7 Educational Pantuns and Their Complete Explanations

Poems for Education – Of course, everyone often hears rhymes. The use of pantun can be used for various purposes, ranging from entertainment to invitations to use something or buy goods and services. The pantun itself consists of various themes, one of the rhyme themes that will always be embedded in everyday life is education.

With the theme of education, his name became better known as educational rhymes. Then, what exactly is meant by educational rhymes and what are some examples? Don’t worry, Sinaumed’s, this article will discuss more about educational rhymes along with examples. So, see this article until it’s finished.

Meaning of Pantun

Before discussing educational rhymes, we will discuss the meaning of rhymes first. In general, pantun is a type of old poetry in which each stanza consists of 4 (four) lines. Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the term pantun is a form of Indonesian or Malay poetry in which each stanza (couplet) generally consists of 4 (four) lines with rhyme abab, each array generally consists of 4 (four) words, lines the first and second are generally used for sampiran (pedestal), and the third and fourth lines are used for content.

In Javanese, the term pantun is known as parikan. Meanwhile, in Sundanese, the term pantun is known as paparikan. The pantun itself contains a creative and critical idea, and has a solid meaning. In ancient times, rhymes were oral literature, but now you can find rhymes in written form.

Then over time, pantun has begun to develop as a medium for telling messages by using play on words. However, the other side of the creation is not free. This is because in making a rhyme bound by certain rules.

That is why you need to understand in depth about rhymes, starting from the characteristics of rhymes, their types, to examples.

Understanding Pantun According to Experts

Here are some definitions of pantun according to experts, including:

1. Herman Waluyo

According to Herman Waluyo, pantun is a type of original Malay poetry that has long been rooted in the culture of society.

2. Caswan and Rita

Kaswan and Rita said that pantun is one of the types of Malay poetry in which there is 1 (one) stanza which includes 4 (four) lines with abab rhymes. The first and second arrays are called sampiran names, while the third and fourth arrays are called contents names.

3. Alijahbana

According to Alisjahbana, pantun is one of the old types of poetry that was commonly known by the ancients or very well known in the old community. This pantun has the characteristics of each stanza consisting of 4 (four) lines, each line covering 4 to 6 words or 8 to 12 syllables. The first and second lines are called sampiran, while the third and fourth lines are called contents.

4. RO Winsted

According to RO Winsted, he stated that rhymes are not limited to sentences that have rhyme and rhythm. However, pantun is a beautiful series of words to describe the warmth of love, affection, longing, and hate from the speakers.

5. Sunarti

Sunarti stated that pantun is a type of old poetry which has its own beauty in terms of language. One of the beauties of the language in the rhyme is marked by rhymes abab.

Poem Elements

Pantun actually has 2 (two) elements. What are they? Let’s pay attention to the discussion below.

1. Intrinsic Elements

The intrinsic element of the poem is an element that comes from the structure of the poem itself. Intrinsic elements in poetry consist of characters, themes, messages, settings which include place, time, atmosphere, plot or plot, and so on. The characteristic of the pantun from this intrinsic element is rhyme. Where, rhymes in rhymes have the same ending, so that they can be a special attraction for listeners.

For example,

Pak mamat went fishing
Fishing with the cat
Very dizzy head
Want to eat no plate

2. Extrinsic Elements

Meanwhile, extrinsic pantun elements are elements that come from outside the pantun structure. This extrinsic element is usually referred to as the background or a condition that causes the formation of rhymes.

The extrinsic element becomes a very important part in determining the content of the rhyme. In addition, this element serves as a reinforcement of the intrinsic elements or the structure of the poem itself.

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Pantun Features

Because it is included in the category of old poetry, the pantun has bound rules in its creation. The characteristics of this poem consist of:

1. Includes Four Lines in Each Verse

Pantun has a strong characteristic, that is, each stanza consists of four lines. Where, the line of words in a rhyme is known as an array. Each line includes 8 to 12 words.

2. Has a Pattern

The characteristic of pantun that is easy to recognize is the pattern. There are 2 (two) patterns that generally exist in rhymes, namely the abab pattern and the aaaa pattern.

3. Have Cover and Content

In a rhyme consists of 2 (two) parts, namely sampiran and content. The first two lines are called sampiran. Where, this sampiran generally has nothing to do with the second part which conveys the intent, or to convey the rhyme of the poem. Meanwhile, the third and fourth lines contain the message and the main meaning of a rhyme.

4. No Author Name

In a pantun there is no author’s name, different from poetry or other literary works. This is because in ancient times the spread of rhymes was done orally.

Pantun Structure

Pantun has a structure consisting of stanzas, lines, words, syllables, rhymes, sampiran, and content. In order to know more clearly about the structure of the pantun, let’s pay attention to the following discussion.

1. The stanza

The stanza is the number of lines contained in a poem. For example, two lines, four lines, eight lines, and so on.

2. Row or Array

A line or array is a collection of a number of words that have meaning and can form a sampiran or content in a rhyme.

3. Word

Words are a combination of syllables that have meaning. Even so, there are certain words that only consist of one syllable.

4. Syllables

Syllables are sound fragments of words in one beat or one breath.

5. Rhyme

Rima is the pattern of endings and last vowels contained in a rhyme.

6. Sampling

Sampiran is part of the rhyme which is in the first and second lines. This sampiran is the beginning of an element of atmosphere that conveys the content and intent of the rhyme.

7. Contents

The content is the part in the rhyme which is located in the third and fourth lines. This content becomes the main part and the purpose of the poem.

The Role and Function of Pantun

A rhyme has a role and function contained in it. Then, what are the roles and functions? Let’s get to know the role and function of pantun.

  • Pantun was created as a language maintenance tool.
  • If, someone still uses rhymes, it means that someone has tried to maintain the function of the word and is able to maintain the flow of thought. Even though it is used to give advice, someone with rhymes will determine the words right before speaking.
  • Pantun will train someone to think about the meaning to be conveyed in the form of words that are packaged properly before expressing it to someone they are addressing. He did it so it wouldn’t hurt.
  • Someone who wants to rhyme will be trained to think associatively. Someone will be more careful in choosing a word because the word he chooses has something to do with other words.
  • In terms of association, rhymes have a fairly strong function, so rhymes will always be pleasant to play in communicating. Writing rhymes is not easy because one needs to think beforehand so that what is conveyed remains within the corridors of the rhyme.
  • Pantun shows a person’s speed in thinking and playing with words. Although, in general, the social role in pantun is a reinforcing tool for conveying messages.
  • The role of this pantun itself is as a guard and cultural media to introduce and ensure that the values ​​of society will always be there, why is that? This is because the true philosophy of pantun is the beginning of the birth of close social values. The philosophy of pantun that is very attached is to abstain from chanting.

Where abstinence from chanting implies that rhymes are familiar with social values ​​so that they are not just imagination. In parts of the archipelago, for example the area of ​​West Sumatra which is commonly used in various traditional events.

Types of Pantun

Pantun has quite a lot of types. Here are some types of rhymes, including:

1. Pantun Advice

Pantun Advice is a type of rhyme in which it is used to convey moral messages, policies, and invitations to do good.

2. Limerick

Limerick rhyme is a rhyme that is made for entertainment purposes or satirize each other. Certainly in an atmosphere of familiarity so as to create a cheerful atmosphere.

3. Rhyme Riddles

Pantun riddles are a type of pantun which has the characteristic of including a question sentence in the last line of the pantun

4. Pantun Cinta

As the name implies, love rhymes contain messages related to love, romance, longing, and others.

5. Religious Pantun

Religious rhymes are similar to rhymes for advice, but religious rhymes provide moral messages related to humans and their creators.

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6. Pantun Proverbs

Proverb rhyme is a rhyme in which there are proverb sentences with a fixed arrangement.

7. Figurative rhyme

Figurative rhymes are rhymes that convey messages implicitly or using figurative sentences.

Education Pantun

Educational rhymes are a type of rhyme that is often used especially as a teaching medium or to convey messages to students and students. Educational rhymes can also be interpreted as a type of poem that contains moral messages and motivation for learning in the form of education. The types of educational rhymes are very diverse.

Even so, not all types of educational rhymes have a school background as their context. But in general this pantun alludes to various educational themes. The purpose of educational rhymes is to provide motivation to learn to struggle and foster enthusiasm for learning.

It feels incomplete if you only discuss the meaning of educational rhymes, but don’t discuss examples. In the following discussion, we will discuss examples of educational rhymes.

Examples of Education Poems

Pantun has a very diverse type. One of them is educational poetry. Here are some examples of educational rhymes and their meanings that you can use as a reference to keep your enthusiasm for learning.

1. Example of Missing School Education Rhyme

Sweet words are only on the lips
But always keep the trust
Hopefully the pandemic will end soon
We miss school

Its meaning is that during the current Covid-19 pandemic, all activities or activities are limited. Well, one of them is teaching and learning activities in schools. Therefore, this rhyme is made with the hope that the covid-19 pandemic can end soon and students can return to school together in good health.

2. Examples of Learning Education Poems

No money in hand
Because rich is not always wealth
Your life and death is God’s destiny
Must learn until old.

Its meaning is that the life and death of all human beings is destiny and the will of God Almighty. So, no matter how difficult it is for you to struggle, if indeed God wills something else, of course it will be different. However, on the contrary, even if he doesn’t try and God wills otherwise, he will be lucky.

Even so, learning is the main key that must be carried out until old age and there are no restrictions on learning at any time. Because by learning, it can become your provision for the future.

3. Examples of School Assignment Education Poems

Dusk appears in the red sky.
It’s dark on the north side.
Be diligent in doing school work.
Excitement will surely burn

The meaning is that the student’s most important task is to study and study. One of the things that must be done and also cannot be abandoned is doing assignments from school. By diligently doing assignments from school, of course anyone will have a high and burning enthusiasm for learning.

4. Examples of Diligent Learning Education Poems

Turn on the motorbike until it vibrates.
Legs get sore wounds.
If you study hard,
you can achieve future success

The meaning is that future success can be from various aspects that you must fulfill. However, one important and main thing is to study hard. If someone is diligent in studying, then they can easily achieve that success. Because you encounter many problems and solutions you can make provision for in the future.

5. Examples of Education Demanding Knowledge Poems

Stomach hurts drinking herbal medicine
Until buying type two
Must continue to study knowledge
As a provision in old age

The meaning is that there are various things that can be done and are useful for provision in old age, one of which is studying. Through learning, of course you will get a lot of experience. So that by always learning for life, you will have complete and useful provisions in old age.

6. Examples of Diligent Reading Education Poems

There is a monkey mirror in the mirror
There is a horse like a soybean
Diligent in writing and reading
That is the sign of a smart child

This means that everyone’s intelligence is different. Some are smart because they are used to studying diligently, some are smart because their abilities are above average. One of the indicators of people who are smart or not you can see from diligent reading and writing.

7. Examples of Education Poetry for the Spirit of Learning

Take a walk on a horse
Hungry horse off the saddle
Old age can’t be young anymore
But the enthusiasm for learning is still vibrant

The meaning is that even though you are old, the enthusiasm for learning must remain enthusiastic because learning at an old age is not a reason to stop learning. Precisely in old age you study diligently, so you can hone and train your memory so you don’t become idle and stop thinking.

Educational Pantun Book Recommendations

Here is a book about rhymes that will make you understand more about educational rhymes:

1. A Complete Collection of Proverbs, Pantun, and Figure of speech

In Indonesian literature, it cannot be separated from proverbs, rhymes, and figures of speech. These three things can beautify a literary work. The complete collection of proverbs, rhymes, and figure of speech can be used as a reference in creating aesthetic literary works.

2. Super Complete Proverbs Plus Poetry and Pantun

For elementary school children, proverbs, poetry, and rhymes must be included in the Indonesian language course. For parents who want to find complete proverbs, poetry and rhymes, the book Super Complete Indonesian Proverbs Plus Poetry and Pantun is the answer.

3. Super Complete Book of Indonesian Proverbs and Poems

Want to find a complete book on Indonesian proverbs and rhymes? The Super Complete Book of Indonesian Proverbs and Pantun is perfect for students who want to know more about Indonesian proverbs and rhymes.

This is information related to rhymes, especially educational rhymes and examples of educational rhymes. Hopefully the above information can be an insightful knowledge for readers.