Recognize the Functions of Stamens in Flowers and Other Flower Components

Function of Stamens – Many people think that flowers are just decorations or sweeteners from plants. In fact, flowers actually have a very important and vital function for the plant itself. Flowers can be said to be very important organs because flowers are one of the generative organs which have the main function for the process of plant reproduction.

A flower can be said to be a perfect flower if the organs of the flower are complete. The organs that are usually present in perfect flowers are the crown, petals, pistils, and also the stamens. While flowers are not perfect, they usually do not have any of these four organs.

If a flower does not have one of these organs, it can disrupt the breeding process of the plant itself. This is because each organ of the flower has its own function. Check out a complete explanation regarding the function of stamens and various other organs in flowers!

Flower Function

Simply put, flowers have the function of attracting pollinators in plants in order to help fertilization occur which is useful for making new seeds.

Flowers rely on bright colors, strong scents, and sweet nectar to attract animals such as birds, butterflies, and other insects to transfer pollen from one flower to another.

In detail, the functions of interest can be divided as follows:

  1. The most vital and most important function of flowers is as a tool for plants to carry out generative reproduction.
  2. The second function of the flower is to attract birds, butterflies and other insects to land and pollinate.
  3. The third flower function is as a place or container for the union of male gametes and female gametes.
  4. The function of the fourth flower is to produce seeds.

Of course, besides the four functions of flowers that have been mentioned, flowers also have a function of beauty or aesthetics. Flowers can be used as decoration and enjoy their beauty. Flowers are also suitable as objects used to calm down or relax.

This is because several types of flowers, apart from being beautiful to look at, also smell good, such as lavender, tuberose, and jasmine.

Humans in general also like the beauty of flowers. But the most important thing is that we as humans must always preserve it, not destroy it, and make it extinct.

Flower Parts

To understand the function of flowers in more detail, you also need to know about the complete parts of a flower, which are as follows:

1. Flower stalks

The first part of the flower is the flower stalk. Flower stalks are located at the bottom of the flower. The flower stalk has a function as a link between the flower and the branch. Apart from being a link, flower stalks also have a function as a means of supporting flowers.

2. Flower Base

The second part of the flower is the base of the flower. The base of the flower is located at the bottom of the flower, right above the flower stalk. The base of the flower has a function as a place for attaching the flower crown.

3. Flower Petals

The third part of the flower is the flower petals. The flower petals are located on the outermost part of the flower. The flower petals have a function, which is to protect the flower crown when it is still a bud and will open when the crown has bloomed.

Flower petals usually have a color and shape that resembles a leaf. Each strand of flower petals is called a sepal. In some types of flowers, in addition to the petals, additional petals or commonly known as epicalyx grow.

4. Flower Crown

The fourth part of the flower is the flower crown. The flower crown is located in the second layer and is adjacent to the flower petals. The flower crown serves to attract insects and or other animals to perch which will later help the pollination process.

Apart from its main function to attract the attention of insects and or other animals that will help pollinate, the flower crown also has another function, namely to protect the genitals of the flower before the pollination process takes place.

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The flower crown is the most beautiful part of the flower and usually has a bright and striking color. Flower crowns are also often dubbed as flower jewelry. Each strand of flower crown also has its own name, namely petal.

5. Stamens (Male Genitals)

The fifth part of the flower is the stamen. The stamens are usually in the center of the flower corolla. The main function of the stamens is as a breeding tool (male genitalia) of plants.

The stamens are divided into three parts, namely the stamen, the anther, and the connecting chamber of the Sari. The stamen is the thread-shaped part with a cross-section which is generally round in shape, while the anther is the part of the stamen that is found at the end of the stamen.

The function of the stamens can be divided into three parts, namely:

1. Sari stalks

The stamens are part of the stamens which have the function of making the anthers position high enough from the flower crown. The stamens are thread-like in cross section and generally round in shape.

2. Anthers

The anther is the part of the stamen that functions as a place to contain pollen. The position of the anther is above the stalk of the anther. The anthers inside have two sari chambers. Inside the pollen chamber there is pollen.

Pollen is a tool for the generative spread of male cells. This powder is attached to the anthers. This powder will also be carried by insects and other animals and stick to other flowers.


3. Liaison of the sari room

The connecting rod for the sari chamber is the stem or tank for the sari gang which has a function as a link between the two parts of the anther which are on the right and the left.

6. Pistil (Female Genital Nature)

The sixth part of the flower is the pistil. The pistil is usually located in the very center of the flower. Pistils have the main function, namely as a means of reproduction (female sex) of plants.

The pistil also has its own parts, namely:

1. Stylized head

The stigma is the part that is at the very top of the pistil. The main function of the stigma is as a place to receive pollen during the pollination process.

2. Pistil stalk

The pistil is the passageway connecting the stigma with the ovary. Aside from being a link, the stigma also has a function to support the stigma so that it can stand straight, sturdy, and stay in its position.

The pistil stalk has a pollen tube which has the function of assisting the fertilization process by delivering pollen to the ovary.

3. Will fruit

Will fruit or can also be referred to as the ovary / ovary is one part of the pistil that rests on the base of the flower. The fruit will enlarge when the pollination process is complete. In the ovary, there is also a carpell/carpellum .

Carpell/carpellum is a fruit leaf where each fruit leaf contains an ovule or what can also be called an ovule/ovulum .

4. Will seeds

The ovule or what is commonly called the ovulum is part of the structure in seed plants that functions to protect as well as being a place for the egg cell to be located. The seeds will later develop into seeds after the fertilization process is complete.

The ovule will be easily seen in groups of plants with open seeds and those covered by ovaries in groups of flowering plants.

Flowers are also one of the organs of plants that need nutrients for their survival. Therefore, in each flower you can find various transport vessels that have the function of providing a food supply for the flower.

Generative Propagation of Plants

Generative reproduction is the process of plant reproduction that takes place by means of pollination and fertilization. This generative type of reproduction can only occur in plants that have reproductive organs such as pistils and stamens.

The Process of Pollination, Generative Breeding

Generative reproduction usually occurs in plants that have seeds. The initial step of generative reproduction must begin with the pollination process. Pollination is the process of dropping or attaching pollen from the stamens to the stigma of a plant.

If the pollination process is successful, then the pollen grains will enter the ovule and fertilization will occur in the ovule. Fertilization is the process of fusion of pollen or male cells with the stigma or female cells. After the pollination process is complete, it will produce new fruit.

In addition, there are several ways in the pollination process. Here’s how to pollinate generative reproduction in plants.

1. Self Pollination

Self-pollination is a pollination process that can only occur if the pollen and stigma are located on the same flower or in other words, the flower pollinates or marries itself.

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2. Neighbor Pollination

Neighbor pollination is the pollination process that occurs when the pollen and stigma come from the same tree. Neighbor pollination is almost the same as self pollination, the only difference is that the pollen that lands on the stigma comes from a different flower but still from the same tree.

3. Cross Pollination

Cross pollination is the process of pollination that occurs when pollen grains and anthers come from other flowers and trees. But the tree is always of the same kind. Usually, this pollination can make the characteristics of plants stronger than before.

4. Pollination of the Bastar

The last type of pollination is hybridization or also known as hybridization. Crossbreed pollination is pollination that occurs when the pollination process occurs but the pollen and pistils come from two different types of plant species.

This pollination process if successful can improve the characteristics of plants or can also damage them. This is because the combination of two different types of plant species also has a considerable risk.

Things That Help the Generative Pollination Process

There are several things that can affect the pollination process in plants. These factors can arise from natural activities or from other living things. Here are things that can help the success of the pollination process of plants.

1. Generative Reproduction with the Help of the Wind

The process of pollination or the way in which plants propagate with the help of the wind is known as anemogamy. The characteristics of this generative reproduction process are that it usually occurs in plants that live in areas where there is not too much water and tends to be dry. In addition, the pollen produced is usually dry and the size of the flower crown is relatively smaller.

In this pollination process, the wind will move the plant body so that the stamens can fall to the pistil and the process of pollination occurs in plants. Examples of plants that reproduce or pollinate are usually assisted by the wind, namely grass and corn.

2. Generative reproduction with the help of animals

Breeding or the process of pollination with the help of animals, can also be called zoidiogamy. The main characteristics of plants that reproduce in this way are plants that usually produce nectar, are brightly colored, and have an odor or aroma that animals like.

In this pollination process, plants will bring out their characteristics, whether it’s a bright color or an attractive smell to attract animals. After that, the animals will land which causes the pollen to stick to the animal. Then, the animals will stick to other flowers and spread the pollen that sticks to their bodies so that the pollination process runs smoothly.

An example of a plant that relies on breeding or pollination in this way is the rafflesia arnoldi flower. The Raflesia arnoldi flower will give off an odor that flies really like so it will lure the flies to land. After that, the flies will go to other Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers and attach pollen from the previous flower which results in the pollination process on the Rafflesia Arnoldi flower going faster.

3. Generative propagation with the help of water

The process of generative reproduction can also occur with the help of water or can also be called hydrogamy. Tang plants reproduce in this way, usually have special characteristics, namely; the entire body of the plant is covered by water, the habitat of the plant is also in the water, and the plant has a role as a producer for the animals around it.

This breeding process is common in plants such as algae or sea algae. The process of pollination in algae plants occurs when water washes away the stamens and accidentally attaches them to the pistils of other algae.

4. Generative Reproduction with Human Assistance

In addition to pollination with the help of wind, animals, and also water, there are also plants that can only reproduce generatively with human assistance. This process of reproduction with the help of humans is also commonly referred to as anthropogamy.

Examples of plants that propagate by anthropogamy include vanilla, salak, and also orchids. In orchids, pollination with human assistance is needed because these plants only have one genital organ in one flower. Therefore, to bring together the stamens with pistils requires help from humans.

Benefits of Generative Breeding

Generative reproduction provides several benefits, including:

  1. Plants have stronger roots than vegetative propagation.
  2. The range of distribution of plants becomes relatively farther.
  3. The resulting new individuals have the possibility to have new variations.
  4. New plants will have a relatively high adaptability.
  5. The plant will have a stronger stem.

Enough of the summary regarding the understanding of the function of the flower stamens, parts, and the method of reproduction. Thank you for visiting, I hope this article on the function of the stamens is useful and can help you.