12 Characteristics of short stories in general and from various sides

What are the characteristics of short stories? – Indonesian people are certainly very familiar with short stories or short stories. Short story is a type of story script that is conveyed in a straightforward manner and has a fairly short size. So that this type of story is very widely circulated in Indonesia as a means of disseminating the moral values ​​that the author will convey. If you read a story that is short enough, it could be a short story.

But not only that, there are several other points which are important characteristics of a short story that you should recognize early on. In the following article, we will explain the various characteristics of short stories that you should know. We will also introduce the types of short stories to you later so that you can recognize short stories that are usually printed on various types of media. Let’s check it out!

Characteristics of short stories

Short stories have a number of specific characteristics that set them apart from other written works. There are various characteristics of short stories that identify a story as a short story or short story. The following include:

1. The story is Fictional

The characteristics of the first short story, namely the story is fictitious or does not happen in the real world. And sure enough, almost all short stories tell stories that don’t happen in the real world, aka sheer fiction. So if you make a short story, it should not really happen in the real world.

Even so, short stories are made as similar as possible to events in the real world. However, not a few creators of short stories create stories in the fantasy genre that can be said to be impossible to happen in the real world. And this is what distinguishes short stories from other types of stories.

2. Focus on One Aspect of the Story

Unlike novels, short stories usually focus on one aspect of the story. For example, the incident that is told is a child who is afraid of the number 13. Later from the beginning to the end of the story, the short story will show a solution to the child’s fear of the number 13. So that the scope of the conflict that occurs does not widen everywhere.

This is what makes short stories so popular, because the storytelling is so clear and to the point. And this type of story is widely used by teaching staff when they want to convey a certain moral message. It is not surprising that short stories can be found in textbooks at school.

In order to master good short story writing, there are formulas and ingredients for writing that must be known. Learn all of this in the book The Sakti Book of Writing Short Stories: Signs to Look For.

3 Reveals Problems Limited to Important Things Only

A short story can be said to be more like conveying an aspect of the story, so that later only important issues are highlighted and explained. This one point is like the previous point, and it is even clearer if short stories are a type of story that is described in a to the point manner. It’s not long-winded, it doesn’t have too many explanations, and it doesn’t make the reader dizzy.

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Usually the important things in a short story are told once the short opening section has been written. And the most important thing in a short story is usually the conflict. Apart from that, the solution or conflict resolution part is also the most important part which is explained in straightforward language but still has literary elements.

4 Events Presented Carefully And Clearly

As we have said before, short stories are usually explained in language that is straightforward and to the point. In addition, short stories are also usually presented in language that is quite clear and easy to understand. Long-winded sentences such as explanations in novels are not very suitable to be applied to stories.

That way, later anyone who reads the short story will easily guess what the author wants to convey. But that’s the true essence of the short story. Because readers can easily catch the meaning of the story that will be conveyed later. Learn how to make short stories well in the Short Story Learning book.

5 The Characterizations Are Simple

Short stories are less than 10,000 words long, experts say. And within that long story span, of course the characterizations in short stories are not as complicated as those in novels. Maybe even when making a story outline, the author only highlights a small part of the characters to be included in the story.

For example, a woman with a tall body who likes to steal. There are also other characters who are told to be short and generous. With simple characterizations, short stories will be delivered to the point without rambling. Readers can also easily identify the storyline because of the simple characterizations.

6 Doesn’t Describe Everyone’s Story

Another feature, a short story is described as a story that only tells a little story from a few characters. Even though for example there are 5 characters told in the story, the end of the story will probably tell 2 or 3 characters out of all the characters.

Short story writing that does not describe the whole story of the characters shown makes this type of story quite short and likable. Short stories also have their own characteristics that make them widely displayed, especially in Indonesian language books in schools.

7. The number of words is short or short

The last feature is that short stories are shorter than novels. Some even make short stories with only about 300 – 500 words long. But most commonly, short stories are not made of more than 10,000 words, making this type of story quite popular. Usually short stories are also used as a learning tool for elementary – high school children so that later they can obtain certain information.

It’s no wonder that this type of story is often featured in school books, especially Indonesian language books. Apart from that, this type of story is also shown to convey a certain moral message which we hope will be used as a learning tool for readers.

You can learn various important points in short story writing such as plotting, establishing conflict, and many more in the book 13 Points of Writing Short Stories, Guaranteed to Write Short Short Stories!

8. Finished One Sitting

Unlike the literary works of novels or serials or short stories, short stories have the characteristic of being read in one sitting. This means that when you read a short story, you will finish it immediately and you can get the contents of the whole story at one reading. Having sat down once is the most common feature of short stories because short stories do have a shorter textual form than novels.

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Find a variety of selected short stories in the Kompas 2020 Selected Short Story book: Tigers which tell about the pandemic situation that is sweeping the world today.

5 Books That Make You Understand More About Short Stories

1. Creative Drawing and Writing Short Stories

2. 13 Points of Short Story Writing

In understanding how to write good short stories, Sinaumed’s can read the book 13 Points of Writing Short Stories, Guaranteed to Write Short Stories in a Short Time! by ImperiaLJathee.

3. In the Midst of Darkness Inuvik SHORT STORY COLLECTION

5. Easy and Fun with Short Stories-Gram

Characteristics of Short Stories from Various Sides

We have studied the characteristics of short stories seen from the constituent elements. But it turns out that there are also characteristics of short stories that can be seen from various other sides. Well, according to Henry Guntur Tarigan, there are various characteristics of short stories from various sides that you can identify. The following include:

1. From the side of expression

Short stories can be seen from the side of the expression, usually this type of story is very expressive and animating. Short story telling can describe or interpret the author’s view of life, especially the life he experienced.

2. In terms of story elements

Identification of short stories can also be seen from the elements of the story. A story can be said as a short story if it reveals a particular incident that can dominate the entire storyline that is disclosed.

3. From a pragmatic perspective

Short stories can be called short stories if they have pragmatic elements. In other words, a short story that has a deep impression that can leave a certain impression can be categorized as a short story.

4. From the acting side

Another point, a short story can be identified if there is a main character or actors who control most of the contents of the story. Even though various types of other story works also have main characters, the percentage of the main character’s presence in short stories can be more intense.

5. From a structural perspective

From a structural point of view, a short story is usually delivered in a concise, concise, and effective and efficient manner. Short story readers will feel a fairly stable tension from the beginning of reading to the end. In contrast to novels, which can make the reader feel prolonged emotions until the end of the story.

A short story usually also has a fairly unified form. In addition, the story told is also very intensive. So that later the readers can feel relieved when they reach the end which is quite a short distance from the opening part. This type of story is very suitable to be read by people with high curiosity.

Articles Related to Short Stories: 

  • Definition of short stories
  • Characteristics of short stories
  • How to Make Short Stories
  • Short Story Examples
  • Examples of Non-Fiction Stories
  • Short Story Book Collection

Short Story Related Books:

  • Short Story Book
  • Children’s Fairy Tale Book
  • Children’s Story Book
  • Story book with picture
  • Poetry Book
  • Quotes Book

Literary Functions in Short Stories

Because it is included in literary works, there are several literary functions in short stories, including the following:

  1. Recreative function: to entertain the reader
  2. Aesthetic function: to describe the beauty of the reader
  3. Didactive function: to educate the reader
  4. The function of morality: to convey moral values ​​to the reader
  5. The function of religiosity: to convey religious teachings to readers

Well, that’s an explanation of the characteristics of short stories in literary works, especially authorship. The characteristics of these short stories can be a guide when you want to start writing short stories. In addition, you can also observe the characteristics of this short story while reading the story and can interpret the work as a whole.

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