Know 8 Profiles of BPUPKI Small Committee Members and Their Respective Duties

Members of the Small Committee – When hearing the word BPUPKI, most people already know about this agency which existed during the Japanese occupation. In fact, the lesson about BPUPKI has existed since we were still in elementary school (SD).

BPUPKI itself forms a committee of nine and also a “Ministry Committee” or committee consisting of 8 people. Some people may already be familiar with the committee of nine, but the “Ministry Committee” is different. Then, do you know who the members of the small committee are? Sinaumed’s, you can find the answer in this article.

Not only small committee members, but this article will describe a little about the profiles of small committee members. So, read this article to the end, OK?


The Investigative Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence, or better known by the abbreviation BPUPKI, is a body formed by the occupying government of the Japanese army. The Japanese military government itself was represented by the 16th and 25th Army commands which approved the formation of the BPUPKI on March 1, 1945.

BPUPKI has 67 members chaired by Dr. Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Radjiman Wedyodiningrat was also deputy chairman of Ichibangase Yosio (i.e. Japanese), as well as Raden Pandji Soeroso.

Because the two commands had already been obtained, only the Java region included the authority of the BPUPKI, including the islands of Madura and Sumatra. Meanwhile, for the Kalimantan and Eastern Indonesia regions no BPUPKI was formed. Even though the Kalimantan and Eastern Indonesia regions were already controlled by the Japanese Navy (AL) command.

The establishment of this agency or BPUPKI itself was announced by Kumakichi Harada on March 1, 1945, but this agency was only really inaugurated on April 29, 1945 or to coincide with Emperor Hirohito’s birthday. This agency itself was formed as an effort to gain support from the Indonesian nation with the aim of promising that Japan would assist the process of Indonesian independence.

About the “Small Committee”

Basically, this “Ministry Committee” was formed by BPUPKI after the first session had ended. During its active period, BPUPKI only held 2 sessions. BPUPKI chaired by Dr. KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, after completing the first session, began to form a “Small Committee” consisting of 8 people.

The “Ministry Committee” itself is referred to as the committee of eight and is tasked with receiving various proposals and collecting them from members who will then attend the second session. Committee 8’s own duties include accommodating, identifying proposals from BPUPKI members, as well as holding meetings and discussing origins that are directly related to preparations for independence. The “Minor Committee” itself is chaired by Ir. Sukarno and seven other members.

Duties of the “Small Committee”

The proposals accommodated by the “Small Committee” or committee of eight were very diverse. The “Ministry Committee” is also tasked with collecting incoming proposals such as:

  1. Proposal when asking for Indonesia’s independence as soon as possible
  2. Proposals regarding the foundations of the state.
  3. Proposals regarding the form and head of state.
  4. Proposals regarding unification and federation.
  5. Proposals regarding Indonesian citizens.
  6. Proposals regarding the region, matters of religion and the state.
  7. Proposals regarding statehood.

BPUPKI Small Committee Member Profiles

Below is the profile of BPUPKI’s “Ministry Committee”, which was also published in the book 100 Figures That Changed Indonesia: Short Biography of the Hundred Most Influential Figures in Indonesian History in the 20th Century , then published for the first time by: NARASI Publishers “and also partly taken from various sources:

Sukarno (Chairman)

Soekarno was born in Surabaya, June 1, 1901, with partner Raden Soekemi

a folk school teacher and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, a descendant of Balinese royalty. He then took his basic education in Tulungagung, Europeesche Lagere School , Mojokerto, and Hogere Burger School, Surabaya.

Soekarno also earned a civil engineering engineer degree from the Bandung College of Engineering (now known as ITB). Since he was young, Soekarno had felt interested in politics, a world where he could then channel his talent for speech and succeeded in becoming President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Soekarno’s first political debut was when he co-founded the Algemene Studie Club in Bandung in 1926, a discussion club which later turned into a radical political movement. Three months after graduating from college, he also wrote a series of articles with the title Nationalism, Islam, and Marxism in an issue belonging to the Young Indonesia association which attracted the attention of educated people at that time.

He also stressed the importance of national unity, as well as a common front of nationalists, Islamists and Marxists, in an uncompromising (or non-cooperative) resistance against the Netherlands.

At the age of 26, on July 4, 1927 to be precise, Soekarno then founded the Indonesian National Association, which within a year later changed its name to the Indonesian National Party. In 1928, he also inspired the Youth Pledge.

Because of his political activities, Sukarno and several members of the PNI were arrested by the Dutch in 1929, then put on trial. The court actually became a podium for Sukarno to voice his political views.

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Moh Hatta (Deputy Chairman)

Mohammad Hatta was born in Aur Tajungkang Mandianin, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, on August 12, 1902 when the morning sun rose. Even though his religious education background is strong, he does not abandon modern education itself. While studying at HIS Bukittinggi, he also recited the Koran regularly under the teachings of Sheikh Muhammad Djamil Djambek, one of the reformers of Islam in Minangkabau.

While he was studying at MULO, he also received religious guidance from Haji Abdullah Ahmad, who was also a pioneer of Islamic reform in the area. Then he also studied at the high school trade, Prins Hendrik School, in Jakarta. Mohammad Hatta is also treasurer of the Jong Sumatranen Bond (Sumatran Youth Association) in Padang, and as treasurer of the JBS central board in Jakarta.

Through the books he read, Hatta was then able to choose his political direction in the face of colonialism. He began to promote the non-cooperative method in 1918 when he was chairman of the Indonesian Association, an organization of Indonesian students and students in the Netherlands.

Achmad Soebardjo (Member)

Achmad Soebardjo was born in Teluk Jambe, Karawang, West Java, on March 23, 1896. His father was named Teuku Muhammad Yusuf, and was still of Acehnese noble descent from Pidie. Achmad Soebardjo’s paternal grandfather was Ulee Balang as well as a scholar in the Lueng Putu area. Meanwhile, Teuku Yusuf is a government employee with the position of Police Mantri in the Teluk Jambe area, Karawang. Her mother’s name was Wardinah.

He is also of Javanese-Bugis descent, and is the son of the Camat in Telukagung, Cirebon. His father initially gave him the name Teuku Abdul Manaf, while his mother gave him the name Achmad Soebardjo. He also added the name Djojoadisoerjo himself when he was an adult, when he was detained in Ponorogo prison because of the “3 July 1946 incident”.

Soebardjo also attended Hogere Burger School , Jakarta (currently he is equivalent to High School) in 1917. Then, he also continued his education at Leiden University, the Netherlands and obtained a Meester in de Rechten diploma (currently he is equivalent to a Bachelor of Laws) in law in 1933.

On August 16, 1945, young fighters, including Chaerul Saleh, Sukarni, and Wikana, Shodanco Singgih, and other youths, took Soekarno and Moh. Hatta to Rengasdengklok. The goal itself is that Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta was not influenced by Japan. This event itself is called the Rengasdengklok Incident. Here, they also re-assured Sukarno that Japan had surrendered and the fighters were ready to fight the Japanese, whatever the risk.

Agus Salim (Member)

Agus Salim was born with the name Mashudul Haq, in October 1884 in Gadang City, Bukittinggi. He is also one of the few native children who can enjoy a Dutch education. The son of a former prosecutor from West Sumatra was also the best graduate at a Dutch high school ( Hogere Burger School – HBS).

His talent is also extraordinary in mastering foreign languages. In fact, he is also able to speak nine languages, starting from Dutch, English, German, French, Arabic, Turkish, Japanese, as well as Indonesian and Minang languages.

After graduating from HBS, Agus Salim actually wanted to become a doctor. However, in the end he had to abandon his dream because there was no money to study in the Netherlands. That said, in fact he could have studied in the Netherlands thanks to the help of RA. Kartini.

Moh Yamin (Member)

Moh Yamin, as a man who was born in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, on August 23, 1903, was indeed agile enough to play on the political stage. He is also one of the founding fathers who later formed Indonesia. When Japan replaced the Netherlands, Yamin also sat as a member of BPUPKI.

At BPUPKI, he also worked out the concepts of the Principles and Fundamentals of the State of the Republic of Indonesia and their contents were also not much different from the sound of Pancasila which we know today, namely the Fairy of Nationality, the Fairy of God, the Fairy of Democracy, the Fairy of Humanity, and People’s Welfare.

At the BPUPKI meeting on May 29, 1945, Yamin also emphasized that the new state to be formed would be the Indonesian national state. The point was that the new state must be based on new nationalism, not Sriwijaya and Majapahit nationalism, the traditions of the Sriwijaya or Majapahit kingdoms which were replaced by the Republic of Indonesia.

KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim (Member)

KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim, as a leader of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) who helped decorate the Indonesian nation’s political journey. He was also included in the BPUPKI Sub-Committee which was then formed to find the best solution for the nation’s future. BPUPKI itself is a body formed by Japan and is also tasked with preparing the shape and basis of the state. The BPUPKI sub-committee was ultimately successful in formulating the basis of the state.

The result of this agreement is also known as the “Jakarta Charter” which was then included in the preambule of the 1945 Constitution and ratified on June 22, 1945. In one of the Pancasila precepts formulated by Wahid Hasyim, et al. Among other things, the words “obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents” are listed. It turned out that this formulation was later debated in the next BPUPKI session

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Abdul Kahar Muzakir (Member)

Prof. KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, was born in Gading, Playen, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, on 16 April 1907 and died in Yogyakarta, on 2 December 1973 at the age of 66. He was also the Magnificus Chancellor who was chosen by the Islamic University of Indonesia for the first time under the name Islamic College (STI) in 2 periods 1945-1948 and 1948-1960.

He was also a member of the BPUPKI and an Islamic figure who had been a member of the Dokuritsu Junbi Chōsakai (the Investigating Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence). He served as Chancellor of UII until 1960. Then on 8 November 2019, Abdul Kahar Muzakir was also awarded the title of National Hero by President Joko Widodo in a ceremony at the State Palace, and received a family award represented by heir Siti Jauharoh, daughter of Abdul Kahar Muzakir.

Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso (Member)

Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, born in Karanganyar City, Kebumen in 1897 and died in 1968. He was one of the Founding Fathers of Indonesian Independence and a signatory to the constitution. He was also a member of the Committee of Nine that drafted the preamble to the 1945 Constitution (and also known as the Jakarta Charter).

After independence, he served as Minister of Transportation in a first Presidential Cabinet of Sukarno and also became an adviser to the Bureau of Public Works. Tjokrosoejoso’s older brother was Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, the first leader of Sarekat Islam. After the death of his brother, on December 17, 1934, Abikoesno also inherited the position of leader of the Indonesian Islamic Sarekat Party (PSII).

Together with Mohammad Husni Thamrin and Amir Sjarifuddin, Tjokrosoejoso later formed the Indonesian Political Alliance, a united front consisting of all political parties, groups and social organizations advocating the country’s independence.

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