15 Alternative Food Recommendations Besides White Rice that are Healthy and Good for Diet

Food Recommendations Apart from White Rice – Alternative staple foods other than rice are basically very many. Rice is known to be a food that is very liked by the people of Indonesia. Most Indonesian people definitely don’t feel full if they don’t eat rice. This is because rice is one of the foods that contain high carbohydrates, so it can be a source of daily energy for the body.

Besides being rich in carbohydrates, rice is actually a food that is rich in nutrients. Some of the nutrients present in rice are fiber, protein, magnesium, and zinc. However, rice is one of the foods that has a high glycemic index content. The purpose of a high glycemic index content is to make rice easier and faster to break down into sugar so that it will be absorbed by the body.

This is what makes someone who consumes too much rice, will make glucose levels in the blood increase. Of course this is quite dangerous for the body, especially if the person has a history of certain diseases, such as diabetes. Not only that, people who consume rice in excess can cause weight gain to lead to obesity.

Currently, some people are starting to choose to eat a more varied staple food as an alternative to rice. The reasons behind these changes are of course diverse. In general, people who choose alternative foods other than rice are due to being on a certain diet program. For some people, choosing alternative foods other than rice is of course quite burdensome. The reason is, Indonesians are very familiar with rice as a staple food every day.

So, in this article, we will discuss various alternative foods besides rice. For those of you who want to choose alternative foods other than rice, it is still recommended to meet the needs of carbohydrates in the body. Therefore, you can choose various other types of substitute foods as alternative foods besides rice which are still delicious, nutritious and nutritious.

15 Alternative Foods Besides Rice

The following are fifteen alternative foods other than rice that Gramedio.com has managed to summarize for all of you, including:

1. Shirataki

The first alternative food besides rice is shirataki. Shirataki itself is a food that has a shape like noodles with the basic ingredients of glucomannan or a type of fiber that comes from the root of the konjac or konnyaku plant. This type of noodle has been widely consumed by Japanese people.

Shirataki can be said to be a food that has a fairly high calorie content, which is 3 kcal per serving or around 85 grams. How to serve shirataki dishes can also be said to be quite easy. You only need to boil the shirataki in water for two minutes, then, you can reheat them using a non-stick pan.

2. Corn

The second alternative food besides rice is corn. Corn is certainly no stranger to Indonesians. Jagong itself turns out to be able to be used as a source of carbohydrates that can replace the function of rice.

As quoted from Very Well FIt, 100 grams of corn kernels contain about 86 calories and various types of B vitamins. As an alternative food to replace rice, corn contains a lot of fiber to help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. How to eat corn can also be served like rice or flour.

3. Potatoes

The third alternative food besides rice is potatoes. After corn, potatoes can be a food that can be used as a substitute for rice. Potato itself is known as one of the tubers that has a fairly high fiber content. This can make potatoes very suitable for maintaining digestive health.

How to eat potatoes is quite easy, all you have to do is boil or steam potatoes to serve with a variety of other side dishes. You can also make potatoes into mashed potatoes or often called mashed potatoes. Growing potatoes are usually chosen to have a more savory taste.

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4. Oatmeal

The fourth alternative food besides rice is oatmeal or often called oatmeal. The fiber content found in oatmeal can make the body feel full longer than rice. This of course makes oatmeal one of the foods that are suitable for people who want to lose weight.

According to the Healthline website, 100 grams of oatmeal can store up to 68 kcal of calories. In addition, oatmeal also contains other nutrients, starting from vitamin A, calcium, potassium and of course vitamin B6. Someone who eats oatmeal regularly every day will be able to lower cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood so that it is healthier for the body.

5. Brown rice

The fifth alternative food besides rice is brown rice. Even though it has almost the same shape as white rice, brown rice is a source of complex carbohydrates that has a fairly low glycemic index. Not only does it have a low glycemic index, red rice also stores a fairly high content of vitamins B6, zinc, and iron.

Brown rice can be an alternative food besides rice which can be consumed like when consuming white rice. It’s just that, the difference in how to cook brown rice with white rice lies in the amount of water. Red rice requires quite a lot of water so that it has a texture that is not hard like regular white rice.

6. Sweet potato

The sixth alternative food besides rice is sweet potato. Apart from potatoes, sweet potatoes can also be used as a substitute for rice. It is known that every 100 grams of sweet potato has a calorie content of 86 kcal and a protein content of 1.6 grams. How to consume sweet potatoes itself is very diverse, from boiling, steaming, to even frying.

For those of you who like to cook, you can add other ingredients to sweet potatoes. However, you still have to pay attention to additional food ingredients so that the calories in sweet potatoes do not increase. Some people often make baked sweet potato donuts as a delicious and easy snack to make.

7. Quinoa

The seventh alternative to rice is quinoa. Currently, quinoa is chosen as a food substitute for rice which is quite popular for many people. This is because these foods do not contain gluten, but have a high protein content. For example, 92 grams of quinoa is known to contain four grams of protein. This amount is of course more than double when compared to plain white rice.

In addition to its high protein content, quinoa also contains essential amino acids which are very good for meeting the body’s needs. How to cook quinoa itself is quite easy, all you have to do is mix it with water and bring it to a boil. Next, you can cover the lid and reduce the heat until the water is simmering and all the water has absorbed into the quinoa. Finally, you can remove the cooked quinoa to let it rest for five minutes. Quinoa is ready to be served with side dishes.

8. Bulgur

The eighth alternative food besides rice is bulgur. Bulgur itself is known as a type of wheat that is very suitable for meeting carbohydrate needs when on a diet program. Bulgur beans basically have a texture and taste similar to rice.

How to cook bulgur itself is almost the same as rice or shirataki noodles. Every one cup or about 100 grams of bulgur has a calorie content of only around 76 kcal. This amount is of course slightly lower than the usual white rice consumed every day.

9. Cauliflower

The ninth alternative food besides rice is cauliflower. Cauliflower can be served like rice, namely by boiling it as a substitute for rice. Cauliflower itself contains carbohydrates and calories which can be said to be quite low when compared to white rice. Every one cup of cauliflower rice or around 57 grams only has a calorie content of around 13 kcal

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One way that is often used to serve this vegetable is by making cauliflower rice. The first step that can be done is to cut the flower and then grate it. Well, grated cauliflower can then be steamed or boiled for five minutes.

10. Cabbage or cabbage

The tenth alternative food besides rice is cabbage or cabbage. Apart from cauliflower, cabbage can also be used as a substitute for rice. Every one cup of cabbage or about 70 grams only contains 17 kcal of calories. Plus, cabbage is also rich in vitamin K so that it can meet the 68 percent needed by the body every day.

Cabbage or cabbage is very suitable for people who are on a diet program. This is because cabbage or cabbage has a fairly low calorie and carbohydrate content. Not only that, the taste given by the sweet potato itself tends to be milder so it will be delicious when consumed with various types of vegetables or other side dishes.

11. Cuscus

The eleventh alternative food besides rice is couscous or often called couscous. Steam itself can be known as a kind of grain that can be used to help lose one’s weight.

These grains can be said to have a low carbohydrate content. However, couscous stores a lot of protein and fiber which are good for the body. Couscous also has slightly smaller calories than white rice and quinoa. It’s just that, couscous is not free of gluten.

12. Cassava

The twelfth alternative food besides rice is cassava. Basically, cassava has a calorie content that is not too different from white rice. However, cassava can be an option as a replacement food that is rich in carbohydrates.

For the Indonesian region itself, cassava has been processed into various types of dishes. Starting from snacks, flour, even cassava rice. Rice from cassava is often referred to as tiwul. It is said that tiwul is a staple food for people who have relatively barren areas, such as Wonogiri and Gunung Kidul. In both areas, tiwul is still a food alternative to rice when the economy is struggling.

13. Garbanzo beans

The thirteenth alternative food besides rice is garbanzo beans or commonly known as chickpeas or chickpeas. This rice substitute food can be used as an ingredient for typical Middle Eastern dishes.

Based on an article from the Healthline website, every 28 grams of garbanzo beans have calories of 46 kcal. Apart from that, these nuts can also be an option as a source of protein, especially for people who often feel tired. How to cook garbanzo beans yourself can be said to be quite easy, these beans can be used as a mixture for soup or hummus.

14. Broccoli

The fourteenth alternative food besides rice is broccoli. Almost the same as cauliflower, broccoli can be served by boiling or clustering as a substitute for white rice. In 57 grams of boiled broccoli only store calories as much as 15 kcal and fiber content up to two grams.

Not only this content, broccoli is also a vegetable that is rich in vitamin C. Every 57 grams of broccoli can meet the daily vitamin requirement for the human body by 25 percent.

15. Whole grain risoni

The last alternative food besides rice is whole wheat risoni. This food is known as whole wheat orzo. Risoni or orzo is basically a type of pasta that has a shape, size and texture similar to rice.

This food has a basic ingredient of whole wheat which contains more fiber and protein than regular risoni. This is what makes risoni a substitute for rice because it can be a good source of fiber and carbohydrates for the diet. How to cook risoni also like pasta food in general. It’s just that, the risoni needs to be cooked by paying attention to the right temperature and time so it doesn’t become too soft.

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