Getting to Know Animal Fiber and Other Types of Fiber

Understanding Animal Fiber – Animal fiber is a natural fiber that consists mostly of certain proteins.
Fibers can be natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers can be made of
plastic materials.
Natural fibers can be from plants and animals. Animal fiber is
a layer of fiber that is usually used by humans for textiles and crafts.

Animal fibers commonly used in the world of manufacturing and hand spinning are wool fibers from domestic
sheep and silk.
And the very popular fibers are alpaca and mohair fibers from Angora goats.
Unusual fibers such as Angora wool from rabbits and Chiengora for mass production. And
not all animal fibers have the same properties, even within a species the fibers are also

Merino is a very soft and silky wool, while Cotswold is coarser. But merino and Cotswold are
breeds of sheep.
This comparison can be continued at the microscopic level, comparing diameters
and fiber structures.
With animal fibres, and natural fibres in general, individual fibers look
different, whereas all synthetic fibres look the same.
This provides an easy way to distinguish
between natural and synthetic fibers under a microscope.

Most preferred animal fibers come from European countries. The animal fiber that is usually
used is the fur.
The fiber is smooth and soft. Comfort, elasticity, flexibility,
beauty affect the sale value.
The high selling value of fiber is of course based on the quality
of the goods.
Animal fiber can also be a material at a fantastic price, this is due to the high
quality of animal fiber.
The higher the quality, the higher the selling price.

Animal fibers are used for textile materials in the form of thick, smooth and soft jackets.
People in European countries really need this fiber because the air is cold there. The
classification of fiber from animals includes staple fiber and filament fiber.

Fiber Types

Natural fibers are fibers produced by plants, animals and geological processes. This type of
fiber can experience weathering.
Natural fibers can be classified into several types of fibers,

1. Plant fiber

Plant fiber is a material similar to thread and when it comes from plants, it is referred to as plant
Plant fiber is also known as natural fiber, because this fiber is obtained from plants.
Various kinds of natural fiber materials from plants can be used by craftsmen to be produced into a

Natural fibers derived from plants are classified into four, namely fiber from seeds, stems, leaves and
Plant fibers are usually composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and sometimes also contain
Here are some examples of natural types of fiber, namely cotton and natural

a. Hemp Fiber

Hemp fiber is a plant fiber that originates from the Boehmeria nivea plant. This plant fiber
has long been used in China as a material for wrapping corpses.
This sedat is usually used as a
raw material for making canvas and rope crafts.

Not only that, this fiber is also very important in Japan, because it is a raw material for making Kimono
In Indonesia, hemp fiber has been growing since the Dutch Colonial period.
The following are the characteristics of hemp fiber, namely:

    • It has a very white color and is also clean
    • Does not change color even when exposed to sunlight
    • Has resistance from bacteria and fungi
    • It has a flexible texture and is very comfortable to wear

b. Abaka fiber

Abaka fiber is a fiber produced from Musa textilis, which is a plant that is similar to the banana plant
and originates from the Philippines.
Abaca fiber is also known as Manila.

The benefits of abaca plant fiber are quite a lot. Usually the people of the Philippines use
this fiber as a raw material for handicrafts and for making clothes for nobles or respectable families in
the Philippines.
There are several characteristics of abaca fiber, namely:

    • It has a white to ivory color
    • There are also cream to light brown
    • There are also black ones.

c. Urine fiber

Urene fiber is a fiber produced from the Urena lobata plant. The benefits of urea fiber as a
basic ingredient for household needs, such as in the manufacture of sacks.
This fiber has
several characteristics, namely:

    • It has a slightly creamy white color and is shiny
    • It has a smooth and soft texture
    • Very supple
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d. Sun fiber

Sunn fiber is a fiber produced from the Crotalaria Juncea plant and is the most widely produced in India
and Pakistan.
The benefits of this fiber as a raw material for making nets, paper, sacks and
also rigging.
The following are the characteristics of sunn fibers, namely:

    • The fiber has a very light color and is shiny
    • Sunn fiber is quite resistant from fungi and microorganisms
    • Has a fairly firm texture

e. Kenaf fiber

Kenaf fiber is a fiber from the stem of the Hibiscus Cannabinus plant and is most commonly found in India
and Pakistan.
The outside of the stem has a rougher texture than the inside.
Following are the characteristics of kenaf fiber, namely:

    • Has a light brown color
    • Contains high cellulose
    • As a basic material for paper

2. Wood Fiber

Wood fiber is fiber that comes from woody plants. Wood fiber has a beautiful texture that is
different from the others.
Here are some examples of wood fibers, namely: Teak wood fiber,
mahogany wood fiber, sonokeling wood fiber, sungkai wood fiber, ironwood fiber, acacia wood fiber, sengon
wood fiber, pine wood fiber, and also camphor wood fiber.

3. Animal Fibers

In general, animal fiber is composed of certain proteins. Examples of animal fibers that can
be used by humans are sheep wool (wool), leather, fur, and silk. Mineral fibers, generally made from
Currently asbestos is the only mineral that occurs naturally in the form of long

Here are some explanations of the classification of animal fiber, namely:

a. Staple Fiber

Staple fiber is a form of animal hair in the form of wool. Examples of animals are sheep,
alpaca, cashmere, mohair, rabbit and vicuna.
The most widely used animal fiber is wool which is
from sheep wool.

b. Filament

Filament is a form of fiber in the form of a network. An example of a filament is the fiber
that comes from the silkworm larvae.
From caterpillars to cocoons and these cocoons are used as
threads and then spun into silk cloth.
Silk cloth itself has a high selling value in the
Silk fabrics are embroidered from any country, so apart from having a high selling
value, they can also be imported to various countries around the world.

Here are some types of fiber derived from animals, namely:

a. Wool

Wool fiber is the hair that grows from the skin of sheep and is a relatively coarse and crimped fiber with
scales on its surface.
Wool fibers consist of protein. The appearance of this
fiber varies, depending on what breed of sheep it is.
The finer, softer and warmer fibers tend
to have more scales and are finer.

Thicker, less warm fibers have less scale and are coarser. Generally, better wool fibers with
finer scales appear duller than poor quality fibers which have fewer scales.
The following
characteristics are found in wool fibers, namely:

    • Hair looks wrinkled Elastic Hygroscopic
    • Easily absorbs moisture
    • Fusifies at a higher temperature than cotton
    • Lower rate of flame spread, heat release and combustion heat
    • Resistant to static electricity

Wool fiber has many benefits so it is used as the most popular fiber material. Following are
the benefits of wool fiber as follows:

    • For the manufacture of clothing-jackets, jackets, pants, sweaters, hats and so on
    • Manufacture of blankets, carpets, felt and upholstery
    • Horse rug, Silk Fiber saddle cloth

b. Silk Fiber

Silk fiber comes from the saliva of silkworms when they become cocoons. This type of silk
cloth made from this fiber has high selling power, because it has a luster and smoothness that other fibers
do not have.
The strength of the fiber is also good but in the wet state the strength of the
silk fiber is reduced to 15%.

Silk fiber has physical characteristics such as smooth, shiny, soft, supple, strong and can adapt to the
existing air temperature.
When silk fiber is used as clothing, the silk fiber will feel cold
and can absorb sweat well.
However, silk fibers can turn yellow if exposed to too much
Silk fiber is also heat and acid resistant but is resistant to moths.

The following characteristics are possessed by silk fibers, namely:

    • Shiny, fine texture, soft and non-slip
    • Light, strong, but can lose up to 20% of its strength when wet
    • Moderate to poor elasticity. If extended, stay stretched
    • May weaken if exposed to too much sun
    • Can be damaged by insects, especially if left dirty
    • Can be damaged by insects, especially if left dirty

Silk fiber is used in the manufacture of shirts, ties, blouses, formal gowns, high fashion, women’s
underwear, pajamas, robes, men’s suits and summer wear.
In addition, there are many
applications for furnishing upholstery, wall coverings, and leather wall decoration.

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c. Alpaca Fleece Fiber

Alpacas are animals that resemble Ilama, but the body of an alpaca is smaller. Alpaca is taken
for its fur and the fiber is used to make knitwear and sewing items, such as sheep’s wool.
Alpaca fiber is a natural fiber obtained from alpaca, which is a unique animal that belongs to the
camel family and also resembles llamas.

This natural fiber is soft, durable, luxurious and silky. Compared to wool, this fiber is
warmer, less barbed, and also does not contain lanolin, which makes it hypoallergenic.
are naturally water resistant and difficult to catch fire.

There are two types of alpaca fiber, namely: Huacaya, an alpaca that grows soft spongy fiber, has natural
wrinkles, making this elastic thread very suitable for knitting.
Suri has no wrinkles and is
therefore more suitable for woven items.

Alpaca can be made into a wide range of products, from very simple and inexpensive clothing made by
indigenous peoples to sophisticated, industrial and expensive products such as clothing.
card making, spinning, weaving and finishing processes of alpaca are very similar to the processes used to
manufacture wool.

d. Cowhide Fiber

Cowhide has many benefits, besides being used as a variety of processed foods, cowhide can also be used to
make crafts.
The nature of this fiber material is of course very good and durable as well as
flexible, so it is very suitable as a raw material for making bags, shoes, and so on.

In the aspect of fashion and animal products, leather is a flexible and durable material made by tanning
animal skins, generally cowhide.
Leather has been used as a raw material for clothing, vehicle
interiors, furniture, book covers, drums, musical instruments and so on.

Today most of the skin is made from cowhide. Goat, sheep and deer skins were also used to
produce a material that was softer and valued at a higher price.
Deer skins can also be used as
gloves in temperate countries.
Other animal skins include pig, buffalo, crocodile, dog, snake,
kangaroo and large poultry such as ostriches.

Kangaroo skin is strong, flexible, lightweight and anti-abrasion, and is often used as a material for whips
and jackets for motorcycle users.
Football boots and boxing gloves. The
traditional Japanese sword Katana uses stingray skin on the handle.

e. Crocodile Skin Fiber

Estuarine crocodile is a type of crocodile whose skin is widely used as fiber for a product that is
In America, alligator crocodiles are usually used as the utilization of its skin
which is a raw material.
Crocodile skin fiber is usually used as raw material for making shoes,
wallets, bags, and even clothing materials, such as jackets, suits, and other fashions.

f. Fleece Fiber

Not all sheep can use their fur, you know Sinaumed’s, Merino sheep are a special type of sheep and of course
have thick fur that can be used as a natural fiber material.
Sheep Fleece is usually used to
make woolen fabrics and several other materials.

Sheep’s wool fiber has a curly and dense nature which is a technique of gathering the hair by shearing at
the end of winter.
The sheep’s wool is then woven into threads and woolen fabrics that we
usually find on the market.

g. Bear Hair Fiber

Bear fur can also be used as material for making clothes and jackets. Even though it is
difficult to get it, the average population who live in countries with cold climates, wear clothes and
jackets made from bear fur.

h. Horse Hair Fiber

Various types of brushes are usually made from horse hair fibers because they are considered to be better
for painting.
In addition to brushes, horse hair fibers can also be used for strings in several
types of traditional musical instruments due to the unique power of horse hair to produce tones and

Wow, it turns out that the fibers that we use every day from clothes, cooking tools, musical instruments
and others are made of various kinds of fibers, ranging from plants, wood to animals.
Sinaumed’s wants to find out more information about how to care for these animals to produce fibers and how to
make them into goods, Sinaumed’s can read books available at .
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