The Meaning of the Youth Pledge for Young Generation in the Digital Age

The meaning of the Youth Pledge – The meaning of the Youth Pledge which was pledged on October 28, 1928 should continue to be updated so that it is in accordance with the times. M. Yamin, Amir Sjarifuddin, Sugondo Djojopuspito, WR Soepratman, Johanes Leimana, and other youths succeeded in providing a strong foundation for Indonesia’s younger generations. They instilled a spirit of unity, pride and wholeness in the Youth Pledge.

As the next generation, we cannot eliminate the positive values ​​from the spirit of the Youth Pledge. Therefore, it is fitting for us to understand the meaning of the Youth Pledge so that we can maintain and pass on the values ​​contained therein.

While it won’t be easy, that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible task. Moreover, the Youth Pledge has actually become the identity of Indonesian citizens. The culture of gotong royong, mutual respect, upholding harmony, and maintaining unity will never completely disappear within us.

In this article, I will invite all readers to review the meaning of the Youth Pledge from the most important to its developments in the digital era.

The Main Meaning of the Youth Oath

The Youth Pledge is one of Indonesia’s sacred historical milestones, without the pledge of these youths, the spirit of independence in society might have existed much longer. If you look at the current conditions, many Indonesian youths do not understand the importance of the meaning of the Youth Pledge.

This is reflected in the daily lives of today’s younger generation, who, in a way, tend to be individualistic and do not have a solid foundation. To overcome this requires long steps, but understanding the most important meaning of the Youth Pledge can be a good start.

One Motherland

The first paragraph of the Youth Pledge states that Indonesian youth only have one homeland, namely Indonesia. Whatever the region of origin, we both breathe air, grow and develop in Indonesia. In this country, we cry for the first time when we are born and here we will spend all the time until we die later.

In the past, before the youth oath was read, the Indonesian people were only proud of the superiority of their own region. They defend their area from invaders on their own. Therefore, the Dutch troops could control Indonesia quickly.

After the youth oath was read, awareness of a single motherland began to emerge. The spirit of unity was agitated and the fighters fought to defend all regions in the country, without discrimination at all.

This is what we have to take care of at this time. The spirit of unity regardless of which region is better and worse because Indonesia is vast. The 17,000 islands that stretch from Sabang to Merauke are the motherland that we must protect as much as possible.

This spirit can embody a strong, sincere and authentic sense of love for the homeland. If we don’t love Indonesia, who will? Do you want culture, history, territory, and everything in this country to be recognized by other nations?

One Indonesian Nation

Towards the start of the II Youth Congress, the youth who attended stayed in dormitories and rented houses that were close to the building where the Congress was being held. In this place, they gather and do various activities together.

After that, the youths who came used the name “national youth” as their identity. Not Sundanese youth, Javanese youth, or anything else. They describe the unity of various tribes in Indonesia, in accordance with the motto of this country ” Unity in Diversity “.

Differences in ethnicity and customs should not be seen as a drawback, because it will only bring this nation into disunity. On the contrary, this diversity is precisely an advantage that we should be proud of. We have succeeded in uniting hundreds of ethnic groups in one nation, namely the Indonesian nation.

One Indonesian

One of the most prominent results of the Youth Pledge is the use of Indonesian as the language of unity. The youths who were present at that time realized that it would be difficult for the Indonesian people to unite if there were still obstacles in communication.

Yes, try to imagine, how could the fighters formulate a strategy to fight the invaders if they were constrained by language differences? There was no time to learn all the regional languages ​​spoken at that time. The most appropriate way out is to use the same language to communicate.

Moh even. Yamin, who served as secretary during the Second Youth Congress, had to translate speakers who used Dutch. If Indonesian is not set to be the unified language, maybe this article should be translated into hundreds of regional languages ​​so that all readers of the sinaumedia Blog can understand it.

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There are many more lessons that can be taken from the event of the Youth Pledge. You can find it in the book Caring for Indonesia written by Lukman Hakiem.

This book is able to tell very personal things and memories that may not exist in other history books.

Interpreting the Youth Pledge in the Digital Age

The three meanings of the youth oath above are the basic foundation that we must maintain forever. Meanwhile, the application of values ​​and the way we interpret the youth oath must always be adapted to the times. Of course, by still using the existing basic foundation.

In this way, we can pass on the values ​​and spirit of the Youth Pledge to our children and grandchildren. In this digital era, there are several ways we can interpret the Youth Pledge. Here’s the explanation:

1. Utilizing technology to produce innovative works

The rapid development of technology is currently opening up many opportunities for the younger generation who want to contribute to the country. The Covid-19 pandemic played a role in encouraging a sense of unity and togetherness.

The younger generation, in these two years, has never stopped working together to help others who have been affected by the pandemic. Both from an economic standpoint, housing, and others.

Various technological innovations were created to bridge the youth and all Indonesian people. Websites , applications, digital media, learning platforms , delivery services, to marketplaces are proof that the younger generation is able to utilize technology to produce innovative works.

Indirectly, they have practiced the spirit of maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. Something that has been passed down by the younger generation almost a century ago.

On the other hand, this breakthrough also helps improve the quality of life and spreads good values ​​to all Indonesian people.

2. Manage information wisely and fight hoaxes

Along with the expansion of the internet, the information faucet seems to be wide open. Nowadays everyone can get the necessary information easily. Unfortunately, the presence of hoaxes becomes a ghost that terrorizes people’s lives.

Children, youth, adults, and the elderly can be consumed by the fake news they find on the internet. This is where the task of the younger generation who are more familiar with technology is needed.

The younger generation must be the bulwark of defense as well as the main spearhead in fighting hoaxes . Therefore a critical attitude towards oneself and the surrounding environment is absolute. We must play an active role in teaching parents and younger siblings about hoaxes .

At least, raise awareness about freedom of information and critical attitude towards them. Give an example of how to manage the information obtained. If necessary, teach how to use it as an opportunity to improve the quality of life.

3. Appreciate and respect others

Indonesia had experienced a crisis of tolerance for several years. Discrimination and polarization in society has strengthened to an alarming point. Currently, Indonesia is slowly starting to return to being a country that upholds a culture of mutual respect and respect.

As the younger generation, we must maintain this culture as strong as possible so that there will be no more tolerance crises in the future. Our predecessors have proven that by being united, the Indonesian nation succeeded in expelling the invaders. So what makes us have to be separated again?

Differences in religion, thought, ethnicity, culture, traditions, thoughts, and others should not be seen as weaknesses that can be exploited. On the contrary, these differences are actually pieces of a puzzle which, if put together, will become a strong Indonesia.

By appreciating and respecting others, we have practiced the same spirit of unity as the previous younger generation.

4. Using domestic products

In the internet era like now, product marketing runs very fast. Many large companies consider Indonesia as a potential market that must be prioritized. Hence, some of them often present the latest products in Indonesia.

At the same time, domestic products are also surfacing with the help of digital marketing. Competition to grab consumers’ attention is getting tougher, companies as producers cannot only rely on one marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, not a few young people think that domestic products are not of good quality compared to foreign products. As a result, products made in Indonesia are often underestimated. In fact, there are already many domestic products whose quality is no less, or even better, than foreign products.

Our duty here is to increase the love for the sweat of our brothers and sisters. This is done by appreciating more and not looking down on domestic products.

In this way, we have helped support the people’s economy and appreciate the work of the Indonesian people.

5. Maintain Indonesian and regional languages

Indonesian is a heritage that we must protect. One way is by using good and correct Indonesian to communicate. In addition, we must preserve the local language.

It is true, nowadays we are required to master foreign languages ​​in order to get information and improve self-quality. However, Indonesian and regional languages ​​should not be forgotten. After all, both are the identity of the Indonesian nation.

Some people find it easier to express themselves in a foreign language, while others feel that Indonesian is not very important to learn because it is often used in everyday life. But in fact, there are still many people who don’t know how to use good and correct Indonesian. The same goes for regional languages.

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This alarming condition will not change if we do not start studying Indonesian and regional languages ​​seriously. Remember, Indonesian allows us to make friends with more people, without having to learn all the regional languages.

Ivan Lanin through his book Xenoglosophilia: Why English? highlights this and tries to make his readers aware that using good Indonesian is not difficult.

6. Use social media wisely

Social media cannot be separated from the life of Indonesian people. Like any other technology product, there are positive and negative sides to social media – depending on how we use it.

On the positive side, social media can be a place to learn new knowledge that is not taught in schools. Especially those related to the digital world. Content creators and companies are competing to present educative and useful content to their audience.

On the negative side, social media can also be a medium for spreading hoaxes, hate speech, and even fraud. Often criminals on social media disguise themselves in such a way that it is difficult to trace them. After there is a victim, then his true identity is revealed.

Seeing conditions like this, the younger generation must play an active role in spreading positive messages and educating the public regarding the proper and correct use of social media. This is part of the effort to protect Indonesia’s homeland and national unity.

7. Preserving native Indonesian culture

Some say, youth is the right time to try many things and explore one’s abilities. Only by capitalizing on high curiosity, one can study one field until it is proficient.

We can channel this passionate enthusiasm to learn Indonesian original culture and preserve it. In fact, Indonesian culture is not so rigid and can blend with technological advances.

Just look at Weird Genius’ song Lathi , which went viral in 2020. Reza “Arap” Oktovian, Eka Gustiwarna, and Gerald Liu managed to combine traditional culture with modern music to produce works that are both authentic and unique.

Behavior Incompatible with the Spirit of the Youth Pledge

To maintain the unity and oneness of the Indonesian nation, young people like us must avoid behavior that is inconsistent with the spirit of the Youth Pledge. The following are some examples of this behavior:

1. Individualist or selfish

Individualism is a behavior that can harm many people. Because people who are selfish often don’t care about the people around them. He may even not care about the interests of the group at all. All that was on his mind was how to make a profit for himself.

For example, when you are selected as a member of the volleyball team that will compete in the Inter-Class Sports Week, you have the responsibility to give your best so you can become a champion. However, during practice, you prefer to go play with friends. Actions like this can harm your other friends.

2. Do whatever you want

Traits like this can lead to indifference and do not want to care about other people’s business. Not infrequently, this attitude also endangers others and himself. For example, at school, you will be shunned by your classmates. Or in your neighborhood, you may be ostracized by your neighbors from association because you are considered unable to respect other people.

In the end, when you need someone’s help, no one reaches out to you. In fact, humans are basically social beings who need the presence of other humans in their lives.

If you want to know how great the Indonesian people are, try reading the book Encyclopedia of Tribes in Indonesia written by Dr. Zulyani Hidayah. This book provides basic information about various ethnic groups in Indonesia, some of which have been researched and disclosed, but much more has not been properly identified.

3. Arrogant

Arrogant people tend to feel superior to others. This kind of nature will only undermine the unity and integrity of the community group. When someone thinks himself very great, he will look down on others.

Everyone has the same dignity and worth since birth so that no one is higher or lower. As the same creature, we should respect each other. After all, arrogant people are more difficult to make friends.

4. Excessive religious fanaticism

The Indonesian Constitution has guaranteed the freedom of every citizen to embrace the religion he believes in. So that anyone has the right to worship according to his religion.

Excessive religious fanaticism will lead to religious conflict in society. Because this trait will make you not open to differences in religion, even though you are still in the same religion.

Didn’t God create humans with reason and mind so they could understand each other? Moreover, every religion basically teaches harmony and instructs its adherents to stay away from evil. A little difference does not necessarily make one religion better than another.

That is a review of the meaning of the Youth Pledge for the current generation in the digital era. Sinaumed’s can add insight by reading related books available on so that you have #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Gill

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