Moderate is an Attitude, See Definition, Characteristics, and Examples

Moderate is – As citizens of a country full of diversity, we have made peace with
differences and uphold unity in the name of Indonesia.
This is proof that we have succeeded in
instilling moderation in our daily lives.

The moderate attitude itself is the embodiment of the second precept of Pancasila, namely “Just and
civilized humanity”.
Without a moderate attitude, peace between groups in Indonesia is just a
dream and a figment of imagination.

But what exactly is moderation? what are the features and concepts? What benefits
will we get from this moderate attitude?
Let’s discuss everything together here.

Definition of Moderate is

Moderate, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, means always avoiding extreme behavior or
tend toward the middle dimension or path.

And in some ways, moderation is indeed a condition that is not absolute, is in the middle, and is
This means that we position ourselves according to the context without being
inclined to one particular party.
However, it is also because of that that moderation is
conditional in nature and is heavily influenced by our estimates which are not absolute.

On the other hand, being moderate is also evidence that a person has the ability to see things logically
and in balance.
In addressing a matter, moderate people will see from various sides and uphold
Even for some conditions, moderate is the ideal condition. Like religion
or politics.
This moderate explanation is in line with that explained by Albertus M. Patty in
his book entitled Religious moderation: a moral-ethical virtue.

Characteristics of Moderate People

Moderate people usually tend to take a middle position, be fair, and mediate in a conflict.
Therefore, not infrequently, moderate people can negotiate well and make wise and appropriate
decisions when faced with various situations.

Besides that, there are many more characteristics of moderate people. But in general, these
characteristics can be subdivided into 4, namely being open, thinking rationally, being humble, and bringing

1. Open

A moderate usually has an open attitude and makes him able to receive input from various parties.
And when he gets criticism, he doesn’t think of it as an “attack” but a trigger to make himself
grow in a better direction.

That is why, a moderate person will never feel that he is the most righteous, let alone against people who have
views or thoughts that are different from his.

2. Rational Thinking

For people with a moderate attitude, all things must be accepted and reviewed by common sense.
If not, then there is something to be questioned in order to get a clearer answer.

Therefore, don’t be surprised if moderate people always speak based on opinions that come from science so that
every word they say can be proven and accounted for.

Moderate people tend to have the ability to think critically, orderly, methodically, and coherently.
It doesn’t stop there, they are also able to think objectively, sharply, abstractly, and use
systematic principles.

3. Humble

The next feature of a moderate attitude is humility. They are far from being arrogant because
they always feel they have deficiencies in various things, especially science.
Therefore, for
moderate people, learning is a way to stay alive and be human.

And most importantly, moderate people will always be humble when talking to other people and will not feel that
they are the most righteous among their friends.

4. Provide Benefits

With a humble attitude that is always attached to him, a moderate person will try his best to benefit
himself and those around him.
For them, being a useful person is much more important than
showing their own merits.

Moderate in politics

Differences, like a double-edged sword, can be the strength or weakness of this nation – depending on who
and how to use them.
Every time a political year enters, the parties who are dishonest and
irresponsible take advantage of this weakness for their own interests.

2019 was arguably one of the successful political years that left a negative effect on the people of
The polarization and enmity between the two presidential candidates reached an
advanced level when society no longer upholds moderation.
Even though a democratic country like
Indonesia is synonymous with this moderate attitude.

Democracy is also a mediator between the extreme left (authoritarian) and the extreme right (anarchy).
Authoritarian is a leadership style where everything depends on the leader. Decisions
are taken by leaders absolutely and members must follow these decisions.

Meanwhile, anarchy is a leadership style that depends on all components in the organization, so that the leader
seems to have no existence at all.

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Democracy is in the middle of the two leadership styles, which means that not everything depends on the
leader at the same time, not everything depends on all components in the organization.
Democracy is about a balance between absolute leadership and the participation of all
organizational components.

In the context of a country, all citizens – both leaders and people – must have the ability to be people who are
open, think rationally, humble, and at the same time try to provide benefits to the country.

You can take a deeper look at being moderate in politics by reading the book Politics of Moderation and
Religious Freedom written by Zainal Abidin Bagir and Jimmy Sormin.
In this book you will find
answers about the origins of the emergence of moderates in Jokowi’s government, why moderates emerged in the
midst of the current socio-political upheaval, and others.

Moderation in Religion

In the context of religious life, especially Islam which is adhered to by around 86% of Indonesia’s
population, moderation also plays a very important role.
Because, moderate is the midpoint
between the extreme left and the extreme right.

The extreme left side tends to understand Islam in a radical textual way, while the right side has a more
flexible context.
On the left side, people view Islam as something exclusive so that if there
are people who are not the same as them, then they are not considered Muslims.

On the other hand, people on the right view Islam as very flexible and easy to interpret. In
the end, people on the right have no boundaries between religion and tradition or culture.

The choice of this ideology has a great influence on one’s way of thinking and everyday behavior.
Sinaumed’s has certainly heard or read the news about how people label other parties who have
different religious views as infidels.
Even though Allah SWT created all things in pairs which
mean different but complement each other.

This is where the role of moderation is needed to mediate between the two camps. Moderate
Islam is often defined as Islam that is rahmatan lil’alamin.
Moderate Islam is our way of
continuing the main task of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who was sent by Allah SWT to give to the entire
universe (QS. Al-Anbiya’: 107).

But of course, being a moderate person in religion is not an easy task because we must be able to act
Apart from that, we must also be able to determine what is permissible and what is not,
what is good and what is bad.

In general, a moderate attitude in Islam has its own characteristics, namely: not blaming each other, not
feeling self-righteous, and willing to dialogue.
These three characters are proof that the
difference given by Allah SWT is a gift.

Moderate is also associated with good attitudes and behavior, friendly, not easily provoked by emotions
(temperament), rational thinking, applying Islamic law and modern rules in a balanced way.
Simply put, moderate Islam is about tolerance while adhering to existing laws.

It’s not enough to stop there, moderation is also needed to build an inclusive religious environment so that
inter-religious relations in Indonesia can become even more harmonious.

Thus, a moderate attitude in religion is not limited to Muslims, but all adherents of religions.
With this attitude, everyone can avoid extreme understanding and intolerance when bringing their
beliefs into the public sphere.

It seems utopian indeed, but actually this condition is not something that is impossible. The
key is the ability of every religious community to be able to understand each other and realize the
importance of tolerance in practicing their respective beliefs.

Mutual understanding here means understanding that every religion has its own teachings which are of course
Then an attitude of tolerance is needed so that no party blames each other because
of these differences.
That way, the religious atmosphere in Indonesia can run better and

Islamic moderation has a mission: to maintain a balance between two extreme poles that are difficult to
The main idea is to oppose all forms of violence, extremism, terrorism, fanaticism,
and the like. So, how exactly are the thoughts, understandings and practices of Islam developing among
Indonesian Muslims?
To answer this question, Sinaumed’s can read the book Indonesian Islamic
Moderation by Prof.
Dr. Mujamil Qomar, M. Ag.

This book answers and examines it in depth in various aspects. In fact, it is also accompanied
by a radical review of the implications of Indonesian Islam for the dynamics of civilization, friendly
Islamic diversity, and stability of peace.

Examples of moderate attitude in religion

a. Addressing the differences in
Eid al-Fitr

An example of a moderate attitude in religion can be seen by Sinaumed’s from the difference in the
determination of Eid al-Fitr.
As you know, in Indonesia there are two major Islamic
organizations, namely Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama.
When determining Eid al-Fitr, both use
different methods because in this country Eid al-Fitr can be “twice”.

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Muhammadiyah uses the intrinsic hilal method and is based on studies from the Tarjih Council and the Tajdid
PP Muhammadiyah.
While NU uses the physical moon sighting method or (rukyatul hilal bil

We must respect these differences because differences themselves are sunnatullah that we cannot avoid.
In addition, when viewed from the other side, the difference in setting the date of this Eid is a
special pleasure that can only be felt by Indonesians.

With this difference, the Eid al-Fitr holiday will be longer. For those who don’t celebrate
Eid, they have more time to gather with family.
For those who celebrate first, they can enjoy
the peace of Eid al-Fitr and its series of worship.
For those who celebrate afterwards, can
enjoy the perfection of fasting.

b. Say hello to non-Muslims

Apart from addressing the differences in Eid al-Fitr, moderation can also be shown in the context of
greeting non-Muslims.
In Indonesia, there are people who think that greeting non-Muslims is
something that is not necessary because it is prohibited by religion.
But there are also those
who consider it permissible as a form of tolerance between religious communities in Indonesia and Allah SWT
wants Muslims to be a blessing that brings goodness to the people around them.

A moderate attitude is needed to address this matter because even though around 86% of Indonesia’s
population adheres to Islam, Indonesia does not make religious regulations the basis for formulating state
So we need to look at this-saying greetings to non-Muslims-with caution.

In everyday life, greeting and greeting are part of social interaction. In other words,
prohibiting greeting non-Muslims is tantamount to destroying social interaction.
And it can be
concluded, this view is a wrong view because Islam is a religion that fights for humanity, justice, and

c. Congratulate the
moments of other religious holidays

In addition to greetings, congratulating the moments of other religious holidays to their adherents is
still being debated to this day.
In fact, if viewed objectively and carefully thought through,
wishing merry-Christmas for example-is a good deed to fellow human beings which is commanded by Islam.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam also often set an example for his people to do good to

However, Sinaumed’s needs to remember that congratulating does not mean agreeing with other people’s beliefs.
Congratulating is part of the etiquette of social intercourse. So congratulations to
non-Muslims that you say should not interfere with your faith in Allah and His Messenger and you do not
support their beliefs.
So just say congratulations to build solidarity, maintain relations
between neighbors or friends.

Moderate in a more personal context

Beyond politics and religion, moderates can also be drawn into a more personal context. In
this context, moderate is indicated by a certain character attitude.
For example, such as
courage and love of something.

Courage, when viewed from the other side, can be seen as an attitude and action that mediates between fear
on the left side and recklessness on the right side.
Fear is a condition when a person does not
have the courage to do something without a logical reason.
While recklessness is excessive
courage and is not based on careful calculations.

Courage stands between the two as the ability to control fear and prevent recklessness. Or you
can also call it a measured recklessness.

Love, stands between hatred and fanaticism. Hate itself is a condition of antipathy towards
something that makes a person think negatively of a subject or object.

On the other hand, fanaticism is uncontrollable love. When someone becomes fanatic about
something, he is unable to see objectively, so anything related to what he loves is considered as something

Love mediates between the two. This means that love can see something that is negative or
positive correctly and then changed again into something positive.

Thus the discussion about moderation, from all the discussion above it can be said that it is necessary for us to
always maintain a moderate attitude, so that we can respect one another.

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