What is Scout Emblem: History, Meaning, and How to Use it

The Scout emblem is an identification of the national scouting organization. Where, this Scout symbol is permanent and official as the identity of the Indonesian National Scout Movement. The symbol of the Scout movement is a shadow or silhouette of a coconut shoot. The symbol was created by one of the Scoutmasters in 1961 named Soenardjo Atmodipoerwo.

Through this symbol, there are ideals and hopes for the scout movement and the members of the scout movement themselves. The word “Scout” is an abbreviation of the young praja Karana. The word means a young soul who likes to work. The term Scout was taken by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX which comes from the word Poromuko. Where, the word “paramuko” has the meaning of the front troops in the war.

The organization first emerged from the Dutch branch of the Nederlandsche Padvinders Organisatie (NPO). This mpu branch was first formed in 1912 in Bandung. In 1916, the NPO changed its name to Nederlands Indische Padvinders Vereniging (NPV). Still in the same year, Mangkunegara VII helped form the first scouting organization in Indonesia.

The organization was given the name Javaansche Padvinders Organisatie (JPO). Where, the JPO organization formed by Mangkunegara gave rise to another national movement to form the same organization. The organizations that emerged inspired by the JPO consisted of scouting Hizbul Wathon (HW) in 1918, Jong Java Padvinderij (JJP) in 1923, National Padvinders (NP), Pandoe Pamoeda Sumatra (PPS), National Indonesische Padvinderij (NATIPIJ).

After the birth of many scouting movements, the merging of scouting organizations took place in 1926. This was preceded by the birth of the Indonesische Padvinderij Organisatie (INPO) which became a fusion of two scouting organizations, NPO and JPO. Because many Indonesian-owned organizations were born, the Dutch also banned organizations outside the Netherlands from using the name Padvinder. So after that, KH Agus Salim introduced the term “Scout” or “Scouting” as a characteristic of Indonesian scouting organizations.

After having its own name, the Indonesian Inter Scout Brotherhood (PAPI) emerged on May 23, 1928. The Indonesian Inter Scout Brotherhood (PAPI) had members divided into INPO, NATIPIJ, SIAP, and PPS. After independence, a national scouting emerged. Scouting is called the Indonesian people’s Scout who was born on December 28, 1945.

In the course of its journey, the Indonesian scouting organization, which numbered in the hundreds, was eventually divided into several federations. However, after realizing that this federation had weaknesses, the Indonesian Scout Association was formed or known as PERKINDO.

Then in 1960, in order to improve scouting organizations in Indonesia, the government and the MPRS gathered leaders from each of them until finally on March 9, 1961, a meeting for Indonesian scouting was held and chaired directly by President Soekarno.

At that time President Soekarno said that the existing scouting organizations in Indonesia had to be renewed. As well as educational activities must be replaced and all scouting organizations must be merged into one with the name Scout.

After the proposal was sparked, President Soekarno also formed a committee to form the Scout movement. The committee consisted of Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Brigadier General DR. Aziz Salah, Prof. Prijono, and also A. Achmadi. Where, what happened then. He is known as the Scout Movement’s Budding Day because it is the basis for the formation of the Scout movement in Indonesia.

The results of the work of the committee also led to a decision called the attachment to Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961 concerning Scouting. The incident that occurred in May 1961, eventually became known as the Day of the Beginning of the Work Year.

Several days later, on July 20, 1961, all Indonesian scout leaders began to gather at Istora Senayan. Then, they finally joined the national scouting organization, the Indonesian Scout movement. This historic event is also commemorated as the Scout Movement Pledge Day 3.

After the Scout Pledge was carried out, on August 14, 1961 it was carried out by the National Leadership Council (MAPINAS). Where, this activity was known directly by President Soekarno with Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as deputy chairman 1 and Brigadier General Dr. A. Aziz Saleh as deputy chairman II.

The activity began and was marked by the handing over of the Scout Banner by President Soekarno to the Scout leaders. The event was also attended by leaders from thousands of Scout members who wanted to introduce the Scout movement to the community. Thus causing the event to be known as the Birthday of Scouts.

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History of the Scout Emblem

The figure behind the Scout emblem is Soenardjo Atmodipuro. He is the inventor of the coconut shoot symbol in Scouting. Soenardjo Atmodipuro was one of the top officials in the Department as well as an Indonesian scout leader in 1961.

This symbol was used for the first time on August 14, 1961. At that time, President Soekarno appointed Kwarnari, MAPINAS, and Kwarnas members at the presidential palace.

Where, at that time President Soekarno also bestowed a token of appreciation and honor such as the banner of the Indonesian national scouting movement on the Scout movement through the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 448 of 1961. This was then handed over to the chairman of the National Quarter named Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

Since then, every August 14th is celebrated as Scouting Day and coconut shoots and designated as a symbol of the Indonesian Scout movement. Where, through the Decree of the National Scout Movement Kwartir No. 06/KN/72 of 1971, the Scout symbol in the form of a coconut shoot was officially designated as the symbol of the Indonesian Scout movement.

The Decree regarding the Scout emblem was finally stipulated by Hamengkubuwono IX in 1971. Currently, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX acts as the National Scout Movement Kwartir.

The meaning of the Scout Emblem

The Scout Movement is a non-formal educational organization that organizes scouting movements. As identification, the Scout movement has a symbol as an identity so that it is always easy to recognize. Where, the symbol of the Scout movement is a coconut shoot that looks like a shadow or silhouette.

Knowledge related to the Scout emblem is also one of the mandatory materials in the General Proficiency Requirements, (SKU) of the Indonesian Scout movement. This has been stated in the Initial Alert SKU, the Assistance Alert SKU, the Tata Standby SKU, and also the Ramu Gatherer SKU.

In the Initial Alert, Assistance Alert and also Administration, knowledge regarding this symbol is found in condition number 8. Meanwhile, the Ramu fundraiser receives the knowledge material in condition number 14.

The Coconut Shoots symbol was chosen, of course, due to the consideration of its deep meaning. The meaning of the Scout emblem in the form of a coconut shoot is as follows.

1. Coconut Shoots Have Another Name, Cikal

Coconut fruit or also known as palm fruit. When the coconut fruit is sprouting, this fruit is known by another name forerunner. In Indonesian, cikal has the meaning of being the first native and passing down a new generation.

If you are in scouting this can be interpreted as a beginner or the first to continue the next generation. Therefore, the Scout movement chose coconut shoots as its symbol because the Scout movement has a new generation that will continue Scouting’s goals and ideals. This also illustrates that every scout member is the essence of the survival of the scout movement and the nation in Indonesia.

2. Coconut Has Strong Durability

Not only coconut shoots which mean beginner, this emblem was also chosen because it has a strong durability. Because in fact, coconuts can live longer and can live in any condition.

Therefore, this Scout emblem is used because it has the meaning that every Scout member is someone who is physically and mentally strong, resilient, and has great determination to face various challenges and tests. In addition, scout members are also expected to be able to use this ability to define themselves in their beloved homeland, namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

3. Coconut Can Grow Anywhere

Because the durability of coconuts is quite strong, coconuts can grow anywhere. Because of this power, they are ultimately expected to be able to continue their lives wherever they are.

That way, the Scout movement has the hope that every scout member can face the various problems that come. Not only that, scout members are also expected for Jesus to adapt themselves to their environment wherever they are. Therefore, the Scout movement also wants to prove that all scout members are reliable and able to mingle with other people.

4. Coconuts Can Grow Tall

The determination of the emblem for the identity of the organization certainly has a deep meaning. It is like the Scout movement which determines the coconut shoot as its official symbol.

The determination of coconut shoots to become Scout emblems must be taken according to the characteristics of the coconut tree itself. that the coconut tree has the characteristics of a tree that can grow tall and towering straight up. Because of that, through the coconut shoot symbol, the scout movement can give meaning if every scout member is obliged to have straight and high ideals. The Scout Movement also hopes that we will not be easily swayed from something and have an honest and noble attitude.

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5. Coconut Roots Can Firmly Embed the Ground

In order to grow roots from coconut fruit or known as coconut fruit, it can stick firmly in the ground. This is one of the reasons why coconut shoots were chosen to become the symbol of the Scout movement.

Because from the roots of this coconut fruit can develop the strong desires and beliefs of every Scout member. The desires and beliefs possessed by these scout members are of course based on things that are good, true, strong, and real.

6. Coconut is a versatile plant

The essence of determining coconut shoots as a symbol of the Indonesian Scout movement is because the coconut tree is a versatile plant. This coconut tree also has the title of a thousand-purpose tree because it has many benefits.

From root to fruit, this coconut tree can be used by all humans on this earth. it means that every scout member is expected to be a useful and reliable human being. Scout members are also expected to be able to prove themselves to be ready to serve their homeland, nation, state, and all human beings. Therefore scout members are obliged to always be ready under any circumstances. The actions of scout members must also be based on humanity.

Use of the Scout Emblem

The scout emblem in the form of a coconut shoot is an organizational identity that has a permanent nature. This Scout emblem can also be used on flags, PANDI, unit or quarter nameplates, Scout uniforms, identification, as well as administrative tools for the Scout Movement and other matters relating to the identity of the Indonesian Scout Movement.

The use of the Scout Emblem is intended as an educational tool to improve and instill the characteristics and conditions as stated in the meaning of the coconut shoot symbol. This is certainly shown for every member of the Scout movement.

Every member of the scout movement is expected to be able to practice and practice the knowledge and technology they have in the surrounding community to help the development of civilization. Because the younger generation who joins the Scout movement are expected to be able to become cadres for the development of a country with the spirit of Pancasila.

History of Scouting in the World

Before Scouting in Indonesia was established, the Scout movement first appeared in 1907. Where, it was initiated by Robert Baden Powell or also called Baden Powell. This story begins when Baden Powel served as Lieutenant General of the British Army.

Baden Powell at that time held a Scout camp in Brownsea, England. He also wrote about his camping experience in a book called Scouting For Boys. The book spread to all corners of England and a number of other countries.

After that, the first Scout organization emerged. At first this organization was only followed by boys. However, in 1912, Baden Powell, assisted by her sister, Agnes Powell, founded a Scouting organization for women who were given the name Girl Guides. Then, the organization was continued by Baden Powell’s wife.

Baden Powell further developed the organization. Where, in 1961 he formed a Scouting organization for children or Siaga named CUB. The organization is also equipped with a guidebook entitled The Jungle Book.

After forming Scouts for children, Baden Powell also founded Scouting organizations for youth. In 1918, Rover Scout appeared which was a scouting organization for youth aged 17 years.

Two years later, from 30 July to 8 August 1920, Baden Powell held the world jamboree for the first time. This Jamboree is a large gathering activity for scout members around the world.

The Jamboree was first held at Olympia Hall, London with approximately 8,000 participants. participants who took part in the activity came from 34 countries around the world.

In the event, Baden Powell was finally crowned as the Chief Scout of The World or the Father of World Scouts. In that year also formed the International Scout Organization Council consisting of 9 people.

Currently, the world boy scouting bureau has secretarial offices in 5 (five) countries, namely the Philippines, Switzerland, Nigeria, Egypt and Costa Rica. Meanwhile, the world’s female scouting bureaus are headquartered in European, Asia Pacific, Arab, African and Latin American countries.

So, those are some explanations regarding the Scout emblem. Hopefully the above information can add to the knowledge and benefits for readers.