5 Learning Techniques Worth Trying To Make Learning More Effective

Learning is a way to gain knowledge, from those who did not know to know. Good students must understand that learning is an important activity that must be done no matter what. However, it is also undeniable, to make yourself really feel like learning activities is very difficult. First, it could be due to a learning atmosphere that is not supportive and does not provide a sense of comfort, choosing an inappropriate study time, and unsuitable learning methods.

Everyone has different learning abilities. There are those who understand the lesson easily, there are those who take longer to understand the lesson. Sinaumed’s just needs to find a suitable way to understand the subject matter.

In this article, Eduteam will discuss various learning techniques that Sinaumed’s can apply to make learning activities more effective. Come on, watch it to the end!

  1. The Pomodoro Technique

Have Sinaumed’s ever been distracted by one thing while studying? For example, play a little HP and open social media. So, if Sinaumed’s is easily distracted, try the Pomodoro technique. Besides aiming to avoid distraction when studying, the Pomodoro technique can also help Sinaumed’s set goals and achieve a target. How to?

  • Choose the learning activity you want to do at that time.
  • Divide the activity into several tasks. For example, when you want to deepen biology material about living things, you can divide it into:

a. Deepen A material

b. Deepen B material

c. Understand the types of living things

d. Solve practice questions

  • From the tasks that were divided earlier, set a timer for 25 minutes to complete each task. Remember, you have to focus on the task within the allotted time.
  • After the timer goes off, you can rest for 5 minutes. Make good use of this break time to do any distractions like playing cellphones etc.
  • Break time is over, return to complete the next task for 25 minutes, then repeat the steps above.
  • When you have completed the tasks earlier, then you can rest longer around 15-20 minutes.
  • Mark each completed assignment and find out from the learning activity what you need to improve on. This can be used as evaluation material in determining the division of tasks and others.

Various learning techniques and applications accompanied by pictures and steps that can help Sinaumed’s understand something more easily can also be found in the book Success in Learning and Teaching with Memory Techniques.

  1. Feynman technique
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Is Sinaumed’s the type that finds it difficult to understand subject matter? Need to repeat many times to understand? Well, you have Richard Feynman to thank, Sinaumed’s! Because he found an effective and easy way for you to understand the subject matter. At school, teachers usually recommend that we become peer tutors and teach material to our peers, actually this method is similar to Feynman’s technique.

The Feynman technique is a learning technique as if you were teaching someone else. How to do it?

  • Choose what material you want to study.
  • Read and understand the material well.
  • Rewrite the material you have learned onto a piece of paper while explaining the material as if you were teaching it to someone else.
  • When you write as if you are teaching, you will discover which areas you need to master more deeply.
  • Study again material that you have not mastered until you can really explain it well.
  • Explain the material again in a language that is simpler and easier to understand.
  • Repeat until you are really fluent and master the subject matter.
  1. Eat That Frog

For Sinaumed’s who find it difficult to determine priorities because there are too many activities, Eduteam suggests that you use the eat that frog learning technique. The steps are:

  • Make a to-do list divided into categories, for example

a. Activities that have to be done, and you want to do them

b. Activities that must be done, and you are lazy to do it

c. Activities that don’t have to be done, and you don’t want/are lazy to do them

d. Activities that are not important to do, and you want to do them

  • From the several categories above, choose the one you dislike the most. Make it the ” frog ” that we have to eat first, namely activities that must be done and you are lazy to do them.
  • Finish and move on to the frog . The earlier you do the most important and least favorite tasks, the faster your tasks will be completed.

To better understand how this study technique works, Sinaumed’s can read the book Eat That Frog which can be a powerful way to achieve more with less work!

  1. Technique notes Cornell

Recording lessons can be said to be a powerful way to understand the subject matter. Notes that you write can be read again if you want to repeat the lesson. But, have you recorded correctly? Try following Cornell’s note-taking technique, Sinaumed’s!

  • Divide the paper into 3 parts as shown below
  • The left column can be filled with keywords related to important subjects or questions
  • The right column is the main area where you record the main topic of the subject matter you are studying. Just write briefly or in the form of important points.
  • The column at the bottom can be filled with conclusions from the subject matter you are studying.
  1. SQ3R technique
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SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. This technique is considered effective for Sinaumed’s in studying textbooks. Let’s see the steps yuk!

  • Survey , in this step a cursory review of the entire text is carried out. The aim is to obtain an overview of the contents contained in the material.
  • Question , Compose short and relevant questions with the part of the text marked in the first step.
  • Read , in this step our task is to read actively to find answers to the questions that have been prepared. When reading, focus on paragraphs that are thought to contain answers that match the questions.
  • Recite , reiterates the answers to the questions that have been prepared. At this step, try not to look at the answers written on the notes as much as possible. If the question is not answered, then proceed to the next question and repeat until all questions are answered.
  • Review, this is the final step by conducting a review of all questions and answers to arrive at a conclusion.


Okay Sinaumed’s, those are some techniques that you can apply to make learning more effective. You can try these techniques one by one until you find what technique is right for you to learn. Or you can also modify the technique above to suit your learning style. Happy learning, Sinaumed’s!