How to Make an SKCK and Requirements to Bring

The requirements for making an SKCK (Certificate of Police Records) are important for anyone who needs this letter for a specific purpose. Previously, SKCK was known as SKKB (Certificate of Good Conduct) which was usually widely used as a document of certain requirements.

SKCK itself is a statement issued by the National Police through the Sector Police (Polsek) or Regional Police (Polres) which contains a person’s criminal record for a certain period of time until this certificate expires. In other words, SKCK is a person’s record as important evidence that the person concerned has acted properly or has never committed a crime or crime based on police records.

Based on the official Polri website, SKCK is valid for up to 6 months from the date of issue. Sinaumed’s can extend expired SKCK for certain activities. The meaning of the SKCK function is sufficient to know the requirements for making the necessary SKCK as a complement to management requirements. Some of them are civil servant recruitment requirements or CPNS registration requirements or job applications at a private or government agency.

What is SKCK?

Certificate of Police Records (SKCK) is a letter issued only by the Indonesian National Police (Polri). Previously, SKCK was known as a Certificate of Good Conduct. SKCK’s function is to search for someone’s criminal record. So far, there are two ways to make SKCK. First, the general public can come directly to the nearest police station. The second option is to register the SKCK application online. Sinaumed’s needs to know that how to make this SKCK is not free, aka it costs money.

Applicants or the general public who wish to do so must pay a fee. Previously, the cost of making an SKCK was IDR 10,000. However, based on PP No. 60 of 2016, SKCK fees and costs are set at IDR 30,000, and these fees are still valid. Based on the official Polri website at , SKCK is stated as an official letter issued to applicants or residents through the Security Intelligence or Intelkam feature.

SKCK can explain criminal activity or records of individuals or data subjects related to the crime. SKCK can be extended if it expires. SKCK is valid for up to 6 months from the date of issue. To make SKCK for the first time, the general public needs to prepare some of the necessary documents.

This also applies to Indonesian citizens or foreigners. Apart from that, it has also been quoted from the official Polri website and other sources, along with the stages and creation of the latest SKCK 2021, the following are the requirements for making an SKCK along with a complete description that you need to know:

Terms of Making SKCK

The requirements for making an SKCK are different for each person’s personal or group needs when registering it. That is why we need to understand in advance the types of requirements to make SKCK according to our needs, such as the following description:

1. Requirements for Making SKCK: Cover Letter

First, the requirement for making an SKCK is to prepare an application letter from the Village where you live. To receive this cover letter, we must first contact the local RT so that they can make a cover letter for the RW. after that, you will receive a letter of introduction from the RW to the Kelurahan or Village with these requirements.

After receiving a letter of introduction from the RW, meet with the Kelurahan officer. Then you will be asked to fill out the required form to make an SKCK.

2. Requirements for Making SKCK: Personal Data

Please complete these requirements before submitting the SKCK to the Polsek or Polres. For Indonesian citizens (WNI), the following requirements apply for equipment required to make an SKCK:

  • Photocopy of Identity Card or Driving License (SIM). Bring the original KTP or SIM as proof.
  • Photocopy of KK (Family Card).
  • Original Birth Certificate or Photocopy of Birth Certificate.
  • Copy of passport (if any).
  • 6 4×6 photos with a red background. Dress neatly with a collar and don’t use facial accessories or facial expressions. People who wear the hijab must show their entire face in the photo as a requirement for making an SKCK.

3. Requirements for Making SKCK for Foreign Citizens (WNA)

Foreigners can also make SKCK. This is related to the issuance of permanent residence permits (visas) for those who wish to work or live in Indonesia. A visa issued by the website is a document that certifies entry permits for foreign nationals. Depending on the type of visa, foreigners can also work in Japan. The type of visa a person has also determines how long a foreigner can stay in the country.

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To obtain a permanent residence permit in Indonesia, foreigners must first make an SKCK. SKCK cannot be made at the Polsek or Polres level for this purpose. With reference to the level of regional accountability, this document can only be processed by the National Police Headquarters. Also various administrative activities and issues, etc.

Naturalization of citizenship or child adoption procedures for foreign applicants also requires an SKCK. As reported by the official Polri website, the following are the requirements needed to issue an SKCK to foreigners in Indonesia.

  • Photocopy of IMTA of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Copy of Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) or Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP).
  • If you are an Indonesian citizen (WNI), bring a photocopy of your KTP and marriage certificate.
  • A cover letter from a sponsor, company or agency that employs, uses or is in charge of foreigners.
  • Photocopy of passport
  • Photocopy of Police Registration Certificate (STM). Prepare a 4 x 6 cm color photo. A total of 6 sheets with a yellow background, photos with polite clothes and collars.
  • In this case, the photo does not use facial accessories, the face is displayed, and for applicants wearing a shawl, the photo must show the entire face.

How to make an SKCK directly at the police station

Apart from the requirements for making an SKCK, what Sinaumed’s needs to know is that he can do a manual SKCK with the local police and the local police. The process doesn’t take long. As a side note, Sinaumed’s can contact the Polres (government or city level) directly instead of the Polsek such as to apply for a job, complete civil service management or CPNS, and apply for a visa or other intergovernmental needs. The process of making SKCK directly or offline is as follows:

  • After fulfilling the requirements to make an SKCK, go directly to the SKCK section and register or enter the file that was created. Sinaumed’s will be asked to fill out a form later in the section.
  • The Polsek will demand the completeness of the above requirements as a form of integrity. To make it easier and faster, Sinaumed’s can start preparing all the requirements for making an SKCK in the requested document format and bring the original documents in case of review.
  • For those who are considering fingerprints, the new SKCK does not yet have a fingerprint formula, to be precise it can collect fingerprints from the resort police in the official fingerprint recording section.
  • According to police guidelines or your local police station, this fingerprint recording usually comes at a cost. However, some Polres or Polsek have removed this fee, so it is free and there is no fingerprinting fee. Be sure to ask for it first. Taking care of SKCK at the Polres there will be a process of taking fingerprints which can usually be faster than any SKCK issuance procedure. This shows the experience of the Polsek in dealing with SKCK issues. Then the Polsek made a letter of recommendation for fingerprinting at the Polres.
  • After the fingerprint process is complete, collect the files that have been prepared and pay the SKCK issuance fee at the counter. Please wait in line. Then SKCK will be ready soon.

How to Make SKCK Online

Apart from coming directly to the police station, Sinaumed’s can easily make an SKCK online. If all the required documents have been prepared, the applicant can easily and quickly access a website belonging to the Republic of Indonesia Police on a personal computer or smartphone device because there is no need to queue anymore. For more details, see the guidelines on how to make SKCK online as follows:

  • In the browser view, open the official website of the Indonesian National Police, namely
  • In the menu section, click on the “Registration Form” section.
  • Pay attention to each column to be filled in.
  • After that, fill in all available forms correctly and completely.
  • Make sure all data is filled in clearly and completely.
  • Usually the applicant will be asked to fill in data in the form of personal data, family interactions, level of education, criminal case, physical characteristics, attachments, the intended municipalities, and others.
  • Re-check the data that has been filled in. Make sure there are no writing errors or typos.
  • Applicants can click in the Satwil section the option “Types of SKCK creation required”, then click the synchronous option with the purpose of Sinaumed’s making SKCK.
  • Upload a photo, preferably the photo was of good quality.
  • Next attach the fingerprint formula. The applicant can get it at the nearest police station.
  • If it has been filled in completely, the applicant will receive proof of registration & numbers to pay for the online SKCK creation fee.
  • Payment can be made by sending via BRI bank or to the nearest police station.
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Cost of Making SKCK

After completing all the requirements for making SKCK and uploading documents, the applicant will get a code for the cost of making SKCK. This code is used to process payments according to the SKCK implementation fee. Making SKCK for Indonesian citizens is subject to an import duty of IDR 30,000 and making SKCK for foreigners is subject to import duty of IDR 60,000. After the payment is made, the applicant will receive a registration code. The registration code must be brought to the police station for SKCK collection.

How to Extend the Latest SKCK

Expired SKCK can be extended by submitting it to the police. How to Extend SKCK and required documents:

  1. Please bring the following documents to the SKCK service center of all police stations. Original/certified old SKCK sheet (validity up to 1 year). 1 photocopy of KTP 1 photocopy of National Identity Card (KK) 1 photocopy of birth certificate. Recent color passport photo 3 4 × 6 with a red background.
  2. Request the SKCK extension form and fill in the data correctly.
  3. The police officers examined the document first.
  4. Applicants are usually required to pay a fee of IDR 10,000.
  5. Applicants only need to wait for a call to receive an extension of the SKCK validity period that has been filled in.

SKCK function

1. SKCK issued by Polsek

The Sector Police (Polsek) is a sub-district level police structure in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. SKCK issued by the police can be used for various purposes, including applying for non-PNS and non-BUMN jobs or for private companies. In general, private companies do not require an SKCK to complete application documents, but there are several large companies that require applicants to submit an SKCK as a requirement for their recruitment.

The SKCK issued by the Polsek can also be used to fulfill requirements if you wish to continue your education, such as going to school and studying in several agencies, as well as requirements for moving to dormitories managed by the government or private. In some areas, residents wishing to move to another area will be asked to show an SKCK issued by the police to make a resettlement notification.

In addition, the SKCK issued by the Polsek is also needed for those who wish to run for village officials and to renew their employment contracts, such as non-PNS workers at the Regional General Hospital. SKCK issued by the Polsek can also be used as a prerequisite for issuing trade licenses and for the manufacture of seafarers. A seaman’s book is an official document issued by the state that physically resembles a passport. The seafarer’s book contains the seafarer’s identity and is used as a seafarer’s travel document and work report.

2. SKCK issued by Polres

The Resort Police (Polres) is a structure of the Indonesian National Police which is one level above the police station (Polsek), including districts or cities. In general, the requirements for applying for Civil Servants (PNS) must include an SKCK issued by the Polres. The SKCK document issued by the Polres is also one of the prerequisites for registering village heads, DPRD members, and candidates for regional heads at the district or community level. If Sinaumed’s is applying for a state-owned company, or if he has plans to marry a police officer or member of the TNI, he usually also requires an SKCK document issued by the Polres.

3. SKCK issued by Polda

Regional Police (Polda) are the police force in charge of Polres at the state or special area level. Candidates for mayor or candidate for DPRD at the provincial level must submit an SKCK issued by the Polda.

If Sinaumed’s plans to travel or work abroad, it is also necessary to make an SKCK from the Regional Police or Police Headquarters. For interstate or overseas needs, SKCK is generally requested by the nearest regional police. This means that an SKCK from the local police or Police Headquarters is required to issue a visa for overseas purposes.

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So, that’s an explanation of the requirements for making an SKCK and how to make it, both in person and online. Document management such as SKCK is an example of public service, especially by the police. If Sinaumed’s wants to learn more about public services and the police system, then you can visit sinaumedia’s book collection, at as the following book recommendations: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits.