Illuminating Conjunctions: Definition, Types, and Examples

Illuminating Conjunctions – In writing Indonesian sentences, a liaison (conjunction) is needed to connect between sentences. One type of liaison that can be found in a sentence is an illuminative conjunction. An illuminating conjunction is a conjunction used to explain or explain an event in a sentence.

Conjunctions in writing Indonesian sentences themselves cannot connect objects and explain words, but their function is more of a liaison so that a sentence becomes easy to understand. Illuminating conjunctions are divided into 10 types.

Consider the following explanation to find out the meaning, types, and examples of explanatory conjunctions.

Definition of Conjunction Conjunction

Illuminative conjunctions are conjunctions used to connect phrases or sentences with the aim of explaining. Some say that an explanatory conjunction is used to describe an event or thing in a sentence, phrase, or clause.

Illuminative conjunctions are usually found in direct sentences, which are then changed to indirect sentences. However, in its use it is not to associate objects or words. Its main characteristics are to explain the purpose of the sentence to make it easier to understand.

In general, the conjunctions used in this type of explanatory conjunction include “that”, “is”, “is”, and “that”. However, when elaborated further, this type of conjunction is further divided into several categories.

Types of Illuminating Conjunctions

Illuminative conjunctions themselves are divided into several types, in the following we provide examples in sentences.

  1. Additive conjunctions are conjunctions that connect two grammatical elements such as phrases, clauses, sentences or paragraphs. The words included in this conjunction are and , as well as , and besides .
  2. Disjunctive conjunctions are conjunctions that connect two opposite elements of a sentence. The words included in this conjunction are and , either…. well , or somehow…. who knows.
  3. Contrasting conjunctions, namely conjunctions to show contradictory sentences. The words that are included in this conjunction are whereas, whereas, but, and in the meantime.
  4. Final conjunctions, namely conjunctions that function to connect two elements that have content. The words included in this conjunction are so, for , and so.
  5. Time conjunctions, namely conjunctions that connect sentences that have an adverb of time.
  6. Causal conjunctions, namely conjunctions used to connect sentences that have an element of cause. The words that are included in this conjunction are because, because, because of that , and because of that.
  7. Conditional conjunctions, namely conjunctions that connect sentences that have elements of conditions in them. The words included in this conjunction are if, as long as, if , and if.
  8. Conjunction conjunctions, namely conjunctions that connect two elements of a sentence that have a consequence relationship. The words included in this conjunction are consequently and so.
  9. Comparative conjunctions are conjunctions that connect two sentences that are comparing. The words that are included in this conjunction are like, like, like , and like.
  10. Unconditional conjunctions are conjunctions that connect two unconditional sentences. The words included in this conjunction are the words even though, although , and even though .



Examples of Explanatory Conjunction Sentences

We usually find conjunctions or conjunctions in sentences in Indonesian. Conjunctions function to connect main clauses and subordinate clauses to create sentences that are interconnected. There are types of conjunctions or types of connecting words, and one of them is the conjunction of explanations. Illuminative conjunctions function to explain or explain an event in a sentence.

To understand more about the use of conjunctions, here are some examples of conjunctions:

1. Examples of Sentences with the Conjunction “namely”

Usually, when given an Indonesian assignment that asks you to make a sentence with an illuminative conjunction, you must use the conjunction “namely”. The following are examples of sentences using the conjunction “that”.

  • Devita has a younger brother, named Adit.
  • Nita has a very beautiful sister, namely Malika.
  • Budi has a younger cousin, namely Susanti.
  • Lestari indeed comes from abroad, namely Australia.
  • Dita was born abroad, namely the Netherlands.
  • My mother bought my sister a cake that tasted really good, namely shredded cake.
  • Mother bought a very delicious cake, namely pancong cake.
  • The woman’s house is indeed far from her office, namely in Surabaya.
  • Pak Ari’s house is far from his office, which is in Bandung.
  • He always uses illogical excuses to skip work, namely losing his wallet.
  • The novel has an unusual storyline, which is about an alien world.
  • This book has unusual content, which is about the world of spirits.
  • He accidentally kicked the ball into someone’s house, namely Pak Budi’s house.
  • The ball kicked by Koko entered someone’s house, namely Wak Anas’ house.
  • There is a secret recipe that makes this dish very distinctive, namely the original Balinese spices.
  • This dish uses a secret recipe, which is an abundance of spices.
  • The road leading to the new office is not far from the old office, which is right next to the mosque at the end of the alley.
  • The road to the Old Cemetery is not far from here, which is right at the crossroad there.
  • Nindy has very noble aspirations, namely to become a teacher of reading and writing for children in her village.
  • Dini has very noble aspirations, namely to become a teacher for children who cannot read in her village.
  • Alex was sentenced to suffer from a serious illness, namely bone cancer.
  • Adi was sentenced to suffer from a serious illness, namely lung cancer.
  • For the last few years, Ijah’s grandmother has suffered from a rare disease, namely Parkinson’s.
  • Azrul’s grandmother suffers from a rare disease, namely Parkinson’s.
  • The fairy tale is very heartbreaking, which tells of a child who was abandoned by his parents.
  • This watch is a very special gift because it was a gift from someone, namely my husband.
  • This gift seemed special because it was a gift from someone so special too, namely my mother.
  • Who would have thought, the first goal in the match was created by a new player, namely Cristiano Ronaldo.
  • The second goal in the match was scored by a new player, namely Asensio.
  • He uses an unreasonable excuse for not going to school, namely losing his bag.
  • The story in this fairy tale tells about the life of a poor girl, namely Cinderella.
  • The President will come to visit the place that was hit by the disaster last night, namely Jombang.
  • The pungent stench in Lita’s room was actually from that object, namely her socks.
  • The child’s skin was injured by a sharp object, namely a knife.
  • To get the ideal body weight is not difficult, namely by doing regular exercise and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
  • The use of family planning (KB) pills can increase the disease that is feared by many women, namely breast cancer.
  • Contraceptives that are very suitable for breastfeeding mothers, namely the three-month Family Planning (KB) injection because it will not affect the amount of breast milk.
  • It’s very easy to make a National Identity Card (KTP) nowadays, namely by bringing the KK directly to the Civil Registry Population Service (Dukcapil).
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2. Examples of Sentences with the Conjunction “namely”

In addition to using the conjunction “ie”, this type of conjunction also often uses the word “ie” as a liaison. The function of the two is not much different because it aims to explain something. The following are examples of sentences using the conjunction “namely”.

  • There is still one thing stuck in my mind, namely the reason you left me just like that.
  • One of the causes of acid reflux disease, namely unhealthy and irregular eating patterns
  • He already has a high position in his office, namely as head of finance
  • I’ve lost weight since going on a healthy diet, which is 48 kg
  • After January, that is February
  • It is known that the cause of the fire in the village was a leak of LPG cylinders
  • I was mad at him for accidentally losing my favorite item, which was a bracelet my mom gave me last year
  • One of the infectious diseases, namely smallpox
  • The appropriate punishment for disobedient children, namely not getting a share of the inheritance
  • An easy way to cut cayenne pepper is to use scissors
  • First place in the inter-provincial school badminton championship, a student from Harapan Bangsa High School.
  • There is still one house that has not received compensation money for releasing the toll road land, namely the family of Mr. Budi
  • Indonesia has a motto, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
  • Lita’s laptop was borrowed by her friend, Sista, yesterday afternoon.
  • Doni’s father is working outside the city, namely Palembang City.

3. Example Sentences with Additive Conjunctions

Additive conjunctions are one of these types of conjunctions whose function is to connect two grammatical elements using conjunctions such as as well as, and, besides. This conjunction is usually used to connect two sentences that are of equal or equal rank. The following are examples of sentences or phrases that use additive conjunctions:

  • Mother went to the market to buy vegetables and fruits.
  • Next week I will go to the beach and swim.
  • An example sentence with the next conjunction, today dad plans to wash the car and clean the fish pond.
  • At his age, he should be able to read and write.
  • You better stop paying attention to him, after all he already has a partner.
  • You should be apologizing, after all you’re the one who made a mistake.

4. Examples of Sentences with Disjunctive Conjunctions

In this conjunction, the disjunctive conjunction is also known, which is used to connect two equal elements, but its function is to choose one of the two things. Sentences that use conjunctions usually have the words or, or, or, either… I don’t know. For more details, here we provide examples of explanatory conjunction sentences that use disjunctive conjunctions:

  • If asked to choose, would you join a football or badminton community?
  • Should we eat at a restaurant or on a roadside?
  • Do you prefer Indonesian or Korean films?
  • To this day he is still confused about whether to take math or English lessons.
  • He was still confused whether to tell the truth or lie.
  • The next example of a coordinating conjunction. The man still didn’t know whether to go or stay there.
  • Today I will give cake to mom and dad.
  • Whether accepted or not, I’m still faithfully waiting for the announcement from the company.
  • I will try to accept my parents’ decision whether it is what I want or not.
  • Dina always does good to everyone whether she knows her or not.
  • I’m confused which one to buy, red or blue.
  • He was known as a rich merchant because all his houses were luxurious, both in the city and in the village.
  • Budi insisted on applying for a job at the company, both accepted and rejected.
  • We go straight home or stop first at a restaurant.
  • Whether because of her husband, whether because of other things, she looked gloomy since this morning.
  • Whether he comes home or not, his wife really doesn’t care about him.
  • Aunt Rita is very generous, both to her family and neighbors.
  • The parents are lucky because they have two smart children, both science and social studies.

5. Examples of sentences with contrasting conjunctions

As the name implies, this type of conjunction aims to connect two contradictory sentences. Usually synonymous with the conjunctions “while”, “but”, “on the contrary”, “meanwhile”. Examples of phrases or sentences that use this type of conjunction include the following:

  • Actually I wanted to come to your birthday party yesterday but unfortunately I was out of town.
  • We used to be classmates in high school, but he pretended not to know me when he passed by.
  • His older brother always looks happy, while his younger brother seems often gloomy and looks depressed all the time.
  • Dina is still late for work even though she has tried to come earlier.
  • Vita learned how to cook fried rice, but it was very salty.
  • I do have quite a lot of savings, but I will use it for the cost of continuing my master’s degree.
  • His father was a cloth seller in Tanah Abang while his mother worked as a private employee.
  • I plan to give him a watch as a gift for his birthday, but so far my savings haven’t been enough.
  • Nova really likes cats, while Novi is allergic to cat hair.
  • I had planned to go on vacation to Bali next week, but I had to cancel this intention because my father’s health suddenly declined.
  • His wife has been working from morning to night, while her husband only sleeps all day.
  • Every day he comes home with durian, while his mother doesn’t like the smell of durian.
  • Rina has to work every day, meanwhile her child is entrusted to her parents.
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6. Example Sentences with Final Conjunctions

The final conjunction is also a type of explanatory conjunction, which connects 2 sentences that contain the elements “in order”, “for” and “so that”. Examples of phrases or clauses that use this conjunction include the following:

  • Vanessa studies desperately from morning to night so she can enter her dream state university.
  • Tomorrow I will come as early as possible so as not to be late for work on the first day.
  • All parents will certainly give their best so that their children can become successful people.
  • He should be punished as severely as possible so that he will not repeat his actions.
  • He deliberately did that to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • Brother has to go to the motorcycle repair shop tomorrow to repair his vehicle.
  • I plan to go to the resident’s office tomorrow morning to arrange a new family card.
  • At least I will soon find a job to ease the burden on my parents.
  • You have to come to the hospital immediately to get well soon.
  • Just leave now, so you don’t miss the train.
  • He was already planning to resign from the company in order to get another job with a higher salary.
  • It’s better if we talk in a quiet place so as not to cause a scene here.

7. Examples of Sentences with Conjunctions for Explanation of Time

Conjunctions that describe time are used to explain two sentences that have an element of time. The characteristics of this conjunction of light is like a conjunction. Such as when, when, until, when, after, during, until, after, before, since, if, while. Here are some sentences that use the time-illuminating conjunction:

  • The ornamental plants will change color in the afternoon.
  • Mother had finished cooking the opor ayam when father came home from work.
  • His wife always knits and protests with her husband’s salary until she has to be divorced.
  • He still likes to sit and read books there until the library is about to close.
  • Mother had gone to the market this morning when my sister was still sleeping.
  • I prefer to take shelter when it rains very hard.
  • We plan to meet at the restaurant after work.
  • I will come to your house immediately after finishing all this work.
  • Come on, let’s go on vacation to Bali as long as it doesn’t disturb your activities.
  • I will stay in Bandung for one full month.
  • Anna still hasn’t finished her work until it’s almost time to go home from work.
  • He didn’t sleep until morning.
  • Though he was a cheerful child before his father died.
  • I have to hurry home before the boss comes.
  • I prefer to go when he comes.
  • Why did he come back when I’ve tried to forget him.



8. Examples of Sentences with Conjunctions for

Sentences that use this type of explanatory conjunction usually contain conjunctions such as “because”, “because”, “therefore”, “because of that”, here are examples of their use:

  • He didn’t want to eat for days because of a breakup.
  • She was divorced by her husband because he was caught having an affair.
  • I didn’t buy the vehicle because it was so expensive.
  • It is better not to choose ornamental plants because they are poisonous.
  • Today mom chose to take time off work because dad was sick.
  • Nita did not pass the college test because the questions were indeed very difficult to do.
  • The child was forced to stay in class because his grades were way below the average.
  • His father had suffered from diabetes for a long time, so he decided to resign from his job outside the island.
  • His parents have retired, so he must immediately find a job.
  • He was jailed for life for premeditated murder.
  • Ranti cancels her marriage because her future husband is having an affair.
  • Devi refuses to work in a private office because she is only a contract employee.
  • His parents always fight, so he decided not to live in his house.
  • Her husband always behaved violently, so she chose to leave the house.

9. Example Sentences with Unconditional Conjunctions

What is meant by an unconditional conjunction? Sentences that use this conjunction usually do not require certain conditions. The characteristics of sentences with unconditional explanatory phrases are usually the conjunctions “even though”, “even though”, “even though”. Here’s an example:

  • I won’t come to her wedding even if invited.
  • Dian is still unemployed even though she has long graduated from college.
  • Toni is never lonely even though he is an only child.
  • Sela used to go abroad even alone.
  • The father still loves his hobby of fishing even though he is almost seventeen.
  • Her husband still hasn’t come home even though they have made up.
  • My weight hasn’t gone down even though I’ve been on a healthy diet this week.
  • You still have to be careful when driving even though you are healthy.

10. Example Sentences with Conditional Illuminating Conjunctions

Conditional conjunctions are explanatory conjunctions to connect two sentences that have a conditional element in them, including “if”, “if”, “if”, here are examples of sentences:

  • Marina will only come to the reunion tomorrow if Adit doesn’t come.
  • You should have graduated from college this year if you worked hard on your thesis.
  • You can receive a large salary if you work in a well-known company.
  • It’s not difficult to become a medical worker as long as you want to try.
  • It’s not difficult to get his heart as long as you are willing to sacrifice.
  • I will come to your house tomorrow if not absent.
  • Mother does not go to work if father is sick.
  • Mother will not get angry as long as you want to learn.

11. Example sentences with comparative conjunctions

A conjunction used to compare two phrases, clauses or sentences. Its characteristics are usually the conjunctions “like”, “like”, “like”, “for example”.

  • Where I live now is as comfortable as where I live in the village.
  • Often village children are seen as less skilled than city children.
  • Your gaze looks empty as if there is no light.
  • His attitude today was as if he was facing a lot of trouble.
  • Putri’s beauty is like an orchid blooming in the garden.
  • Tono’s behavior towards his mother is like a disobedient child.
  • I am not prettier than when I was young, but my husband still loves me.

Those are some examples of descriptive conjunctions in Indonesian. There are many types of conjunctions as explanations or explanations. You can use some of these conjunctions as a reference if you have assignments in Indonesian or other subjects. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.