Recognizing Cognitive Aspects and Their Application in Life

Cognitive Aspects – Human abilities can be seen in many ways, such as cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor aspects. Knowing these three certainly has a profound impact on individuals and groups in relation to the process of social learning and the lessons learned from social interaction.

Graded education in Indonesia focuses more on cognitive assessment. This rating is a description of the main assessment of a child’s achievement. Assessment of cognitive aspects related to reasoning, thinking processes and the development of children’s rational abilities.

This form of cognitive assessment is usually in the form of multiple questions of several types including multiple choice, true-false, matchmaking, essays, short answers, and others. The choice you make depends on the type of question being asked and the level of the cognitive domain you wish to measure.

The measurements taken are also adjusted to the extent to which the learning objectives are to be achieved. In some counters, maximum success is sometimes at the second level. This is usually low-level documentation, such as when starting a document discussion.



Cognitive Understanding According to Experts

The following is a cognitive definition of opinion from experts, including;

1. Margaret W. Matlin

Cognitive is an activity process that involves several types of activities related to using a person’s mentality. Related activities include seeking, obtaining, storing, and using knowledge. The use of science is needed in the right circumstances & conditions.

2. Husdarta & Nurian

Cognitive is a form of continuous process but the output obtained is not continuous using the output that has been achieved before. Cognitive abilities will continue to develop in sync with what is learned at school or the social environment.

3. Chaplin

Cognitive is a generic concept which includes all forms of identifiers, things that include observing, having prejudices, seeing, imagining, predicting, giving, guessing, & judging. If we look at things that are contained in very complex cognitive.

4. Ahmad Susanto

Cognitive is a thought process, an individual’s ability to assess, consider and relate an incident to one another. This ability is the basis based on all kinds of abilities that a person has. This is also determined by a person’s interest in showing all the ideas he has.

Cognitive Aspect

The ability of perception must be owned by all who have it in various ways. Among others;

1. Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge

Aspects related to many things will be something fundamental. Knowledge can be in the form of the ability to memorize, interpret, and others. Possessive ability involves several things, including the ability to remember a certain concept, method, structure, or process.

This level is the most basic level to see a person’s ability to understand the assigned material. Every child is unique, so sometimes children do not have good memory skills but have other extraordinary abilities.

2. Cognitive Aspects of Understanding

Higher appreciation of the knowledge aspect, not only in terms of memorizing but also in terms of understanding. Some things that must be owned at this stage are comparing, describing, organizing, categorizing, understanding meaning, understanding concepts and others. At this point, there is also a requirement for students to explore concepts that are already understood.

Not only remembering but also understanding, this level is more on how someone has their own point of view to understand a concept. This understanding can occur directly or through repeated learning.

3. Cognitive Aspects of Application

Apply what is understood to be the following step on top of the previous step. This aspect aims to apply what has been understood by using rules with principles from the studied literature in real conditions.

Good ability to apply abstract concepts to certain theories. Its application can be seen in the school environment or social environment. This application has a broad and unlimited vision. During the cognitive assessment, concepts that are often associated with everyday life are consistent with the material presented.

4. Cognitive Aspects of Analysis

One’s ability to perform tests and solve multipart information. The relationship from one department to another can be seen and conclusions can be drawn about existing documents. The analysis carried out can be in the form of factor analysis, linkage analysis and social organization analysis.

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This ability, when seen in everyday life, is a person’s ability to connect events in a related event. When recording problems or events, conclusions can be drawn.

5. Cognitive Aspects Review

Evaluation can be interpreted as an appreciation of one’s attention to an event. While the latter, the conclusions drawn can be pros or cons, right or wrong, agree or disagree, and so on.

The process is carried out after going through the previous steps so that it can be concluded that something that has been done is correct or not. Is a form of awareness to improve one’s own abilities or to learn at a certain stage. This step is also important for someone to understand the material.

6. Cognitive Aspects of Creation

The form of learning development has been received from the teacher. A child is expected to be able to develop abilities and create something unique from the material under study. Creativity can be done in various ways depending on the creative abilities of each person.

Examples of this creativity will appear when he already has talent or a complete understanding of basic concepts. Creativity is the pinnacle of cognitive domain assessment.

Someone who is able to make an advantage in learning is considered to have fully understood the concepts presented. These creations add to the selling value of an item. This capability will be evaluated individually in each process.



Cognitive Example

Here are some examples of a person’s cognitive abilities in the learning process, namely;

1. Read

Readability is one of the cognitive abilities that can be seen when you first recognize letters. This ability is one that demonstrates a child’s cognitive ability on many levels. Of course, there are levels of memorization, understanding, and application in reading certain texts that your educational institution or family supports.

2. Scraps

The ability to remember what happened in the form of an event or learning material. The ability to remember is one thing that is quite important to see a person’s cognitive abilities, even if only at a low level.

3. Logical reasoning

The ability to relate events to one another is what we need to do. These are activities that demonstrate the ability to reason or think. This capability starts at the linkable analysis stage.

4. Caution

One of the processes for acquiring cognitive knowledge is to pay attention to continuous learning. When a person is paying attention, they must fully understand the concepts being conveyed to enhance their cognitive abilities.

Use of Cognitive Aspects in Life

1. Cognitive Skills for CV

A well-written and well-formed resume can reveal strong cognitive abilities. For example, mesh and space structures demonstrate visual processing power. It’s about demonstrating logic and reasoning skills that show how you can contribute to the company’s mission when you target your resume and statement of objectives in the details of your job posting. You can also include cognitive skills such as problem solving and active listening in the Skills section.

Example: “Marketing professional with 3 years of market research experience. Analyze consumer buying behavior and seasonal trends to create effective marketing campaigns for target demographics.”

2. Cognitive skills for a cover letter

Cover letters require a professional approach to the potential employer, creatively presenting themselves as a suitable candidate for the job, and explaining how they can add value to the company. Meeting these requirements in your cover letter demonstrates creative problem-solving skills and demonstrates strong logic and reasoning skills.

Example: “I value planning meetings with my team because they allow me to share ideas with others and collaborate on better product designs. I always use data from pre-tested designs to show the potential value of specific visuals that my target audience will like.”

3. Interview Cognitive Skills

The interview will provide many opportunities to demonstrate cognitive abilities. When answering questions, you can refer to the company’s research or your original job description to jog your memory. You can demonstrate your attention skills by actively listening and responding to the interviewer. You can also demonstrate your logic and reasoning skills by solving hypothetical problems an interviewer may present you.

Example: “I know that a company holds a marketing meeting every year to bring together experts from various industries. This meeting will give you valuable insight into what other companies are doing to meet their customers’ needs and the creative solutions they are looking for to increase brand loyalty.”

4. Wake up when the alarm goes off

Of course you already know how the alarm works right? So what is the connection between alarm activity and cognitive psychology? when every day you use your alarm to wake you up, especially if you live alone. You have decided or determined what is needed and what you expect.

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By having an alarm, you facilitate the activity, in addition, by your decision or thought, you decide what time to set the alarm and continue or inactivate it. Even if you feel lazy or don’t want to get up, you still do what you are doing and wake up when the alarm goes off.

5. Language Selection

Everyone should be fluent in more than one language, at least although regional languages ​​and mother tongues are more than sufficient. Cognitive psychology governs how you communicate and use language when necessary. You certainly know that language is a way of communicating with other people, so that other people understand what you mean.

Now, language choice is your perception driven decision. Obviously, you are not going to use English when you are in a village in Central Java. Maybe they won’t understand what you’re saying. In the meantime, decide to use common language, especially when communicating with certain people, to avoid miscommunication. This is the importance of applying cognitive psychology.

6. In problem solving

How did you feel when the problem arose? clear how to find a solution and also a way out of the problem.

Basic Psychological Concepts in Cognitive Behavioral Problems Of course, think of results rather than regrets. Mindfulness can really help you find your way out or make decisions. Let’s go back to the definition where perception is influenced by your mental state, so everyone’s decision will be different depending on their mental state.

In terms of problem solving too, a good mind and state of mind can help you deal with problems fairly and fairly.

Meanwhile, when you are emotional, or you are not in a good state of mind, decision making often leads to problems and problems that cannot be resolved by themselves, in fact there are many other problems. It also makes someone emotional or not feeling well, they shouldn’t decide something or decide something.

7. Face your fears

Fear is one of the feelings or sensations that humans have to experience. It is natural and natural for a person to face his fears. But this fear can lead you in two directions, mental and emotional stress or it is from this feeling of stress that you can identify something.

When you are afraid, you have to find a way or solution to get rid of that fear. so as not to be enveloped in such an unpleasant feeling. Then your consciousness will work as hard as it can to release that feeling. it will affect your hormones if studied biologically.

You should know that feelings of pleasure, fear and the like can be secreted or secreted by hormones. With this decision, dopamine, the feel-good hormone, will be released and relieve your fear.

8. Facing many people

When facing many people, you will have feelings of fear, anxiety and the like. Sometimes people ask you things you probably never thought about or knew about. Decisions, thinking and cognitive thinking will play an important role in how you decide in a fast and useful application so that you are better prepared and feel at ease in front of large groups of people.

An opinion-based psychosocial theorist explains that public appearances are not something everyone can deal with. Of course this can also irritate you, who do not like to appear in front of many people. Remembering when standing in front of people is like challenging yourself in a new field or field.

It’s not easy, many people who are used to being in front of crowds are still afraid or worried if things don’t go according to plan. Your perception is at stake here.

9. Adaptation

When adapting to be the most difficult and perhaps difficult, for people who are easygoing or easy to get along with anyone. Consider adapting not just one or two people, but you’ll be involved with lots of characters and routines.

You are asked to recover, where you must be able to step into their lives and obey them without compromising your principles.



Conclusion Cognitive Aspects

From the explanation presented, it can be said that a person’s ability in this cognitive domain will influence a person’s attitude towards responsibility in behavior. We know that increasing one’s knowledge is expected to change one’s behavior. The resulting changes can be positive or negative, depending on the person.

The purpose of this cognitive activity is to identify thinking skills in the intellectual realm, from simple ones to those that require high ability and creativity. The lowest level is memorization and the highest level is generation.

Of course, in terms of research on cognitive abilities, this article is not enough, there is still much to know about this cognitive ability, because there are many other things that have not been discussed in this article. Because it is very difficult to write all sections in one article, for Sinaumed’s who want to learn more about cognitive aspects, they can search for the best reference books on During reading!

Author: Arizal Muhammad Valevi