20+ Characteristics of a Sick Cat and How to Overcome It

We can recognize the characteristics of sick cats from various factors, ranging from changes in appearance, behavior, activities to their ability to socialize. If you have a pet cat at home, then you must recognize the characteristics of a sick cat so that it can be handled quickly.

Pets, especially cats, can indeed be used as good friends and their presence can also improve the mood of their owners. In fact, several studies have shown that cats can build intense intimacy, especially in the elderly and people with disabilities. Even so, cat owners also need to be careful. This is because cats can carry harmful germs that cause disease and have the potential to transmit them to humans. Therefore, it is important to understand the characteristics of a sick cat to be more alert.

Characteristics of a Sick Cat

When you are sick, cats usually show certain characteristics. There are several features that are easy to recognize, but there are also those that look normal. So that you don’t get confused anymore, here are some of the characteristics of a sick cat, including:

1. Appetite changes

If your pet cat shows a change in appetite, whether it increases or decreases, then this could be a sign that the cat may be having problems with its digestive system. Increased appetite that occurs in cats can be caused by intestinal parasites, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or other digestive diseases that cause poor absorption of nutrients. Meanwhile, decreased appetite may be caused because the cat feels nauseous, has a fever, has digestive disease, or pain in the mouth.

2. Drink a lot

If your cat drinks more often or more than usual, you need to suspect that there is a health problem in its body. There are many possible causes of increased thirst in cats, including diabetes, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism. In addition, there are also less common endocrine diseases such as acromegaly or hyperadrenocorticism.

3. Often Meows or Sounds

Meowing is a cat’s way of communicating. Where the cat’s voice can be interpreted in many ways, it could be hungry, angry, telling something, or seeking attention. If a previously vocal cat starts meowing more than usual, then it’s probably trying to tell its owner if it’s uncomfortable or experiencing physical or emotional stress. Usually, cats meow more often when they feel hungry or in pain. As they age, some cats can experience cognitive dysfunction or senility which can also change the frequency of their voices.

4. Can’t Urinate

Immediately seek medical help if your cat suddenly cannot urinate, especially for male cats. They may have a blockage in the lower urinary tract and must be treated immediately. To find out if a cat has difficulty urinating, you can pay attention to the litter box for urinating and defecating. If the sand is constantly dry, then it can be a sign that your cat is sick and has difficulty urinating. The cat’s changing BAK habits need to be watched out for, for example, they don’t urinate in their usual places. This may indicate that they have an illness that makes it difficult to get in or out of the litter box.

5. Vomiting and Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea experienced by cats can be caused by:

– Gastrointestinal blockage or accidentally ingesting a foreign body
– Intestinal parasites
– Food sensitivities, intolerances or allergies
– Kidney disease
– Pancreatitis
– Intestinal
inflammation – Bacterial or viral infection
– Ingestion of poisons
– Liver disease
– Cancer

If you see a cat vomiting and also diarrhea, then immediately take it to the vet to find out the cause and get it treated quickly.

6. Changes in Body Licking Habits

Cats will generally lick their bodies to clean themselves of the dirt on their fur. However, if the cat seems to lick its body more often, then that could be a sign of a problem in its body. Also, some cats can tend to overgroom or lick their fur more often to calm themselves when they are anxious. On the other hand, some health problems can also make cats reluctant to lick their bodies. For example, joint pain may cause a cat to avoid licking the painful area. A cat that has pain in its mouth may also not want to lick its fur because it is uncomfortable with its mouth.

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7. Bad breath

Bad breath in cats can be caused by dental disease, for example, tartar, gingivitis, abscessed teeth, or tumors in the mouth. In addition, bad breath in cats can also be a sign of internal diseases such as kidney disease and diabetes.

8. More Fussy

The following are some possible causes for cats to become more fussy, including:

– Body aches
– Changes in vision or hearing that make cats feel more vulnerable and defensive
– Hyperthyroidism
– Hypertension
– Brain tumors
– Rabies

Immediately contact the vet if the cat continues to be fussy so that the cause is known.

9. Changes in Pupil Size

Abnormal looking pupil size or anisocoria may be one of the signs:

– Problems with one of the cranial nerves or brain
– Cancer
– Injury to the cornea
– Diseases of the retina
– Inflammation of the eye
– Glaucoma

Then, pupils that are continuously enlarged or dilated can be caused by hypertension, disease in the retina, or tumors that affect the cranial nerves or the brain. Meanwhile, persistently small pupils can be caused by diseases in the brain or Horner’s syndrome.

10. Lethargic or More Active

Changes in energy levels in cats, whether increasing or decreasing, can be one of the characteristics of a sick cat. The condition may appear to occur suddenly or gradually over time. For example, cats with hyperthyroid tend to be very active. Meanwhile, a cat that looks lethargic may be suffering from arthritis or other ailments.

11. Hiding More Often

Cats that often hide may be caused by anxiety, fear, stress, and pain. Then, cats also often hide when other cats, animals, or other people are intimidating. Not only due to health problems, pregnant cats will also usually look for a private place or a quiet hiding place to give birth.

12. Weight Loss

A healthy and stable weight is one indicator of a cat’s overall health. So, any obvious weight loss could be a sign that the cat is sick. Weight loss can be seen in a variety of conditions, including:

– Poor nutrition
– Intestinal parasites
– Diabetes
– Hyperthyroidism
– Kidney disease
– Dental disease
– Diseases of the intestines
– Diseases of the pancreas
– Cancer
– Decreased appetite due to nausea

13. Overweight

Weight gain in cats can indeed be caused by excessive eating habits. However, it can also be caused by endocrine diseases such as hyperadrenocorticism and possibly cancer. In addition, diseases such as feline infectious peritonitis or FIP can also cause fluid to accumulate in a cat’s stomach. This can trigger an enlarged stomach or excess weight.

14. Respiratory Problems

Under certain conditions, cats can just pant. For example, when feeling tired, stressed, suffering from heart or lung disease, and also overheating. Then, wheezing in cats is also usually caused by asthma. Coughing can also indicate a respiratory infection, cancer, asthma, or bronchitis.

15 Discharge from Ears or Eyes

Fluid coming from a cat’s eye can be caused by irritation, injury to the cornea, bacterial or viral infections, and eyelid disease. Meanwhile, the most common discharge from the ear is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection and ear mites.

16. Hair Loss

If your cat feels pain in a certain area or feels anxious, then maybe he will scratch the skin excessively or overgroom it to cause certain areas to become bald. Cat hair loss can also be caused by bacterial infections, fungal infections, allergies, and also parasites such as fleas.

17. Limping or Difficulty Jumping

Changes in gait or movement can also be one of the characteristics of a sick cat. Cats will often adjust their movements when one or more of their joints is uncomfortable. The most common causes of changes in movement style in cats are broken bones or injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments. If your cat looks a bit different, then don’t delay getting it checked by the vet.

18. Limp

According to the publication The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, cats will conserve energy for hunting. That means, they will often sleep for 12 to 16 hours a day. However, if a cat sleeps longer than usual, then that could be one of the characteristics of a sick cat. Cats will look weak can be caused by a variety of conditions, ranging from bite abscesses to more serious problems, such as diabetes, kidney disease, or poisoning. Call the vet if your cat is limp for at least 24 hours.

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19. Swelling in Body Areas

Swelling that occurs in any area of ​​the body should not be ignored, it could be a sign of a sick cat. The appearance of swelling can occur due to a wound that has turned into an abscess or even has become a tumor. Look closely at the swollen area. If the cat feels pain in the area touched, or does not improve within a day or two, then see the vet immediately.

20. Low Body Temperature

A healthy cat’s temperature generally ranges from 37 to 38 degrees Celsius. One of the characteristics of a sick cat is that its body temperature is below average. When the heart weakens, other organs of the body will also weaken and not even function. This causes the body temperature to continue to decrease until it is below 37 degrees Celsius. You can use a digital thermometer to check the cat’s body. Can be inserted into the ear or through the rectum. Apart from using a thermometer, measuring body temperature can also be done by feeling the claws. If it feels colder to the touch, it could be a sign that the heart is weak. A weak heart indicates the end of the cat’s life.

21. Not Interested in His Favorite Items

When a cat’s health begins to decline, they will certainly lose interest in things that were once their favorite. They will no longer be responsive to food, toys, until their usual employer invites them to play. In fact, it could be that the cat will stop showing happiness when petted.

How to Overcome Sick Cats

The following are some ways you can do when your pet cat is sick at home, including:

1. Keep Liquid

Force the cat to keep drinking, as water can help loosen catarrhal secretions or mucous membranes. In addition, steam can also help with this. If your pet cat wants, then you can try to keep your cat in the bathroom when you are soaking in a warm bath.

2. Keep the Cat’s Eyes and Nose Clean

You have to clean the eye area and also the cat’s nose using a cotton swab. Wipe off any dirt using a cotton swab dipped in salt water.

3. Give Cats Special Flu Medication

The first thing you have to do to treat a cat who has a cold is to give it cold medicine as an antibiotic. There are several types of cold medicine that you can get at pet shops or online stores.

4. Provide Comfort For Cats

When you have the flu, your cat’s services are to keep it warm, comfortable and dry. If you have other cats that are not infected, then create an isolation room so that your cat can recover and not infect other cats.

5. Give Multivitamins

Multivitamins can increase a cat’s immune system and provide it with the nutrition it needs. Giving vitamins must be adjusted to the needs of the cat. Don’t just choose. By providing a multivitamin that suits the cat’s needs, it can be a solution to overcome the cat’s refusal to eat.

6. Fishing Using Dry Food or Dry Food

Cats that don’t want to eat because they are bored with the food they usually eat, if that’s the cause, then the most appropriate treatment is to try a different food than usual. It can be used to whet his appetite.

7. Give Worm Medicine

One of the causes of not wanting to eat is because of intestinal worms. Worms that are in the cat’s body will take all the nutrients needed by the cat. If a cat has no energy because of worms, then the way to deal with it is to give him worm medicine.

8. Give Raw Egg Yolks

Raw chicken egg yolks have a high protein content which is good for cats. This is because the intake of raw egg yolks can help increase a cat’s appetite. Not only that, you also give raw egg yolks if your cat looks thin, weak, doesn’t want to eat, or sleeps more.

9. Give Fresh Coconut Water

Coconut water itself contains ions that can meet the fluid needs of the cat’s body. In addition, fresh coconut water can also be used as an antidote to treat poisoned cats. Not only that, you can also give fresh coconut water to cats with fever or vomiting.

10. Provide VCO Oil

VCO oil functions as an antibiotic that can ward off bad bacteria in the cat’s body as long as it is not given in too large quantities. Because, if you give too much, what will happen is that the cat will experience bacterial resistance.

This is an explanation of some of the characteristics of a sick cat that you need to understand and how to deal with it. Hope it is useful.