How to determine main ideas accompanied by examples of questions and answers

How to Determine Main Idea  – In writing an essay, it is important to have a main idea or main idea that becomes the core message of a piece of writing. With the main idea, information and messages to be conveyed to the reader will be more focused.

The information conveyed can also vary, ranging from information for education, inspiration, to recreation or entertainment. The following is an explanation of the main idea and how to determine it.

Definition of Main Idea

Based on the meaning according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, an idea is a design that is arranged in thoughts, ideas, and ideals.

Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the main meaning is a basic plan that is arranged in the mind which is the main thought of a paragraph in writing.

The main idea or what is often referred to as the main idea, main idea, or main idea is a main idea or design that the author tries to convey as the subject of a discussion in a paragraph.

Kinds of Paragraphs in Determining the Main Idea

In a paragraph, you will usually find the main idea or main idea which, based on its location, is divided into the following.

1. Deductive Paragraph

In deductive paragraphs, we can find the main idea or main idea at the beginning of the paragraph. The main idea or main idea will be stated first then followed by an explanatory sentence as a supporting sentence.

For example, everyone will be tested with everything they have. What if that person has knowledge, then he will be given a test on how to use that knowledge. Unlike the case with people who have wealth, then he will be given a test how to use this wealth for himself and also for others.

In the paragraph above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence, with the main idea being a test for everyone.

2. Inductive Paragraph

In inductive paragraphs, we can find the main idea or main idea at the end of the paragraph. Explanatory sentences as supporting sentences will be expressed first and then end with the main idea or main idea of ​​a paragraph.

For example, everyone will definitely do something that causes sin, but if that thing keeps happening and that person doesn’t want to change and repent, so they do it over and over again, that’s a bad impact.

What if we think of it as poison in the body, if we keep drinking it, our health will be disturbed, and the body will get weaker and eventually we will get sick.

This illustrates, big and small sins if done continuously will have a bad impact on us.

In the paragraph above, we can see that the main sentence is at the end of the paragraph, and the main idea is the bad effects of a sin.

3. Mixed Paragraphs

In mixed paragraphs, we can find the main idea or main idea at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. Usually the final sentence is used to emphasize the main idea or main idea in the initial sentence.

Main Idea Characteristics

In general, the main idea in a paragraph has the following characteristics.

  1. Have explanatory sentences or supporting sentences to explain the main idea in a paragraph.
  2. Usually there is an explanation or reason that supports the main idea.
  3. The main idea serves as the core of a paragraph and is usually the center of discussion.

Steps to Determine the Main Idea

In finding the main idea or main idea in a paragraph, you can follow the following steps which can help you find the main idea in a paragraph.

  1. Reading the entire paragraph, the first thing to do is to read an existing paragraph properly.
  2. Mark the important words in a paragraph, after reading the paragraph as a whole, then you can mark the words that you think are important which are the core of a paragraph.
  3. Recognizing the difference between main sentences and explanatory sentences, in a paragraph as described above, usually the main idea or main idea will be found at the beginning or end of the paragraph. So you have to focus more on these parts first.
  4. Conclude the paragraph, after determining the important words. You can conclude a paragraph which can then be used as the main idea or main idea.

Examples of Main Ideas in a Paragraph

1. Example 1

Trees provide various benefits for humans and other living things. Trees are useful as a source of food, medicine and industrial materials. One of the most important roles of trees for humans and all living things is that trees are a producer of fresh air in the world.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, the benefits of trees for the health of living things.

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Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences. As we can see from the sentence “Trees are useful as a source of food, medicine and industrial materials.” which indicates that trees provide various benefits.

2. Example 2

The mud flood disaster caused by the collapse of the Situ Gintung embankment, located in South Tangerang, has caused various kinds of diseases to the people around there. Some of the diseases caused by the mud flood disaster are diarrhea, dengue fever, typhus, and leptospirosis.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is that floods cause various kinds of diseases.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences.

As we can see from the sentence “Some of the diseases caused by the mud flood disaster are diarrhea, dengue fever, typhus, and leptospirosis.” which explains various examples of diseases that can be caused by a flood that occurs.

3. Example 3

Many types of companies are currently in dire need of IT personnel to keep up with the times that are happening. So lately the need for developer workers is needed. Therefore, many millennials take advantage of this opportunity to become a professional developer.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is the opportunity to become a professional developer.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the final sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the sentence that comes before the final sentence becomes the explanatory sentence for the main sentence. We can see this through how the initial sentences explain the reasons for the great opportunity to become a professional developer.

4. Example 4

When someone thinks too much about the problem, it will make that person sadder. In addition, rather than dragging on in sadness, it’s better to focus on solving the problem. There is no need to think about and exaggerate the problem, but keep your spirits up and ask for help from people you can trust. That’s how to overcome sadness if you are experiencing problems.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, how to overcome sadness.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the final sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the sentence that comes before the final sentence becomes the explanatory sentence for the main sentence. We can see this through how the initial sentence is an explanation of how to deal with sadness when experiencing problems, while the final sentence is the title of the methods described.

5. Example 5

One day, Jennie was playing basketball with her best friend Aldi on the court in front of her house. Even though Jennie is a woman, this does not prevent her from playing the male game. For him, all games are the same, not limited by a gender, as long as the game is fun for him.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, Jennie’s favorite game.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the final sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the sentence that comes before the final sentence becomes the explanatory sentence for the main sentence. We can see this through how the initial sentence tells an event to explain Jennie’s favorite game.

6. Example 6

Addiction to pornography can damage the brain. The brain of pornography addicts will be continuously stimulated which causes excessive production of dopamine and endorphins. Under normal conditions, these substances can be useful for people on the move. However, it is different from the case of pornography addicts. Where the brain will experience excessive stimulation, which in the long term can make the brain smaller and eventually damaged.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is that pornography addiction can damage the brain.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences.

As we can see that the first sentence is the core of another explanatory sentence which helps to explain why pornography addiction can damage the brain itself.

7. Example 7

Pigeons have various types of colors, which consist of brown, black, white, and sometimes a mixture of these colors. Pigeons have a kind of sensor on their noses that they can use to identify their home. That is why doves that have flown away can return to their homes without hindrance. Pigeons generally eat grains such as rice, corn, and many more.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is the diversity of pigeons.

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Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences.

As we can see that the main sentence explains the various colors of the dove followed by a brief explanation of the dove itself.

8. Example 8

Insomnia can be caused by various factors. Insomnia or what is meant by sleep disturbances is generally caused by anxiety or a burden on one’s mind, other things that cause insomnia are working late into the night, uncomfortable bed conditions, and other habits.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, the causes of insomnia.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences.

As we can see that the main sentence states that insomnia is caused by various causal factors, which are then explained in the explanatory sentence.

9. Example 9

Plastic waste can harm the environment if disposed of carelessly. This is because plastic is not a material that can decompose. This means that plastic cannot be recycled naturally. If plastic is dumped into waters, both seas and rivers, it can disrupt the ecosystems in it because animals can accidentally consume plastic that has broken down into microplastics.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, the dangers of plastic waste for the environment.

Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences. As we can see, the supporting sentences explain the dangers of plastic waste for aquatic ecosystems which are the core of the main sentence.

10. Example 10

Influenza is an illness caused by a viral outbreak that can easily be transferred to other people. Influenza is spread by direct contact between one person and another. According to existing findings, the influenza virus is more susceptible to areas with high humidity levels such as North America and Europe during winter, as well as tropical countries during the rainy season.

The main idea of ​​the paragraph above is, the spread of influenza.

  • Based on the paragraphs above, we can see that the first sentence is the main sentence of the paragraph, and the other sentences are useful as explanatory sentences for the existing main sentences. As we can see that the main sentence describes the spread of the influenza virus, which is supported by an explanatory sentence explaining how the spread of the virus can occur.

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The main idea or main idea is the core of a paragraph in writing. In writing an essay, it is important to know the main idea that becomes a message to be conveyed to the reader so that the essay written has a correlation between one sentence and another.

In addition, when working on a given problem or finding out the main idea of ​​a paragraph, you can first read it in its entirety so that you understand the essence of the story first which can make it easier for you to find the main idea or main idea.

Well, that’s an explanation of the main idea or main idea of ​​a paragraph. As we can see that in general the location of the main idea or main idea is at the beginning of a sentence or the end of a sentence in a paragraph. However, it is possible that the main idea can be found in both, which is referred to as a mixed paragraph.

If Sinaumed’s has an interest or wants to practice how to find main ideas or main ideas in a paragraph, you can start from various essays, both novels, story books, and many more which you can only get at as #Friends Without Limits for Sinaumed’s to grow. Hope it is useful!

The book entitled Social Structure and Political System of the Toba Batak until 1945, written by Bungaran Antonius Simanjuntak, contains information about a collection of questions including exercises to find the main idea or main idea in an essay.

Author : Andrew