deeds, then for them Jannah is the place of residence, as a reward for what they do.” (QS As-Sadjah: 19).

5. Heaven Darussalam

The next heaven is Darussalam heaven. This heaven is included in the fifth level of heaven. The people who can enter this paradise are those who have strong faith, can practice the verses of the Koran in their daily lives, and also do other good deeds. In fact, this paradise has also been mentioned in the letter Al-An’am verse 127.

لَهُمْ دَارُ ٱلسَّلَٰمِ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ ۖ وَهُوَ وَلِيُّهُم بِمَا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ

Lahum dārus-salāmi ‘inda rabbihim wa huwa waliyyuhum bimā kānụ ya’malụn.

Meaning: “For them (provided) darussalam (paradise) with their Lord and He is their Protector because of the good deeds they always do.” (QS Al-An’am: 127).

6. Heaven Darul Muqamah

The name of the next heaven is Darul Muqamah heaven, this heaven is also included in the sixth level. This heaven is for people who in their lives always do good and stay away from the prohibitions of Allah SWT. or do bad things. In the letter Al-Fatir verse 34 it is also explained about this paradise.

وَقَالُوا۟ ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَذْهَبَ عَنَّا ٱلْحَزَنَ ۖ إِنَّ رَبَّنَا لَغَفُورٌ شَكُورٌ34 ٱلَّذِىٓ أَحَلَّنَا دَارَ ٱلْمُقَامَةِ مِن فَضْلِهِۦ لَا يَمَسُّنَا فِيهَا نَصَبٌ وَلَا يَمَسُّنَا فِيهَا لُغُوبٌ 35

Wa qālul-ḥamdu lillāhillażī aż-haba ‘annal-ḥazan, inna rabbanā lagafụrun syakụr 34 Allażī aḥallanā dāral-muqāmati min faḍlih, lā yamassunā fīhā naṣabuw wa lā yamassunā fīhā lugụb 35.

Meaning: “And they said: ‘Praise be to Allah who has removed sorrow from us. Verily, our Lord is truly Forgiving, Most Grateful 34. Who placed us in an eternal place (heaven) from His bounty; in it we do not feel weary nor do we feel lethargic.

7. Heaven Muqamal Amin

Muqamal Amin Heaven is heaven which ranks seventh. This heaven is one of the names of heaven that has been promised by Allah SWT. This paradise is for people who have faith at the Muttaqin level. That is, this heaven is intended only for people who fear Allah SWT.

Muqamal Amin Heaven is made of gold. This has also been mentioned in the Al-Quran letter Ad-Dukhan verse 51.

إِنَّ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ فِى مَقَامٍ أَمِينٍ

Innal-muttaqīna fī maqāmin amīn.

Meaning: “Indeed, those who fear Allah are in a safe place.” (QS Ad-Dukhan: 51).

8. Khuldi Paradise

The Khuldi Heaven is the heaven that is at the eighth level. This paradise is also mentioned in the Quran. People who can enter this heaven are people who always fear Allah SWT. The conditions for his piety have been mentioned in the Al-Quran Al-Furqan verse 15.

قُلْ أَذَٰلِكَ خَيْرٌ أَمْ جَنَّةُ ٱلْخُلْدِ ٱلَّتِى وُعِدَ ٱلْمُتَّقُونَ ۚ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ

Qul a żālika khairun am jannatul-khuldillatī wu’idal-muttaqụn, kānat lahum jazā`aw wa maṣīrā.

Meaning: “Say: “Is that (punishment) that good, or the eternal paradise that has been promised to those who are pious?” He is a reward and a place of return for them?” (QS Al-Furqan: 15).

This book presents readers with a number of important practices that must be carried out in order to become residents of heaven. Practices that are light, but have great benefits so that they can be our beautiful path to heaven.

Description of Heaven

In the Al-Quran letter As-Sajdah verse 17 it is written about the description of heaven. This description can be seen in the following verse.

عَنْ أَبِى هُرَيْرَةَ – رضى الله عنه – عَنِ النَّبِىِّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – « يَقُولُ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى أَعْدَدْتُ لِعِبَادِى الصَّالِحِينَ مَا لاَ عَيْنٌ رَأَتْ ، وَلاَ أُذُنٌ سَمِعَتْ ، وَلاَ خَطَرَ عَلَى قَلْبِ بَشَرٍ ، ذُخْرًا ، بَلْهَ مَا أُطْلِعْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ » . ثُمَّ قَرَأَ فَلاَ تَعْلَمُ نَفْسٌ مَا أُخْفِىَ لَهُمْ مِنْ قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُ

Meaning: “From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, he said, “Allah Ta’ala said: I have prepared for My righteous servants various pleasures that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard. and never entered the human mind. If you want, read, ‘No one knows the various blessings that await, which are beautiful to be seen as a reward for them, for what they do.’” (QS As-Sajdah: 17)

1. Angels of Heaven

Everyone will surely melt if they meet an angel. Surely the heart will feel happy and happy, even if you can have it. The beauty of the angels in heaven is unmatched by the angels in the world, namely those in human form who are only likened to angels. An angel in the world certainly has flaws even though she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Angels in heaven are perfect, there is not the slightest flaw in the angels of heaven. The perfection of an angel’s body cannot be imagined by the human mind. Maybe no human can imagine how attractive the angels in heaven are.

Regarding this heavenly angel has been explained in the letter Ar-Rahman verses 55-58.

“Then which of the favors of your Lord do you both deny? On the beds there are angels who lower their eyes, never touched by humans before them (the inhabitants of heaven who become their husbands), nor by the jinn. So which of the favors of your Lord do you both deny? It was as if the nymphs were gems of yakut and marjan.” (QS Ar-Rahman: 55-58).

2. Can See Allah SWT.

The pleasure that Allah SWT has provided. in heaven could never be imagined by humans. All kinds of pleasures are certainly in heaven. The pleasures in heaven are perfect, far from the pleasures of this world.

This one favor is the highest pleasure, for the inhabitants of heaven they will feel it. This highest pleasure is for the inhabitants of heaven to be able to see the face of Allah SWT. This is as said by Rasulullah saw. in a hadith.

“If the inhabitants of al jannah have entered into al jannah. Allah subhanahu wata’ala said: ‘Do you want more from Me?’. They said: ‘Didn’t you make our faces shine? Haven’t you put us into al jannah (heaven) and saved us from an nar (hell)’. Then Allah subhanahu wata’ala opened His hijab. So they are not given favors that they like more than seeing Allah subhanahu wata’ala.” (HR. Muslim no. 181).

3. Serving Special Food and Beverages

In the world, food and drink are the main things in the life of living things, including humans. with us being able to eat and drink is a worldly pleasure that Allah SWT. give. But for people who are less able, of course they will find it difficult to taste the best food and drink in the world.

The food and drink that is in heaven is certainly far from the food in the world. If the world has the best food and drink, then in heaven there is food and drink that cannot be matched. In fact, the food and drink that is in heaven will not spoil, you can eat it any time.

This is like what has been written in the Al-Quran surah Fussilat verses 31-32. The letter reads.

“In heaven you will get what (all the pleasures) you want and get (also) in it what (all the pleasures) you asked for. As

food (for you) from (Rabb) the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (QS Fussilat: 31-32).

4. Always Get Ease

While in the world, maybe humans have some difficulties and problems in life. Apart from difficulties, of course, at times humans also get the convenience given by Allah SWT. However, of course you will not always get this convenience. This is because in life we ​​certainly need struggle, there are times when we are above, there are times when we are below.

Unlike in heaven, the pleasures and conveniences that are in heaven are truly perfect to beat the pleasures in the world. Servants in heaven will serve us to get what we want. Therefore, in heaven the inhabitants will have no trouble at all. They will certainly always be facilitated by Allah SWT.

This is as written in the Al-Quran letter Az-Zukhruf verse 71.

“They will be given plates of gold and cups, and in Paradise there will be whatever (pleasures) the heart desires and pleasing to the eye, and you will abide therein.” (QS Az-Zukhruf: 71).

Sinaumed’s, that is the description of the article regarding the names of heaven and descriptions of heaven. With this you can find out what heaven has been promised by Allah SWT. In fact, you can also imagine how the contents in heaven will be described. May we all get intercession from Rasulullah saw. and can enter the heaven of Allah SWT.

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This book presents the practices performed by the inhabitants of heaven while living in the world. In the first part it discusses the essence of acts of worship, then the types, and how to carry them out. This book also discusses the essence of heaven and what pleasures its inhabitants will receive.

  • Procedure for Ablution
  • Names of Angels and Their Duties
  • Definition of Al-Quran and Hadith
  • Definition of Morals
  • Noble Qualities
  • Honest Behavior in Islam
  • Definition of Zakat
  • Pillars of Hajj
  • Understanding Faith In Angels
  • Understanding Aurat
  • List of 99 Asmaul Husna
  • Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Mal
  • Meaning of Tablighi
  • Definition of Zakat Mal
  • The Meaning of the Title Al-Amin Rasulullah SAW
  • Definition of Faith in Language and Terms