Getting to Know the Structure of a Paper Along with 5 Tips and Tricks for Writing a Paper

Paper Structure – When you enter university or equivalent, Sinaumed’s will often be faced
with the task of working on a paper.
Depending on the course you are studying and the
supporting lecturer, this assignment could be one of the assignments that you need to do every week.

The problem is, sometimes there are students who don’t know how to write a paper properly. It
could be that they haven’t gotten the knowledge to write papers when they were still in high school

As a result, the papers they wrote turned out to be messy and not in accordance with the criteria for the
course and supporting lecturers.
The contents of the paper are unclear, the structure of the
paper is not neat, it does not use proper and correct Indonesian spelling, as well as other problems.

In this article, Sinaumed’s will receive directions regarding how to write a good and correct paper.
This includes the structure of paper tips and tricks for making paper so that you have no trouble
doing this assignment and can produce satisfying paper.

Definition of Paper

However, before going into the discussion of the process of making a paper, it would be nice for Sinaumed’s to
first study the meaning of the paper itself.
This is quite important, because a paper is one of
a number of writing assignments that Sinaumed’s can find in college.

Basically, paper is scientific writing that explains a topic based on facts in the field, without
containing opinions in it.
Authors are asked to do research and ensure that the data and facts
in it are genuine and true.

Even so, the content of the discussion of the paper itself is not that deep. Papers are
generally only in the form of summaries of other scientific writings which are also often part of
coursework, namely term papers.
Often students, especially at the initial level, are confused
between working on papers and term papers.

This is because both of them have a processing process that is similar to one another. Because
they are scientific papers, both require research and proof of accurate data and facts.
structure of papers and papers is also quite similar, so it can be easily confused if you don’t understand
in detail.

Papers and essays are also not scientific writing that Sinaumed’s will find when in college.
There are also scientific papers called essays, which are often given by lecturers in charge of a
subject as an assignment for them.
For those who are unfamiliar with these types of scientific
work, it is not impossible to distinguish one from another.

Therefore, we will discuss a little about the differences between papers and essays, with the aim that
Sinaumed’s can understand the basic differences between the three scientific papers.
Here’s the

  • Paper: Scientific writing that discusses a particular topic. Writers need research on
    theories, data and facts, so that the contents of scientific writing are accurate.
  • Paper: In the form of scientific writing which is also based on theory, data and facts, but the
    contents are more concise.
    It can be a summary of research such as a paper.
  • Essay: Contains writing on a particular topic, which also requires research in it.
    Authors can add personal opinions, so writing is generally subjective.

Paper structure

Every writing, be it fiction, non-fiction, or scientific writing, has its own structure that distinguishes
them from one another.
The existence of this writing structure certainly also applies to
papers, which fall into the category of scientific writing.

It was said earlier that papers have a similar structure to papers, which makes it difficult for many
people, especially freshman students, to distinguish between the two scientific papers.
so, there are specific things that can be a reference for Sinaumed’s to distinguish between papers and

This time, we will discuss the paper structure one by one. Generally, papers have a structure
starting from the title, introduction, contents, closing, and ending with a bibliography.
following is a more detailed explanation of the paper structure:

1. Title

This part is probably the most familiar part for Sinaumed’s. Of course, remembering that every
article needs to have a title so that readers get an idea of ​​the contents of the writing they are reading.
And in this section, the paper has a lot in common with other scientific writings.

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A good paper title contains the research topic, period, and has a short, concise and clear structure.
On the title page, generally students are also required to include the institution’s logo, as well
as student data such as faculties, majors, study programs, classes, and of course, student identification
numbers (NIM).

2. Abstract

This section is actually not a part that is often or required to be found in papers. This is
because each agency has its own policy in making paper.
Some of them require an abstract, while
others do not.

If Sinaumed’s comes from an agency that asks you to write an abstract in a paper, you can write a short,
concise and clear summary of your paper.
Usually, the word count of an abstract is no more than
300, or about half to one page.

3. Introduction

In the introductory chapter, students are asked to explain the reasons why they took the topic as research
paper material.
Usually, students are asked to include theories from experts as main ideas and
as supporting backgrounds.

The page count of the introductory chapter for papers normally ranges from 2 to 3 pages. Even
so, there are also agencies that allow students to write the number of pages of the introductory chapter
more or less than the number of pages in general, according to needs and policies.

4. Fill

The contents section can be said to be the most important part of the paper. In this chapter,
students explain in detail what research results they got for this paper.
The number of pages
of the contents chapter should be the largest number of pages for the paper.

The results of this study are of course also supported by the theories previously written in the
introductory chapter.
Make sure that the data, theory, and facts listed in the contents of the
chapter are true and not fabricated, because this could affect the final result.

5. Cover

In the concluding chapter, Sinaumed’s writes the conclusions of the paper’s research. If
necessary, you can also add suggestions or criticisms regarding the research you are doing.
length of the cover page is usually around one sheet or a maximum of two sheets.

The closing chapter is usually a chapter that is quite underestimated and neglected, because writers want
to quickly finish their paper.
In fact, this section is also important because it summarizes
the contents of the discussion as a whole.
The difference between conclusions and research can
cause confusion, and bring the paper into question.

6. Bibliography

The bibliography is the part that contains references, readings or references that someone uses to write
scientific papers such as papers.
Generally, the bibliography itself consists of books or
journals containing theories that the author quotes and uses to support the research content.

It’s quite rare for someone to use a website from the internet as a reference, because what they find
is not necessarily true.
Even so, sometimes it is also permitted for authors to quote from
the internet , provided that the website is an official
website that can be verified.

Tips and Tricks in Writing Papers

Writing a paper, if you don’t have experience, especially in scientific writing, can be quite difficult.
Students are often faced with situations where they are confused about prioritizing something, so
that their writing system becomes a mess.

Even someone who has often written does not necessarily have the ability to master writing scientific
This is due to differences in structure and mindset. It takes time for
someone before they get used to writing scientific papers.

To make it easier for Sinaumed’s who are not used to writing papers or other scientific writing, there are a number
of tips and tricks that you can follow so that you can quickly master doing this assignment and be able to write
papers or other scientific writing properly and correctly.

1. Don’t Delay. Quickly Collect

This actually also applies to other college assignments or even assignments in high school.
The quicker you start, the easier it will be for you to do this task. And this
certainly applies to working on paper.

For some negative things if you often delay paperwork. Starting from mistakes in finding data,
facts, and theories, mistakes in writing words, forgetting to include something, to various other mistakes
that shouldn’t have happened if you started sooner.

2. Understand the Topic and Keep It in Your Head

Each paper must have its own topic and theme. Students are advised to first understand the
topic and theme of the paper, before they finally start writing it.
This is done so that the
contents of the paper discussion do not deviate from the topic or theme that should be.

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Sinaumed’s can do research on the topics or themes that you will write about later. And for sure,
don’t forget the topic or theme.
Make sure that the paper you write is in accordance with the
request of the lecturer in charge of the course.

3. Install Writing Slowly

Another benefit that students can get if they write papers faster is that you can work on them slowly.
With this, you can minimize errors that can occur if someone chooses to write a paper close to the
submission deadline.

Not only that, Sinaumed’s can also work on papers in a systematic and tidy manner. Basically, you
guys have more time to do research.
You can write and structure, find data better, and double
check because you still have enough time.

4. Make sure the data, facts and theories are

This is one of the important tips when working on paper. Even in a handful of books, the
content may not be in accordance with the theory it should be.
Even though it’s rare, this is
the reason why students must always ensure the truth of the facts, data, and theories in the paper.

Especially for those who want to use quotes from the web on the internet, where all kinds of
information, both true and false, are milling about.
You have to make sure that the writer
is someone who can be trusted, and writes on a trusted website too, so that certainty is

5. Don’t Forget to Cross Check Again

And finally, if Sinaumed’s has finished your paper, don’t be lazy to cross check the assignment.
Because, it is possible for you to find errors of any kind in this scientific writing that you
were not aware of before.

Again this is an advantage for people who decide to start working on paper early. Those who
work on this assignment close to the submission deadline generally do not have time to
check , so their paper is more likely to have errors of any kind.

Lecture Assignments Other Than
Papers Often Found by Students

Of course, apart from papers, students will still be faced with various other assignments as long as they
carry out this level of education.
These assignments usually vary from one student to another,
and cannot be generalized.

This is because students have study backgrounds that are not necessarily the same as other students.
Students who have the same study program as their friends do not necessarily get the same
assignments in one subject, because of differences in supporting lecturers.

Even so, there are at least 5 types of assignments that Sinaumed’s can find when running lectures.
Hopefully after knowing these assignments, you will be better able to prepare yourself when you get
this assignment in one course.

1. Practicum

Practicum assignments are indeed synonymous with students who are in majors smelling of Natural Sciences
(IPA) such as the Department of Biology, the Department of Chemistry, and the Department of Physics.
Students will be directed to do research in the laboratory to test a component and ensure its

2. Presentation

Presentation assignments do not recognize majors, study programs, or courses. Every student at
some point will be asked to explain a topic in front of the class and in front of the supporting lecturers,
generally using the PowerPoint (PPT) application.

3. Field Observations

Field observation assignments usually involve students working directly in their chosen field.
Again, almost every student in various majors will get this assignment, so they can understand
their work later after graduating from university.

4. Journal Or Book Review

The task of reviewing journals or books, although it sounds specific to students of the Faculty of Letters,
in fact can also be found in other faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences (FISIP), to the Faculty of Psychology.
The purpose of this review is to
deepen students’ knowledge of their field of study.

5. Project

Project assignments mean group assignments to make something, be it a product or an idea, so that it can
also be found in various departments and faculties.
Project assignments can also be in the form
of other tasks that have previously been discussed, but are done in groups.

Enough articles that discuss the topic of paper, starting from the definition of paper, paper structure,
and also tips and tricks for writing a paper.
Hopefully, Sinaumed’s will be helped in
understanding scientific papers more deeply, and won’t find it difficult to do this assignment.

There are a number of book recommendations regarding paper structure as well as paper writing and course
assignments that Sinaumed’s can read to add insight.