13 West Java Regional Songs Along with Their Lyrics and Meanings

West Java folk songs – Indonesia is a country that has wealth in all respects including in terms of culture. In fact, each region has different cultural diversity, such as different folk songs.

One of them is the area of ​​West Java which has a variety of regional songs. West Java regional songs are not only popular within the region. However, some are already so popular that they leave the West Java area.

In fact, until now to support the preservation of West Java folk songs. Each generation will be taught about the folk song.

The existence of regional songs in West Java can also be a marker or a separate identity that can distinguish West Java from other regions. Maybe you guys when you were still in school have listened to some West Javanese folk songs.

So, to add insight into West Java folk songs, this article will provide an explanation of the list of West Java folk songs which are so popular, complete with their lyrics and meanings.

Regional Song Function

Before discussing about some West Java folk songs. It would be better if we also know what are the functions of having folk songs. Below is an explanation of some of the functions of folk songs that you can find out about.

1. As a Means of Traditional Ceremonies in an Area

The first function of having regional songs is for traditional ceremonial facilities in an area. In Indonesia, there are several regions that have traditional ceremonies using folk songs as accompaniment. An example is the Merapu ceremony in Sumba which uses local folk songs as a medium for accompanying the spirit in the traditional ceremony.

2. Dance accompaniment or regional performances

Each region that has folk songs is used for different purposes. In the area of ​​Java, traditional songs are usually used to accompany regional song performances. An example is the Javanese style song which is used for staging the Serimpi traditional dance from Central Java. Not only that, folk songs can also be used to accompany other performances such as shadow puppets, ludruk, ketoprak and others.

3. Communication Media

The existence of folk songs can also be used as a means of communication between folk song singers and their listeners.

4. Media for entertainment and playing in ancient times

In ancient times, of course, it was not as sophisticated as it is today. Because of this, in the past, folk songs were often used as a means of entertainment. Not only that, folk songs in ancient times were also used as playing media.

In fact, there are several folk songs that were created to accompany children’s games. An example is the song Cublak-Cublak Suweng from Central Java, Ampar-Ampar Pisang from South Kalimantan and the song Pok Ame-ame from Betawi.

5. Means of Making a Living

Some people can have a profession as singers of folk songs in a traditional performance. This can explain if the presence of folk songs can also be used as a means of earning a living.

6. As Media Information

Along with the development of the times, the existence of folk songs has also developed its function. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people’s advertising backsounds to use folk songs. Such as immunization ads, election ads and so forth.

Those are some of the functions of having folk songs in every region in Indonesia. Seeing the explanation above, of course we also have to protect and preserve every regional song in Indonesia, Sinaumed’s.

West Java Regional Song

As previously explained, each region has its own regional songs. This also applies to the West Java region which has its own folk songs. Maybe you have also heard of West Javanese folk songs.

This is because there are several West Java regional songs that are already very popular not only within the region, but also outside the West Java region which are already very well known. Here are some West Java folk songs along with their lyrics and meanings.

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1. Manuk Dadali


Mesat floats majestically far in the clouds of
Meberkeun jangjangna wakes up taya karingrang
Sukuna ranggaos reujeung pamatukna hugs
Ngapak mega bari hiberna pulls nyuruwuk

Saha so-and-so can come right over to
Gandang jeung about taya bandinganna
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
Taya karempan kasieun

Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna
Symbol of sacred Indonesia Jaya
Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana
Recipe for ngahiji pillars of sakabehna
Breathe sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri

Silih pikanyaah teu english bela starch
Manuk dadali contains siloka sinatria
Keur Sakumna Nation in Nagara Indonesia


The first song from the West Java region is the Manuk Dadali song, where the meaning of the word manuk dadali is an eagle. As the title suggests, this song depicts the figure of the Garuda bird which is also a national symbol that is so dashing and charismatic and can fly high in the sky freely, just like Indonesia’s glory.

2. Ice Lolly


The ice cream is being pushed around.
I am assisted by Sukajadi
Abdi, fill it with ceuceu,
I am vague, I suspect Sok sieun, oh, henteu, ngajadi.
Ice cream, made in Bandung.

It’s a geuningan ka Cipaganti
I’m filling in jungjunan duh bararingung
Pretending to be English oh oh henteu it’s happening
That’s a dunungan nu waiting munding
I hang my handkerchief on my geuning

That’s my dungungan ginding teuing
Sing horeng mah aduh geuning jungjunan
Ice candles mah ceuceu dikalapaan
Raosna mah geuningan bina-bina
Alim servant dunungan paduduaan

Sok sieun, where
helping me


Next there is a West Javanese folk song with the title Es Lilin. This song tells about the anxiety of a girl who is being approached by a man who is so respected.

Then, there are also those who interpret the Es Lilin song as a form of the attitude of women who must be careful in choosing a partner. Es Lilin itself is one of the special foods from Bandung.

3. Bubuy Moon


Bubuy Bulan-Bubuy Bulan Roasted
Panon Poe-Panon Poe Disasate
Unggal Bulan-Unggal Teang Servant
Unggal Poe-unggal Poe Oge Hade
Situ Ciburuy Laukna Hese Fishing

Nyeredet hate ningali ngeplak caina
Tuh, that’s saha nu ngalangkung unggal enjing
ingali highlight socana

Situ ciburuy laukna hese fished
Nyeredet hate ningali ngeplak caina
Tuh, that’s saha nu ngalangkung unggal enjing
Nyeredet hate ningali highlight socana


The Bubuy Bulan song is also one of the most popular West Javanese folk songs. This song tells about a girl who was abandoned by her lover. One day the girl saw a man with the same eyes as her lover who had left.

4. Cing Cankeling


Kleung dengklek coffee fruit rarang geuyan
Keun anu dewek doing starch diheureuyan
Cing cingkeling manuk cingkleung cindeten
Plos kakolong Mr. satar buleneng
Pat lapat pat lapat katingalan still more kene pisan
Layarna bodas jeung celak mattress kaombak waves


When talking about West Javanese folk songs, maybe the Cing Cangkeling song is one of the folk songs that you are so familiar with. The song Cing Cangkeling depicts the human heart which is often fickle and easily swayed like the waves.

5. Tokecang


Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong
Angeun sapependil peanut is empty
Aya electricity in masigit meuni caang katingalna
Aya’s wife is tall alit by dina pipina
Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong
Angeun angeun peanut is sapependil is empty


Tokecang is an abbreviation of the phrase gecko eats peanuts. Where this song also tells about humans who are so greedy and greedy. This song can also be a reminder to us not to be greedy and always share with others.

6. Panon Hideung


Panon hideung pipi koneng
Irung long-tailed daughter of Bandung
Princess Saha where is bumina
I reuseup ka anjeunna
Evening day and dreams
Hate servant sara is sad
Teu emut dahar teu emut drink
Emut kanu geulis panon hideung


Next is the song Panon Hideung which, if interpreted, means black eyes. This song tells about a man who falls in love with a beautiful girl. Besides being beautiful, this girl is described as having black eyes, yellow cheeks and a sharp nose.

7. Peuyeum Bandung


in the village in the city of
Tos kakoncara
I enjoy the taste
until it’s origin

Naon namina was not invented
Duh matak kabita
Peuyeum Bandung kamashur
Pangaosna still sublime

Ku sadaya kagaleuh
Sepuh jeung murangkalih
Cobian mango
Bilih hot
Peuyeum ti Bandung
Henteu sambaran


Next there is a song with the title Peuyeum Bandung. This song tells about the famous Sundanese food, Peuyeum Bandung. This food has a very distinctive taste, cheap and addictive.

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8. Corner Stall


Akeh wong padha kedanan cooking
Akeh wong padha kelinging waiter
Ora kllen politeness ning all the customers
Yen returns the bag weekly trip

As long as the bag of payday is Kaulan
Warung Pojok go, close acquaintances, friends
of Repentance, dhendhenge, Sega Gorenge
, Emi Rebuse, dhaginge gedhe gedhe

Oh, coffee, repentance,
Adhuh, sweet, just like a maid
Pretends that the eyes are glancing,
even though the heart is drawn and

Cause I got lost
Repentance dhendhenge emi rebuse
Sega goreng dhaginge gedhe gedhe
Adhuh repentance coffee bouquet
Adhuh sweet just like the waiter


This song tells how the atmosphere is given when eating at a corner stall or small shop. This small shop is indeed often approached by many people, even today.

Broadly speaking, this Warung Pojok song tells about when a man falls in love with the shop’s maid.

9. Squirrel Squirrel



Ka astana ieuh
Abdi lepat narosan
Teu ti anggalna
I would have thought it was just
too wide

Teu hawatos
You’re tired of swaying ngtos
The fire of fire teu emut kana pasini
Pasini snuggles
duh scumbags…


The song Bajing Luncat tells of the disappointment a man feels when he finds out that his girlfriend is going to marry another man. Sadness is depicted in this song because the man cannot propose to the girl he has dreamed of for a long time.

10. Ka huma



Hayu batur geura mariang
Tong talangke tong sukan sukan
Choose the seeds of anu ngajadi
That’s where huma ngadagoan
Cultivating the rice fields of urang babareng

Saha deui, if you don’t have another one,
Anu takes care of food, clothing and
soson ngarah teu mubah
Sangkan nagara gemah ripah


Ka Huma is a song that tells about the daily life of a farmer who goes to the fields every day to do farming. In the afternoon after the farmers had worked all day, they would return home together to relieve fatigue and rest so that tomorrow they could be excited again.

11. Sweep Pegat Simpay Pain


Ririungan urang karumpul
Meumpeung deukeut hayu rang sosonoan
Macangkrama bari ngawadul
Urang silih tempas silih eledan

Moal lila jeung babaturan
Hiji wanci anu geus ditangtukeun
Will be separated will be far away
Will be mapohokeun katineung urang

Sweep, rushing hoops, destiny will lead to
Ti Gusti Hyang Widi definitely


Sapu Nyere Pegat Simpay is a song that tells about togetherness which one day can just end. This song invites us to be able to make such beautiful memories while still living healthy and still being able to gather together.

12. Father Priangan


Pick up ngagandeuang
Wake up taya karingrang
Nganggo sinjang slowed down
Mojang priangan …

Sura Seuri’s cute people
are looking for the lyrics of
Mojang Priangan’s keupat …

Diraksukan kabaya
Nambihan Cahayana
Simple Dangdosan
Mojang Priangan

Mojang anu donto
Matak sono nu nempo
Mun sono flour ka
Mojang Priangan

Gareulis maranis
Disinjang lalenjang
Estu sono mun leumpang
Mojang Priangan …

Digigirna ge lenggik
Dihareupna ge sieup
Ditukangna lenght
Mojang Priangan

Diraksukan kabaya
Nambihan Cahayana
Simple Dangdosan
Mojang Priangan

Mojang anu donto
Matak sono nu nempo
Mun sono flour ka
Mojang Priangan


As the title implies, the song Mojang Priangan means a Bandung girl. This song tells how beautiful Bandung girls are. The lyrics of the Mojang Priangan song also tell how they walk, dress and are able to describe how the smiles that Bandung girls have.

13. Sabilulungan


Sabilulungan…the basis of mutual cooperation
Sabilulungan…the nature of one-to-one
Sabilulungan…tiles are cut by
Sabilulungan..Tempong union

Tohaga rohaka
Resolutely embraces the sabilulung
Segut singkil exterminates the exile

Sabilulungan… breathe sauyunan
Sabilulungan…silih pikaheman
Sabilulungan..nulung tinulungan
Sabilulungan..solid unity

Santosa samapta
Teuneung ludeung taught the authority of
Saihwan, greeted
Nagri Nanjung, berekah sabilulungan

Sabilulungan…the basis of mutual cooperation
Sabilulungan…the nature of one-to-one
Sabilulungan…tiles are cut by
Sabilulungan..Tempong union


Translated into Indonesian, Sabilulungan means togetherness. As the title suggests, the song Sabilulungan tells about togetherness, mutual cooperation and invites anyone to always maintain a sense of unity.

The song Sabilulungan was created by a Sundanese artist named Kokok Koswara or who is often called Mang Koko. Through the lyrics of the song, there is an implied meaning, namely that togetherness and unity have become a symbol of the Indonesian nation and it should be protected and preserved.

Author: Hendrik

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