These are the Benefits of Sincerity and Its Virtue that Must Be Known

Benefits of Sincerity – Sinaumed’s, have you ever been hit by a serious problem or disaster so that you lost a lot of things that are important to you. Not only valuable possessions, but also your best people? The answer must have been, because as human beings we certainly will not continue to be in an ideal situation in this life. As the saying goes, life is like a spinning wheel, sometimes it is above, sometimes it is below.

No matter who he is, who his parents are, what his title is, how much wealth, they will have a hard time. In difficult times like this, many people advise us to be sincere and let go of everything that goes. Actually advice to be sincere is not wrong advice. In fact, we can really feel the benefits of sincerity and it is one of the best ways to lighten our hearts and minds.

But on the other hand, letting go of something is not an easy thing to do. Even though the mouth is so easy to say, the feeling sometimes actually has to be desperate to try it. Trying to be sincere, make peace with the reality, while also letting go of everything.

It’s so hard to let go, it takes a lot of people a long time to do it. There are weeks, months, years, even years to be able to feel sincere and make peace with reality. And when it comes to sincerity, what is sincerity really? The following is the understanding and sincere benefits that we can feel.

The Benefits of Sincerity and Its Understanding in the Teachings of Islam

In Islam, sincerity is clean from dirt. Simply put, the benefits of sincerity are cleansing oneself from human praise. A sincere person, will not expect anything after doing something good. They don’t want thanks, don’t want to get praise from other people, let alone expect to be given money in return for the kindness or help they have done.

They help because they want to help. In fact, not infrequently, people who are sincere hide their kindness and forget about it as soon as possible because they don’t want the good they have done to bring out the character of being riya or showing off. The majority of people who are sincere in their hearts are also not looking for trouble with other people.

But that doesn’t mean they like to run away from problems and are irresponsible, OK! On the contrary, when problems come, they will not run away, but try to deal with them well. Even when in difficult times, sincere people will try to be patient in accepting His decrees. Usually people like this also rarely complain to humans, instead they prefer to confide in God. They are well aware, God is the only one who is all-hearing and also provides solutions.

Kinds of Sincerity

Sincerity is not just an attitude. Not many people know that in Islam, sincerity is also divided into several types. Anything?

1. Ikhlas Mubtadi’

The very first sincerity is sincere mubtadi’. People who have a sincere sense of mubtadi’ in their hearts only worship Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. They obey and carry out worship well. But unfortunately they are still engrossed in world affairs.

They do all the worship because they are afraid that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will bring trouble. With worship, they hope to avoid these difficulties. Apart from avoiding themselves from troubles, these people also worship with the aim of gaining good fortune and goodness.

2. Sincere Abid

So if the previous type of sincerity still remembers the world, sincere abid is one level better than that. People who have sincere abid in their hearts, have stopped seeing the world. They are no longer interested in world affairs such as wealth and thrones. For them, the world is small and worthless.

Because after all, even though they have everything in life, when they die, they still won’t bring anything, other than good deeds. So instead of expecting the world and everything in it, people who have sincere abid only hope for heaven.

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They worship and carry out all the orders so that later, when they are brought to account, their deeds will be more than their sins, and finally they can enter heaven with other believers.

3. Sincere Muhibb

If sincere abid is better than sincere mubtadi’ who still expects the world, then sincere muhibb is one level better than sincere abid. In contrast to sincere abid who worship because they expect heaven and want to avoid hell, those who have sincere muhibb don’t want either of them.

They certainly want to go to heaven, but their worship is done solely because of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. They worship because they need it, they worship because they are aware that worship is their duty as servants.

4. Sincere Arif

The last is sincere wisdom, and is sincerity with the highest level. They worship because their hearts are moved by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Their worship doesn’t feel like worship anymore. They see it no longer as an obligation, but a necessity. His heart is worried if he has not performed worship to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, especially if the worship that must be performed is obligatory worship. And considering this is a necessity, then this service is definitely not to be missed.

Benefits of Sincerity for Yourself

As previously discussed, sincerity is easy to say, but very difficult to do and not everyone can do it. But behind a difficulty to sincerely accept the situation, there are also a myriad of sincere benefits that many people rarely realize. Here are the sincere benefits that you need to know!

1. Makes the heart calmer

When facing problems or calamities, our hearts are hit by various feelings. Yes, sad, anxious, angry, disappointed, regret, all of them come together and make the heart feel uneasy. As a result, whatever we do feels bad and is always wrong. All of these feelings are obviously normal, but still we can’t keep these bad feelings in our hearts.

Well, one way to deal with this messy heart problem, sincerity can be the answer. When you are sincere with all the provisions of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala , your heart will be in a much better condition. No more anger, disappointment, regret, and other bad feelings. All that’s left is a sense of calm and renewed enthusiasm, that you can get through everything well.

2. Not easily controlled by anger

Everyone must have felt angry, but not everyone can control it. People whose hearts are not sincere, will always be angry. They get angry at everything. Angry at circumstances, angry at others, even daring to be angry and blaming Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala .

But when the heart is sincere, the anger will slowly disappear from your heart and change into an infinite sense of calm. Not only do you stop getting angry, you will also become a more patient person and not easily provoked by other people’s circumstances or provocations.

3. More forgiving

Normally, when someone makes a mistake, we get angry. The bigger the mistake, the bigger the anger we feel. Not only angry, some people even have the heart to carry out revenge missions. Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, in our eyes that person is wrong and must bear the consequences.

But that will not happen if we have a sense of sincerity within us. Besides educating people to be more patient, sincere also makes someone more forgiving. They have a soft heart, and are easily touched. Instead of thinking about revenge, those who are sincere will even easily forgive others before they even apologize.

4. More grateful for the blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala

As previously discussed, people who are not sincere get angry very easily, and even dare to express their anger to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. But a person whose heart is sincere, is just the opposite.

They are grateful for whatever circumstances are given by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. Be it a good state, or a bad one. They are well aware that humans will always be tested with various things. The test does not mean that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala hates us, but instead it is a sign that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala loves us. With that thought, they no longer feel angry, let alone dare to blame Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.

5. Liked by others

Who wouldn’t love to have a friend who is patient, forgiving, and soft-hearted? People with these three attitudes, their presence always makes others feel comfortable. Just being close to them is fun, especially if you become their friend. After all, being friends with someone like this won’t make you regret it.

Why is that? This is because they always spread a good influence on others. Remember the saying, being friends with an oil man will make you smell of oil, but being friends with a perfume man will make you smell good. Now people whose hearts are sincere, is the second category.

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6. Avoid various disgraceful traits

Kindness is contagious, so is sincerity. Starting from a sincere feeling, then spread to be patient, and forgiving. Besides being endowed with good qualities, sincere people also tend to avoid various bad traits.

Starting from anger, jealousy, jealousy, stubbornness, and several other bad traits that can harm oneself. They will not be tormented by it, because their hearts are always filled with serenity.

Virtue of Sincerity

Besides having a number of good benefits for oneself, sincerity also has several virtues in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. What are the advantages, let’s find out together!

1. Being a condition of acceptance of worship

We must be obedient to worship, especially if the worship performed is obligatory worship. But the name of worship, must also be done sincerely and sincerely. After all, apart from the obligatory worship, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala does not look at how much worship we perform, but how sincere the worship is.

The same thing is written in the Al-Qur’an Surah Al-An’am verse 162 as follows:

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala says:

قُلْ اِنَّ صَلَا تِيْ وَنُسُكِيْ وَ مَحْيَايَ وَمَمَا تِيْ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِيْنَ

qul inna sholaatii wa nusukii wa mahyaaya wa mamaatii lillaahi robbil-‘aalamiin

“Say (Muhammad), “Surely my prayer, my worship, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (QS. Al-An’am 6: Verse 162)

2. Sincerity is a trait possessed by the prophets and apostles

The prophets and apostles in the past preached to invite their people to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. They preach secretly, then openly. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, their proselytizing is not always welcomed.

Many previous people opposed the preaching that had been conveyed. Not only opposing with harsh words, but also bad behavior, even daring to threaten the messenger of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. But still, the prophets and apostles continued to carry out their duties sincerely and obediently.

3. Given a roomy heart

Many people are lazy to worship. Let alone carrying out sunnah worship, obligatory worship such as praying five times a day still feels heavy. But the story is different with sincere people

For them, any worship will feel light and airy to do. Instead of praying five times a day, praying with a large number of rak’ahs, such as tarawih, is also done with pleasure without the slightest burden.

Characteristics of a Sincere Person

Finding someone who has a sincere heart is not easy because the only way to find out is to pay attention to their character and behavior. Usually, sincere people exhibit certain characteristics.

1. They are not easy to influence

It’s nice to be praised by others for what we do. Even if it’s just words, they make us feel more valuable. But on the other hand, praise can actually turn into a double-edged sword. The reason is a compliment can sometimes make someone turn into riya’.

But this change will not happen to those who have sincerity in their hearts. No matter how many compliments there are, it will still be the same person as before.

2. Expect nothing

In this day and age, many people want to help because they want to get something in return. Whether it’s praise, or reward in the form of money. Even worse, not a few people openly ask for rewards just for doing small things.

Well, sincere people will not behave like that. They are very sincere when helping others. Instead of asking for compensation in the form of money, they even often hide their good deeds so that others don’t know. For them, helping others is their duty as fellow human beings.

3. Never bring up what he has done

Many people claim to be sincere when they help, but end up bringing up their help later. Basically, bringing up something in the past, whether it’s something good or bad, is not a commendable action.

Bringing up something indicates that we are not one hundred percent sincere with the help we provide. A person with a sincere heart would not do this. They can usually easily forget the kindness or favor he did in the past.

Being sincere with everything that has happened is not easy. What if what happened to you was bad and painful. But just because sincerity is hard to do, doesn’t mean you can’t do it, right? One of the best ways to bring forth a sense of sincerity in the heart is to surrender to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Believe that whatever we have now is not ours, but belongs to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. So when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala takes it back someday, you don’t need to feel heavy anymore, let alone feel you don’t accept it.

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