How to Convert Common Fractions to Decimals and Examples

How to Convert Ordinary Fractions into Decimals – In how to convert ordinary fractions into decimals it is not difficult. To find out how to change ordinary fractions into decimals, we can use long division, multiplication, or even a calculator if you want to calculate faster. After mastering and understanding how, we will be able to easily convert fractions into decimals.

There are several methods for converting ordinary fractions into decimals, namely:


Method 1 – By Long Division

1. Write the denominator outside the left side of the divider symbol and the numerator inside the right side of the divider symbol.

For example, we want to convert 4/5 to decimal. Write a “5” to the left of the divisor and the number “5” to the right of the divider. “5” is the number that divides and “4” is the number that is divisible.

2. Write “0”, then a decimal point or comma, above the divisor. Since what is being calculated is a fractional part, the result will be less than one, so this step is very important. Next, write a decimal point, then a “0,” after the “4” to the right of the divisor. Even though “4” is the same as “4.0”, the zeros make “4.0” divisible by “5”.

3. Calculate the result using long division. With this division, you can ignore the decimal point, so you only need to calculate 40 divided by 5.

Here’s how:

  • First, divide 4.0, which is considered 40, by 5. The product of 5 that is closest to 40 is 5 x 8 = 40 so that “40” is divisible by “5”.
  • “40” divided by “5” equals “8”. So, write an “8” after the “0,” above the divisor so that the result is “0.8.”

4. Write down the final answer. So, “4” divided by “5” equals “0.8”. Write down the answers and you’re done.


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Method 2 – Fractions that Return Repeating Decimals

1. Write long division. To begin long division, we may not be able to predict if the result will be a repeating decimal. for example, we convert the common fraction 1/3 into decimal form. Write 3, or the denominator, to the left of the divisor and 1 to the right of the divisor.

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2. Write the number 0, then a decimal point or comma above the divisor. Since the result will definitely be less than 1, this step will prepare the answer to be written in decimal form. The decimal point also needs to be written to the right of the number “1” which is located on the right side of the divider symbol.

  • Divide 10 by 3. 3 times 3 gives 9, leaving 1. So, write 3 to the right of the “0,” at the top of the divisor and subtract 10 from 9, which leaves 1 in the end.
  • Write the number “0” to the right of the number “1” on the bottom so that you get another “10”. When repeating dividing “10” by “3” the same process is repeated: write the number “3” to the right of the first “3” at the top of the divider and subtract the new “10” from the number “9” .
  • Continue until a pattern is formed. The division on this number can go on forever. 10 continues to be divided by 3, there will always be a remainder “1” below and a new “3” after the decimal point above the divisor symbol.
  • There are lots of fractions that have repeating decimal results, for example 2/9 (“0.2” where the “2” keeps repeating), 5/6 (“0.83” where the “3” keeps repeating) , or 7/9 (“0.7” with the repeated “7”). This pattern will always occur if the denominator is a multiple of 3 and the numerator cannot be divided completely by the number of the denominator.


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Method 3 – With Multiplication

1. Find a number that can be multiplied by the denominator in the fraction to give 10, 100, 1,000, or whatever number is in the group of 10. This can be an easy way to convert fractions to decimal without using long division methods or a calculator . First, just find a number that can be multiplied by the denominator of the fraction to get 10, 100, 1,000, and so on. The trick is to divide by 10 first, then 100, then 1,000, and so on by the denominator until you get a result that is an integer.

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  • 3/5. 10/5 = 2. 2 is an integer. 2 can be multiplied by 5 to make 10. So 2 can be used.
  • 3/4. 10/4 = 2.5. 2.5 is not an integer. 100/4 = 25. 25 is an integer. 25 can be multiplied by 4 to get 100. So 25 can be used.
  • 5/16. 10/16 = 0.625, 100/16 = 6.25, 1000/16 = 62.5, 10000/16 = 625. 625 is the first integer found. 625 can be multiplied by 16 to get 10,000. thus, the number 625 can be used.

2. Multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction with the integer that was obtained from the previous step. This step is quite easy, just multiply the numbers above and below the fraction with the integer that was obtained in the first step. Example:

  • 3/5 x 2/2 = 6/10
  • 3/4 x 25/25 = 75/100
  • 5/16 x 625/625 = 3,125/10,000
  • 3/5 = 6/10 = 0.6
  • 3/4 = 75/100 = 0.75
  • 5/16 = 3.125/10,000 = 0.3125


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Method 4 – By using the Calculator

1. This method will look young. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Just use a calculator to divide the number in the quantifier, the number at the top of the fraction by the denominator, the number at the bottom of the fraction. For example, we want to convert 3/4 to a decimal. Just hit the number “3”, then the division symbol (“÷’”), then the number “4”, and finally the equal sign (“=”). Then you will see the results

2. Write down the answers you get. The answer is 0.75. So, the decimal form of the usual fraction 3/4 is 0.75.

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