Prayers for Paying and Receiving Zakat Al-Fitr and Their Meanings

Prayer for Paying and Receiving Zakat Fitrah It is obligatory for Muslims all over the world to carry out the 4th pillar of Islam, namely paying zakat fitrah. Usually zakat can be paid in the middle of the month of Ramadan until before Eid al-Fitr and ends when the Eid al-Fitr prayers take place.

There are also many arguments that mention the obligation of zakat fitrah in the Al-Quran along with prayers. First, in the letter Al-Baqarah verse 43, Allah SWT says which means, “And establish prayers, pay zakat and bow to those who bow.”

Then in surah Al Baqarah verse 110 which means, “Establish prayers and pay zakat. And whatever good you do for yourself, surely you will get His reward from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Seeing of what you do.”

In the letter At-Taubah verse 103, Allah SWT also says and explains the matter of zakat which means, “Take zakat from some of their assets, with that zakat you clean and purify them”

In fact, the order of zakat is called for repeatedly in the Al-Quran in various verses as much as 32 times. Here are some other Al-Quran arguments related to zakat.

  • S Al Baqarah verses: 42, 84, 110, 177, 277
  • S Al-Baqarah verse : 267
  • S Annisa verses: 77 and 162
  • S Al-Maidah verses: 12 and 55
  • S Al-A’raaf verse: 156
  • S At-Taubah verses: 5, 11, 18, and 71
  • At-Taubah verse: 60
  • At-Taubah verse : 103
  • S Al-Anbiya verse: 73
  • S Al-Hajj verses: 41 and 78
  • S An-Nur verses: 37 and 56
  • S An-Naml verse: 3
  • S Luqman verse: 4
  • S Al-Ahzab verse: 37
  • S Fushilat verse: 7
  • S Al-Mujadillah verse: 13
  • S Al Muz’amil verse: 20
  • S Al-Bayyinah verse: 5

Definition of Zakat

Zakat is part of the assets that must be issued by every Muslim when he meets the specified conditions. As one of the pillars of Islam, zakat is paid to be given to those who are entitled to receive it (asnaf).

According to the terms in the book of al-Hâwî, al-Mawardi defines zakat as a certain taking of certain assets, according to certain characteristics and to be given to certain groups.

Zakat is property that must be issued by a Muslim or a business entity owned by a Muslim to be given to those who are entitled to receive it in accordance with Islamic law.

Zakat fitrah is zakat that is obligatory for every Muslim to do, both men and women, adults to children. Zakat is carried out as a cleaner from things that pollute fasting and is paid before the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

Therefore, every recipient or payer of zakat is highly recommended to read a prayer after receiving or paying zakat. So that the sincerity of each party can be accepted by Allah SWT.

People who pay zakat are called Muzakki. While people who receive zakat are called Mustahik.

In the teachings of Islam, every time we do various things it is recommended to always be accompanied by prayer. There are various prayer readings, one of which is when giving zakat, we also need to read the prayer for paying zakat if we are the giver of zakat, and the prayer for receiving zakat which is practiced after receiving zakat from the person giving zakat.

Prayer for receiving zakat is another form of repaying kindness to the person giving zakat. This prayer is also necessary to know for someone who will receive it ahead of Eid al-Fitr. Mustahik can pray for muzakki with a special prayer.

Prayers for Paying and Receiving Zakat Al-Fitr and Their Meanings

Types of Zakat

Before we proceed to reading the prayer of paying and receiving zakat. Sinaumed’s friends also need to know the types of zakat, yes. In general, zakat is divided into two types, namely zakat fitrah and zakat mal.

Zakat Al-Fitr

Zakat Fitrah (zakat al-fitr) is zakat that is obligatory on every Muslim soul, both Muslim men and women, which is carried out in the month of Ramadan. To perform zakat fitrah, there are three conditions that must be met, including:

  1. Islamic religion.
  2. Live during the month of Ramadan.
  3. Able to meet basic needs without shortages until entering Eid al-Fitr, and meeting the time between the months of Ramadan and Shawwal.
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Zakat Mal

Zakat mal is zakat that is imposed on all types of assets. Both in substance and substance in the acquisition, and does not conflict with religious provisions. For example, zakat mal consists of money, gold, securities, professional income, and others.

As stated in Law No.23/2011 concerning Zakat Management, Minister of Religion Regulation No.52 of 2014 which has been amended twice with the second amendment being Minister of Religion Regulation No.31/2019, and the opinion of Shaykh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and other scholars.

In doing zakat mal, there are several conditions that must be met.

  1. Assets subject to zakat must meet the requirements in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law.
  2. The conditions for assets subject to zakat mal are full property of one’s own, halal, sufficient nisab, and haul.
  3. However, haul requirements do not apply to zakat on agriculture, plantations and forestry, fisheries, income and services, and zakat rikaz.

Property Provisions for Zakat

Zakat is done with the assets we have. However, not all assets can be used for zakat obligations. Following are the conditions for the imposition of zakat on assets.

  • Property is obtained in a lawful way.
  • The property is fully owned by the owner.
  • This property is a property that can grow.
  • The assets have reached nisab according to the type of property.
  • The treasure has passed the haul, and
  • The owner of the property has no short-term debt that must be repaid.

Zakat Giver Requirements (Muzakki)

1. Religion of Islam

This is stated in the hadith narrated by Bukhari, “Abu Bakr Shidiq said, ‘this is the alms (zakat) required by the Messenger of Allah to Muslims.” (Reported by Bukhari).

2. Freedom

Then, the obligation to pay zakat is only obligatory on free people. Sahaya servants are not subject to tithe obligations.

3. Perfectly owned

Property that must be paid for zakat, namely property that is completely or completely owned by a Muslim.

4. Reach the nishab

A Muslim is obliged to pay zakat if his assets have reached the nishab, depending on the type of property.

5. Has hauled

Property must be issued for zakat if it has haul, that is owned for one full year.

In the hadith narrated by Daruquthni, Rasulullah SAW stated, “Abdullah ibn Umar said, ‘Rasulullah SAW said’ There is no zakat on someone’s property that has not even been owned for one year.” (HR Daruquthni).

8 Groups of Zakat Recipients (Mustahik)

Referring to the letter At-Taubah verse 60, there are 8 groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat, namely the poor, the poor, amil, converts, slaves (slaves), gharimin, fisabilillah (people who strive in the way of Allah), and ibnu sabil . They are also called mustahik.

  1. Fakir is a person who does not have enough wealth and effort to meet their daily needs. In the view of the Shafi’i school of thought, fakir is distinguished from poor, his position is under the category of poor. A fakir is a person who may have wealth and business, but less than half of what he needs.
  2. Poor are people whose livelihood is not enough. The poor are above the poor. He can meet more than half of the needs, but not sufficient.
  3. Amil or zakat management is a committee that will take care of the implementation of the zakat, which distributes zakat from muzakki to mustahiq.
  4. Converts are people who have hopes of converting to Islam or people who have just converted to Islam.
  5. Riqab, or slave/servant, tends to disappear nowadays. However, this term can be associated with efforts to release Muslims who were held captive by other parties.
  6. Gharim or the person in debt. Gharim who are entitled to receive zakat are those who owe it for interests that are permitted by the Shari’a, and are unable to pay.
  7. Fi Sabilillah, can be interpreted not only as people who fight physically for Islam, but also those who act for the benefit of the people.
  8. Ibnu Sabil, or people who are on a journey that does not aim to commit immorality, but cannot return to their hometown.

Prayer Paying Zakat Fitrah

1. Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Ourselves (Without Representation)

نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أُخْرِجَ زَكاَةَ اْلفطر عَنْ نَفْسِيْ فَرْضًالِلهِ تَعَالَى

“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an nafsi fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for myself, fardhu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

2. Intentions of Zakat Fitrah for Himself and All Family Members Who Must Be Provided

ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِ ﻋَنِّيْ ﻭَﻋَﻦْ ﺟَﻤ ْﻊِ ﻣَﺎْﺰَﻣُنِيْ ﻧَﻔَﻘَ said

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“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri anni wa an jami’i ma yalzimuniy nafaqatuhum syar’an fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for myself and everyone whose living is my responsibility, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

3. Husband’s intention of Zakat Fitrah for Wife

ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِﻋَﻦْ ﺯَﻭْﺟَﺘِﻲْ ﻓَﺮْﺿ knob

“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an zaujati fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my wife, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

4. The intention of Zakat Fitrah for Boys who are not yet Baligh

ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِ ﻋَﻦْ ﻭَﻟَﺪِﻱْ … ﻓَﺮْﺿpair certainly ﺗَﻌَﺎﻟَﻰ

“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an waladi (…..) fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son named, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

5. The intention of Zakat Fitrah for Girls who are not yet Baligh

ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِﻋَﻦْ ﺑِﻨْﺘِﻲْ … ﻓَﺮْﺿ Rent

“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an bint (…..) fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my daughter named, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

6. The intention of Zakat Fitrah for other people who are represented

ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِ ﻋَﻦْ (.. …) ﻓَﺮْﺿpair ﻟﻠﻪِ ﺗَﻌَﺎﻟَﻰ

“Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an (……) fardhan lillahi ta’ala.”

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for (mention his name), fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala.”

7. The intention of Zakat Fitrah to represent

“Wakkaltuka fi ikhroji zakatil fithri waniyyatiha “an nafsi”

Meaning: “I represent you to pay zakat fitrah by intending it for me.”

Prayer After Issuing Zakat Fitrah

After paying zakat, the muzakki will usually be guided by the existing zakat administrators to pray together, so that their deeds of worship can be accepted by Allah and are of great value as a reward from Him. The following is a prayer that is read when after submitting zakat payments.

“Allahummaj-‘alha maghnaman wa la taj’alha maghraman”

Meaning: “O Allah, make this (my zakat) a good luck for me (for the world and the hereafter) and don’t make it a fine (which causes anxiety in my heart).”

In addition, muzakki can also read the following prayer after paying zakat.

“Robbana taoqobbal minna innaka antassami’ul “alim

Meaning: “O Allah, accept from (zakat) us, verily You are All-Hearing, All-Knowing”.

Prayer Receiving Zakat Fitrah

For mustahik, after receiving zakat it is recommended to recite a prayer for the good of the muzakki, the giver of zakat. Because, although zakat fitrah is the obligation of a Muslim, zakat is also a good deed to others. Therefore, as someone who has received kindness, it is better to repay this kindness, one of which is with prayer.

This was written by Syekh Muhammad Nawawi al-Jawi al-Bantani in Nihayatuz Zain (2002) as quoted on the NU Online page, “People who receive zakat should pray for those who give zakat. In other words, whoever does good to you, then repay him with similar kindness. If you can’t, then pray for him earnestly, until an equal recompense of kindness is realized, “(Pg. 177).

The suggestion to pray is also based on the hadith narrated by Bukhari, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Whoever is treated well (by someone), he should repay him. If he does not get something to repay him, he should praise him. If he praises him, then he has thanked him; However, if he hides it, it means he has denied it, “(Narrated by Bukhari).

The following is a prayer reading for zakat recipients for those who give their zakat by Syekh Nawawi Banten.

طَهَّرَ اللهُ قَلْبَكَ فِي قُلُوْبِ الأَبْرَارِ وَزَكَّى عَمَلَكَ فِي عَمَلِ الأَfter

Latin reading: “Thahharallāhu qalbaka fī qulūbil abrār, wa zakkā ‘amalaka fī ‘amalil akhyār, wa shallā ‘alā rūhika fī arwāhis syuhadā’.”

It means, “May Allah purify your heart in the hearts of His abraar servants. May Allah purify your deeds on the deeds of His last servants. May Allah bless your spirit on the souls of His martyred servants.”

Meanwhile, quoting the National Amil Zakat Agency for East Java Province. Mustahik can also recite the prayer for receiving zakat below.

أجَرَكَ Almighty Allah

Latin reading: “Ajarokallahu fiimaa a’athoita wa baaraka laka fiimaa abkoita waj’alhu laka thohuuro.”

Meaning: “May Allah reward you for what you give (zakat) and may Allah bless you for what is still in your hands and make it a cleansing (sin) for you.”

The goodness of this prayer can bear fruit in the sight of Allah SWT. As the hadith narrated by Umm Darda’ that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “On the side of the person who will pray for his brother there is an angel whose job is to grant his prayer. When he prays for his brother with kindness, the angel will say: ‘Amen’. You will get the same as your brother earlier.” (Muslim HR).

That is an explanation of zakat as well as prayer readings for paying and receiving zakat fitrah that can be practiced.