6 Effects of Free Association That You Must Be Aware of!

The Impact of Free Association – In today’s era that is increasingly developing, there are also more and more diverse behaviors and social problems that occur in society, especially among adolescents. Current technological developments have more or less a bad influence on adolescents, especially in ha; promiscuity.

Juvenile delinquency, especially promiscuity, cannot be separated from its relationship with parents. Besides that, the influence of the environment where friends live also contributes to being a very determining factor. Of course, we have often heard complaints about how difficult it is to find a solution to this problem.

These complaints don’t just come from other people, even from the parents of the teenagers themselves who in this case should be the closest people to children who can guide and understand their condition so they don’t fall into promiscuity. Even though there are indeed various kinds of causes that can be the background of children living in promiscuity.

Therefore, as parents it is important to always understand what promiscuity is all about as well as all the impacts it causes and ways to overcome them. When we understand, communicate with children as best as possible so that they understand the risks involved if they choose to engage in promiscuity. That way unwanted things can be prevented as early as possible.

Furthermore, here is an article about the meaning of promiscuity, complete with its effects, and also ways to overcome them.

Definition of Free Association

The term promiscuity is no longer a taboo in people’s lives, regardless of age level, the word promiscuity is very popular, meaning that when people hear the word promiscuity, the direction of their thinking will be the same and they agree that promiscuity is an action that occurs outside the corridors of law. which is contrary especially to the norms of society and religious norms.

Free association is an attitude or action carried out by an individual or group that is not controlled and does not follow the boundaries of the legal rules that apply in society. Free association in the understanding of society is synonymous with behavior that can damage the existing value system in society. The following is the definition of promiscuity according to experts, namely:

1. Katono

Promiscuity is a social pathological symptom in adolescents caused by a form of social neglect, which results in the development of deviant behavior.

2. Santrock

Promiscuity is a collection of various adolescent behaviors that are socially unacceptable to the point of causing criminal acts.

3. B. Simanjuntak

Free association is a process of interaction between one person and another without being bound by various existing rules, both laws, religious laws, and also customs.

Characteristics of Free Association

  1. Free sex
  2. Properly dressed that violates the norm
  3. Experiencing emotional stress and mental health
  4. No respect for others
  5. Wasting time with useless things like staying up late and playing games excessively
  6. Happy to spend money for the sake of pleasure
  7. Behavior that harms the local community
  8. Like to follow things that are dangerous and not useful
  9. Stealing for money and desired items
  10. Behaviors tend to be emotional, don’t want to give in, and often pride themselves on things they don’t
  11. Teenagers who smoke and drink alcohol for no reason
  12. Use of illegal drugs such as narcotics

Causes of Free Association

1. Family factor

The family environment is one of the key factors that can greatly influence the actions and behavior of adolescents in society. The minimum level of education in the family can make teenagers easily influenced by promiscuity.

Lack of attention and affection from parents can cause children to become interested in promiscuity. In this case the family is indeed the first and most educational environment for educating children to become people who behave well in society. So here, children need assistance and adequate support from parents and family.

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Dysfunctional family arrangements—characterized by conflict, inadequate parental control, weak relationships and internal integration, and early autonomy—are closely related to juvenile delinquency, such as promiscuity.

Parents who do not supervise properly can make teenagers fall without knowing whether this is the right thing or not. An example is a parent who gives permission for their child to date, but the parents do not supervise and communicate well about their child’s relationship.

2. Lifestyle

The wrong lifestyle can also be a cause of promiscuity for teenagers. These teenagers may follow trends and lifestyles that are not in accordance with the prevailing norms and in the end it can become a trigger to plunge into promiscuity.

3. Self-control

One of the causes of promiscuity is a lack of ability to control oneself. People who do not have the ability to control themselves usually cannot distinguish between good and bad behavior. This causes children and adolescents to have the potential to commit bad behavior or actions that violate norms. Even if children can distinguish between the two behaviors, they can still violate them when they are unable to develop proper self-control.

4. Lack of religious values

Through good religious education, children can get various knowledge about the moral values ​​that apply in society. That way, children will understand what things have good values ​​and which are destructive and need to be avoided. If religious education cannot be properly instilled in children, then children will find it difficult when carrying out their roles in society.

5. Peer influence

Membership in deviant gangs, like membership in other groupings, can be part of the process toward adulthood. Through primary association, an individual will gain a sense of security and comfort, develop knowledge about social interaction, and can show the quality and identity of the gang.

6. Internet abuse

The circulation of information flow from the internet is massive and cannot be avoided. Today’s children can access anything on the internet. What makes it dangerous is the risk that teenagers will copy inappropriate content on the internet. Therefore, supervision from parents when teenagers are given the freedom to use the internet needs to be done.

Impact of Free Association

As an act that deviates and violates societal norms and religious norms, promiscuity has various negative impacts. Here are some of the effects of promiscuity:

1. Free Sex

Free sex is sexual activity without marriage ties which causes the potential for pregnancy out of wedlock. This will certainly embarrass yourself, parents, and people around you. Moreover, this can tarnish Indonesia’s identity as a country that is thick with eastern customs and adheres to religious teachings.

If free sex causes pregnancy out of wedlock, many of the perpetrators will abort their wombs, aka abortions, which is a dishonorable behavior and has bad side effects for themselves. Besides that, free sex can also raise the potential to spread dangerous diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, herpes, and so on.

2. Addiction to Illegal Drugs

One characteristic of promiscuity is the abuse of illegal drugs. This action can lead to dependence which will have a negative impact on health.

Dependence on illegal drugs can also cause an overdose that leads to death. Illegal drugs can also cause various dangerous diseases, such as cancer, liver damage, and kidney failure which can occur due to drug consumption.

3. Health problems

The consequences of promiscuity include taking drugs, smoking, drinking, and various other things that can cause health problems. There are health problems that lurk for teenagers who are addicted to consuming drugs and alcohol, such as:

  • Reluctant to do anything including eating so that the body will be weaker
  • Unhygienic lifestyle and more susceptible to disease
  • Nausea, vomiting, difficulty sleeping, and headaches
  • There are muscle disorders, increased blood pressure, and balance disorders
  • Slow in thinking
  • There was a mental breakdown
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4. Crime

The next impact of free association is the occurrence of criminal acts. The existence of social inequality can trigger the emergence of criminal acts in adolescence. Examples of crimes that are often committed are stealing money, sexual harassment, rape, and also illegal racing.

Young people who are in a promiscuous environment tend to feel they can do anything for fun without thinking about the future impact.

Drug addicts can also justify various ways when they no longer have the money to buy drugs. They will carry out various criminal acts, for example stealing and even robbing to get the things they need.

5. Bad Relations with Family

A child will easily fall into an environment of promiscuity which can occur because his parents often fight so that the family condition becomes not harmonious. If that happens, the child’s attitude towards both parents can change, such as being easily emotional and being disrespectful. Even though they are not from a broken home , children who already feel uncomfortable at home will easily fall into promiscuity and tend to disobey their parents because they feel they do not get the love and comfort of the house they should.

6. Decreased Performance

Free association can interfere with study time which in turn can make children’s achievements decrease. Children who have fallen into promiscuity generally prefer to spend their time skipping school, such as at an internet cafe or hanging out with more mature people to do things that they shouldn’t be doing.

How to Overcome Free Association

In addition to the school environment, the family is also a key factor that has the greatest influence on the growth and development of adolescents. Where parents must be able to understand the various problems of adolescents along with their solutions. In general, here are some ways to avoid promiscuity, including:

1. Choose Good Friends

The first way to avoid promiscuity is to be selective in choosing friends. It is undeniable that the friendship environment has a very big influence on our daily behavior. Therefore, it is better to always choose good friends and have the ability to understand good religious knowledge.

In addition, try to avoid environments that tend not to be conducive. If the child is in a positive environment, he will also imitate the good things around him. Vice versa also applies, if the child is in a negative environment, he will be easily affected by negative things as well.

2. Strengthening Religious Education

The next way to avoid promiscuity is to strengthen religious education. It is an obligation for parents to always instill religious values ​​in their children from an early age. By strengthening religious education in the family, it is hoped that it will be able to prevent children from deviant behavior, one of which is plunging into promiscuity.

Religious and moral education is useful for strengthening one’s faith from an early age. If since childhood a child has been instilled with good religious values, he can avoid promiscuity that is far from the norm.

3. Providing Sex Education

Free sex is one of the phenomena of promiscuity that is often carried out by teenagers. Lots of children do not understand the dangers of free sex. Therefore, since childhood, children must receive good and appropriate sex education within the family.

What needs to be considered is that parents must provide sex education with material and language appropriate to the child’s age. That way, they can know the dangers and consequences of free sex.

4. Maintain Parent and Child Relations

The way to avoid further promiscuity is by maintaining the relationship between parents and children. Harmonious parent-child relationships can directly improve better supervision of children. In addition, a good relationship with the family can also make children more open to their parents.

This open attitude to parents has an important role to minimize children from committing deviant acts. Therefore, parents should create a warm and comfortable home atmosphere for their children. That way, children will avoid deviant behavior and promiscuity.

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