Understand About Surah Al Lail Along With Arabic and Latin

Surah Al Lail – In the Al-Quran there are many letters in which each letter in the Al-Quran has a very significant meaning, so that it is used as a guide for life for Muslims. One of the most meaningful surahs in the Al-Quran which will be discussed in this article is Surah Al-Lail.

However, before discussing the Al-Lail letter, we should understand briefly about reading the Al-Quran, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Reading the Qur’an

For Muslims, reading surahs of the Al-Quran is something that is sunnah, but if you do it, you will get many rewards, especially if what is written in the Al-Quran becomes a guide or guide for life. It is important for Muslims to take the time to read the Al-Quran every day, apart from increasing the rewards, there are many more that can be obtained.

In addition, the various virtues that are obtained when reading the Koran, one of which is that a Muslim who reads the Koran will be rewarded by Allah SWT in the form of one goodness and from one kindness it will be folded into 10 goodness. However, there are still some people who are still lazy to read the Al-Quran, and there are also those who still think that reading the Al-Quran is something difficult even if it is practiced properly.

Reading the Quran is not as difficult as it seems. Apart from these problems, the most common problem is not having time to read the Koran. So, from now on for Muslims, it’s best to take the time to read the Al-Quran so that you can increase your reward and also increase your kindness.

About Surah Al-Lail

Al Lail is the 92nd letter in the Quran. Reading the letter has many advantages. Surah Al Lail was revealed in the city of Mecca, so it is classified as a Makkiyah letter. Al-Lail means night. The name Al-Lail is taken from the beginning of the first verse in this letter.

In general, the content of Surah Al Lail contains a reply for people who give their wealth to others sincerely and solely for the sake of Allah SWT.

Described in the book Talim al-Muta’allim , among the causes of the arrival of sustenance is reading the letter Al Lail. The other causes are as follows:

  1. Upholding humble prayers, perfecting adab, pillars, obligatory, and sunnah prayers.
  2. Carry out Dhuha sunnah prayers.
  3. Reading the letter Al-Waqi’ah especially at night.
  4. Read the letter Tabarak, Al-Muzammil, Al-Lail, Al Insyirah.
  5. Go to the mosque before the call to prayer.
  6. Always perform ablution.


Surah Al Lail

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Verse 1

وَالَّيۡلِ اِذَا يَغۡشٰىۙ

Wallaili idzaa yaghsyaa

Meaning: “By the night when it covers (the light of day),”

Verse 2

وَالنَّهَارِ اِذَا تَجَلّٰىۙ

Wannahaari idzaa tajalla

Meaning: “By the day when it is bright,”

Verse 3

وَمَا خَلَقَ الذَّكَرَ وَالۡاُنۡثٰٓىۙ

Wa maa kholaqo dzakara wal untsaa

Meaning: “for the creation of male and female,”

Verse 4

اِنَّ سَعۡيَكُمۡ لَشَتّٰىؕ

Inna sa’yakum lasyattaa

Meaning: “really, your efforts are indeed various.”

Verse 5

فَاَمَّا مَنۡ اَعۡطٰى وَاتَّقٰىۙ

Fa amma man a’tho wattaqo

Meaning: “So whoever gives (his wealth in the way of Allah) and fears,”

Verse 6

وَصَدَّقَ بِالۡحُسۡنٰىۙ

Wa shaddaqa bil husnaa

Meaning: “and justify (the reward) the best (heaven),”

Verse 7

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهٗ لِلۡيُسۡرٰىؕ

Fasanu yasiruhu lil yusraa

Meaning: “then We will make easy for him the way to ease (happiness),”

Verse 8

وَاَمَّا مَنۡۢ بَخِلَ وَاسۡتَغۡنٰىۙ

Wa amma man bakhila wastaghna

Meaning: “And as for those who are stingy and feel themselves sufficient (no need for Allah’s help),”

Verse 9

وَكَذَّبَ بِالۡحُسۡنٰىۙ

Wa kadzaba bil husna

Meaning: “and deny the best (reward),”

Verse 10

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهٗ لِلۡعُسۡرٰىؕ

Fasanu yasiruhu lil usro

Meaning: “then We will make easy for him the way to hardship (tribulation),”

Verse 11

وَمَا يُغۡنِىۡ عَنۡهُ مَالُهٗۤ اِذَا تَرَدّٰى

Wamaa yughnii ‘anhu maluhu idza taradda

Meaning: “and his wealth will not benefit him when he has perished.”

Verse 12

اِنَّ عَلَيۡنَا لَـلۡهُدٰى

Inna ‘alaina lal huda

Meaning: “Verily, it is We who guide.”

Verse 13

وَاِنَّ لَـنَا لَـلۡاٰخِرَةَ وَالۡاُوۡلٰى‏

Wa inna lanaa lal Akhirota wal uulaa

Meaning: “And indeed to Us is the hereafter and the world.”

Verse 14

فَاَنۡذَرۡتُكُمۡ نَارًا تَلَظّٰى‌ۚ

Fa andzartukum naaran lazada

Meaning: “So I warn you with a burning hell,”

Verse 15

لَا يَصۡلٰٮهَاۤ اِلَّا الۡاَشۡقَىۙ

Laa yaslaha ilal asqa

Meaning: “which only the most wretched people enter,”

Verse 16

الَّذِىۡ كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّٰىؕ

Alladzi kadzaba wa tawalla

Meaning: “who denies (the truth) and turns away (from the faith).”

Verse 17

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وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا الۡاَتۡقَىۙ

Wa sa janna buhal atqo

Meaning: “And will be kept away from it (hell) people who are most pious,”

Verse 18

الَّذِىۡ يُؤۡتِىۡ مَالَهٗ يَتَزَكّٰى‌ۚ

Allazii yu’tii maalahuu yatazakkaa

Meaning: “who spends his wealth (in the way of Allah) to clean (himself),”

Verse 19

وَمَا لِاَحَدٍ عِنۡدَهٗ مِنۡ نِّعۡمَةٍ تُجۡزٰٓىۙ

Wa maa li ahadin’ indahu min ni’matin tujza

Meaning: “and no one gives him a favor that must be reciprocated”

Verse 20


Ilabb tighaaa’a wajhi rabbihil a ‘laa

Meaning: “but (he gave it solely) for seeking the pleasure of his Lord the Most High.”

Verse 21

وَلَسَوۡفَ يَرۡضٰى

Walasaufa yarda

Meaning: “And surely one day he will get (perfect) pleasure.”

The meaning and content of the letter Al – Lail

Surah Al-Lail is the 92nd letter in the Al-Quran. This letter consists of 21 verses and is included in the makkiyah letter group. Makkiyah are verses that were revealed before Rasulullah SAW moved to Medina. Makkiyah letters descended for 12 years, 5 months, 13 days, starting on the 17th of Ramadan. This letter was revealed after the letter Al-A’la.

This letter is named Al-Lail, which is taken from the words of Al Lail in the first verse of this letter. This letter means night because Allah SWT swore at the beginning of the letter on the night (Lail), so it is named as Al-Lail letter. Surah Al-Lail from this side includes sura Al-Ausath Al-Mufasholat and the 19th sura which begins with an oath.

In addition, the Al-Lail letter is a replica of human life. This is because Surah Al-Lail contains how humans respond to life in this world. Especially in matters of wealth and enjoyment which will later direct people to two groups, lucky or losers.

The main content of this letter also explains that for those who are pious and justify the existence of a reward, Allah will make it easy for them and bring them happiness in the hereafter. Whereas a human who commits a crime will bring that person to misery in the hereafter and his wealth cannot save him.

This letter talks about how humans live the life they live, especially related to wealth and enjoyment.

From the brief explanation above, it can be concluded that the contents of the letter Al-Lail. The following is the content of Surah Al Lail in more detail, namely:

  1. Human efforts are different, therefore the results are different too
  2. People who donate and fear Allah will be facilitated by Allah in doing good that will lead to the happiness of the hereafter
  3. Whereas a person who is facilitated by Allah to commit crimes that bring misery in the hereafter, then property will not benefit him whatsoever.
  4. The miserly person thinks he is sufficient and denies the existence of good rewards.

The Virtue of Reading Surah Al-Lail

There are various teachings contained in Surah Al-Lail that you can implement in your daily life in order to get blessings and fitrah from Him. The priority that is obtained in reading the letter Al-Lail is that the person who reads the letter Al-Lail, then he will get the pleasure of Allah and his difficulties will be eliminated and will get ease in all his affairs. Apart from that, Surah Al-Lail can also be read to someone who has fainted and then read it in his ear.

There are still some more virtues from the letter Al-Lail. The following are some of the virtues that Surah Al-Lail has when practiced, namely:

1. Including Surah Al-Mufashshal

Surah Al Lail is included in the Al-Mufashshal given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In addition, so that he has priority compared to the Prophets before him.

2. Can Enter Through Any Heaven’s Door

Whatever is in him will testify for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will enter heaven through whichever door he wishes.

3. Get the pleasure of Allah SWT

Reading the letter Al-Lail will get the pleasure of Allah SWT and eliminate difficulties in every matter.

From Ubay bin Ka’ab, he said; The Prophet SAW said to me, “Whoever reads the letter Wal laili idza yaghsya, Allah will give him until He is pleased, and He will save him from difficulties and He will make things easier for him.”

4. Removed Difficulty, Given Ease and Also Wealth

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Whoever reads this letter (Sura Al-Lail), Allah will give him until he is satisfied, eliminates his difficulties, gives him ease, and gives him wealth. And whoever reads it fifteen times before going to bed, he will not see in his sleep (in a dream), except what he likes and will not see bad things. And whoever prays by reciting it at the end of Isha, it is as if he prayed with a quarter (of the Qur’an) and his prayer is accepted.” Tafsir Al Burhan, Juz 8: 302 )

5. Prayer for Fainting People to Wake Up Quickly

If Surah Al-Lail is read in the ear of someone who is unconscious, with Allah’s permission that person will quickly regain consciousness. From Ash-Shiddiq said:

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“Whoever reads it for fifteen times, he will not see anything he hates, sleep peacefully, and Allah will protect him. And whoever reads it in the ear of a person who has fainted, he will quickly recover.”

6. Cure fever

If it is written on a plate and the writer must be in a state of purity, then it is washed off with water. Insya Allah, if you drink it to someone who has a hot fever, they can recover by doing it up to three times.


Asbabun Nuzul (The Causes) of the Revelation of Surah Al Lail

There are several narrations which state that Asbabun Nuzul (the causes of the decline) of letter al-Lail, including from Ibn Hatim, Al-Hakim, and Al-Bazzar. In the history of Ibn Hatim it is said that the letter al-Lail came down regarding the curmudgeonly owner of the palm trees. It is said that the owner of the palm tree has a tree whose trunk stretches to the house of his indigent neighbor and has many children.

Every time it bears fruit, he picks the fruit from his neighbor’s house, but if the dates fall and are picked up by his neighbour’s children who are poor, he immediately snatches them away. Even those that had entered the mouths of the children were also forced to remove them. Then, the poor man said that to the Prophet Muhammad who promised to solve his problem.

The Prophet then met the owner of the dates and said, “Give me a palm tree whose swaying sticks out to Anu’s house, and your share in exchange for a palm tree in heaven.” The owner of the palm tree said, “Only so much sir offer? I have many palm trees and the palm trees that were asked were the best.” Then the owner of the date palm left.

The conversation was overheard by a philanthropist who immediately came to the Prophet and said, “Is the master’s offer also valid for me, if the palm tree is already mine?” The Prophet replied “Yes.” The man then met the owner of the palm tree.

The owner of the palm tree said, “Did you know that Muhammad SAW promised a palm tree in heaven in exchange for a palm tree whose swaying sticks out to my neighbor’s house? And that I have taken note of his offer, but the fruit is amazing, even though I have many date palms, and not a single tree that is dense.”

The benefactor said, “Would you like to sell it.” He replied, “No, unless there are people who are able to fulfill my wishes, but surely no one will be able to.”

The benefactor said again, “How much do you want?” He said, “I want forty palm trees.” He was silent then said again, “You ask nonsense, well I give you 40 palm trees, and I ask the witness if you really want to exchange them.”

He summoned his friends to witness the exchange. The philanthropist faced the Prophet and said, “O Messenger of Allah! The palm tree is mine and I will hand it over to you.” The Prophet Muhammad then met the indigent, “Take this palm tree for you and your family.” Then all the letters al-Lail went down which distinguished the position and consequences of the curmudgeon and the benefactor.

Other narrations state that most of the contents of Surah Al-Lail relate to the generosity of Abu Bakr. Al-Hakim mentioned that verse 5 to the last verse of this letter was revealed regarding the generosity of Abu Bakr who liberated weak servants.

Meanwhile, the history of Ibn Abi Hatim from Urwah stated that Abu Bakr had freed 7 servants who were tortured by their masters because they believed in Allah, so that verses 17 to 21 of this letter were revealed regarding his generosity. Another history also states that verses 19 to 21 of this letter were revealed regarding the generosity of Abu Bakr.

The main points of Surah Al Lail

Human efforts are different, so the results are different too. In addition, someone who is pious can get happiness given by Allah and someone who gives charity can get tribulation in this life.

But those whom Allah despise are those who commit crimes that lead to misery in the afterlife, wealth will not define them; a curmudgeon thinks he is sufficient and denies that he has a rightful reward.

Surah Al Lail explains that the practices that are done sincerely solely to seek the pleasure of Allah are what bring happiness in the afterlife in the world. Thus the discussion about the letter Al-Lail, I hope all the discussion above is useful for Sinaumed’s.

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine