Elements of Debate – If interpreted in general, debate is a strategy in arguing so that the arguments we have are not broken by opponents. Debate can easily be interpreted as arguing in order to achieve a one-sided victory.
Debate seems to have become familiar with our lives. Usually we can meet debate activities in school competitions, formal events, or on television and our cell phones .
Sinaumed’s is the type of person who likes to argue? Debate is not just about arguing and just talking, of course it takes skills and knowledge of the topics to be debated.
If you don’t prepare material and speaking skills, chances are you will find it difficult to win a debate.
If Sinaumed’s wants to deepen this skill, there are many things that Sinaumed’s should know so that Sinaumed’s’ abilities can get better. Apart from knowing the elements of a debate, there are also various debates that Sinaumed’s must learn.
10 Elements of Debate
Knowledge of the debate can be started from the elements in the debate. Does Sinaumed’s already know the elements of the debate? If not, see the explanation below.
1. Motion
The first element of debate is the motion. A motion is an element of debate relating to a matter or topic being debated by the debate participants.
Motions are usually in the form of a complete sentence, containing at least a subject, predicate and object. With this motion it becomes a determination to be able to produce which parties will support or pro and which parties will oppose or contra.
2. Definition
The second element of debate is definition. The definition is still related to the motion, the definition is a limitation of the motion which aims to make the issues being debated in the debate more focused.
3. Arguments
The third element of debate is argumentation. The argumentation is the part that explains the reasons why you agree or disagree with the descriptions submitted by the pros and cons team.
Usually the argument is accompanied by ideas, analysis and supporting evidence. Existing facts or evidence must also be in line with the argument so that it makes sense.
4. Disclaimer
The fourth element of debate is rebuttal. Rebuttal can also be interpreted as a response to an argument against the opposing team. Rebuttals in debate are useful in proving that the opposing team’s arguments are not as important as they make them out to be.
As with arguments, objections must be accompanied by logical and relevant reasons, evidence and conclusions.
5. Affirmative Team
The fifth element of the debate is the affirmative team or commonly known as the party that will support or be pro towards the matter being debated (motion). The pros will explain various explanations regarding the reasons for agreeing to the motion being discussed.
If you are in the position of the affirmative team, don’t let your arguments contradict the debating motion because it will be very easy for your opponent to attack the affirmative team.
6. Opposition Team
The sixth element of the debate is the opposition team, if there is already a team that supports now the opposition team is the opposite. The opposition team is the party that opposes or is against the matter being debated (motion).
In the debate, the opposition team will refute what was conveyed by the affirmative team.
7. Neutral Team
The seventh element of the debate is the neutral team. Apart from the affirmative team that supports the motion and the opposition team that opposes the motion, there is also a neutral team that is in the middle position.
A neutral team is a team that does not side with or lean towards one team, in other words, this team does not side with anyone.
8. Moderators
The eighth element of the debate is the moderator. In a debate, the moderator is a role that can be said to be important because the moderator’s job is to lead or help the course of a debate.
The moderator’s duties begin with reading out the rules for the debate, asking questions and acting as a mediator for arguments between debate participants.
In addition, a moderator must be able to master the material to be debated from either an affirmative or oppositional position. The moderator must also have a firm, neutral, polite and disciplined attitude.
9. Debate Participants
The ninth element of the debate is the debate participants. Participants or spectators are people who actively participate in the debate, because usually at the end of the debate the participants will be asked to express their opinions and also decide the winner of the debate with the jury through a voting or voting process.
Debate participants usually follow the target of the debate activity, which is usually attended by students or students, teachers, lecturers to the general public.
10. Note
The last element of the debate is the note taker. The debate does not only consist of people who are on the pros and cons team, but there is a part that is no less important in debating activities, namely the note taker.
The task of a note taker is to record the overall course of the debate and the conclusion of the debate. A note taker is also in charge of recording names and questions and answers that will be thrown by both parties.
Kinds of Debate
1. The Re-Examination Debate
Debate re-examination or cross-examination debating , aims to find out the truth of the examination that has been done before. In this debate, several questions will be asked and the questions asked must be related to each other.
This is done so that each individual can support a position that will be upheld and strengthened by the party giving the question.
2. Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary debates or so-called assembly debates (Assembly of parliamentary debating) aim to support the law to be formed, evaluated until it is passed.
In this debate all members of the debate have the right to submit opinions and ideas. Supporting or opposing the proposal that has been submitted is permissible after being permitted by the debating board accompanied by strong reasons.
This debate is statewide and more formal, therefore the rules and procedures that apply are also more stringent.
3. Formal Debate
Formal debate or it can also be called formal conventional, or educational debating. This debate is directed towards positive things together.
This debate provides an opportunity for each team of speakers to convey to the audience or debate participants about several arguments or ideas that can support or reject the proposal.
The arguments presented must make clear sense, and concern common needs. Technically, the nature of this debate is competitive, because the ultimate goal is to develop skills among debaters.
Even though it is competitive, this debate still pays attention to the elements of the debate.
Debate Structures
Well, Sinaumed’s, now you know what are the elements of the debate from the explanation above? Apart from having elements, the debate also has a structure that you need to pay attention to. The following are the debate structures.
1. Introduction to Issues
Before starting a debate, an introduction to the issue can also be called an introduction to the topic. usually the topics used are topics that will be interesting if raised, namely topics that provide controversy in society. In addition, each team or party (affirmation, opposition and neutral) also introduces themselves first.
2. Submission of Arguments
When submitting arguments, the three teams will present evidence and useful data to support arguments in the debate. Submission of arguments can start from the pro team, then the cons team and then end with the neutral team.
In accordance with the characteristics of the argumentation, the arguments given must be relevant, systematic, clear, logical and have evidence.
3. Conducting Debates
In addition to presenting arguments, each team also has the right to submit rebuttals to the opposing team.
4. Reaffirmation (Conclusion)
The conclusion is the final result of the debate which was previously started with the closing delivered by each team. The conclusion aims to confirm the final statement of the objections or opinions of the pros and cons.
Debate Ethics
If you already have elements and structure, of course, debate is a formal activity and requires good ethics so that debate becomes an intellectual activity. This also needs to be adhered to because debate is related to many people, if we have good ethics then we also respect all people.
Here are important ethics in debate.
1. Ask Seriously
The first etiquette is to ask seriously. Debate is a formal and serious activity, the questions raised should also be serious and professional. Questions that are impolite, demeaning or even personal in nature are not acceptable in the debate.
2. Not Attacking or Alluding to Physical Impairment
The second ethic is not to attack or mention physical deficiencies. The atmosphere in the debate will definitely be very tense and hot and that’s when our emotions will also be provoked.
So, when we are provoked, we often expel negative energy from ourselves, so we may offend or offend our opponent’s physical deficiencies. It should be remembered that in a debate, it is your ideas and ideas that are fighting, not your body.
So if you want to attack, attack your opponent’s ideas and ideas, not his physical body.
3. Prioritizing Data and Facts
The third ethics is prioritizing data and facts. To be able to break your opponent’s argument, you must prepare accurate data and facts.
Your objection will be accepted if it is based on data and facts, don’t break your opponent’s argument with information that is uncertain and does not have clear sources and clear validity or even your own opinion.
If you are not based on clear data and facts, instead you will be attacked again by your opponent.
4. Obey the Rules of the Game
The fourth ethic is obeying the rules of the game. Each debate activity must have different rules, depending on the organizer of the event. Starting from the rules of speaking, the maximum limit for asking, the rules for how to ask questions to the rules for how to refute your opponent.
You must be able to understand and obey every rule of the game that applies in the debate. By obeying the rules of the game, you will also respect the organizers and other parties.
5. Focus on the Opponent’s Argument
The fifth ethic is to focus on the opponent’s argument. You need to pay attention to the opposing team’s arguments so that you can find out the weaknesses and strengths of the opposing team so that you can prepare a strategy to refute the opponent’s arguments.
6. Techniques and Tactics in Winning Debates
In a debate, surely you want your team to be the winner, right? In order to win the debate, there are several techniques and tactics so that you can emerge as the champion during the debate.
Tactics for Winning Debates
Technically, there have been several attempts to defend proposals and arguments through basic techniques. Among others are.
- Affirmation tactics
Affirmation tactics are tactics that seek to persuade, compromise tactics, agreement tactics as well as repetition tactics. Which aims to strengthen the arguments that have been raised. - Defensive tactics
While defensive tactics are tactics that try to avoid, dodge, beat, elevate opponent’s arguments and defensive tactics can also be like thanking tactics, describing, explaining to let the opponent’s arguments.
Techniques for Winning Debates
The technique of winning a debate can be done by asking back the opposing team, shocking, provoking and anticipating. You can also try other techniques such as applying the turning technique, contradicting or interrupting your debating opponent.
If you are new to debating, you can also try techniques like exaggerating data to break your opponent’s argument.
Example of a short debate text
For those of you who are beginners and want to know examples of short debate texts, you can make this material for reading. Here are examples of various topics of debate.
1. Example of Debate Text about COVID-19
Good afternoon and thank you for coming. The topic that we will discuss this afternoon is regarding the use of vaccines in tackling COVID-19.
(Affirmation Team)
The use of vaccines is one of the government’s ways and recommendations to minimize and treat people with COVID-19. So, as good citizens, we must comply with government regulations to avoid COVID-19.
Another thing that is no less important is educating the public about the importance of vaccines for health.
(Opposition Team)
The government’s regulations regarding the use of vaccines have indeed become something that people have been waiting for to overcome the COVID-19 problem. However, it’s not that easy, the many types of vaccines used are of course a separate question mark for the public.
This is of course natural, considering that not a few people who after using the vaccine actually feel unwell.
The COVID-19 vaccine is indeed ineffective in overcoming the COVID-19 problem, this is of course very detrimental to the community where they certainly have very high hopes for the government to immediately deal with the COVID-19 case which seems to have no end.
In addition, the use of vaccines should be the right of the people whether they want to be vaccinated or not.
2. Example of Debate Text about Juvenile Delinquency
Good afternoon, brothers and sisters, thank you for coming. On today’s occasion we will discuss juvenile delinquency which is increasingly common.
(Affirmation Team)
In our opinion, most juvenile delinquency occurs because of a lack of attention from parents who may be too busy at work. This results in the mental condition of children who feel less cared for.
(Opposition Team)
We do not agree that the main factor of juvenile delinquency is the lack of love and attention from parents.
Although this can be a cause, many other factors can cause juvenile delinquency. One of them is association outside the home that is not good.
Although attention from parents is not the main cause of juvenile delinquency, it is better for us as parents to also pay attention to who our children are friends with so that it will minimize bad associations which will affect the emergence of juvenile delinquency.