Renewable Natural Resources Examples

Examples of Renewable Natural Resources – At school, usually in Social Sciences (Social Studies) subjects they often alluded to Natural Resources (Natural Resources). So, does Sinaumed’s still remember what the definition and examples of natural resources are?

Come on, let’s look at the following explanation!

Definition of Natural Resources

Natural resources are all contents contained in the biosphere of this planet earth, both in the lithosphere (soil), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air) which can be used as a potential source of energy so that it can be useful to meet the needs of human life.

So that these natural resources can also be referred to as natural wealth in the form of inanimate objects and living things on this planet and can be used to meet human needs.

Meanwhile, according to Alen (in Rinjani, 2007) SDA (Natural Resources) can be divided based on the recovery process into three classifications, namely:

  • Natural resources that cannot be exhausted ( inexhaustible natural resources ), for example air, solar energy, and rainwater.
  • Natural resources that can be replaced or renewed ( renewable resources ), for example water in rivers, soil quality, forests and wildlife.
  • Non-renewable natural resources , for example coal, oil and metals.

This is also stated in the following book entitled Geography Encyclopedia: Natural Resources by Giyarto

Definition of Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable natural resources are natural resources that will never run out. This can be caused by an ongoing renewal cycle, for example the presence of water which is always there because of the hydrological cycle.

Even though this renewable natural resource is said to never run out, we as humans must also consider its existence so that we have an obligation to maintain it according to its use.

Renewable natural resources include water, soil, plants and animals. As previously explained, natural resources must be preserved so as not to damage the balance of the ecosystem.

Classification of Renewable Natural Resources

The natural resources found on this planet, both renewable and non-renewable, are natural resources that can be utilized for human needs.

Renewable natural resources are so called because they are reformed in a relatively short period of time. This type of natural resource has two ways of recycling, namely:

1. Renewal by reproduction

This reproduction process only occurs in renewable natural resources. However, don’t underestimate it even though it can add up in a short time. If the management is not right, this type of natural resource may become extinct in the future.

For example: animals. Both reproduce by giving birth or laying eggs.

2. Renewal with a cycle

In some natural resources, such as water and air, they undergo a rotating process or commonly known as a cycle. This cycle process is also only found in renewable natural resources.

However, there are several things that can reduce the quality and quantity of these renewable natural resources, namely:

  • Air pollution (decreased quality of the atmosphere)
  • Deforestation (decreased quality and quantity of groundwater)

This is also written in the following book entitled Management of Marine & Forest Resources: Perspectives, Policy by Robert Siburian and Masyhuri Imron.

Benefits and Examples of Renewable Natural Resources

Economically, the existence of this renewable natural resource can be used as a trade staple. The process of economic growth can be balanced with the level of welfare of the people.

Natural Resources (SDA) that are spread in our country have a very large amount, especially natural resources that can be renewed. For example: chickens, cows, rice plants that can be used as rice, fish, and others. At the level of people’s welfare, the existence of this renewable natural resource can be used as a staple food.

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Utilization of renewable natural resources includes agriculture, forestry, plantation, fishery and mining.

1. People’s Agriculture is agriculture managed by the general public using narrow land and little yield. This type of land usually uses food crops, such as paddy fields, farming, dry land, and farming as well as yard plants. Examples of types of food crops are rice, corn, soybeans, sago, and others.

2. Plantation Agriculture is an agricultural activity that prioritizes trade agriculture and is managed by individuals and a certain institution with large capital and ample land. The types of plants commonly used in plantation agriculture are rubber, coconut, tea, sugar cane and oil palm.

3. Fishing activity is an activity to cultivate fish, both land fishery and sea fishery. These cultivation activities can be carried out by nurturing, sowing seeds, catching fish and developing them. Examples are catfish, mujaher fish, carp, and others.

4. Animal Husbandry is an activity of the community that maintains and breeds animals to meet their needs. Livestock in Indonesia are grouped into large animal farms, small animal farms and poultry farms.

Renewable Natural Resources (SDA) can actually be used directly in human daily life. Natural resources in the form of plants are examples of biological natural resources which have a large number and diversity. Utilization of natural resources in the form of plants can be used as food, clothing, processed materials, even medicines.

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Apart from being a food ingredient, natural resources in the form of plants can also be used as clothing materials or as tools for everyday household needs, for example doormats.

Does Sinaumed’s know that clothing can have a high price value because it is made from special natural resources? An example is clothes made of cotton.

Fibers derived from certain plants can be used as the main ingredient in the manufacture of clothing and produce high price values. This certainly can improve the standard of living of the people who make it.

Then, there is a renewable natural resource in the form of wood. Considering that the territory of Indonesia is a country that has a lot of tropical forests, the presence of wood will be easy to find. Forest products in the form of wood, rattan, and pine can be used as household furniture which produce high price values, you know~

Natural resources in the form of rattan originating from Kalimantan, Sumatra and Sulawesi can be used as the main material for making chairs, tables, even today rattan basket hampers are being loved by young people.

Apart from rattan, natural resources in the form of pine originating from North Sumatra can be used as the main material for making paper and matchsticks.

Furthermore, natural plant resources can be used as the main ingredients for making medicines. Plants that are commonly used as medicinal ingredients are better known as live pharmacies. Examples of plants that are often used as medicinal ingredients are cat’s whiskers, ginger, turmeric, temulawak, and rosella flowers.

The use of Rosella flowers as the main ingredient in medicines is a smart step in utilizing natural resources. Rosella flowers are known to contain quite a lot of nutrients and nutrients so they are good for human health. This rosella flower is considered to be able to cure pain and is useful as an antiseptic.

Efforts to Manage the Environment

The existence of natural resources certainly determines the daily human activities. Simply put, we certainly cannot live without air and water. However, on the other hand, there are also several human activities that greatly affect the existence of resources and the surrounding environment.

Why do we have to manage the environment, huh?

So, here are the objectives of the environmental management process. Let’s see!

  • Obtain safety relationship between human and environment
  • control the wise use of resources
  • realizing Indonesian people as builders of the environment
  • carry out environmentally sound development for present or future generations
  • protect the country from activities outside the country that have the potential to cause environmental damage and pollution.
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Often we encounter events of pollution and environmental damage caused by human actions, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution. forest destruction, and others.

If we as Indonesians are reluctant to properly manage natural resources, it is not impossible that in the future there will be many environmental crises. This situation can certainly affect our economic development.

The following are examples of environmental crises that are often caused by irresponsible human activities:

  • Flood

Floods can occur due to several reasons, one of which is the reduction of green areas for water retention. The process of deforestation, littering, and lack of catchment areas are some examples of inconsequential human activities that cause flooding to occur at any time.

Floods certainly have an impact on human survival, such as health problems. skin diseases, decreased food productivity, and others.

  • Landslide

Landslide is an event where land is eroded by rainwater due to reduced water-holding soil. This event can certainly have an impact on damage to homes in the community, disrupt the economy and transportation.

Then, what efforts have been made to manage and preserve these natural resources so that they can be maintained properly?

1. Government Efforts

The government is obliged to foster and develop public awareness regarding the importance of protecting, caring for and preserving natural resources and the environment. These efforts can take the form of counseling. guidance, education, and research.

The law even regulates environmental management rules, namely:

  • Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management
  • Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government

These efforts are openly made so that our society is aware of preserving the environment. In addition, so that our society can also play an active role in efforts to improve the environment.

If our environment is maintained, it will go hand in hand with the increasing quality of natural resources that we often use in our daily lives.

2. Government and Community Efforts

Some of the efforts made by the government in the process of managing and preserving the environment have received support and responses from the wider community. These efforts are as follows,

a. Air conservation efforts

  • Develop efforts to reforest the land by planting trees
  • Prevent forest fires and field systems that have the potential to cause haze
  • Requires the construction of a chimney in the factory that functions as a smoke filter
  • Stop the operation of motorized vehicles that have excessive gas/smoke exhaust

b. Forest conservation efforts

  • Reforestation
  • Maintain protected forests and wildlife reserves
  • When cutting down trees, it is best to replant them with new tree seedlings

c. Marine and Beach Preservation Efforts

  • prevent spillage of crude oil into the oceans as it can be lethal to sea creatures
  • prohibit dumping of waste into the sea
  • Cultivating mangroves on the beach
  • Prohibit the use of explosives in fishing

d. Efforts to Preserve Flora and Fauna

  • Maintain nature reserves to protect rare plants
  • Maintain wildlife sanctuary to protect endangered animals
  • Cultivating compassion for endangered animals and plants to the community
  • Prohibiting the hunting of endangered species by giving the law

Sinaumed’s can find these efforts in the following book entitled The Economics of Human Resources: In the Perspective of Development, the Revised Edition by Mulyadi Subri.

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