Understanding the Definition, Types, and Structure of Review Text

Review Text Structure – Does Sinaumed’s know about review text? Of course this theme is familiar, but it is very interesting if it is reviewed through a version that is not exactly the same as the previous one. Well, talking about writing certainly cannot be separated from the presence of language in writing sentences.

Yes, it’s true, it’s easier to write something by using formal language, but another view is that it’s also easier to use informal language, but that’s the taste of each writer, Sinaumed’s. The important point is that formal and informal language is the basis for providing information to the reader, that’s why the review text is formed through writing.

The use of formal language in written sentences is usually based on good and correct Indonesian language rules. Because it is written according to the rules of the language, a formal sentence has a standard word function in it.

Formal sentences themselves are intended for scientific information or official statements. While connoisseurs of non-formal sentences are usually sentences that deviate from grammatical rules and tend to use slang and casual. This sentence is often used in everyday conversations between peers, then in writing it is shown information that is relaxed and includes the reality of everyday life.

The existence of a writing is a communication activity through text media whose purpose is to provide an explanation of an object, or the communicant (reader). In addition, writing can also provide news about events or events that are currently happening, that have already happened, and or represent the feelings of the communicator (writer).

In fact, there is also writing which contains information as the opinion of a writer in giving an assessment of the object he is highlighting.

As human Sinaumed’s, of course we have to buy books, read scientific works and the like. When reading a book or article, you must digest the reading book carefully so you can understand its contents.

In addition, it is also necessary to communicate our understanding in various forms for writing purposes, such as research proposals, book reviews, film reviews and others. That way, it can give birth to someone’s opinion in giving an assessment of an object which is called reviewing.

So, automatically the person reviewing that person is completing or writing a review text. In short, review text is a text that contains reviews or assessments of a work such as films, poetry, books, to other works of literature or art. In other words, review texts are called reviews.

By making this text, if we as writers try to understand another person’s work that we want to review from a point of view that is determined by us. Next, what is the full explanation of the review text? Come on, keep reading this article until the end, Sinaumed’s friends.

Definition of Review Text

Regarding the review text, we can refresh it first, in our daily lives we cannot be separated from the existence of a work that was actually made by someone else. As the work in question, these are works in the form of art, literature, poetry, films, songs, books, music and many other types.

However, with the existence of these works, then there is also a person or group who wants to provide comments or suggestions or a review of the work or more appropriately we call it the author of the review text.

Borrowing a term in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, abbreviated as KBBI, text is defined as a manuscript in the form of the original words of an author; then written materials for the basis as lessons, speeches, and so on. While the comments in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) are satisfactions or interpretations or comments.

We may agree on the review itself as a word review or reviewer. The point is that we can say that a review text is an essay whose contents are in the form of various kinds of peels or comments in conveying views on a predetermined object.

By making the following text, the review text writer will provide information related to the object being reviewed. Therefore, the text can be said to have a subjective nature or only be considered as a suggestion.

We need to know that the text of this review can be written in the media, be it online media or print media. If in online media , usually the text of the review can be found on a blog owned by a person or institution that can be found on social media. Meanwhile, in print media, this text is usually found in newspapers, magazines, or also in a book. So the question is where have you read it?

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Basically, when someone has read a review text or review text in a media, of course it can make someone more interested in doing the same thing. For example, reading a review text about a film, the curious reader wants to watch the film as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, when someone reads this text about a book, then they can be interested in buying that book. Even though it is only in the form of a review and is subjective in nature, it is better in making texts, using language that doesn’t drop.

In fact, as much as possible to provide support for the object being reviewed, then the quality of the object can experience a good improvement. That way, the works are increasingly recognized by the wider community, even worldwide.

Next, we will discuss the meaning of review text by experts who say, don’t stop here, friends.

Definition of Review Text put forward by Experts

Strengthening the understanding of the review text, we can refer to other meanings according to experts. Some of the opinions of other experts regarding the meaning of the review text are as follows.

1. Dalman

According to Dalman (2014: 229), review or review is a term used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a book (work).

2. Insatun & Farida

Text reviews or reviews are writings that contain considerations or assessments of a work written or created by another person (Isnatun & Farida, 2013, p. 57).

3. Waluyo

According to Waluyo (2014, p. 106) a review (review) or also called a text review is a text that contains considerations or reviews about a book (work).

4. Hyland and Diane

Hyland and Diani say that a review is a text that functions to explore and provide an assessment of a literary work, most of which will become a benchmark for improving the quality of a work for readers.

5. Kosasih

According to Kosasih, the review text is the same as the review, which means introducing the work or book to the reader and helping the reader to understand or can even make the reader interested in buying or owning the work or book.

From several definitions according to experts, it can be said that a review text is a writing which contains considerations or judgments about an object, work, or book. In this case, the assessment given can be in the form of strengths and weaknesses depending on the object to be written.

Review Text Structure

After getting to know the definition of review text and definitions according to experts, we also need to understand the structure of review text which consists of four important structures, namely work identity, orientation, synopsis, and work assessment. Borrowing from an excerpt from the Peel Complete Literature module that has been published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, regarding the explanation of the structure of the review text as follows.

1. Identity

The thing that needs to be done when you first want to make a review text is to identify the work to be reviewed. Identity is at the beginning for review text. This identity section consists of the title, author, publisher, year of publication, and pages for literary works.

2. Orientation

Next, make notes on the important things in the work to be reviewed. The first paragraph of the review text contains the orientation of the work introduction. This initial section reviews information about the author or publisher of the work. In addition, it can also be used as an opening sentence for the contents section.

3. Synopsis

After making notes regarding the important and interesting things in the work being reviewed, the next step is to make a synopsis section. In this section a summary of the contents of the work that needs to be reviewed. The author provides a short summary of the book or film, but not everything is explained. For example, from the introduction of characters and the beginning of the conflict to attract readers.

4. Work Assessment

This section contains the advantages and disadvantages of a work. The author can describe more and less sentences using light language and easy to understand. The advantages and disadvantages of a work benefit the reader in understanding the content of the reading.



Type of Review Text

After understanding the structure of the review text, it doesn’t stop there because the review text also has three types. Descriptive review text, critical review text, and informative review text. The explanation is as follows:

1. Descriptive review text

Descriptive review text is a type of review text that is generally used to review literary works. Therefore, this type of review text is usually in the form of a description or assessment by the author of a literary work in the form of a description. When reviewing literary works with descriptive texts, literary works will be understood in detail and complexly. This is done because the aim is for the reader of the review text to be able to understand the intent of the author of the literary work.

2. Critical review text

Critical Text is a type that is critical or provides a review of a work (generally a literary work) in the form of criticism from a certain point of view. Usually, this critical review is done by analyzing the work or literary works being reviewed. Even though it is analyzed, this critical text is still subjective or only uses the views of the author.

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3. Informative review text

The third or last type of review text is informative text. Informative text is a type of text whose content is in the form of a review of a work that is described with the aim of providing information to the reader. Therefore, informative texts can add information and insight to readers of the review text. Because it contains information that is informative, this informative review text is made using language that is short, clear, and concise.

Steps to Write Review Text

The steps for writing a review text start with determining the topic to concluding it, as follows.

1. Topic

The first step, determine the topic that will be used to write a review text. You can choose a topic as you wish or make observations first. Look for interesting and important things in a work.

2. Introductory paragraph

Once you have decided on a topic, write an introductory paragraph to cover. You can make the initial subject matter to determine the next sentence. Then make a summary of the contents of the work.

3. Series of paragraphs

This part of the paragraph can contain the advantages and disadvantages of the author in a work. Reviewers can read or look for reference sources to strengthen arguments. You can write an opinion based on your personal opinion for the review. Besides that, you can discuss with friends to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the work.

4. Conclusion

The final part is a conclusion that serves to reaffirm the previous sentences. The conclusion also contains suggestions for readers regarding the work.

Features of Review Text

To make it easier to understand and to be able to distinguish review text from other texts, we need to know its characteristics, including:

  1. Has another designation that is known by many people, namely the reviewer.
  2. It contains the advantages and disadvantages or the advantages and disadvantages of a work or object being reviewed.
  3. Include opinions about the content of a work being reviewed.
  4. The text structure consists of orientation, interpretation, evaluation, and summary.
  5. Opinions or opinions in the review text are facts that have been interpreted.
  6. Information comes from the author’s opinion in reviewing or reviewing products or works.

Example of Review Text

Review of the Drama Manuscript Kapai-Kapai by Arifin C. Noer

Work identity

  • Title: Kapa-kapai
  • Author: Arifin C. Noer
  • Publisher: Lontar Foundation
  • Year of Publication : 1970
  • Pages: 38 pages

Work Introduction Orientation

Drama script is one of the literary works created by the imagination and creativity of an author. Apart from that, the drama script also stores various messages that will be conveyed to the reader or audience.

One of the drama scripts that is often played and has high quality is the drama script Kapai-Kapai by Arifin C Noer.

Summary synopsis of the contents of the drama script

The drama script tells of a young man named Abu who has a wife named Iyem and many employers and always oppresses him. Abu has a lazy nature and likes to fantasize, in every of his fantasies Abu is always lulled by his mother with a mirror of deceit that can make someone’s life happy, while a dark figure always reminds of the time or time of Abu’s death.

Abu continues to try to get the deceitful mirror by justifying any means. In the end Abu got the mirror of deceit he was looking for all this time but at the same time he also met his death.

Assessment of work (strengths and weaknesses)

This drama script has a very high literary value, this can be seen from the language used. The language used is very poetic and full of meaning and conveys moral messages. This is one of the strengths of the drama script entitled Kapai-Kapai. This manuscript was also selected as one of the works in the anthology of 100 years of Indonesian drama published by the Lontar Foundation.

In addition, the characters in it are also interesting, such as Abu, Mother, Moon, The Dark and others. However, I am very interested in the character Yang Kelam even though he is not a character in the script. The dark is a character who has evil and cruel characteristics, a very deep interpretation is needed to find out who this character really is.

The dark one is like the figure of the angel of death who always tells the time of Abu’s death. But on the other hand, the Dark One is also a figure who is on Mother’s side, a character who always cradles Abu. Indeed, there are many advantages of this drama script titled Kapai-Kapai, but there are still weaknesses in it. The highly poetic language which is an advantage earlier can also be categorized as a weakness of the script, because highly poetic language makes it very difficult for the readers or connoisseurs of the play to understand.

So, that’s some information about review text, starting from the definition of review text to examples of review text. Sinaumed’s friends can find other information at sinaumedia.com or books that are interesting to you, you can visit sinaumedia.com.

Hopefully all the discussion above can be useful for you and make it easier for you to write a review text. To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.