Examples of Using Alternative Energy and Its Benefits for Life

Examples of Using Alternative Energy – Does Sinaumed’s know what alternative energy means? Alternative energy is an energy source that is often used as a substitute for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.

Then why should fossil fuels be replaced? This is because fossil fuels are non-renewable natural resources, so their quantity and availability can run out.

Therefore, we have to conserve non-renewable energies, for example in electrical energy that comes from a coal energy source. The amount of coal on earth is limited, so it must be used sparingly. If you can’t save electrical energy, then more and more coal energy will eventually be used.

Therefore, experts then began to use alternative energy to replace energy that was becoming less in number and available. What are examples of alternative uses and their benefits for life? Come on, find out more details by reading this review until the end.

Examples of Using Alternative Energy Sources

Fossil energy can become the main foundation for a number of countries in the world, including Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia can take advantage of several sources of renewable energy or alternative energy because it is endowed with abundant natural wealth, even though its management has not run optimally.

Even so, the Indonesian government has committed to switch from fossil energy to renewable energy. Energy derived from fossils such as oil and coal clearly has drawbacks in its various uses, one of which is non-renewable energy sources. This means that in the future we need an energy source that will not run out.

This inexhaustible energy source can be utilized and is referred to as an alternative energy source. Utilization of this alternative energy source must also be able to function as a power plant. Here are some examples

1. Use of Solar Alternative Energy

The sun is the main source of energy on earth. Sun is renewable and will not run out even if it is used repeatedly. In addition, the sun can also be used to generate electricity. This power plant is called a solar power plant (PLTS) which works by converting solar energy into electrical energy.

The tools or objects used for PLTS are also known as solar panels, which consist of towers, mirrors, towers, machines. The sun’s energy as a star is the rotation point of the planets in the solar system. The sun with its important role as a supporter of human life on earth.

The light is used as an alternative energy source, which is starting to be used by many people. Utilization of sunlight can then be used as an energy source by using a device called a solar panel.

According to researchers, the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface in one hour is more than the planet’s total energy needs for a full year. Indonesia itself is a country with great potential to use this alternative energy source. Apart from the weather factor, the amount of solar energy that can be used by humans also varies. Depends on season and time of year as well as geographic location.

It should be noted that solar energy can actually have a negative impact on the environment. This is due to the materials used in solar panel technology. To avoid this, don’t throw away damaged solar panels carelessly.

2. Use of Wind Alternative Energy

Wind as one of the renewable natural resources, with an amount that will never run out. Wind can then also be used as an alternative energy source, namely through hydropower or wind power plants.

The tool used to help the electricity generator work system itself is called a windmill. The windmill itself then rotates because of the wind that rotates the generator so that it finally produces electrical energy. Wind as the cleanest alternative energy source. This is because the wind blowing at the power plant itself does not cause emissions and pollution.

With all its advantages, compared to fossil energy, the use of wind energy is actually still not optimal. In Indonesia, the number of wind power plants can be counted on the fingers. One of them is the Sidrap Wind Power Plant (PLTB) in Sulawesi.

3. Use of Water Alternative Energy

Water is one of the renewable natural resources which can also be used as alternative energy. For example, in the use of waterwheels in their use in power plants. Hydropower or hydroelectric power plants can also be found in the reservoirs around your house.

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This renewable water energy is considered to be more effective for use as a power generator than wind energy and solar panels. Therefore this energy can be used as an alternative in Indonesia. By building barriers or dams, large reservoirs can be used to create a controlled flow of water which is then capable of driving turbines.

The turbine will then generate electricity. Another concept of hydropower utilization is tidal energy. This alternative energy source also uses tidal currents to drive turbine generators. So that it can generate electricity.

4. Use of Geothermal/Geothermal Alternative Energy

The earth actually has heat energy that does not only come from sunlight, but also from the center of the earth. Geothermal as geothermal energy then comes from heat stored under the earth’s surface.

Please note that the center of the earth actually formed a layer of very hot rock. Therefore if you see a volcano then you can emit lava that comes from the center of the earth. Geothermal energy can also be used to generate electricity.

Use of Alternative Energy for Sea Waves

Sea waves can be used to generate electricity. This energy is also known as tidal energy which is assisted by the presence of tides. This tidal energy functions to generate electricity and is more environmentally friendly.

5. Use of Bio Fuel Alternative Energy

Biofuels come from plants or animals that are used as fuel. It converts solid fuel made from plant materials into electricity. For example, biodiesel is derived from seed plants and is then able to produce oil.

The use of biomass energy can be a solution for managing organic waste from industry, the agricultural sector and domestic. Biodiesel can usually be used as a substitute for diesel. While bio-fuel can come from animals, it is called biogas. Biogas also comes from livestock manure.

Biogas can be used as motor vehicle fuel. Biomass energy is then able to produce electricity that is environmentally friendly and at an economic cost.

Renewable energy sources will actually be able to replace the use of fossil energy which is not environmentally friendly. However, in order to achieve this, new breakthroughs and innovations are needed so that utilization as an alternative energy source can run optimally.

Advantages of Using Alternative Energy

Alternative energy is used to replace petroleum and energy which is processed from fossil fuels. This is because the energy source in the form of electricity generation from petroleum will continue to decrease in number as human needs continue to increase. This is why humans must then develop alternative energy. Alternative energy that is more environmentally friendly generally comes from nature.

The use of alternative energy can also reduce environmental damage caused by excessive use of petroleum. The use of alternative energy which generally utilizes renewable natural resources, so it cannot reduce the availability of natural resources on earth.

Energy sources that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective, because they then get energy sources from nature. Examples are wind and solar which are also used as an option in replacing non-renewable natural resources and providing electrical energy.

This alternative energy also does not run out quickly, this is because it comes from nature and is a renewable natural resource. Alternative energy can be used for various needs ranging from fuel to electricity generation.

Alternative energy also does not pollute the environment because it can be utilized from animal waste, for example, in biogas. Apart from being a source of renewable energy, the use of alternative energy can also be felt and beneficial for the Earth.

The following are some of the benefits that will be obtained if you replace fossil fuels with alternative fuels.

1. Reducing the Impact of Global Warming

Did you know that the use of fossil fuels will contribute to air pollution which is not good for the earth and living things. Air pollution itself can then have an impact on increasing the depletion of the ozone layer, sea level, global warming, and many more.

Utilization of alternative energy can also reduce the various factors that cause damage to nature. This then makes alternative energy a clean energy that relies on natural forces to produce electricity and so on.

2. Improving Public Health

Air pollution is one of the factors causing disease and the poor health condition of urban communities due to the use of fossil fuels which are widely used. By utilizing alternative energy, this pollution itself can be reduced or eliminated so that the air becomes cleaner. Because of this, people’s health conditions can improve because the air they breathe is much cleaner.

3. Never Ends

Fossil fuels that rely on coal and petroleum which can be used up at any time, are clearly different from various alternative energy sources that will never run out and come from nature.

4. More Environmentally Friendly

In contrast to fossil fuels, the use of alternative energy also does not require society to explore and destroy the environment. By using fossil fuels, people will make mines in search of petroleum or coal and gas which have the potential to damage the environment.

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5. Saves Resources and Money

The use of alternative energy is considered to be more expensive and wasteful than fossil energy. This is due to the high price of solar panels. However, if we recalculate, even though the initial payment seems expensive, then the user does not need to depend on continuous electricity because the energy in the house can be filled thanks to sunlight during the day.

6. Creating New Job Opportunities

The use of alternative energy will then definitely require additional specialists. Apart from being beneficial to the environment, the use of alternative energy can also be felt by the community with the opening of new jobs as alternative energy specialists.

Books Related to the Use of Alternative Energy

1. Biogas Energy Solutions

Currently, news is widely heard again regarding the increase in the basic electricity rate due to the reduction in government subsidies. Apart from electricity, the price of fuel oil (BBM) always increases every year due to scarcity and rising world oil prices. Even though electricity and fuel have become basic needs for the community to facilitate everyday life.

Through this book, the author describes the concept of integrated agriculture which is the integration and system of biogas, animal husbandry, agriculture and fisheries that can be carried out together in an area or territory with a certain area. Thus, in addition to getting agricultural products, the community also gets free energy from biogas as a substitute for electricity, fuel and gas.

Through this book, the authors hope that more and more regions in this country can implement integrated farming systems and biogas, so that each region, especially rural areas, can have food and energy independence.”

2. Energy Business Direction

Departing from a deep awareness of the importance of understanding the intricacies of energy and the complexities of providing energy for human life needs, the book Directions for Energy Business written by Ibrahim Hasyim is here as input, especially for the government, in determining and guiding business directions for energy supply in the future. .

3. The Energy Transition: A Policy, Implementation, and Funding

At this time, energy demand is still dominated by fossil energy sourced from fuel oil and coal. However, the government continues to make efforts to reduce the use of fossil fuels and transition towards the use of renewable energy such as biomass, geothermal, wind and solar.

In addition to overcoming the increasingly limited fossil energy, energy transition policies are also carried out to overcome the impacts of climate change. The energy transition policy is prepared comprehensively with measurable goals, namely reducing Greenhouse Gas [GHG] emissions, producing cleaner energy, and increasing energy security by using renewable and efficient potential resources.

This energy transition is an integral part of the energy independence plan which is expected to have a positive impact on the national economy. It is hoped that this book will be a contribution to the Fiscal Policy Agency in providing information to the public regarding various efforts that have been and will be made by the government in achieving national energy security that is sustainable, environmentally friendly, and friendly to climate change.

It is hoped that this book will provide maximum benefits for readers to jointly improve the economy, build the nation, and improve the welfare of all Indonesian people so that we can achieve the goal of sustainable development that we have aspired to.

4. Wind Energy

Renewable energy is part of the effort as the answer to solving energy problems. Wind energy is an effective option for generating electricity, driving pumps, and for other applications. Several areas in Indonesia have the potential to set up wind turbines, such as on the South Coast of Java Island, NTB, NTT, and South Sulawesi which have wind speeds of 3 to 6 m/s. Besides being able to be built in the lowlands, wind turbines are also suitable to be built on the coast, mountains, even in the highlands.

In the utilization of energy sources, Indonesia has adhered to the use of the national energy mix. In this case, the use of wind energy is included in the New and Renewable Energy (EBT) program to save oil energy. In addition, wind energy is environmentally friendly thereby reducing the dangers of global warming.

In simple terms, the problem of power availability and location selection is presented, analysis of wind conditions based on the distribution of time, frequency and Weibull distribution and how to determine the form factor and scale factor on Weibull. There is also the determination of the diameter of the wheel rotor analytically and based on critical needs, the design of the wheel rotor, the determination of the size of the piston pump, and the characteristics of the combination of the wheel with the piston pump and generator. An example of calculating the combination of the windmill with the pump and the combination of the windmill with the generator is also described here.

Those are some examples of the use of alternative energy and its impacts and benefits for life. Sinaumed’s can also get all recommended books related to alternative energy at sinaumedia.com . As #Friends Without Limits, sinaumedia always provides the best products so that you have #MoreWithReading information.