The Functions of Toe Bones and Finger Bones You Must Know!

Function of the Toe Bones and Finger Bones – Every normal foot has five fingers. The bones, muscles and nerves in the toes help the foot to support the body when standing. The toes will become flexible and can extend to support the body when walking, running, and also standing. The toes will also continue to adapt and change in order to keep the body balanced so they don’t fall.

Anatomy of the Bones of the Toe

Each normal foot has 14 phalanges, while each toe has three phalanges namely proximal, middle, and distal. Except for the thumb or hallux, which only has two phalanges namely proximal and distal. Each toe is connected to the rest of the foot through the metatarsophalangeal joint located in the metatarsal bone.

Functions of the Toe Bones

In contrast to the bones of the fingers, whose role and function can be easily felt, the function of the bones of the toes may not be felt so much. Even so, if you want to try to feel it, Sinaumed’s can try standing on one leg, or use it to run or walk.

So what are the functions of the toe bones? The following are 3 functions of the toe bones that Sinaumed’s needs to know.

1. As a weight gainer

The function of the first toe bone is to support Sinaumed’s’ weight . In this case, each toe on Sinaumed’s’ foot has the same role, except for the big toe which supports up to about 75% of the body’s weight. Therefore, don’t be surprised if Sinaumed’s has difficulty moving or walking when there is interference or injury to the big toe, given its very crucial role in this.

2. As a counterweight when walking

Besides having a function as a body weight support, another function of the toe bones is to maintain balance when Sinaumed’s moves, especially when running and walking. As with the previous function, this point also has a close relationship with the big toe which in this regard has a role as a fulcrum when the foot steps.

When the toes bend in preparation for taking the next step, the rest of the foot is tensed. This is referred to as the windlass phenomenon, which is a mechanism that will facilitate the process of moving the legs. If disturbed, then Sinaumed’s will find it difficult to balance the body while walking, because Sinaumed’s will feel pain or feel uncomfortable when walking.

3. As a provider of flexibility

The function of the last toe bone is to provide flexibility. As mentioned in the previous point, the toe bones have many joints which in this case can provide the flexibility that Sinaumed’s needs when walking. This flexible nature will make it easier for Sinaumed’s to adapt to uneven ground conditions. That way, injuries can be avoided more easily.

Threats to the Function of the Toe Bones


Because it is often overlooked, many people do not realize that the toe bones are also vulnerable to threats that can interfere with the function of the toes themselves. In this case, the threat that might arise is a broken toe bone caused by injury, either from being hit by a heavy object or injured as a result of doing the wrong sport.

Apart from being caused by this, the toe bones are also prone to fractures if Sinaumed’s suffers from osteoporosis. In connection with this problem, light matters such as wearing shoes that tend to be narrow can break Sinaumed’s’ toe bones .

When this fracture occurs, Sinaumed’s will feel several conditions that can interfere with activities such as pain, swelling, changes in the shape of the toes, and difficulty walking. If the symptoms are not too severe, Sinaumed’s can do first aid independently, namely by compressing the painful area, and placing the foot to be in a higher position. Even so, of course we advise Sinaumed’s to immediately contact a trusted doctor if Sinaumed’s has a broken toe, because if it is not treated properly, this can cause other serious complications.

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Anatomy of the Finger Bones

The structure of the finger in human anatomy is built from ligaments or strong supporting tissues that connect bones to bones, tendons or muscle attachments to bones, and phalanges.

Quoted from the Medicinet page, basically the finger bones do not have a muscular structure. This is because the fingers move with the pull of the arm muscles that are under the tendons.

The ligaments in the finger bones also contribute to helping unite the bones in the palms or assisting the movement of the fingers.

In the hand there are 14 phalanges, which are the bones that make up the fingers. Each finger generally has three phalanges, namely:

  1. The proximal phalanx extends from the tip of the palm and is the longest of the finger bones.
  2. Middle phalanges, finger bones which are part of the finger joints.
  3. Distal phalanx, the smallest finger bone and is at the end of the finger.

The joints of the fingers are covered by cartilage which has a function to prevent friction between the bones when moving.

Besides that, the finger bones are also connected to the wrist bones through the metacarpal bones which are the largest bones in the hand.

Functions of the Finger Bones

Typing, writing, and grasping food are some of the functions of Sinaumed’s’ finger bones . In essence, daily activities can be carried out easily thanks to the role of the finger bones.

In the skeletal system, the finger bones are included in the framework of the body’s locomotion apparatus. Therefore, the fingers have an important role in carrying out various daily Sinaumed’s activities .

The following are the functions of the movement of the finger bones, including:

  1. Flexion and extension

With the help of joints, the bones of the fingers have the function of moving the bases of the fingers towards and away from the palm.

Then, the finger bones can also move both parts of the fingers in one direction and away from the base of the fingers.

  1. Adduction and abduction

The second function of the phalanx is to move the fingers toward and away from the middle finger.

  1. Thumb movement

Sinaumed’s needs to know that the thumb in the finger bones can make different movements. In the carpometacarpal joints, the thumb can function as follows:

  • Move the joint under the thumb toward the palm.
  • Move the bottom of the thumb away from the hand.
  • Move your thumb to the back and front of your wrist.
  • Move the thumb across the palm to the other fingers.

All movement and function of the bones of the fingers come from the muscles (palm and forearm) and flexors which are connected to each other.

The finger bones also have two long flexors which are located on the forearm. These two flexors have the function of bending the fingers.

There is also a thumb flexor that has other muscles so that it can help move in the opposite direction and grip objects.

Disorders of the Toes

Pain in the toes is generally caused by ingrown nails, blisters, calluses, and bunions or deformities of the big toe. Pain can also be caused by injury or disease such as sprains or arthritis.

  1. Stubbed toe – A common condition that occurs when the toe trips over a hard object, causing it to sprain and hurt.
  2. Toe deformities – An example is a claw-shaped toe, where the proximal joint projects upwards and the middle joint projects downwards. This disorder can be caused by footwear that does not fit, diabetes or arthritis. Other examples of deformities are hammer toe and trigger toe.
  3. Gout – This disease usually affects the big toe, caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joint area which causes the foot to hurt when walking.

Types of Toe Procedures and Surgery

1. Medications – Pain, gout, and inflammation can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Surgery – Surgery may be needed if the finger bones are dislocated or broken and cannot be treated with non-invasive methods. Surgery needs to be done in order to move and hold the bone with a special tool until the bone heals.

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Disorders of the Fingers

In fact, it’s not just the toes that can get injured, but also the fingers. Well, Sinaumed’s’ finger is actually covered by a lot of nerve endings when compared to other parts of the body.

Injuries can easily damage these nerves. There are many types of finger injuries that are quite common, for example as follows:

1. Scratched

Even though it is classified as very common and trivial, being scratched is one of the injuries that Sinaumed’s still needs to pay attention to. Starting from scratches, peeling skin, to swollen fingers are finger injury problems that need to be considered so that complications do not occur.

2. Sprains

Sinaumed’s’ fingers and toes can also be sprained. Generally, sprains can occur when the finger is hit by a hard object, for example when hit by a ball that is traveling at high speed.

The incident then resulted in making the joint surface affected so that it suffered an injury. Generally, this condition can also be referred to as arthritis caused by trauma.

3. Injured fingertips

Sinaumed’s may not realize it, but this condition can also occur in fingertips caused by car doors or glass doors. Generally, unintentionally, Sinaumed’s’ fingertips erode until they are injured and bleeding.

In fact, not just the fingertips, the tips of Sinaumed’s’ nails can also be damaged because of this. This condition also causes finger bones to break, and it could be that Sinaumed’s has a bone infection.

4. Subungual hematoma (blood clot under the nail)

This condition often occurs due to cases of pinched fingers, for example when Sinaumed’s’s fingers were caught in a door. Even so, not only that, this injury can also occur if a heavy object accidentally presses on a finger or toe.

Initially, this condition will indeed cause pain. Even so, if Sinaumed’s gets proper treatment from a doctor, the pain can be reduced. In addition, proper handling can reduce the risk of the nails falling off.

5. Broken bones

Finger or toe injuries that may occur are fractures or bone dislocations. This is one of the conditions that Sinaumed’s needs to be aware of.

6. Tendon injuries

It turns out that Sinaumed’s can also have tendon injuries to his fingers. Usually, this condition occurs due to an impact on the finger. When experiencing this injury, the tendon that is affected is where it is attached to the bone and is torn.

7. Nerve injury

Sinaumed’s can also experience nerve injuries to the fingers and toes. This condition can cause decreased tactile sensitivity in Sinaumed’s’ fingers . The reason is, damaged nerves can cause numbness in the fingers.

Common Disorders Of The Fingers

Apart from injury, Sinaumed’s’ finger can also experience various disorders that affect the function of the tendons and joints. Here are some disorders that attack the fingers and have the potential to cause injury if you don’t get proper treatment:

1. Trigger finger

When experiencing trigger finger , the fingers will be locked in a bent position so that they cannot be moved to a straight position. Yes, this condition can indeed cause movement in Sinaumed’s’ fingers to be limited because they cannot change position.

This can happen due to swelling of the tendons. These conditions then prevent and limit Sinaumed’s to move his own fingers.

2. De Quervain’s syndrome

Meanwhile, De Quarvain’s syndrome is another disorder that occurs in the tendons of Sinaumed’s’ thumb . This can be painful, especially when the wrist is moved or when Sinaumed’s tries to reach for an object.

Not only that, experts also suspect that this syndrome can occur due to swelling of the tendons, but there is no definite cause for this condition. Repetitive movements can make the pain worse.

3. Osteoarthritis

This musculoskeletal disorder can also cause swelling of the fingers along with pain, stiffness, and numbness. Actually, swelling is a very common condition that occurs in the fingers.

However, apart from swelling, according to Medline Plus, osteoarthritis can also cause deformities in Sinaumed’s’ fingers .

Treatment For Finger Injuries And Disorders

As first aid for injuries, both to the fingers and toes, there are several things Sinaumed’s can do before bringing the condition to the doctor:

  1. Clean the injury first, then dress it using a sterile bandage to reduce bleeding and protect the injured part of the finger.
  2. Elevate the injured or injured finger to reduce swelling.
  3. Avoid moving your hands or wrists as long as you haven’t gotten treatment from a doctor.