Know the 5 Majors with the Most Wanted Graduates

Most Wanted Graduate Majors –  Entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, competition for jobs is getting tougher with demands for higher job skills.

Therefore you need to choose the right college major and job. Disruptive technology, sharing economy, climate change, renewable energy, robotics, limited natural resources, and data processing are challenges as well as opportunities for how people work today and have careers in the future. Here are 4 study programs with graduates most needed in 2020. Check these out!

Most Wanted Graduate Majors


1. Department of Informatics Engineering

The Informatics Engineering Department studies and applies the principles of computer science and mathematical analysis in designing, testing, developing, evaluating operating systems, software, and computer performance.

The Informatics Engineering Department studies a lot of data processing by utilizing computer technology and logical principles and processes, besides that you will also study programming, software development, and computer network technology.

In the process, you will make lots of flowcharts or flowcharts as well as how a system can run according to its function and logic. Of course, thoroughness and tenacity are the basic characteristics that you must have to study in this department, Sinaumed’s.

This major is suitable for you who have strong understanding and logic, are thorough, diligent, have an orientation to detail, are used to thinking systematically, are structured, like calculations or mathematics, like to do analysis, and like challenges.

In the Informatics Engineering major, you don’t have to bother studying physics or memorizing scientific concepts of chemistry and biology. This is because informatics engineering majors only study business systems, programming logic, and explore various other programming languages. One of the other advantages of studying in the informatics engineering department is that the job fields are very wide.

Currently, almost all companies use information technology. The IT team is even one of the backbones of the success of a business. Not only in Indonesia, graduates of Informatics engineering are needed in various companies around the world related to technological developments.

Apart from that, as an IT graduate, you can also set up a software house to build your own startup, Sinaumed’s. The following are other career prospects for graduates:

  • In this era of the industrial revolution, graduates of this department are needed by BUMN, government agencies, BUMN, private companies, even big companies like Google
  • Programming is the most widely chosen profession by informatics engineering graduates. Especially considering that technology is currently developing very rapidly, you can start your career as a Junior Programmer 
  • Database engineer , tasked with designing and monitoring a complex database system
  • Software Developer is a profession that plays an important role in creating a software or software that will later be used to run a system
  • A web designer is in charge of designing the appearance of a website so that it looks attractive and makes it easier for users. A web designer  will work side by side with a web programmer in designingthe web
  • The Application Engineer is in charge of handling application systems (business systems), various planning, analysis and design of an information system. The Application Engineer himself usually does not directly work on programming a piece of software or software, but he does have an understanding of writing and structuring source code. As an application engineer, you will later be tasked with testing applications, evaluating tests and following up on customer feedback, as well as working with other team members to modify and improve the performance of applications that are being developed.
  • Front End Developer is a profession whose main task is to create website designs using various codes from CMS, HTML, Javascript so that the appearance of a website then looks more interactive. All websites that we encounter on a computer or smartphone browser display menus, headers, footers, animations and other views
  • IT Consultants , tasked with providing ideas for clients regarding the use of information technology in order to meet their business targets. 

2. Department of Communication Studies

The Department of Communication Science is a branch of science that studies and conveys messages or news effectively and efficiently, to get the desired end result. Communication is also related to various uses of technology and new discoveries along with the times.

For example, in the development of the internet, media influence, popular entertainment trends and other factors. ​You will learn various aspects of communication, both practical and.

This study program also studies the psychology of message recipients as well as various matters related to regulations and policies for broadcasting content through various media. Do not forget public speaking as one of the basic skills that must be learned by you.

Public Speaking is the ability to convey messages efficiently so that listeners can understand what is being said. Public speaking is not just talking, but also learning about Sinaumed’s’ body gestures. The majors included in the field of communication are advertising, linguistics, languages, journalism, and many more.

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The Department of Communication Science is one of the fun majors, because not only do you study theory, you will also practice it directly, for example in the practice of management and production of television, radio and print media. In this major, you can learn to be a cameraman, producer, reporter, creative team, floor director, and also a news anchor or presenter. The following are other career prospects for graduates:

  • Media in Indonesia is developing very rapidly, so career opportunities for Communication graduates are wide open, starting from the world of advertising, marketing, and broadcasting.
  • Not only working in the media industry, Communication Science Graduates can also work in government institutions, because almost every government agency needs workers with a background in Communications, such as Public Relations, Media Communication Observers, Politics and others.
  • For those of you who like to read the news and have good data analysis skills, becoming a policy analyst can be an option. This position is sought after by survey and research institutions because the government continues to make policy adjustments from time to time
  • Apart from that, you can also become a radio announcer, producer, director, reporter, copy writer, and many more in Sinaumed’s.


3. DKV New Media Department

The DKV New Media Department is part of the Visual Communication Design study program whose application focuses more on the use of new media. New media itself is defined as media based on digital technology. So, here you will learn design in print media, web design, and interactive media.

Learning from this major can later be applied to branding activities, public design, photography, typography, and so on. In his study, a DKV New Media will use software that makes it easier for him to design (such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and others).

The DKV New Media major is suitable for creative people who love art and aesthetics, Sinaumed’s. Studying in this department will channel your creativity, you will also learn how to express your creativity in visual form, both in the form of pictures and videos.

Besides that, the job prospects for the majors are quite broad, not only in corporates, the prospects for work in the freelance realm are also wide open. Especially with the growing creative industry, from comics to advertising.

In addition to the current communication pattern which tends to be visual, the development of the creative economy has also influenced the development of other industries. DKV itself is an important field in the life of modern society.

All forms of business that exist today are in dire need of design products, from business cards, product packaging, to logos. Apart from products in the real world, DKV New Media’s work is also needed for marketing in the digital realm. With the help of DKV New Media services, digital content can be made much more attractive to attract consumers’ attention. The following are other career prospects for graduates:

  • Graphic Designer – Expert in using graphics or images or anything related to the creation of signs, schemes, logos, graphics, images, symbols, geometric designs and others, graphic designers are trained in using design programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and others
  • Illustrator – Working with digital art or pencil and ink, illustrators can design or draw to convey a message
  • Creative Director, a director who directs his employees to meet the targets and criteria of their target consumers
  • Art Director , his job as a director in the field of art at an event
  • Animator, being an animator is one of the right career choices for DKV New Media graduates. The number of mushrooming cartoons has also opened up opportunities for young animators to work, Sinaumed’s.
  • Marketing Analysis – The task of a marketing analyst is to process, analyze and present data regarding marketing targets for the needs of clients or companies and usually works in a consulting firm
  • Social Media Marketing – The development of digital technology has also created many new job opportunities for DKV Creative Advertising graduates, one of which is social media marketing. A social media marketer is tasked with marketing a product or service using a social media approach
  • Digital Marketing – This work is similar to social media marketing, namely marketing products or services digitally. It’s just that digital marketing staff use more digital platforms as marketing media.


4. Majoring in Accounting

The Accounting major studies the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a certain way in monetary terms. Broadly speaking, this major studies how to maintain finances.

You will be prepared to become an accountant by studying accounting principles such as auditing, reporting, budgeting and tax regulations. This data will later be used to measure the results of entity performance and inform decisions about the future and control of an institution or company. It is for this reason that many people call Accounting the “Language of Business”.

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The Accounting major is suitable for you who have an interest in finance and want to dive deeper into the business world, because in it you will learn various financial transactions.

A career in accounting itself is quite promising with a qualified income, according to the latest statistical data from the American Bureau of Labor, the average income of an Accountant reaches up to $ 65,940 per year. The US Bureau of Labor also reports that 10% of accountants make nearly $116,000 annually. Here are some job prospects for Accounting graduates:

  • Public Accountant – An accountant who has permission from the Minister of Finance to open his own accountant services to the public. Accountants themselves have longer working hours than other professions, but commensurate with the higher pay.
  • Private Accountant – Internal Accountant This accountant is in charge of compiling all accounting needs in a company or organization. His duties start from the preparation of a Management Oversight System (SPM), which is a system designed to motivate executive managers to achieve the goals set by top management, Financial accounting, namely the accounting process concerned with the accounting cycle of financial transactions, from recording transactions to preparing financial reports and communicating them to decision makers. An accountant plays a role in selecting data that needs to be recorded, determining data recording patterns to preparing and interpreting accounting reports, including designing relevant report forms.
  • Financial analyst – A profession whose job is to compile financial information which will then become the basis for decision making in a business
  • Internal Auditor – In charge of examining a company’s internal financial reports and providing input to management.
  • Tax Consultant – In charge of providing tax consultation for those who are taxpayers.
  • Accounts Payable or Receivable Clerk – In charge of taking care of accounts payable accounting. 

5. Department of Economics

Economics is a science that can control and distribute resources around. The origin of the word economy itself is taken from the Greek term “oikonomia” which means the management of various administrative tasks and household chores.

New economics itself became an independent department at the end of the 19th century, where Economics was separated from Political Science. Economics is divided into two major parts, namely Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Microeconomics focuses on individual markets and their structures and key players, while Macroeconomics discusses Economics both on a national and international scale. Economics is always an interesting science.

The world economy, which is always colored by various challenges, makes companies recruit graduates with good economic knowledge. This major is suitable for you with an interest in buying and selling.

Despite the fact that Economics is not as simple as selling and buying, it also takes care of various factors that affect a transaction, starting from the interaction between sellers and buyers, regulations that restrict movement in trading and so on. Job prospects for economics majors include:

  • Accountant. Accounting is one part of economics. A person who is in this profession is called an accountant. His job is to prepare financial reports and analyze incoming financial information. All companies need accountants to compile financial reports. Therefore, this profession can be a promising job opportunity or prospect in economics for you. From this report, the company can find out the company’s financial condition and can also be used as a reference for making policies. The average salary earned by an accountant is IDR 3,500,000 to IDR 7,000,000.
  • Business Management Analyst Fifth, you can become a business management analyst. Business management analysts are tasked with analyzing procedures, operational system designs, and other systems within a company/organization so that they can operate more efficiently and effectively. The business management analyst jobs include program analysis, management consulting, and business analyst.
  • Auditor Next, you can have a career as an auditor. This profession is almost the same as an accountant. The difference is, accountants place more emphasis on financial records or cash in and out flows. While the auditor is tasked with analyzing financial reports with the aim of drawing conclusions whether the existing financial statements are fair or not. The average salary earned is IDR 4,000,000 to IDR 7,000,000.
  • Operational Research Analyst Finally, you can have a career as an operational research analyst. This profession is much needed in various companies. His job is to conduct research or analysis to assist management in making policies. The average salary earned is IDR 4,500,000 to IDR 7,000,000.